Tomás Regalado Former Mayor Emails

Taylor Scott Amarel filed this request with the Mayor's Office of Miami, FL.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #

PRR 18-585


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From: Taylor Scott Amarel

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

I would like to obtain all emails sent to, from, or copied to Tomás Regalado, Former Mayor from January 1, 2015 to Present day, containing any of the following non-case-sensitive key-strings: 'EB-5', 'Regional Center', 'USCIS', or 'EB5'.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I would request your response within ten (10) business days.


Taylor Scott Amarel

From: Mayor's Office

Good afternoon Taylor,

Please note that the Office of the City Clerk is in receipt of your email; however, our office is not the custodian of the requested information. The Office of the City Clerk is the records custodian for City Commission legislation, transcripts of Commission meetings, and agreements between the City of Miami and various parties. Therefore, your request is being forwarded to the City’s Public Records Coordinator, Domini Gibbs, who is copied on this email for proper handling and dissemination to the custodian of the requested information. Ms. Gibbs can be reached at (305) 416-1811 or via email at<>.

Have a great afternoon!


Nicole Ewan, MPA
Assistant City Clerk
City of Miami
City Clerk’s Office
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Ph: (305) 250-5347
Fax: (305) 858-1610
Serving, Enhancing and Transforming Our Community

From: Mayor's Office

[External Message Added] Miami public records request 18-585

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From: Mayor's Office

Your Miami public records request 18-585 has been opened.

-- Write ABOVE THIS LINE to post a message that will be sent to staff. --

Miami Public Records (

Your record request #18-585 has been submitted. You can see it anytime at the link below.
The City of Miami acknowledges your public records request. The City of Miami will make a reasonable effort to determine whether such records exist and, if so, the location at which the record can be accessed or copied or if any exemptions apply. You will be notified accordingly of the availability of the records and any associated fees.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you.

View Request #18-585 (

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Dear Ms. Ewan:

Thank you for forwarding the below Public Records Request. We will process it accordingly.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Taylor Scott Amarel

Thank you very much for the response and assistance. I look forward to receiving the documents. Happy Friday!

From: Mayor's Office

Dear Ms. Amarel

Please review the suggested criteria below for your email query. Please advise if there are any edits you wish to make to the suggested criteria. If the suggested criteria are acceptable, a non-refundable deposit of $42.81 needs to be made to commence running the query. If the query takes an hour or less, no additional fees will be assessed and the records will be produced upon completion of the review for any statutorily exempt emails. If the query takes more than an hour to run, then additional fees may be assessed based on the additional time spent beyond the initial hour to complete your query. A detailed summary will be provided detailing the hourly rate of the employee completing the query and the total time spent completing your query. The additional fee must be paid prior to receiving the requested records.

Payment of fees can be made to the "City of Miami" and delivered to the Information Technology Department on the 5th floor of the Miami Riverside at 444 SW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130. Payment can be done by check or cash. Please be advised that if paying in cash, please bring exact change.

Results are based on the suggested criteria and may contain emails not related to requestor's desire. If you do not agree with the suggested criteria, you can edit it before submitting payment. Once the payment is received and the query is executed, a change in criteria may incur additional charges

The process to create the storage media will take approximately 4 business days after receiving the approval and payment. The costs include searches for Civilian mailboxes. Police mailboxes are not included. If the request is related to a law matter case or may include any other exempted emails, then a review of the results may be required before being released and this may add more delivery time.

Start Date


End Date


From or To

Tomas Regalado

Key words \ Phrases

"Regional Center"

From: Taylor Scott Amarel

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $42.81 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Taylor Scott Amarel

To Whom This May Concern,

A check for $42.81 is on its way.

All the best,
Taylor Amarel

From: Mayor's Office

Thank you for the update.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Taylor Scott Amarel

To whom this may concern,

I wanted to follow-up on this request, have the documents been released? I do not see an update on the NextRequest portal.

Taylor Amarel

From: Mayor's Office

Dear Ms. Amarel:

Hi, how are you? I hope that all is well.

I just followed up with the IT Department again and they have not received your check. Can you please confirm where you sent it to. IT will not initiate the search until the funds are remitted.

Thank you!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Taylor Scott Amarel

The check was sent through the MuckRock platform (see screenshot attached), I have followed up with them to ask the address it was sent to. Sorry for the trouble.

From: Mayor's Office

I understand, no problem.

Please confirm that they sent it to:
444 SW 2nd Ave, 5th Floor- IT Department
Miami, FL 33131

It’s possible they sent it elsewhere, and will have to cancel the check and remit another one. They also need to place the Public Records Number on the check.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Muckrock Staff

A check in the amount of $42.81 was mailed to 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 on May 12 to pay for the fulfillment of PRR 18-585. Was this the correct address, or should it have been sent elsewhere? If it's been received can you please confirm receipt? Thanks!

Caitlin Russell
MuckRock News

From: Mayor's Office

Dear Ms. Russell:

Hi, how are you? I hope that this email finds you well.

Unfortunately, that was the wrong mailing address. It was mailed to City Hall, and it should have been sent to:
City of Miami
444 SW 2nd Ave
IT Department – 5th Floor
Miami, FL 33130

I am going to contact City Hall and see if they received the check. I will keep you posted.

Thank you.

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Muckrock Staff

Hello Ms. Schloss-Sassi,

Thank you so much for your note. Please let us know whether you are able to obtain the check; if not, we would be happy to send another.

Thanks so much for your time and help.

Best wishes,
Beryl, MuckRock

From: Mayor's Office

Hi, how are you?

Thank you for your email.

Please mail a check to:

City of Miami
444 SW 2nd Ave
IT Department – 5th Floor
Miami, FL 33130

As soon as the IT Department receives the check they will notify me, and I will update you promptly.

Thank you!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Mayor's Office

Good Morning:

Thank you for your email. As of today, we are still not in receipt of the check for the IT Search. Please remit payment so that we can proceed to run the IT Search.

Thank you.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Mayor's Office

Hi, how are you? I hope that this email finds you well.

As of today, we are still not in receipt of the check for the IT Search. Please advise if you would still like to proceed with the above referenced Public Records Request or if I may close it accordingly.

Thank you!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Beryl Lipton

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $42.81 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Mayor's Office

Good Morning:

Thank you for your email. I am working on your above referenced Public Records Request and hope to have the documents to you soon. I will keep you updated.

Please feel free to check in with me as well.

Have a great day!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Mayor's Office

[Document Released] Miami public records request 18-585

-- Attach a document and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. --

Miami Public Records (

Documents have been released for record request #18-585:
* Accepted Conference call to discuss Miami Marine Stadium with counsel re EB5 project (14).msg
* Accepted Conference call to discuss Miami Marine Stadium with counsel re EB5 project .msg
* Announcing the New York EB-5 Convention One and Two-Day Tickets Now Available!.msg
* Bellagio Discount Expires Tomorrow! Meet the Migration Agencies & EB-5 Conference Sponsors.msg
* Canceled City of Miami EB5 Regional Center Interdisciplinary Review Committee Meeting.msg
* Canceled Discuss Miami Marine Stadium with EB5 expert attorney .msg
* Canceled EB5 Interdisciplinary Review Committee Meeting.msg
* Chinese Edition Now Available Online!.msg
* City of Miami EB5 Regional Center Interdisciplinary Review Committee Meeting.msg
* Come Join Migration Agency Execs at 2016 Las Vegas EB-5 Conference.msg
* Congressman Jared Polis Confirmed to Speak at Las Vegas EB-5 Conference!.msg
* Congressmen Polis & Amodei Address EB-5 Community in the Next Magazine!.msg
* Don't miss it! Las Vegas EB-5 Conference at the Encore Nearly Sold Out - January 17.msg
* EB5 Interdisciplinary Review Committee Meeting.msg
* felicidades on EB5.msg
* Find Your Capital Partner in China - Join The China Investor in Shanghai.msg
* FW Test IYDU Partners with the City of Miami.msg
* FW Discuss Miami Marine Stadium with EB5 expert attorney .msg
* FW Emailing EB 5.msg
* FW Meeting with Mikki Canton at City of Miami Regional Center.msg
* Fw Notificación SO-371-2015.msg
* FW USCIS Follow-up (Cuban Migration).msg
* Fwd Cuban land Migration.msg
* Fwd Cuban Migration Issue .msg
* Fwd Follow-up and Contact Info.msg
* Fwd Last call for invest in miami eb5 conference .msg
* Fwd Meeting with the City of Miami.msg
* Housing Summit- final program.msg
* Just Announced! Congressman Bob Goodlatte Speaking at California EB-5 Conference - August 3 2015.msg
* Las Vegas EB-5 Conference $100 Discount Ends 10 31!.msg
* Last Call to Write for our Chinese Magazine.msg
* Last Call! One Week Left to Book & Save at the New York EB-5 Convention.msg
* Last Call! Prices to increase Monday (6 1) for California EB-5 Conference.msg
* Learn About Investment Immigration in Vietnam!.msg
* New exodus of Cubans headed to the U S is underway across the Americas Miami Herald.msg
* New Speakers Added to the Las Vegas EB-5 & Investment Immigration Convention.msg
* Only Two Days Left! Save $250 on Bellagio Rooms & $100 on Conference Registration .msg
* Panel Topics Announced for EB-5 Conference with Congressman Goodlatte - August 3.msg
* RE Aaron Podhurst Event.msg
* RE City of Miami EB5 Regional Center (13).msg
* RE City of Miami EB5 Regional Center - Luncheon.msg
* RE City of Miami EB5 Regional Center Reception .msg
* RE City of Miami EB5 Regional Center's January 26 2015 Informational Conference.msg
* Re City of Miami EB5 Regional Center.msg
* RE CommunityWINS Grant Program.msg
* RE Confirming Miami Marine Stadium (MMS) EB5 project call today at 3 pm.msg
* Re Dear all- please see this article-EB-5 A Tool for Economic Revitalization in the 21st Century HuffPost.msg
* Re EB-5 Foreign Investors Program (10).msg
* Re EB-5 Foreign Investors Program (11).msg
* Re EB-5 Foreign Investors Program (12).msg
* Re EB-5 Foreign Investors Program.msg
* Re EB5 Telephone number.msg
* RE felicidades on EB5.msg
* RE From USCIS Public Affairs.msg
* RE Greeting from Liberty City--EB-5!.msg
* RE House Bill 1055 and Senate Bill 1048 (19).msg
* RE House Bill 1055 and Senate Bill 1048.msg
* RE Initial Impact Analysis - Marine Stadium (18).msg
* RE Initial Impact Analysis - Marine Stadium.msg
* RE Luxury Workforce Housing Coming To NYC.msg
* RE Marine Stadium Project - Payments for expenses (15).msg
* RE Marine Stadium Project - Payments for expenses (16).msg
* RE Marine Stadium Project - Payments for expenses (17).msg
* RE Marine Stadium Project - Payments for expenses.msg
* RE New hire.msg
* RE Ofelia Perez commendation- re emails below Fwd Prep for Weds Sept 23rd EB5 Workshop at 8 30 am.msg
* RE Olguita please scan and send the revised and newly signed letter to Marlene as soon as possible-----Fwd Mayor Regalado's letter re EB5 program .msg
* Re Phone extension 5404 (21).msg
* RE Phone extension 5404 (22).msg
* Re Phone extension 5404.msg
* RE Presentation of Official Conference Document from City of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado.msg
* RE Request Information 2016 EB-5 Events Conferences or Workshops (20).msg
* RE Request Information 2016 EB-5 Events Conferences or Workshops.msg
* RE Salute for visitors .msg
* Re Speaker Instructions EB-5 New Orleans Summit - June 21 2017.msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (1).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (2).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (3).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (4).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (5).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (6).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (7).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (8).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th (9).msg
* Re Speaker Invitation -- Mikki Canton -- Bisnow's Capital Markets & Foreign Investment Summit November 17th.msg
* RE Telephone Conference with Mayor Tomas Regalado and City Manager Daniel J Alfonso.msg
* RE Telephone Quote.msg
* Re Thank you luncheon tomorrow Wednesday September 21 2016.msg
* RE Wall Street Journal Article regarding the City of Miami EB5 Regional Center.msg
* Re You GO! Great article Peter!--EB-5 A Tool for Economic Revitalization in the 21st Century HuffPost.msg
* Save the Date Ho Chi Minh & Beijing Events.msg
* Save the Date for the 2017 Las Vegas EB-5 & Investment Immigration Convention.msg
* See the 60+ Migration Companies Joining the Las Vegas EB-5 Conference January 16 – Expected to Sell Out!.msg
* See Who's Speaking at the Las Vegas EB-5 Conference!.msg
* Shanghai Property Show Invitation.msg
* The Latest News from AI Justice.msg

View Request #18-585 (

Too many emails? ( Change your email settings here Trouble with the request button? Copy the URL below into your web browser:
Questions about your request? Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at Miami.
Technical support: See our help page (

Powered by NextRequest (

From: Mayor's Office

From: Mayor's Office

[Document Released to Requester] Miami public records request 18-585

-- Attach a document and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. --

Miami Public Records (

Documents have been released for record request #18-585:
* Accepted Recording Mayor Regalado's statement for our EB-5 Website .msg
* Accepted Conference call to discuss Miami Marine Stadium with counsel re EB5 project (11).msg
* Accepted Conference call to discuss Miami Marine Stadium with counsel re EB5 project .msg
* City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center--Enjoy this in Miami Today .msg
* City of Miami EB5 Regional Center.msg
* City of Miami Marine Stadium EB5 Review for final designation process.msg
* Conference call to discuss Miami Marine Stadium with counsel re EB5 project .msg
* Confirming Miami Marine Stadium (MMS) EB5 project call today at 3 pm.msg
* Draft for Mayor's review- please prepare .msg
* Enjoy this Miami Today article featuring The City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center and The Miami Veterans' Village Propject.msg
* Evite to September 15 2016 City of Miami EB5 Conference.msg
* FW Christopher Chris Arias .msg
* FW EB5 Telephone number.msg
* FW Private Wealth Latin American Forum - October 18 & 19.msg
* Fwd City of Miami Sponsored EB 5 Conference City of Miami Relationship with Florianopolis Brazil.msg
* Fwd New EB-5 article about Proposed Regulations and EB-5 Reform Bill.msg
* Fwd Special Invite - Groundbreaking Radisson RED.msg
* FYI- Migration Summit June 5-7.msg
* FYI---Fwd GT Client Alert USCIS Issues Guidance on Redeployment of EB5 Funds-.msg
* Homeland Security proposed EB5 changes Update Mikki.msg
* Last call for agenda outlines for September 15th City of Miami EB5 Regional Conference .msg
* Marine Stadium I-526 Proposed FINAL Letter Agreement_01 25 17 pdf.msg
* Meeting to discuss The Miami Marine Stadium with EB5 expert attorney on Wednesday August 24th at 3 pm.msg
* Miami Marine Stadium Restoration EB5 Regional Center Project.msg
* Miami Marine Stadium review for City of Miami EB5 Regional Center participation .msg
* MISSION ACCOMPLISHED---Re FTP instructions.msg
* Panorama Tower EB-5 Regional Center Project .msg
* Placement of City of Miami EB5 Regional Center September 15 Conference on City website.msg
* Please enjoy today's article in Miami Today on our City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center (13).msg
* Please enjoy today's article in Miami Today on our City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center.msg
* Please see below Is this language in any of the proposed EB5 comments that are being considered for the final legislation .msg
* RE Chambers .msg
* RE Christopher Chris Arias (12).msg
* RE Christopher Chris Arias .msg
* RE CIP - 'B-30688 Marine Stadium Restoration'.msg
* Re Conference call to discuss Miami Marine Stadium with counsel re EB5 project .msg
* RE EB-5 Conference Thursday September 15 2016 8 00 AM.msg
* RE EB5 - Miami Marine Stadium.msg
* Re Invitation EB5 Underline call @ Tue Oct 4 2016 5pm - 5 30pm (EDT) (Meg BRINCA).msg
* RE Jeff please see comments below from our city attorney (2).msg
* RE Jeff please see comments below from our city attorney (3).msg
* RE Jeff please see comments below from our city attorney .msg
* RE Meeting Follow Up.msg
* RE Meeting to discuss The Miami Marine Stadium with EB5 expert attorney on Wednesday August 24th at 3 pm.msg
* RE Miami Marine Stadium Restoration EB5 Regional Center Project (10).msg
* RE Miami Marine Stadium Restoration EB5 Regional Center Project.msg
* RE Michael Harris Esq would appreciate speaking with you regarding his clients he may be potential investors for the City of Miami EB5 Panorama Tower Project.msg
* Re Office of International Business Development Invoice.msg
* RE Phone extension 5404 (1).msg
* RE Phone extension 5404.msg
* RE Placement of City of Miami EB5 Regional Center September 15 Conference on City website.msg
* RE Please see below and let me know if you can access each document on the list if so please print out Thank you Mikki FW Miami Marine Stadium (4).msg
* RE Please see below and let me know if you can access each document on the list if so please print out Thank you Mikki FW Miami Marine Stadium (5).msg
* RE Please see below and let me know if you can access each document on the list if so please print out Thank you Mikki FW Miami Marine Stadium (6).msg
* RE Please see below and let me know if you can access each document on the list if so please print out Thank you Mikki FW Miami Marine Stadium.msg
* RE Please see below-- Re Conference and reception this week (7).msg
* RE Please see below-- Re Conference and reception this week (8).msg
* RE Please see below-- Re Conference and reception this week (9).msg
* RE Please see below-- Re Conference and reception this week.msg
* RE September 15th EB-5 City of Miami Regional Center Conference.msg
* RE US economy Citizenship for sale - FT com.msg
* Reminder of our City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center Conference.msg
* RESCHEDULED----- Meeting to discuss The Miami Marine Stadium with EB5 expert attorney on Wednesday August 24th at 3 pm.msg
* Thank you for your lovely gift and gracious note Reid .msg
* The work station in the Manager's Office area set aside for the official use of The City of Miami EB5 Regional Center as support as per USCIS regulations has been vacated.msg
* Uploading Miami Marine Stadium Documents to Greenberg Traurig eRoom.msg

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From: Mayor's Office

Please be advised that some responsive documents have been uploaded to Next Request for your review and/or download.

Please see:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.[cid:image002.gif@01D316A4.4CFDB7A0]

From: Mayor's Office

[Document Released] Miami public records request 18-585

-- Attach a document and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. --

Miami Public Records (

Documents have been released for record request #18-585:
* Re Invitation to be Team Panel Leader at Upcoming City of Miami EB5 Regional Panorama Tower Project .msg
* RE Updated City Organitzation Chart.msg
* FW Proposed Veterans Mixed Use EB5 project.msg
* RE Laura please let me know about GTs availability to speak with our Veterans Group (3).msg
* Re PANORAMA rendering needed .msg
* RE felicidades on EB5.msg
* Thank you.msg
* RE For follow up on Monday Mikki---Fw Hail from China.msg
* Fwd For follow up on Monday Mikki---Fw Hail from China.msg
* FW Panorama Tower Update.msg
* SERIOUS matter----FW Panorama Tower Update.msg
* FW City of Miami EB5 Regional Center.msg
* FW EB-5 Visa Program.msg
* FW Re The office of Mayor Gilberto Serulle de la Alcaldia de Santiago called.msg
* Re City Mayor Martell- CMRC EB5 Regional Center Informational Conference of Jan 26 2015.msg
* Fwd City Mayor Martell- CMRC EB5 Regional Center Informational Conference of Jan 26 2015.msg
* Update please Re Panorama - PPM.msg
* RE Panorama - PPM.msg
* Re Panorama - PPM (20).msg
* Fwd Panorama Towers.msg
* Re Panorama Tower Documents.msg
* Re Panorama Tower Documents (21).msg
* Re Best Lawyers Article.msg
* Fwd Thank you.msg
* important see below action required asap Regalado Tomas (Mayor) Calendar.msg
* RE let me know how I can help with our South Florida members re the Polis bill and senate companion bill Also let me know if I need to go to DC re speak on behalf of the City of Miami EB5 Regional Center .msg
* FW City of Miami EB5 Regional Center (22).msg
* Why this EB-5 investor is putting his money on Miami's Panorama Tower - South Florida Business Journal.msg
* Mr Rostilav Sipakov 1 pm conference call done Let us discuss follow up on Monday .msg
* EB5 CMRC.msg
* Re City Mayor Martell- CMRC EB5 Regional Center Informational Conference of Jan 26 2015 (23).msg
* Fwd City Mayor Martell- CMRC EB5 Regional Center Informational Conference of Jan 26 2015 - Panelists' Contact Info .msg
* FW Heard the eb5 article you were working on out! Can you send uys a copy for our file Thank you Mikki.msg
* FW Florida Trend Magazine Image Request.msg
* FW Heard the eb5 article you were working on out! Can you send uys a copy for our file Thank you Mikki (24).msg
* RE City of Miami EB5 Regional Center Informational Conference of Jan 26 2015 - Panelists' Contact Info .msg
* RE I need the information on the couple that met w Mayor Regalado and Dr Calo re investing in Miami .msg
* Fwd City of Miami Regional Center .msg
* Monday's CoM EB5 Regional Center event.msg
* Monday City of Miami Regional Center Conference 8 30 to Noon.msg
* Fwd RSVP for City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center's informational Conference .msg
* Re City of Miami EB5 Regional Center's January 26 2015 Informational Conference.msg
* Re Hi Ricky We are hosting another City of Miami EB5 Regional Center conference next Monday the 26th at City Hall Please let your members know .msg
* Fyi--Fwd City of Miami EB5 Regional Center's January 26 2015 Informational Conference.msg
* City of Miami EB5 Regional Center's January 26 2015 Informational Conference.msg
* Please send me a date in late February so we may set the special EB5 meeting for consuls and their staff etc this is a very important Meeting to have Many thanks Mikki.msg
* Hi Ricky We are hosting another City of Miami EB5 Regional Center conference next Monday the 26th at City Hall Please let your members know .msg
* Re City of Miami EB5 Regional Center's January 26 2015 Informational Conference .msg
* Re I need the information on the couple that met w Mayor Regalado and Dr Calo re investing in Miami (25).msg
* RE I need the information on the couple that met w Mayor Regalado and Dr Calo re investing in Miami (26).msg
* I need the information on the couple that met w Mayor Regalado and Dr Calo re investing in Miami .msg
* Re World Strategic Forum 2015.msg
* RE Response to Memo on behalf of Ronnie Fieldstone.msg
* Fwd House Admin Room Request - EB-5 Briefing room for April 23rd at 10 00.msg
* Fwd Speaker information for Thursday's event - ‘South Florida as a Global Financial Hub’ (19).msg
* Fwd Speaker information for Thursday's event - ‘South Florida as a Global Financial Hub’.msg
* See below Important .msg
* Re EB5.msg
* RE Manny see below FW Meeting with Ms Wennie Chen (18).msg
* RE Manny see below FW Meeting with Ms Wennie Chen.msg
* FW Manny see below FW Meeting with Ms Wennie Chen.msg
* Will keep you advised Fwd Looking for a hosting organization in Miami for a VIE.msg
* FYI----FW Couple questions on benefits of city-owned EB-5 Regional Center.msg
* FW Thank you Re City of Miami Regional Center .msg
* Personal- Uplifting words from a former Holland and Knight law partner now the managing partner of global firm DLA Piper .msg
* RE Meeting on EV5.msg
* FW EB5 regional Center Advisory Board- professional affiliation nominations .msg
* Fwd City of Miami EB5 Regional Center.msg
* Re City of Miami - Regional Center Services Agreement.msg
* RE Panorama Tower Update.msg
* Any update on the status FW Panorama Tower Update.msg
* FW EB5.msg
* Your inquiry re Panorama Tower documents .msg
* FW City of Miami EB 5 and Dubai Middle East and Asia.msg
* Wall Street Journal Upcoming Article on the USCIS EB 5 Regional Center Project.msg
* Please see below- FW Headshot of Mayor Regalado for EB5-IC website.msg
* Re Please see below- FW Headshot of Mayor Regalado for EB5-IC website (17).msg
* Re Please see below- FW Headshot of Mayor Regalado for EB5-IC website.msg
* Re Consulta desde Uruguay.msg
* Re EB-5 Program.msg
* City of Miami EB5 Regional Center introduction in Dubai.msg
* Re City of Miami EB5 Regional Center introduction in Dubai.msg
* EB-5 Report EB-5 Investment Coalition press release.msg
* Re EB-5 Report EB-5 Investment Coalition press release (16).msg
* Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* Our Mayor our EB5 Regional Center Message from the Honorary Chair EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* Re EB-5 Report EB-5 Investment Coalition press release.msg
* Re Our Mayor our EB5 Regional Center Message from the Honorary Chair EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* Re Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* Fwd Conservative Economic Analysis Highlights Role of EB-5 Visa Program in Boosting Private Investment Across Industries Sustaining Long-Term Growth as U S Population Ages.msg
* FW Message from Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair The EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* RE Message from Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair The EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* Fwd Message from Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair The EB-5 Investment Coalition (15).msg
* Fwd Message from Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair The EB-5 Investment Coalition (14).msg
* Fwd Message from Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair The EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* Evite to the City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center Housing Summit and Call for Housing Construction Projects.msg
* FW Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers (13).msg
* FW Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers.msg
* RE Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers (12).msg
* FW City -Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers.msg
* Angel we have updated the eveite for the July 29th Summit Is it possible to replace the old one which you listed on our EB5 site with the new one .msg
* RE Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers (11).msg
* RE Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers (10).msg
* Re Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers (9).msg
* RE Greater Miami Congressional Staff.msg
* City of Miami EB5 Regional Cente and The City of Coral Gables.msg
* Fwd Public records request EB5 records of International Buisness Devlopment.msg
* Re Public records request EB5 records of International Buisness Devlopment (8).msg
* Re Public records request EB5 records of International Buisness Devlopment (7).msg
* Re Public records request EB5 records of International Buisness Devlopment.msg
* housing project meeting.msg
* RE Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers.msg
* FW Meeting yesterday.msg
* Fwd Regional Center and EB-5 meeting at the City Hall in Miami 7 29 15.msg
* RE Greeting from Liberty City--EB-5!.msg
* Re PANORAMA rendering needed (6).msg
* Re Panorama Tower Renderings.msg
* RE Laura please let me know about GTs availability to speak with our Veterans Group (5).msg
* RE Laura please let me know about GTs availability to speak with our Veterans Group (4).msg
* RE Laura please let me know about GTs availability to speak with our Veterans Group .msg
* Proposed project.msg
* Fwd Follow-up from GMIC.msg
* RE Updated City Organitzation Chart (2).msg
* RE Updated City Organitzation Chart (1).msg
* Conference call Friday August 14 to discuss status of Panorama Tower Offering and Related Matters.msg
* CAMACOL request for City of Miami EB5 Regional Center article to be published in the commemorative magazine issue.msg
* Edited article requested by CAMACOL -UPDATED Final Version Re City of Miami EB-5 Regional .msg
* Upcoming September City of Miami EB 5 Regional Center Conference.msg
* Fwd Invitation to be Team Panel Leader at Upcoming City of Miami EB5 Regional Panorama Tower Project .msg
* Sept 23 2015 Invitation re City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center Hands-on Workshop.msg
* Fwd EB-5 and the Chinese Market.msg
* Re City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center's First Hands-On Workshop.msg
* Re September 23 2015 Invitation re City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center Hands-on Workshop.msg
* Re Upcoming September City of Miami EB 5 Regional Center Conference.msg
* Article written and submitted to CAMACOL as per their request for inclusion in their anniversary publication to highlight the City of Miami EB5 Regional Center---- City of Miami EB-5 Regional Center.msg

View Request #18-585 (

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From: Mayor's Office

[Document Released] Miami public records request 18-585

-- Attach a document and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. --

Miami Public Records (

Documents have been released for record request #18-585:
* RE Does the City of Miami have a tax number I may use tonight when I pay for a dinner I am hosting which I am paying for but it is on behalf of our City of Miami EB5 Regional Center .msg
* RE Travel expenses for Mikki Canton.msg
* RE Travel expenses for Mikki Canton.msg
* RE Travel expenses for Mikki Canton.msg

View Request #18-585 (

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From: Mayor's Office

[Document Released] Miami public records request 18-585

-- Attach a document and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. --

Miami Public Records (

Documents have been released for record request #18-585:
* RE EB-5 Report EB-5 Investment Coalition press release.msg
* RE Mayor Tomas Regalado Honorary Chair EB-5 Investment Coalition.msg
* RE Invitation to the CITY OF MIAMI EB-5 REGIONAL CENTER HOUSING SUMMIT AND CALL FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS July 29 2015 9am - 1pm at Miami City Hall Chambers.msg
* Media Interview Request.msg
* RE Media Interview Request (2).msg
* RE Media Interview Request.msg
* RE City of Miami EB5 Regional Center Reception .msg
* RE Media Interview Request (1).msg
* RE FYI- Fw Google Alert - City of Miami EB5 Regional Center.msg
* RE For follow up on Monday Mikki---Fw Hail from China.msg
* RE Florida Trend Magazine Image Request.msg
* RE City Mayor Martell- CMRC EB5 Regional Center Informational Conference of Jan 26 2015.msg
* RE letter from UNITE HERE regarding city of Miami development.msg
* Letter of Support For the BIV by Best Western in the City of Miami .msg
* RE City of Miami EB5 Regional Center's January 26 2015 Informational Conference .msg

View Request #18-585 (

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From: Mayor's Office

[Document Released] Miami public records request 18-585

-- Attach a document and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. --

Miami Public Records (

Documents have been released for record request #18-585:
* Fwd_ RCW1607754278 - Courtesy Request for Clarification - Form I-924 (Project_ PANORAMA PEDESTAL FUND LLC)_Redacted.pdf
* MX-M464N_20170118_144505_Redacted.pdf
* MX-M464N_20170714_123913_Redacted.pdf
* Re_ RCW1607754278 - Courtesy Request for Clarification - Form I-924 (Project_ PANORAMA PEDESTAL FUND LLC)_Redacted.pdf

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From: Mayor's Office

[Document Released] Miami public records request 18-585

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Miami Public Records (

A document has been released for record request #18-585:
* 18-585_1.pst

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From: Mayor's Office

Please be advised that all responsive documents have been produced.

Please see:

As such, this Request is going to be closed accordingly.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments and/or concerns.

Best regards,

Stephanie Schloss-Sassi, Paralegal

City of Miami
Office of the City Attorney
Telephone: 305-416-1893
Facsimile: 305-416-1801

Disclaimer: This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
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From: Mayor's Office

Your Miami public records request 18-585 has been closed.

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Miami Public Records (

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