
I request that a copy of the following documents or documents containing the following information be provided to me: 1. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the Department of Education (“DOE”) or its employees and/or the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (“NCFMEA”) or its employees, between January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018, regarding the NCFMEA’s 2018 Report on the country of Grenada, the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (“CAAM-HP”), and Grenada’s/CAAM-HP’s ability to evaluate medical schools in Grenada compared to the standards used to evaluate medical schools in the United States. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to CAAM-HP or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board/Jacinta Joseph or other representatives, and the Government of Grenada or its representatives. 2. Correspondence, documents, and emails sent by and/or to the DOE or its employees and/or the NCFMEA or its employees, between July 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018, regarding the NCFMEA’s meeting on September 26-27, 2018 and the discussion of the Government of Grenada’s current standards and processes used to accredit medical schools in Grenada. The foregoing request applies only to correspondence, documents, and email sent by and/or to CAAM-HP or its employees, St. George’s University School of Medicine (“SGUSOM)”) or its employees, the Grenada National Accreditation Board/Jacinta Joseph or other representatives, and the Government of Grenada or its representatives. 3. Documents with information on the NCFMEA’s September 26-27, 2018 meeting, specifically, the September 27, 2018, 10:00am agenda item relating to CAAM-HP’s Update Report submitted on behalf of Grenada. Additionally, any documents relating to meeting minutes or notes taken by NCFMEA or DOE employees. Lastly, any notes or documents prepared for or taken at the September 26-27, 2018 meeting by the NCFMEA’s Thomas Cavalieri and Michael Danic, the DOE’s Charity Helton, and any documents shared with the DOE/NCFMEA by the Grenada Country Representatives for the September 26-27, 2018 meeting including Lorna M. Parkins, Jonathon C. Glass, Pauleen A. Finlay, and Paul Thompson. 4. The 2018 Update Report documents shared with the DOE/NCMFEA by CAAM-HP on behalf of the Government of Grenada detailing Grenada’s standards and processes used to medical schools in the country. This Update Report was discussed in a public DOE document dated December 10, 2018 to Ms. Jacinta Joseph. 5. The appendices to the July 2018 DOE Redetermination Report to Grenada, titled in the report as follows: Appendices: 1 CAAM-HP 2015 Assessment Letter to SGU; 2: CAAM-HP 2015 SGUSOM Site Visit Report; 3: 2016 SGUSOM Progress Report; 4: 2017 SGUSOM Progress Report; 14A: 2017 SGUSOM Progress Report; & 14B (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2018 To 12/31/2018)