
Sam Richards filed this request with the Madison Police Department of Madison, WI.

From: Sam Richards

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Wisconsin Open Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Contracts, subscriptions, emails, training documents, statistical reports, and all other documents referencing Hawk Analytics and/or their product CellHawk.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Sam Richards

From: Madison Police Department

Mr. Richards,

I'm no longer the Records Custodian for MPD and am forwarding your email to our current Records Custodian, Julie Laundrie. Future records requests made via email should be sent to PDRecords@cityofmadison.com<mailto:PDRecords@cityofmadison.com>.

Lieutenant John Radovan
City of Madison Police Department
Officer In Charge- First Detail
(608) 266-4730

From: Madison Police Department

Mr. Richards,

Your open records request has been received. Can you give me a date range of some of these items?

Also I do not know what you mean by statistical reports, please clarify.

At what level for cost would you like me to notify you?

Thank you,


Julie A. Laundrie
Madison Police Department
Public Records Custodian
[Color Logo]

From: Madison Police Department

Mr. Richards,

I have not heard back from you on my clarification request from October 22nd.

I have pulled our Standard Operating Procedure, contracts, billing and invoice records.

A search for potential related emails just in 2018 has yielded 7,777 potential records to match your request. I will have to locate the records related to your request from this pool. It is my estimate that it will take me 19 hours to locate from this pool records relevant to your request looking at 400 records per hour at a rate of pay for the lowest staff that could locate the records for your request of 36.45 hourly. My estimate for location of relevant records in this request for 2018 = $692.55. Additional years would have additional costs. Coping costs of the final request cannot be estimated at this time. City of Madison Police Department charge for copies is $0.25 cents a page.

This request falls with the City of Madison ordinance requirement for pre-payment. You can call PD Records to make prepayment at 608-266-4075.

If you would like to modify your request based on the information above, please let me know.


Julie A. Laundrie
Madison Police Department
Public Records Custodian
[Color Logo]

From: Sam Richards

Thank you, I will follow-up when I have determined what to do in regards to this request.

From: Madison Police Department

Mr. Richards,

As I have not had communication from you since 11.29.2018, I am considering this request withdrawn. This does not prohibit you from making requests in the future that relate.


Julie A. Laundrie
Madison Police Department
Public Records Custodian
[Color Logo]