Maryland on the job death claims (Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry)

Wesley Lowery filed this request with the Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry of Maryland.
Tracking #


Log 24-052

Multi Request Maryland on the job death claims

From: Wesley Lowery

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Maryland Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Any investigative reports /incident reports concerning on-the-job deaths reported in the State of Maryland between January 1, 2020 and Dec 31, 2023.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


Wesley Lowery

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry


Thank you for the email. In the future, please send public information act
requests to The email address has been copied on
this response.

Thank you,

[image: Maryland Department of Labor]
Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)
Maryland Department of Labor
10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
410-527-4499 (O)
410-527-4488 (F)
Website <> | Facebook
<> | Twitter

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(including any attachments) (a) is or may be legally privileged,
confidential, proprietary in nature, or otherwise protected by law from
disclosure; and (b) is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named
herein. If you are not the intended recipient, an addressee, or the person
responsible for delivering this to an addressee, you are hereby notified
that reading, using, copying, or distributing any part of this message is
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error, please contact me immediately and take the steps necessary to delete
the message completely from your computer system. Thank you.

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

We recently received a PIA request for Any investigative/incident reports concerning on the job deaths reported in the State of Maryland between January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023. I would like to request clarification of this request. Are you asking for work related fatalities where an inspection was conducted, or are you looking for all fatalities reported to MOSH (i.e. are you wanting information that turned out not to be work-related like heart attacks and motor vehicle accidents where no inspection was conducted)?

This type of request is going to take considerable time and there maybe a fee involved due to the amount of background investigative efforts. Once further clarification is received, we can than advise of the fee and proceed with this request. Please send reply to

Thank you

Victoria Flowers

From: Wesley Lowery

I was hoping for all cases that turned out to be on the job fatalities

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Good Morning.

I am presently looking into your request. Since this is a voluminous
request, there is going to be a fee associated. Once that fee has been
determined, I will advise and we can proceed to the next steps of your

Thank you

Victoria Flowers

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Good Afternoon,

In response to your recent MPIA request received on April 5, 2024, we can
provide you with 26 case files between the dates of January 1, 2020 and
December 31, 2023 within the next 2 weeks. There are an additional 69 case
files we can provide between those dates and our fee for that information
will be $2,156.25.

Should this fee be acceptable, please respond by Friday April 12, 2024. We
can provide you with an invoice and payment form and once payment has been
received, we can begin gathering the additional case files for you.

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Dear Requester,

We are compiling the 26 files and placing them on a flash drive to mail to
you. I have an address of:

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 161666
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

Please advise if this address would need to be changed.

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Wesley Lowery

That fee is ok. And that address is correct

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Good Morning,

Attached is the invoice for the remaining 69 files.

Please remit by check made payable to Division of Labor and Industry/MOSH.
On the memo line, MPIA request No. 24-052.

Once payment is received, we will process the remaining files and send
those to you along with the list of files on a separate flash drive to the
address of MuckRock News
DEPT MR 161666
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

You should be receiving the first 25 files within the next 10 days.

Thank you

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Good Morning,

The first portion of your MPIA request is leaving our building later today
via UPS. The tracking number is 1Z X0W 162 03 4093 0255

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Good Morning

The flash drive containing the first 26 cases was received on Friday
4/26/2024 at the following address:

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 161665
263 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Attached is the confirmation received from UPS.

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Wesley Lowery

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $2156.25 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Melinda

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $2156.25 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Maryland Occupational Safety And Health
Div. Of Labor And Industry/MOSH
Suite 160
10946 Golden West Drive
Hunt Valley, MD 21031

Amount of: $2156.25
  • Created — 07/09/2024
  • In Transit — 07/13/2024
  • In Local Area — 07/17/2024
  • Processed For Delivery — 07/18/2024
  • Deposited — 07/22/2024

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Dear Mr. Lowery,

MOSH received your payment of $2,156.25 for the additional 69 investigation
reports related to job deaths which occurred in the State of Maryland
between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2023.

MOSH will begin review and preparation of the records for release. MOSH
anticipates this will take several weeks. Please let me know if you have
any questions.

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Dear Requester ,

You should receive an email from Taxtran from “Victoria Flowers” which
will include your files from your MPIA request for records related to
Request 24-052 received on July 19, 2024.

Attached with this email you will find a release letter. Due to the
large volume of requested files and resources necessary to prepare the
files for release, MOSH will be providing the requested records in batches
every 10 to 12 days until the requested is completed.
If MOSH can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us

Thank You,

[image: Changing Maryland for the Better]

*MOSH MPIA Requests*

*Maryland Public Information *

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160

Hunt Valley, MD 21031 <>

*MD Labor Website:*

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

New Package Notification

A package has been posted for you.

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Package Password Notification

You will shortly be notified about a package that has been sent to you with the subject 'PIA request for Log 240-052'.

You will be asked to click a link and then enter a username and password to access the package. The following credentials should be used:

Password: 1t3R1VR1

If you need assistance, please contact at / .
taxtran Notification Service

From: Wesley Lowery

Can you all send the link for me to access the package?

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Package Password Notification

You will shortly be notified about a package that has been sent to you with the subject 'Log 24-052 MOSH Fatality Investigative/Incident Reports'.

You will be asked to click a link and then enter a username and password to access the package. The following credentials should be used:

Password: 5jMC33TH

If you need assistance, please contact at / .
taxtran Notification Service

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

New Package Notification

A package has been posted for you.

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Package Password Notification

You will shortly be notified about a package that has been sent to you with the subject 'MPIA Request 24-052 3rd installment of files'.

You will be asked to click a link and then enter a username and password to access the package. The following credentials should be used:

Password: 9jc8iHR1

If you need assistance, please contact at / .
taxtran Notification Service

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

New Package Notification

A package has been posted for you.

"Dear Requester,

Pursuant to your Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) request, the records you requested are now available. In accordance with the MPIA, Part III and IV of the General Provisions Article (“GP”), Annotated Code, §4-101 et seq., the following information has been withheld:

Personal identifying information including home addresses and personal cell phone numbers of employees have been redacted for privacy reasons.

Attorney client privilege. This information is privileged and confidential under GP §4-301.

Should you disagree with the withholding of the above-listed information, the following remedies are available:

1. You may pursue judicial enforcement remedies by filing a complaint with the Circuit Court in accordance with GP §4-362.

2. In addition, Pursuant to GP § 4-362, you are entitled to seek judicial review of this decision. Alternatively, you may file a request for mediation with the Public Access Ombudsman and, if the Ombudsman is unable to resolve the matter, may subsequently seek a resolution from the Public Information Act Compliance Board for those matters within the Compliance Board's jurisdiction. See GP §§ 4-1A-01 et seq. and 4-1B-01 et seq.

Due to the large volume of requested files and resources necessary to prepare the files for release, MOSH will be providing the requested records in batches every 10 to 12 days until the request is completed.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Victoria Flowers

Administrative Assistant

Division of Labor and Industry

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive | Suite 160

Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031

410-527-2076 phone"

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Package Password Notification

You will shortly be notified about a package that has been sent to you with the subject 'MPIA request 24-052 - 4th installment'.

You will be asked to click a link and then enter a username and password to access the package. The following credentials should be used:

Password: v8Hrbehn

If you need assistance, please contact at / .
taxtran Notification Service

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

New Package Notification

A package has been posted for you.

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Package Password Notification

You will shortly be notified about a package that has been sent to you with the subject 'Log 24-052 MOSH Fatality Investigative/Incident Reports'.

You will be asked to click a link and then enter a username and password to access the package. The following credentials should be used:

Password: cPNRRQ7M

If you need assistance, please contact at / .
taxtran Notification Service

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

New Package Notification

A package has been posted for you.

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Package Password Notification

You will shortly be notified about a package that has been sent to you with the subject 'Log 24-052 MOSH Fatality Investigative/Incident Reports'.

You will be asked to click a link and then enter a username and password to access the package. The following credentials should be used:

Password: B8Ai9px2

If you need assistance, please contact at / .
taxtran Notification Service

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

New Package Notification

A package has been posted for you.

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry

Package Password Notification

You will shortly be notified about a package that has been sent to you with the subject 'Log 24-052 MOSH Fatality Investigative/Incident Reports'.

You will be asked to click a link and then enter a username and password to access the package. The following credentials should be used:

Password: EBy8urag

If you need assistance, please contact at / .
taxtran Notification Service

From: Maryland Occupational Safety And Health (mosh) - Division Of Labor And Industry


Victoria Flowers




September 10, 2024

Wesley Lowery

MuckRock News

DEPT MR 161666

263 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

RE: MPIA Log No. 24-052; MOSH Fatality Investigative/Incident Reports Case numbers E8074-014-20 Amick Farms, LLC; T8477-012-20 Dimensions Health Corporation; F0969-017-20 Admiral Security Services; A7469-090-20 Mercedes Benz USA; A7469-080-20 Jerry Preston Hauling, Inc.; J0305-011-20 Florida Handling Systems; I7342-017-20 Cordoba Enterprises, LLC; M1380-017-20 G&I Contractors, Inc.; E2047-067-22 Concrete General, Inc.

Dear Requester,

Pursuant to your Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) request, the records you requested are now available. In accordance with the MPIA, Part III and IV of the General Provisions Article (“GP”), Annotated Code, §4-101 et seq., the following information has been withheld:

Personal identifying information including home addresses and personal cell phone numbers of employees have been redacted for privacy reasons.

Should you disagree with the withholding of the above-listed information, the following remedies are available:

1. You may pursue judicial enforcement remedies by filing a complaint with the Circuit Court in accordance with GP §4-362.

2. In addition, Pursuant to GP § 4-362, you are entitled to seek judicial review of this decision. Alternatively, you may file a request for mediation with the Public Access Ombudsman and, if the Ombudsman is unable to resolve the matter, may subsequently seek a resolution from the Public Information Act Compliance Board for those matters within the Compliance Board's jurisdiction. See GP §§ 4-1A-01 et seq. and 4-1B-01 et seq.

This is the final set of files in your request. Attached is a list of all files and dates that have been sent to you.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Victoria Flowers

Administrative Assistant

Division of Labor and Industry

Maryland Department of Labor

10946 Golden West Drive | Suite 160

Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031

410-527-2076 phone
