McLennan County Administrator Dustin Chapman, Grand Jury Foreperson Name

Bernadette Feazell filed this request with the Mclennan County Administrator Dustin Chapman of McLennan County, TX.
Due July 17, 2024
Est. Completion None
Awaiting Response


From: Bernadette Feazell

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

Name of current Grand Jury Foreperson, best address to write Grand Jury Foreperson registered letter, next Grand Jury meeting date

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Bernadette Feazell

From: Mclennan County Administrator Dustin Chapman

I have forwarded your request to the District Clerk's Office.

From: Mclennan County Administrator Dustin Chapman

Please see the below from Jon Gimble...
If she wants to submit something for the foreman to review, she can address it to the district clerk’s office, attn: Grand Jury Foreman. It would then be up to the foremen to decide how/if to proceed.

From: Bernadette Feazell

Since we all know what is going on here, let's get us a nice AG's Opinion,shall we? Mr. Tetens' knows about the working on County Time of Johnathan Crawley. He has shown no interest whatsoever, and I, as a Citizen am ENTITLED TOTALLY to the name of the Grand Jury Foreperson. I also do NOT have to go to the District Clerk, I can put it into the hand of the foreperson.

You are acting rather guilty and I am not the only one that has noticed this.

There is LAW and it's not on your side. Vic Feazell was indicted for a lot less than this.

150K in free garden work paid for by the County.
Obviously, you are scared of the truth.

You know full well this is true and are scared to death, not just scared, you are complicit.

As an Officer of the Court, YOU, TETENS have already failed in your duty to go forward with this. Other Officers of the Court have been to the FBI and I guess the question is, how stupid and crooked are you in your constant attempts to make this truth go away???????

There are hospital records the Grand Jury should ask for, YOU should ask for but you do not. Scared?
There are "pings" from the radio locating the car Crawley was using, oops, you forgot? The radio checks will show where his location was.

The fact that there are no body cams, in the opinion of OTHER LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES is also proof of Parnell NOT Wanting people to know where people were, hence, Crawley and his Sheriff's dept. car.


I am asking for the name of the Grand Jury foreperson.
Your b.s. District Clerk pass off, is further evidence of YOUR crime and being complicit in this cover up.

Hope your law license is worth this, all of you.


From: Mclennan County Administrator Dustin Chapman

I have forwarded your response to the DA and District Clerk. The County Judge's Office is not the custodian of grand jury records. Those are records of the District Courts and, hence, why the request was sent to the District Clerk. I will follow-up when I get a response.

From: Mclennan County Administrator Dustin Chapman

Please see the below from Jon Gimble...

We currently do not have a Grand Jury empaneled. Thus the suggestion to address to this office attn: Grand Jury Foreman. A new Grand Jury is scheduled to be created tomorrow.

From: Bernadette Feazell

Dustin, I send stuff to you because I can, I send it to you so you can transmit the "gossip" where it needs to go.

The entire county, including you, after all, YOU have a law license too and are an "officer of the court", and our District Clerk should be more than interested in 150K worth of work done by Johnathan Crawley for Parnell at his house paid for by the county taxpayers. Get real.
That Josh Tetens was told by me in front of witnesses who heard me, and him at the Republican Club WITH Brittany Lannen, at that time she was waiting to sign a contract to represent the Crawleys and was AT the Republican Club with me and others rather upset at the entire situation. Tetens was given the opportunity to talk to her and he said he didn't need to because he believed her.

That I want and am forced to go to the Grand Jury Foreperson myself is a travesty in itself and you know it.

Tetens has had phone calls from other people who wanted to tell him what happened and he does not even call them back.

I have emails and texts between myself and this DA and now I am satisfied that THIS is a travesty. I along with many, many others have been to the Federal authorities about this because YOU people simply don't care. However, you have law licenses and I have proof.

I feel quite sure that you, Mr. Chapman would indeed rather have your head in the sand, it's oh, so much nicer, however, there is proof, witnesses and people who will not lie.

This has been going on since February the sixth and I, am quite tired of playing little games with you "boys" I have statements, texts, and on the other hand, your incompetence and total lack of "curiosity" about the matter. i suspect you talked to ole Par and he assured you I was crazy, well, let's see how this plays out. Remember you all KNOW about this so you're all culpable because of your knowledge and failure as officers of the court to do anything.

Let's stop and think how my Complaint against not getting the name of the Grand Jury Foreperson along with this story plus evidence is going to play at the AG's office, then they too will have the knowledge of a crime .....

Your DA won't take this to the Grand Jury or even return calls from people who were there. The taxpayers paid 150K for this, Crawley himself is willing to tell any of you that call him and yet you don't. He told ME.

So you non curious good old boys just transfer what needs to go to what department and play your game.
I have evidence and truth on my side.
Let's play.
I have 60K read me every day which equates to 47% of the voting public and that was BEFORE Parnell and Charlotte and the County yellow tape at the old mansion debaucle.

What is wrong with you?

From: Bernadette Feazell

I am not nice, I am not liked much, and I don't care one bit about you public servants and your whining cover ups. I notice you got a nice raise for being a lawyer, Chapman, well be one. Fortitude? Or do you just care about lining the pockets of contractors and Judges. You're the first LAWYER they've had in this position, so be one.
Bernadette Feazell

From: Mclennan County Administrator Dustin Chapman

Once the grand jury foreperson is selected, we will send you his/her name. But by law, we cannot send you his/her personal address or other personal information.


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