Memphis Traffic Stop Data

Big Local News filed this request with the Memphis Police Department of Memphis, TN.
Tracking #


Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: Vignesh Ramachandran

Dear Sir or Madam:

Pursuant to Tennessee's Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

• A raw database export of traffic stops (the electronic database in which you collect all your traffic stop citations and warnings) made by the Memphis Police Department between January 2005 and March 2017. The fields of data we are requesting include, but are not limited to: •case number and complaint •defendant gender, race, and DOB •vehicle year, color, make, model, style, and state in which it is registered •date of incident, time of incident, location of incident and milepost or other geographic location information •approximate speed and posted speed •any violations and/or sanctions, whether a search was conducted, whether contraband was found, whether the person was arrested and what type of enforcement took place. •officer name •police department / and or county •officer ID number, race, gender •officer date of birth and information on years of service.
• To be clear, this request is for all data from traffic stops considered to be public record. This includes, but is not limited to the above list of data types if that information is collected. If the data is not collected, please let us know. If the data is collected but is not considered public record, then please cite the exemption under the law.
• This request is not being made for commercial purposes. This is for both journalism and academic purposes. We are requesting the data be provided electronically. We can accept the data in many common formats, including as tab separated, spreadsheet or other database formats. Data can be emailed to
• In the event data must be sent physically on a CD or portable drive, please mail to: Attn: Vignesh Ramachandran, Peninsula Press, Stanford Journalism Program, 450 Serra Mall, Building 120, Stanford, CA 94305.
• If fees are not waived, please inform me if charges will exceed $50 and the reason for any estimated costs.

We appreciate your time and look forward to your response in a timely manner. We want to make sure Memphis is accurately represented in our news coverage and data collection.

From: Memphis Police Department

Below you will find your current login and password information:
Password: bec0e11303

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Memphis Police Department

Dear MuckRock News , Thank you for registering with the City of Memphis.

Below you will find your login and password information.

Please log in to the system to update any contact or password information and to track the progress of your request.
Password: bec0e11303

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Memphis Police Department

MuckRock News :

We have received your request for a public record. It is our goal to respond to these requests as soon as possible or within 5 business days. However, please note that certain requests may take longer to process due to the size of the records requested or current request volumes. Your request has been given the following reference number W007525-020918 for tracking purposes.

Record Requested: Dear Sir or Madam:Pursuant to Tennessee's Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:• A raw database export of traffic stops (the electronic database in which you collect all your traffic stop citations and warnings) made by the Memphis Police Department between January 2005 and March 2017. The fields of data we are requesting include, but are not limited to: •case number and complaint •defendant gender, race, and DOB •vehicle year, color, make, model, style, and state in which it is registered •date of incident, time of incident, location of incident and milepost or other geographic location information •approximate speed and posted speed •any violations and/or sanctions, whether a search was conducted, whether contraband was found, whether the person was arrested and what type of enforcement took place. •officer name •police department / and or county •officer ID number, race, gender •officer date of birth and information on years of service.• To be clear, this request is for all data from traffic stops considered to be public record. This includes, but is not limited to the above list of data types if that information is collected. If the data is not collected, please let us know. If the data is collected but is not considered public record, then please cite the exemption under the law.• This request is not being made for commercial purposes. This is for both journalism and academic purposes. We are requesting the data be provided electronically. We can accept the data in many common formats, including as tab separated, spreadsheet or other database formats. Data can be emailed to• In the event data must be sent physically on a CD or portable drive, please mail to: Attn: Vignesh Ramachandran, Peninsula Press, Stanford Journalism Program, 450 Serra Mall, Building 120, Stanford, CA 94305.• If fees are not waived, please inform me if charges will exceed $50 and the reason for any estimated costs.We appreciate your time and look forward to your response in a timely manner. We want to make sure Memphis is accurately represented in our news coverage and data collection.

You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you'll receive an email when your request has been completed. Feel free to check the status of your request at any time. Again, thank you for using the City of Memphis Public Records e-Office. FEE SCHEDULE
Black and white copies of records are billed at $0.15 per page and color copies are billed at $0.25 per page where the request is 10 or more pages. Labor charges may apply for copies involving large requests. More information about billing will be provided as the request is processed.
City of Memphis
Public Records e-Office
Track the issue status and respond at: (

From: Memphis Police Department

W007525-020918_DLOR_020918.pdf (


MuckRock News
DEPT MR 36903 411A Highland Ave
Somerville MA 02144-2516

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 2/9/2018, Reference # W007525-020918

Dear MuckRock News ,

The City received a public records request from you on 2/9/2018. Your request mentioned “Dear Sir or Madam: Pursuant to Tennessee's Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:
• A raw database export of traffic stops (the electronic database in which you collect all your traffic stop citations and warnings) made by the Memphis Police Department between January 2005 and March 2017. The fields of data we are requesting include, but are not limited to: •case number and complaint •defendant gender, race, and DOB •vehicle year, color, make, model, style, and state in which it is registered •date of incident, time of incident, location of incident and milepost or other geographic location information •approximate speed and posted speed •any violations and/or sanctions, whether a search was conducted, whether contraband was found, whether the person was arrested and what type of enforcement took place. •officer name •police department / and or county •officer ID number, race, gender •officer date of birth and information on years of service.
• To be clear, this request is for all data from traffic stops considered to be public record. This includes, but is not limited to the above list of data types if that information is collected. If the data is not collected, please let us know. If the data is collected but is not considered public record, then please cite the exemption under the law.
• This request is not being made for commercial purposes. This is for both journalism and academic purposes. We are requesting the data be provided electronically. We can accept the data in many common formats, including as tab separated, spreadsheet or other database formats. Data can be emailed to
• In the event data must be sent physically on a CD or portable drive, please mail to: Attn: Vignesh Ramachandran, Peninsula Press, Stanford Journalism Program, 450 Serra Mall, Building 120, Stanford, CA 94305.
• If fees are not waived, please inform me if charges will exceed $50 and the reason for any estimated costs.
We appreciate your time and look forward to your response in a timely manner. We want to make sure Memphis is accurately represented in our news coverage and data collection.”

The City has reviewed your request and has determined that the records requested are exempt from disclosure for the following reasons: Per the law in Tennessee at T.C.A. 10-7-503(a)(2)(A), municipal records will "be open for personal inspection by any . citizen of this state...." [Emphasis added]. It appears from your contact information that you are not a Tennessee resident therefore this request is denied due to lack of residency This completes your public records request with the City of Memphis.


Public Records Office
City of Memphis

From: Memphis Police Department

Dear MuckRock News,

Our office has no record of receiving this request prior to today’s date. Your request was uploaded to our system today and is being processed. A City of Memphis public records request account has been created for you. The password to access this account was sent to the email address you provided:<>. Please feel free to check the status of your request via the link below.

City of Memphis
Public Records Office


There are no files associated with this request.