Michigan autonomous manufacturer plate recipinents
Submitted | Jan. 17, 2018 |
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From: Ian Carroll
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to Michigan's Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), I hereby request the following records:
A list of entities issued manufacturer license plates by the Michigan Secretary of State from 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2018, if available.
If this record does not exist, I request a copy of all BDVR-88 ("Application for Manufacturer or Transporter Plate") forms submitted to the Michigan Secretary of State from 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2018 which request manufacturer license plates and state a "type of subcomponent manufactured" as "automated technology", "automated vehicles", or "advanced driver assistance systems". In the event it eases the burden on the State, I am only interested in receiving a single BDVR-88 form from each entity requesting manufacturer license plates.
The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.
Ian Carroll
From: Michigan Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Carroll,
The Department of State (Department) acknowledges receipt of your request for records and has processed it under the provisions of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 197 PA 442, MCL 15.21 et seq. Your request was considered received by the Department on January 18, 2018. As provided by FOIA, MC 15.235, this is one business day after your request was transmitted by mail, fax, or other electronic means.
In order to determine whether the Department possesses existing, nonexempt public records responsive to your request, we are extending the time for responding to your request by 10 business days (in addition to the standard 5 days), as permitted by FOIA, MCL 1525. A written notice will be issued to you on or before February 8, 2018.
The Department's FOIA Procedures and Guidelines can be accessed at www.michigan.gov/sos<http://www.michigan.gov/sos>, under the "FOIA" tab at the bottom of the page.
Michele Halm
Michele Halm, FOIA Coordinator
Office of Customer Services
Michigan Department of State
From: Michigan Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Carroll:
The Department of State (Department) acknowledges receipt of your request for records and has processed it under the provision of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 et seq. Your request was received by the Department on January 18, 2018. This notice is issued in response to your request, a copy of which is enclosed and incorporated herein.
You requested a copy of all BDVR-88 ("Application for Manufacturer or Transporter Plate") forms submitted to the Michigan Secretary of State from 1/1/2017 to 1/1/2018 which request manufacturer license plates and state a "Type of subcomponent manufactured" as "automated technology", "automated vehicles", or "advanced driver assistance system".
Your request is granted in part as to existing, nonexempt public records that are determined to be responsive to your request, and denied in part. Portions of your request are exempt from disclosure based on provisions set forth in FOIA. The Department has denied part of your request for records based on the following exemption in FOIA Section 13(1)a: Information of a personal nature if public disclosure of the information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of an individual's privacy. Under FOIA, section 10, you have the right to appeal (See appeal information below).
In order to process your request, you must pay the amount of $68.12. This amount is the full amount the Department estimates the cost will be to fulfill your request. FOIA authorizes the Department to charge for mail costs, copying, searching, reviewing, deleting, and separating exempt from nonexempt information (MCL 15.234). Please see the breakdown on the enclosed Freedom of Information Act Detailed Itemization of Fees. Because this fee is over $50, please pay the amount of $34.06. Upon the receipt of your nonrefundable deposit, the Department will complete the processing of your request. The Department will notify you in writing when completed and mail the records upon receipt of your final payment of $34.06.
Checks or money orders should be made payable to the STATE OF MICHIGAN and mailed to: Cashier Unit, 7064 Crowner Drive, Lansing, MI 48918. To ensure proper credit, please enclose a copy of this letter and the detailed itemization of fees with your payment.
With regard to the denial of your request, under section 10 of the FOIA MCL 15.240, the Department is obligated to inform you that you may do the following:
1. Appeal this decision in writing to the Secretary of State's designee:
William R. Kordenbrock
Chief Legal Counsel
Legal Services Administration
P.O. Box 30204
Lansing, MI 48918
The writing must specifically state the word "appeal" and must identify the reason(s) you believe the denial should be reversed. The Department must respond to your appeal within ten (10) business days of its receipt, unless extended by ten (10) business days.
2. File an action in the Court of Claims to compel the disclosure of records. The action must be filed within 180 days after the date of the final determination to deny your request. If you prevail in such an action, the court is to award actual attorney fees, costs and disbursements. Finally, if the court finds the denial to be arbitrary and capricious, you may receive punitive damages of $1,000.
The Department's FOIA Procedures and Guidelines can be accessed at www.michigan.gov/sos<http://www.michigan.gov/sos>, under the "FOIA" tab at the bottom of the page.
Michele Halm
Michele Halm, FOIA Coordinator
Michigan Department of State
Office of Customer Services
From: Ian Carroll
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find enclosed a check for $34.06 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.
Thank you.
From: Muckrock Staff
To Whom It May Concern:
I'm following up on the following Freedom of Information Act request, copied below, and originally submitted on Jan. 17, 2018. You had previously indicated that it would be completed on Feb. 8, 2018. I wanted to check on the status of my request, and to see if there was a new estimated completion date.
Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.
From: Michigan Secretary of State
Good morning,
To date we have not received the payment of $34.06 that you indicated in an email below dated 2/3/2018. Once we receive that payment, the request will be processed and sent to you.
Thank you,
Michele Halm, FOIA Coordinator
Michigan Department of State
Office of Customer Services
From: Michigan Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Carroll,
The Department of State acknowledges receipt of your payment of the deposit of $34.06 for items you requested in your Freedom of Information Act request dated January 18, 2018. We have completed the processing of your request and will mail the items to you upon receipt of your final payment of $34.06. A detailed itemization report showing the balance to be paid is attached.
Checks or money orders should be made payable to the STATE OF MICHIGAN and mailed to: Cashier Unit, 7064 Crowner Drive, Lansing, MI 48918. To ensure proper credit, please enclose a copy of this letter and the FOIA Detailed Itemization of Fees with your payment.
The Department's FOIA Procedures and Guideline can be accessed at www.michigan.gov/sos<http://www.michigan.gov/sos> under the "FOIA" tab at the bottom of the page.
Michele Halm
Michele Halm, FOIA Coordinator
Michigan Department of State
Office of Customer Services
From: Ian Carroll
To Whom It May Concern:
Please find enclosed a check for $34.06 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.
Thank you.
From: Muckrock Staff
To Whom It May Concern:
I'm following up on the following Michigan Freedom of Information Act request, copied below, and originally submitted on Jan. 17, 2018. You had previously indicated that it would be completed on Feb. 8, 2018. I wanted to check on the status of my request, and to see if there was a new estimated completion date.
Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.
From: Michigan Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Carroll:
The Department of State acknowledges receipt of your payment of $68.12 for items you requested in your Freedom of Information Act request dated January 17, 2018. A copy of your request is attached.
The Department is granting your request with the information we have on file. Attached please find the documentation response to your request.
Michele Halm
Michele Halm, FOIA Coordinator
Michigan Department of State
Customer Services Division
From: Michigan Secretary of State
Good afternoon,
Sorry for the delay in getting this information to you as I was waiting for the validation of the final payment to be received. I received it this morning and your response was just sent this afternoon.
Thank you...
Michele Halm