

135 Requests

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Alabama Fusion Center)

Emma Best sent this request to the Alabama Fusion Center of Alabama

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Alaska State Troopers)

Emma Best sent this request to the Alaska State Troopers of Alaska

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Atlanta Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Atlanta Police Department of Atlanta, GA

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Colorado State Patrol)

Emma Best sent this request to the Colorado State Patrol of Colorado

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Dallas Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Dallas Police Department of Dallas, TX

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Delaware State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Delaware State Police of Delaware

Awaiting Response

BlueLeaks (Denver Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Denver Police Department of Denver, CO

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Flint Police Dept.)

Emma Best sent this request to the Flint Police Dept. of Flint, MI

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Florida Highway Patrol)

Emma Best sent this request to the Florida Highway Patrol of Florida

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Honolulu Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Honolulu Police Department of Honolulu, HI

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Houston Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Houston Police Department of Houston, TX

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Idaho State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Idaho State Police of Idaho

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Indiana State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Indiana State Police of Indiana

Fix Required

BlueLeaks (Iowa Fusion Center)

Emma Best sent this request to the Iowa Fusion Center of Iowa

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Kentucky State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Kentucky State Police of Kentucky


BlueLeaks (Maine State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Maine State Police of Maine

Payment Required

BlueLeaks (Maryland State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Maryland State Police of Maryland

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Memphis Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Memphis Police Department of Memphis, TN

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Miami-Dade County Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Miami-Dade County Police of Miami-Dade County, FL

Payment Required

BlueLeaks (Miami Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Miami Police Department of Miami, FL

Payment Required

BlueLeaks (Michigan State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Michigan State Police of Michigan

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Minnesota Fusion Center)

Emma Best sent this request to the Minnesota Fusion Center of Minnesota

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Minnesota State Patrol)

Emma Best sent this request to the Minnesota State Patrol of Saint Paul, MN

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (New Hampshire State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the New Hampshire State Police of New Hampshire

No Responsive Documents

BlueLeaks (Novato Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Novato Police Department of Novato, CA

Payment Required

BlueLeaks (Oregon State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Oregon State Police of Oregon

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Pennsylvania State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Pennsylvania State Police of Pennsylvania

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Richland Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Richland Police Department of Richland, WA

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Tampa Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Tampa Police Department of Tampa, FL

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Tucson Police Department)

Emma Best sent this request to the Tucson Police Department of Tucson, AZ

Awaiting Acknowledgement

BlueLeaks (Vermont State Police)

Emma Best sent this request to the Vermont State Police of Vermont