Massasoit CC Vendor Expenses, FY15-FY24

AJ Vincelli filed this request with the Massasoit Community College of Massachusetts.

From: AJ Vincelli


Pursuant to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, I am hereby submitting a Public Records Request for all money given from Massasoit Community College to external vendors/suppliers in FY2015 through (and including) FY2024, a total of 10 years.

Specifically, the data I am requesting include (but are not limited to):
* all vendors, suppliers, individuals, and public-private partnerships
* all materials, goods, services, properties, commodities, equipment leases, property leases, and licenses
* all catalog orders, non-catalog orders, blanket orders, direct payments, bank card purchases, strategic sourcing, and competitive procurements
* all auxiliary services purchases (starts in 2022, may be from a different accounting system)
* all purchase orders, requisitions, and invoices
* all products, goods, services, contracts, and subcontracts
* all accounts, classes, commodities, and departments
* regardless of the funding source

I’m requesting the data in a single Excel spreadsheet file (.xlsx format) with at least the following columns:
* Amount
* Supplier/Vendor Name
* Account Description
* Commodity Description
* Fiscal Year
* Department/Origin Description

Please report every expense, even if one or more of the above fields is blank. Please also include negative expense amounts, which is rare but does occur.

In case it’s helpful, I've attached an image example of what I’m hoping to receive. The columns may be in any order, and the fiscal years may be on one sheet or different sheets. The columns can be sorted in any order, or unsorted if that’s easiest.

I’m anticipating that this request may be fulfilled by a simple financial report generation and export of the generated file, and therefore shouldn’t take much human time or incur any fees. Please let me know immediately if this isn’t the case, so I can modify my request as necessary to meet the PRL deadline of 10 business days.

Please email the Excel file by the deadline of Monday August 26th, 2024.

Thank you very much!


AJ Vincelli
Graduate Student Union at UMass Dartmouth

From: Massasoit Community College

Sent on behalf of Alex J. Villanueva, RAO, Massasoit Community College

Dear AJ Vincelli,

I am writing to confirm receipt of your request and to initiate a response within ten (10) business days.

It is the College’s intent to supply you with a fee estimate for this request. But before we provide the formal fee estimate, we wanted to inform you of the scope and scale of the work the College must conduct to produce these materials.

The College does not have an existing report that includes all of the information you are requesting. The College’s Comptroller would therefore need to manually compile disparate reports to produce this information, all while reviewing the information closely to make any redactions needed. This time-intensive process would require at least four to six weeks (and at least 150 hours). At the $25/hour rate set by the Commonwealth’s Public Records Law, we would anticipate a fee estimate of at least $3,750.

Per your request, we invite you to modify your request as necessary. But please understand that there will likely still be a significant amount of “human time” to review for redactions and may still necessitate a (albeit reduced) fee.

Upon your response to this email or a revision of the request, we will issue the formal fee estimate for your review.

Thank you,

Alex J. Villanueva
Records Access Officer

Karina I. Sallaway

Communications Specialist | Office of College Communications


One Massasoit Boulevard | Brockton, MA 02302

508-588-9100 x1085 |<> | @massasoitCC

From: AJ Vincelli

Hi Alex and Karina,

Oh dear, this sounds like a lot of work. Also, I apologize for my delay in responding.

I was hoping that a spreadsheet with the info I requested would be relatively simple. For example, these other community colleges were able to fulfill my request:

MassBay CC:

Springfield Tech CC:


Cape Cod CC:

Is Massasoit CC's system truly that burdensome? If so, which portions of my request are causing the most trouble?


AJ Vincelli

From: Massasoit Community College

Sent on behalf of Alex J. Villanueva, RAO, Massasoit Community College

Dear AJ Vincelli,

The college has determined that no fee will be charged for this information. The information you have requested is attached and provided to the best of our abilities. This is the most the College can provide at no cost based on our existing record-keeping systems.

Thank you,

Alex J. Villanueva
Records Access Officer

From: AJ Vincelli

Hi Alex,

That's great news! The info looks good.

May I confirm that any amounts listed in the "Encumbered Amount" column is not an actual expenditure for the college, and can be safely ignored? In other words, am I correct that only the amount listed in the "Transaction Amount" column is money that actually left the college?

Thanks very much,

AJ Vincelli

From: Massasoit Community College

Thank you. The statement below is correct.


Alex J. Villanueva
Executive Director of Communications & Marketing
Office of College Communications
One Massasoit Boulevard
Brockton, MA 02302
p. 508-588-9100 x1846
c. 774-274-0423<> |<> | @massasoitCC

From: AJ Vincelli

Hi Alex,

Excellent, thanks very much! I think I'm all set with this FOIA request. I really appreciate your help.


AJ Vincelli