
Link Original Request

An electronic copy of documents that contain the following information. 1. For each fiscal year 2021 and 2022, please provide the following: a. The total number of charges filed alleging violations of 8(a)(1) only, i.e., charges that do not allege violations of any other subsection of the Act; b. The total number of charges filed alleging violations of 8(a)(3), i.e., illegal discharge and other forms of discrimination; c. The total number of conclusive representation elections held; d. The total number of conclusive RC elections held; e. The total number of RD and RM elections held; f. The number of representation elections in which the union prevailed; g. The number of RC elections in which the union prevailed; h. The number of RD elections in which the union prevailed; and i. The number of RM elections in which the union prevailed. 2. For each fiscal year from 2010 through 2022, provide the following information: a. The number of rerun elections conducted; b. The number of rerun elections resulting in a union certification; c. The number of rerun elections resulting in a certification of results; d. The number of employees who were offered reinstatement as part of a Board decision; e. The number of employees who were offered reinstatement as part of a Board settlement; f. The number of employees who accepted reinstatement as part of a Board decision or settlement; and g. The number of employees receiving back-pay from an employer.