Mercer Island Washington School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2015 - 2021

PRA Audit filed this request with the Mercer Island School District of Mercer Island, WA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Est. Completion July 31, 2024
Partially Completed


From: PRA Audit

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the Mercer Island School District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.

In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.

If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.

For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).

I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.

I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.


The requested documents will be made available to the general public.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


PRA Audit

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear Requestor.

The District received your request on November 4, 2021.

There appears to be inconsistencies within your request regarding the date
range for the records you are seeking. The District seeks to
clarify whether you are seeking records from September 1, 2015, through
November 4, 2021, as indicated in the subject of your email, or whether you
are seeking records from January 1, 2010, through November 4, 2021, as
indicated in the body of your email. Please be advised that, to the extent
you are seeking records from before November 4, 2019, the retention
requirement for records request responses/productions is only 2 years.
See Local
Government Common Records Retention Schedule, GS2010-014Rev. 3.
Please consider this when clarifying your request.

Furthermore, the District understands that you are requesting that the
public records logs and public records productions be provided to you in
the native format, meaning the format in which they were produced at the
time and reflecting the then-applied redactions. However, the District
notes that it may need to apply additional redactions as some productions
reflect the names of the children of the original requestors, etc., and
therefore may be unable to provide those records in native format.

To the extent that you are seeking electronic records, the District is
aware that multiple requestors were provided access to
inspect physical records in response to records requests. Please confirm
that you are interested in receiving electronic copies of such records
which will require scanning or otherwise processing the records.

The District's public records logs
<> are publically accessible
on its website.

Because of the large scope of this request and the volume of responsive
records that must be reviewed, the District's estimated production date is
on or before *November 28, 2022,* with an estimated date of the first
installment of records by *February 28. 2022*. The District will inform you
of any estimated cost associated with the first instalment of records
before that installment is provided to you. This length of time is
necessary to identify records, provide third party notifications, review
and apply redactions as necessary, etc.

The District may be able to reduce the length of production time if you
were to tailor your request to exclude the productions stemming from
requests made by parents/guardians of District students. These productions
likely include references to the student(s) of the parent(s)/guardian(s)
making the request and will likely necessitate more heavy redaction.

If you would like to discuss this, please call me at 206.236.3300.


Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: PRA Audit


Thank you for your response.

Please be advised of a typo in the “Subject:” line of this Emailed Public Records Request.

The corrected subject line is:

“Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Mercer Island School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2010 - 2021."

In response to your questions:

This public records request is seeking previous public records requests as received by the District for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021 as well as complete District responses to these records requests.

If the original records request and/or District response was electronic in format I request the NATIVE format to be retained and produced.

If the original records request and/or District response was paper in format I would request Adobe .pdf format to be electronically produced.

If any potentially responsive records have been destroyed and/or transferred to offsite location(s), I request copies of any destruction or transfer records as well as any other documentation relating to, mentioning or describing said transfer or destruction.

Thank you.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear Requestor.

Thank you for your email clarification of the dates of the requested
records. We will begin processing this request with an estimated production
of November 28, 2022.


Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: PRA Audit


When does the District anticipate producing records responsive to this public records request?

Thank you.

From: Mercer Island School District

Thank you for your email. The District's offices are closed to the public beginning 4:30pm February 18, 2022. The District offices will reopen on February 28, 2022. Accordingly, the District's response to your email and any request contained therein will be delayed.
Your records request will be read and addressed consistent with the District's obligations under the Public Records Act.
Take care and stay healthy.
Michelle Mueller Public Records Officer Mercer Island School District

Michelle Mueller Public Records Officer Mercer Island School District 206.236.3300
​Confidentiality Notice: This email (and any previous email messages or attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300 and permanently delete the original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereo f.

From: Mercer Island School District

On November 15, 2021, the District responded to this email with an
anticipated date of production of November 28, 2022.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: PRA Audit

Hello Ms. Mueller,

This public records request was submitted 110 days ago, without the District producing a single responsive record. For the District to provide an anticipated first date of production of responsive records as November 28, 2022 - 389 days after the District received the initial public records request, is unreasonable under the Washington public records act RCW 42.56.520 and applicable case law.

The District has an obligation to provide the fullest assistance and the most timely possible action to requests for public records. (RCW 42.56.100 and WAC 44-14-04003).

The burden is on the District to provide a reasonable time estimate for the production of requested public records.

The District may provide the records in installments.

Please provide a reasonable estimated date when we can expect a 1st installment of responsive public records to be produced for this request.

Thank you.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear Requestor,

I apologize for the delay in response. The District will need to extend the
initial installment date of February 28, 2022, which was previously
provided on November 9, 2021. The revised date that the District
anticipates being able to provide a first installment of records is March
21, 2022.

In your email of February 22, 2022, you indicate that the District has not
provided a single record responsive to your November 3, 2021, request;
however, in our email on November 9, the District provided a link to our
publicly available records logs. Please find these logs here

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: PRA Audit


Thank you for clarification. Your November 2021 email stated "We will begin processing this request with an estimated production
of November 28, 2022" which is unreasonable. An initial installment of March 21, 2022 is reasonable. Thank you.

Also, thank you for re-sending the link to the public records logs. You are correct, the logs will be considered Installment 1.

We look forward to receiving Installment 2.

Thank you.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear Requestor,

The District is prepared to provide an installment of records; however, as
these records contain directory information, we ask that complete and
return the attached non-commercial use declaration. Once we have received
the signed document, we will release the second production of records.

Thank you.


Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: PRA Audit



As stated previously in the original request, this public records request (PRR) is not for commercial purposes, nor is the request seeking a “list” of individuals or names of any kind.

This PRR is seeking copies of previously requested public records requests sent to the District, and the District’s responses to the PRR. I recognize that previous public records requests may have had a commercial purpose, or sought a “list” of individuals or names prompting the District to request a completed commercial purpose declaration per (RCW 42.56.070(8)).

Please exclude from any production of responsive documents to this PRR any previously produced records that would require a completed commercial purpose declaration.

Thank you.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock,

The District was unaware until today that you intended to exclude from your
request those public records requests for directory information which are
the "lists" that would require you to affirm your intent to use the lists
for non-commercial purposes. The District has, therefore, compiled records
for production today that you are, in fact, not interested in. Accordingly,
the District will not be providing responsive records today.

The District anticipates the next installment to be produced on or before*
April 25, 2022*.


Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: PRA Audit


Please note the original Public Records Request originally submitted 11-04-2021:

"From: PRA Audit
Subject: Washington Public Records Act Request: Mercer Island Washington School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2015 - 2021
To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the Mercer Island School District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.

In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.

If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.

For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).

I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.

I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.


The requested documents will be made available to the general public.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


PRA Audit"

Note the original public records request included the declaration: "THIS REQUEST IS NOT BEING MADE FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES."

No commercial purposes form is required, as this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

The District may excuse only those responsive documents REQUIRING a commercial purpose declaration.

This exclusion is narrow and detailed in scope.

Improperly withholding responsive documents that do not require a commercial purpose declaration would constitute "silent withholding" under the Washington State PRA.

Thank you.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock,

Please use this Dropbox link
to access the second installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records requests, logs and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021. As previously clarified, the District may omit
requests for which a noncommercial purpose declaration was required.

Please note that the process of uploading records to Dropbox took
significantly longer than I anticipated. I will continue to upload
additional records throughout the day on April 26, 2022. Once complete, the
District anticipates being able to produce the third installment of records
on or before May 30, 2022.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
<> to
access the third installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records requests, logs and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021. As previously clarified, the District may omit
requests for which a noncommercial purpose declaration was required. The
link will expire on June 26, 2022.

The District anticipates being able to produce the fourth installment of
records on or before June 24, 2022.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Regrettably, the District will be unable to meet the June 24, 2022,
production deadline as previously anticipated. The District expects to
provide the fourth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request on July 15, 2022. We appreciate your understanding and
apologize for the delay.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
to access the fourth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records requests, logs and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021. As previously clarified, the District may omit
requests for which a noncommercial purpose declaration was required. The
link will expire on August 14, 2022.

The District anticipates being able to produce the fifth installment of
records on or before August 12, 2022.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Regrettably, the District will be unable to meet the August 12, 2022,
production deadline as previously anticipated. The District expects to
provide the fifth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request on or before August 24, 2022. We appreciate your
understanding and apologize for the delay.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3300
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

The District strives in earnest to meet all public records
request deadlines. Unfortunately, record production dates cannot always be
met as staff working on producing responsive records have many other
responsibilities. Regrettably, with the start of school approaching, staff
have been unable to complete review of additional records for release at
this time.

The District will, therefore, like to extend the production deadline for
the fifth installment of records responsive to your November 3, 2021,
request to September 2, 2022. Once again, we appreciate your understanding
and apologize for the delay.

The District would also like to note that many of the responsive records
are those which were provided to parents in response to requests for email
communication regarding their child. Such records will require third party
notice and extensive redaction to eliminate all references to the parents'
and child's names. As a result, these records will consume significant time
and resources to process. The District is happy to provide such records but
would like to confirm with you that you are indeed looking for such
records. These requests are noted on the logs provided to you in previous
records provisions.

If you could please provide clarification as to whether you would like to
receive email communication records provided to parents about their child
by Friday, September 2, that would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

From: PRA Audit


To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the Mercer Island School District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.

In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.

If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.

For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).

I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.

I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.


The requested documents will be made available to the general public.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
<> to
access the fifth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records requests, logs and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021. As previously clarified, the District may omit
requests for which a noncommercial purpose declaration was required. The
link will expire on October 2, 2022.

The District anticipates being able to produce the sixth installment of
records on or before September 30, 2022.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Regrettably, the District will be unable to meet the September 30, 2022,
production deadline as previously anticipated. The District expects to
provide the sixth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request on or before October 14, 2022. We appreciate your
understanding and apologize for the delay.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
to access the sixth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records requests, logs and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021. As previously clarified, the District may omit
requests for which a noncommercial purpose declaration was required. The
link will expire on November 11, 2022.

The District anticipates being able to produce the seventh installment of
records on or before November 14, 2022.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Regrettably, the District will be unable to meet the November 14, 2022,
production deadline as previously anticipated. The District expects to
provide the seventh installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request on or before November 21, 2022. We appreciate your
understanding and apologize for the delay.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller

Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

On behalf of the District, please accept my most sincere apologies.
Unfortunately, the District is unable to meet today's production deadline
but will be able to provide you with the next installment of records no
later than Wednesday, November 23, 2022.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
access the seventh installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records requests, logs and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021. The link will expire on December 23, 2022.

The District anticipates being able to produce the eighth installment of
records on or before December 12, 2022.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
access the eighth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records logs, requests, and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021, excluding directory information. The link will
expire on January 11, 2023.

Due to the holidays, the District anticipates being able to produce the
ninth installment of records on or before January 23, 2023.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
access the eighth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records logs, requests, and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021, excluding directory information. The link will
expire on January 11, 2023.

Due to the holidays, the District anticipates being able to produce the
ninth installment of records on or before January 23, 2023.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Unfortunately, the District requires additional time to review the next
installment of records responsive to your November 3, 2021, request. The
District anticipates being able to provide you with the next installment of
responsive records no later than Friday, January 27, 2023.

Thank you for your understanding.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
access the ninth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records logs, requests, and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021, excluding directory information. My apologies for
the one day delay in production. I experienced technical challenges when
attempting to load files into DropBox and was required to load them file by
file. The link will expire on February 27, 2023.

The District anticipates being able to produce the tenth installment of
records on or before February 27, 2023.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Please use this Dropbox link
access the tenth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records logs, requests, and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021, excluding directory information. The link will
expire on March 29, 2023.

The District anticipates being able to produce the eleventh installment of
records on or before March 27, 2023.

Thank you.

Michelle Mueller
Public Records Assistant
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.236.3367
<> and permanently delete the original
email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Please use this Dropbox link
<> to
access the eleventh installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records logs, requests, and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021, excluding directory information. The link will
expire on April 26, 2023.

The District anticipates being able to produce the twelfth installment of
records on or before April 28th, 2023.

Thank you.

Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Please use this Dropbox link
<> to
access the twelfth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records logs, requests, and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021, excluding directory information. The link will
expire on May 27th, 2023.

The District anticipates being able to produce the twelfth installment of
records on or before May 28th, 2023.

Thank you.

Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Regrettably, the District will be unable to meet the May 28th, 2023,
production deadline as previously anticipated. The District expects to
provide the twelfth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request on or before June 15th, 2023. We appreciate your
understanding and apologize for the delay.

Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Download An arrow pointing down

It looks like this agency uploaded responsive documents to a portal or link sharing site. Our team is working on moving them over, so please check back soon.

Please use this Dropbox Link
<> to
access the thirteenth installment of records responsive to your November 3,
2021, request seeking all public records logs, requests, and records
provided in response to such requests for the period January 1, 2010,
through November 4, 2021, excluding directory information. The link will
expire on July 16th, 2023.

The District anticipates being able to produce the fourteenth installment
of records on or before August 4th, 2023.

Thank you.
Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Regrettably, the District will be unable to meet the August 4th, 2023,
production deadline as previously anticipated. The District expects to
provide the fourteenth installment of records responsive to your November
3, 2021, request on or before September 15, 2023. We appreciate your
understanding and apologize for the delay.

Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Dear MuckRock Requestor,

Regrettably, the District will be unable to meet the September 15, 2023,
production deadline as previously anticipated. The District expects to
provide the fourteenth installment of records responsive to your November
3, 2021, request on or before November 5, 2023. We appreciate your
understanding and apologize for the delay.

Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

I apologize, there was an error in the date of the last email. The next
installment of records will be produced on or before November 3rd, 2023.

Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.

From: Mercer Island School District

Good morning,

The installment of records has been sent out. We have implemented a new
records software, the records have been sent through the portal. You will
have received this email:

Dear MuckRock,

The district is done processing the fourteenth installment of records
pertaining to your public records request received on November 03, 2021,
Reference # R000043-102623. Please log into the Records Center using the
following link
access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some
records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory
exemption. Should this be the case, an Exemption Log will accompany the
records and contains the basis for and a description of any redactions.

If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30)
days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production,
the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request.

The District anticipates providing the fifteenth installment of records on
or before December 7th, 2023.

You may use this link
log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to
send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require
assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby
Peters, at 206.236.3367.


MISD Records Office

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ruby Peters
Public Records Officer
Mercer Island School District

*Confidentiality Notice:* This email (and any previous email messages or
attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named
herein and may contain legally protected non-public, confidential, and/or
privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated
recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of disclosure of such
information is strictly prohibited under 18 U.S.C.§ 2511 and any applicable
law. If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you are hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and
any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email
in error please immediately notify me at 206.23.3367
<> and permanently delete the
original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.


--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, The district is done processing the fourteenth installment of records pertaining to your public records request received on November 03, 2021, Reference # R000043-102623 . Please log into the Records Center using the following link to access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory exemption. Should this be the case, an Exemption Log will accompany the records and contains the basis for and a description of any redactions. If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production , the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request. The District anticipates providing the fifteenth installment of records on or before December 7th, 2023. You may use this link to log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby Peters, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the MISD Records Center (

From: PRA Audit

"If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification..." are hearing from me.

From: Mercer Island School District

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, I apologize, I could not upload the records to the link you provided as it required a passcode. Please log into the Records Center using the following link to access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory exemption. If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production, the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request. The District anticipates providing the 16th installment of records on or before January 11th 2024. You may use this link to log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby Peters, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office

From: Mercer Island School District

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, The Mercer Island School District’s Records Office received a public records request from you R000043-102623 The District originally estimated that records would be available by January 11, 2024. However, the District needs to adjust the original time estimate for responding to your request as additional time is needed to locate, assemble and review records for responsiveness and any applicable exemptions. The District now anticipates being able to provide responsive records or a subsequent installment of records on or before February 8th, 2024 . The District will provide a summary of applicable charges and request payment of all fees and costs prior to releasing any responsive records. You may use this link to log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby Peters, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office

From: Mercer Island School District

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, The district is done processing the of records pertaining to your public records request received on 16th installment November 03, 2021, Reference # R000043-102623 . Please log into the Records Center using the following link to access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory exemption. Should this be the case, an Exemption Log will accompany the records and contains the basis for and a description of any redactions. If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production , the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request. The District anticipates providing the next installment of records on or before . April 1, 2024 You may log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Reina McCauley, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office

From: Mercer Island School District

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, The November 03, 2021, Reference # R000043-102623 are now available of records pertaining to your public records request received on 17th installment . Please log into the Records Center using the following link to access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory exemption. Should this be the case, an Exemption Log will accompany the records and contains the basis for and a description of any redactions. If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production by April 29, 2024, the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request. The District anticipates providing the . 18th installment of records on or before May 13, 2024 You may use this link to log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby Peters, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office

From: Mercer Island School District

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, The18th installment of records pertaining to your public records request received on November 03, 2021, Reference # R000043-102623 is ready . Please log into the Records Center using the following link to access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory exemption. Should this be the case, an Exemption Log will accompany the records and contains the basis for and a description of any redactions. If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request. The District anticipates providing the 19th installment of records on or before June 10, 2024. You may use this link to log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby Peters, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Seattle Fire Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, The18th installment of records pertaining to your public records request received on November 03, 2021, Reference # R000043-102623 is ready . Please log into the Records Center using the following link to access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory exemption. Should this be the case, an Exemption Log will accompany the records and contains the basis for and a description of any redactions. If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request. The District anticipates providing the 19th installment of records on or before June 10, 2024. You may use this link to log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby Peters, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office

From: Mercer Island School District

--- Please respond above this line ---
Dear MuckRock, Please log into the Records Center using the following link to access the records production responsive to your request. Note that some records may be withheld in their entirety or redacted based on statutory exemption. Should this be the case, an Exemption Log will accompany the records and contains the basis for and a description of any redactions. If the District’s Records Office does not hear from you within thirty (30) days of this notification, or you fail to access this records production, the District will consider your request abandoned and close your request. The District anticipates providing the 20th installment of records on or before July 31, 2024. You may use this link to log into the Records Center to monitor the progress of your request or to send a message to the District’s Records Office. Should you require assistance via phone, you may contact our Public Records Officer, Ruby Peters, at 206.236.3367. Regards, MISD Records Office



Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on the request page. See all files .