Mississippi police certification 2023-01-03

John Kelly filed this request with the Mississippi Department of Public Safety of Mississippi.
Est. Completion Jan. 20, 2023
Partially Completed

From: John Kelly

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a public records request made via MuckRock under the Mississippi Public Records Act, seeking records related to law enforcement officer certification in this state.

This request is brought by Big Local News along with a collaboration of news organizations, including ABC News, KQED, MuckRock and other news organizations. Big Local News is a program of Stanford University’s Journalism and Democracy Initiative and helps journalists collect, process and analyze public data.

We are seeking two categories of certification records:

* All certified officers
All law enforcement officers who are actively certified as of the date of this request (or when the request is processed). If your system maintains historical records of previously certified officers who are no longer active, please include them as far back as possible. If correctional officers are certified by your agency, please include them as well.

* Decertified officers
All law enforcement officers who have been decertified through revocations, voluntary surrenders, suspensions or any other actions going back as far as possible. Please include records for decertified correctional officers if available.

Data elements for certified officers:
* Officer unique ID number
* POST or state certification ID number
* Officer’s full name
* Officer’s date of birth or, if not releasable, year of birth or current age
* Officer’s city and/or zip code of residence
* Officer’s last/current department or agency
* Officer’s last/current department or agency start date
* Officer’s last/current position and/or rank at that department or agency
* Officer’s previous departments/agencies (employment history), with start and end dates
* Officer’s positions and/or ranks at previous departments or agencies
* Officer’s original date of certification
* Current status of certification (active, lapsed, expired, suspended, etc.)
* Last action taken on certification
* Date of last action on certification
* Disciplinary actions taken against this officer’s certification
* Dates of disciplinary actions taken against this officer’s certification
* Training history/additional certifications of this officer, if available

Data elements for decertified officers:
* Officer unique ID number
* POST ID number
* Officer’s full name
* Officer’s date of birth or, if not releasable, year of birth or current age
* Officer’s city and/or zip code of residence.
* Officer’s last department/agency, with start and end date
* Officer’s last position and/or rank at that department or agency
* Decertification action taken (revocation, suspension, voluntary surrender, etc.)
* Date decertification action taken
* POST case number, if applicable
* Reason for decertification or similar action

If your certification system contains data elements not listed above, please include them in the response, provided they are releasable under the law. On the other hand, we recognize some of the information we are asking for may not be tracked by your system. If that is the case, we are willing to accept as many of the data elements as your agency maintains. If some records are more readily available, we are happy to receive partial information as soon as possible while the remaining request is processed.

In addition to the data elements listed, we request documentation necessary to understand and interpret the data, including but not limited to record layouts, data dictionaries, code sheets, lookup tables, etc.

Our preference is to receive structured data provided in a machine-readable text file, such as delimited or fixed-width formats. We can also handle a variety of other data formats including SQL databases, Excel workbooks and MS Access. If there are additional formats your agency would prefer to provide, please let us know.

We are seeking this information as a news media organization on a matter of public interest concerning the conduct of government. As such, we ask for a waiver of all fees, if allowed under state law. If fees are necessary to reimburse the agency for actual costs, we agree to pay up to $100. If costs exceed that amount, please let us know before fulfilling the request.

Please send clarifications and questions via electronic communication at any time. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this request.

John Kelly
ABC News and ABC Owned Television Stations

From: Mississippi Department of Public Safety

Mr. Kelly,

Please be advised that the information you requested does not constitute a data field maintained as a regularly kept business record by the MS Dept. of Public Safety or the MS Board of Standards and Training. As such, your request does not constitute an “identifiable record” maintained by the MDPS under the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983. (See R-14-001 Miller v. Rankin County School District and R-14-034 Ellis v. Rankin County School District). Furthermore, the MDPS has no duty to create such a record under the law. (See MS AG Op., Robertson (October 13, 2006), 2006 WL 3824125). Therefore, the MDPS cannot provide information responsive to your request.

We are looking into what information is kept in an electronic format, and we expect to have a response regarding that information on or before close of business next Friday, January 20, 2023.

If you wish to appeal this response to your request, please email MS Dept. of Public Safety Attorney Jordan McMichael, JMcMichael@dps.ms.gov<mailto:JMcMichael@dps.ms.gov>, who is copied on this email for your convenience.

R.E. Wentworth
Public Records Administrator
MS Dept. of Public Safety, Legal Dept.

From: Mississippi Department of Public Safety

Mr. Kelly,

We have located a basic roster list we maintain. The roster is in excel format and includes:

* First name
* Last name
* Agency
* Type of Agency
* Status (full-time/part-time)
* Date of Hire
* Date of Termination
* LEO Certificate Number

The roster may be redacted pending legal review for release. LEO personnel working in an undercover manner may have to have their personal identifying information removed/redacted.

Please see the attached invoice regarding your request. The invoice displays the process for submitting payment and receiving the information we have responsive to your request.

This email concludes this request, pending satisfaction of the attached invoice.

R.E. Wentworth
Public Records Administrator
MS Dept. of Public Safety, Legal Dept.

From: John Kelly

Thank you for your response thus far.

Before we proceed, I wanted to clarify whether the file you're proposing sending includes any field that indicates if an officer has lost certification, and ideally the reason for the change in certification.

If that's not part of this file, is there an additional file that does contain that information. If it would be easiest to discuss this in a short call, please feel free to reach out to me at 321-537-6898.

I just want to clarify whether decertification information is included or not because that was part of this request and certainly the state keeps this information in the same, or a separate, data file that would be responsive to this request.

Thank you,

John Kelly

From: John Kelly

I am following up on the request below related to the data release and invoice you sent.
Can you please clarify whether the file you're proposing releasing in response to this request includes any field that indicates whether the officer in question has lost certification, the data and/or the reason for losing certification?
If you have questions about the request that could be addressed better in a short telephone conversation, I'm at 321-537-6898.

Thank you
John Kelly

Subject: RE: Mississippi Public Records Act Request: Mississippi police certification 2023-01-03
Thank you for your response thus far.

Before we proceed, I wanted to clarify whether the file you're proposing sending includes any field that indicates if an officer has lost certification, and ideally the reason for the change in certification.

If that's not part of this file, is there an additional file that does contain that information. If it would be easiest to discuss this in a short call, please feel free to reach out to me at 321-537-6898.

I just want to clarify whether decertification information is included or not because that was part of this request and certainly the state keeps this information in the same, or a separate, data file that would be responsive to this request.

Thank you,

John Kelly

From: Justin Mayo

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $105.17 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Department of Public Safety
Legal Dept
P.O. Box 958
Jackson, MS 39205

Amount of: $105.17
  • Created — 03/13/2023
  • In Transit — 03/16/2023
  • In Local Area — 03/19/2023
  • Processed For Delivery — 03/20/2023
  • Deposited — 03/31/2023