Clone135 Requests
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Alabama Fusion Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Alabama Fusion Center of Alabama
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Alaska State Troopers)
Emma Best sent this request to the Alaska State Troopers of Alaska
BlueLeaks (Albuquerque Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Albuquerque Police Department of Albuquerque, NM
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Department of Public Safety of Arizona
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Atlanta Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Atlanta Police Department of Atlanta, GA
BlueLeaks (Austin Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Austin Police Department of Austin, TX
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Austin Regional Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Austin Regional Intelligence Center of Austin, TX
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Baltimore County Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Baltimore County Police Department of Baltimore County, MD
BlueLeaks (Baltimore Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Baltimore Police Department of Baltimore, MD
BlueLeaks (Boston Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Boston Police Department of Boston, MA
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC))
Emma Best sent this request to the Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC) of Boston, MA
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Broward County Sheriff)
Emma Best sent this request to the Broward County Sheriff of Broward County, FL
BlueLeaks (Burlingame Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Burlingame Police Department of Burlingame, CA
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (California Highway Patrol)
Emma Best sent this request to the California Highway Patrol of California
BlueLeaks (Central California Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Central California Intelligence Center of California
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department of Charlotte, NC
BlueLeaks (Chicago Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Chicago Police Department of Chicago, IL
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Cincinnati Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Cincinnati Police Department of Cincinnati, OH
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Cleveland Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Cleveland Police Department of Cleveland, OH
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Colorado Information Analysis Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Colorado Information Analysis Center of Colorado
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Colorado State Patrol)
Emma Best sent this request to the Colorado State Patrol of Colorado
BlueLeaks (Columbus Division of Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Columbus Division of Police of Columbus, OH
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Connecticut State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Connecticut State Police of Connecticut
BlueLeaks (Cook County Sheriff)
Emma Best sent this request to the Cook County Sheriff of Cook County, IL
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Dallas Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Dallas Police Department of Dallas, TX
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (DeKalb County Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the DeKalb County Police Department of Dekalb County, GA
BlueLeaks (Delaware Information Analysis Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Delaware Information Analysis Center of Delaware
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Delaware State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Delaware State Police of Delaware
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Denver Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Denver Police Department of Denver, CO
Partially Completed
BlueLeaks (Department of Homeland Security)
Emma Best sent this request to the Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Department Of Homeland Security Cisa (cybersecurity And Infrastructure Security Agency))
Emma Best sent this request to the Department Of Homeland Security Cisa (cybersecurity And Infrastructure Security Agency) of the United States of America
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence & Analysis)
Emma Best sent this request to the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence & Analysis of the United States of America
Partially Completed
BlueLeaks (Department of Public Safety)
Emma Best sent this request to the Department of Public Safety of Sunnyvale, CA
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Detroit Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Detroit Police Department of Detroit, MI
BlueLeaks (El Paso Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the El Paso Police Department of El Paso, TX
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Fairfax County Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Fairfax County Police Department of Fairfax County, VA
BlueLeaks (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Emma Best sent this request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Flint Police Dept.)
Emma Best sent this request to the Flint Police Dept. of Flint, MI
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Florida Highway Patrol)
Emma Best sent this request to the Florida Highway Patrol of Florida
BlueLeaks (Fort Worth Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Fort Worth Police Department of Fort Worth, TX
BlueLeaks (Foster City Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Foster City Police Department of Foster City, CA
In Litigation
BlueLeaks (Harris County Sheriff)
Emma Best sent this request to the Harris County Sheriff of Harris County, TX
BlueLeaks (Hayward Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Hayward Police Department of Hayward, CA
BlueLeaks (Hennepin County Sheriff's Office)
Emma Best sent this request to the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office of Hennepin County, MN
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Honolulu Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Honolulu Police Department of Honolulu, HI
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Houston Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Houston Police Department of Houston, TX
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Houston Regional Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Houston Regional Intelligence Center of the United States of America
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Idaho State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Idaho State Police of Idaho
BlueLeaks (Illinois State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Illinois State Police of Illinois
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department of Indianapolis, IN
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Indiana State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Indiana State Police of Indiana
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Iowa Fusion Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Iowa Fusion Center of Iowa
BlueLeaks (Jacksonville Sheriff's Office)
Emma Best sent this request to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office of Jacksonville, FL
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Jefferson County Sheriff)
Emma Best sent this request to the Jefferson County Sheriff of Louisville-Jefferson County, KY
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Joint Regional Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Joint Regional Intelligence Center of California
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Kansas City Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Kansas City Police Department of Kansas City, MO
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Kentucky State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Kentucky State Police of Kentucky
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department of Las Vegas, NV
BlueLeaks (Los Altos Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Los Altos Police Department of Los Altos, CA
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department of Los Angeles County, CA
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center of Los Angeles County, CA
BlueLeaks (Los Angeles Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Los Angeles Police Department of Los Angeles, CA
BlueLeaks (Louisiana State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Louisiana State Police of Louisiana
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Maine Information and Analysis Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Maine Information and Analysis Center of Maine
BlueLeaks (Maine State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Maine State Police of Maine
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Maryland State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Maryland State Police of Maryland
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Massachusetts State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Massachusetts State Police of Massachusetts
BlueLeaks (Memorial Villages Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Memorial Villages Police Department of Houston, TX
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Memphis Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Memphis Police Department of Memphis, TN
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Metropolitan Nashville Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department of Nashville, TN
BlueLeaks (Metropolitan Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, DC
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Miami-Dade County Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Miami-Dade County Police of Miami-Dade County, FL
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Miami Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Miami Police Department of Miami, FL
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Michigan State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Michigan State Police of Michigan
BlueLeaks (Milwaukee Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Milwaukee Police Department of Milwaukee, WI
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Minnesota Fusion Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Minnesota Fusion Center of Minnesota
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Minnesota State Patrol)
Emma Best sent this request to the Minnesota State Patrol of Saint Paul, MN
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Missouri Information Analysis Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Missouri Information Analysis Center of Missouri
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Montgomery County Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Montgomery County Police Department of Montgomery County, MD
BlueLeaks (Mountain View Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Mountain View Police Department of Mountain View, CA
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Nassau County Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Nassau County Police Department of Nassau County, NY
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center of the United States of America
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (National Security Agency)
Emma Best sent this request to the National Security Agency of the United States of America
BlueLeaks (Nevada Threat Analysis Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Nevada Threat Analysis Center of Nevada
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Newark Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Newark Police Department of Newark, NJ
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center of New Hampshire
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (New Hampshire State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the New Hampshire State Police of New Hampshire
BlueLeaks (New Jersey State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the New Jersey State Police of New Jersey
BlueLeaks (New Mexico State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the New Mexico State Police of New Mexico
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (New Orleans Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the New Orleans Police Department of New Orleans, LA
BlueLeaks (New York City Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the New York City Police Department of New York City, NY
BlueLeaks (New York State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the New York State Police of New York
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (North Carolina State Highway Patrol)
Emma Best sent this request to the North Carolina State Highway Patrol of North Carolina
BlueLeaks (North Dakota State & Local Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the North Dakota State & Local Intelligence Center of North Dakota
BlueLeaks (Northern California Regional Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center of California
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Novato Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Novato Police Department of Novato, CA
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Oakland County Sheriff's Office)
Emma Best sent this request to the Oakland County Sheriff's Office of Oakland County, MI
BlueLeaks (Office of Emergency Services)
Emma Best sent this request to the Office of Emergency Services of California
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Office of the Director of National Intelligence)
Emma Best sent this request to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the United States of America
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Ohio State Highway Patrol)
Emma Best sent this request to the Ohio State Highway Patrol of Ohio
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Oklahoma City Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Oklahoma City Police Department of Oklahoma City, OK
BlueLeaks (Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center of California
BlueLeaks (Orange County Sheriff's Office)
Emma Best sent this request to the Orange County Sheriff's Office of Orange County, CA
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Oregon State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Oregon State Police of Oregon
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Pennsylvania State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Pennsylvania State Police of Pennsylvania
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Philadelphia Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Philadelphia Police Department of Philadelphia, PA
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (Philadelphia Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Philadelphia Police Department of Philadelphia, PA
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Phoenix Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Phoenix Police Department of Phoenix, AZ
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (Prince George's County Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Prince George's County Police Department of Prince George's County, MD
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Rhode Island State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Rhode Island State Police of Rhode Island
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Richland Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Richland Police Department of Richland, WA
BlueLeaks (Riverside County Sheriff)
Emma Best sent this request to the Riverside County Sheriff of Riverside, CA
BlueLeaks (San Antonio Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the San Antonio Police Department of San Antonio, TX
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (San Bernardino County Sheriff)
Emma Best sent this request to the San Bernardino County Sheriff of San Bernardino County, CA
BlueLeaks (San Diego Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the San Diego Police Department of San Diego, CA
BlueLeaks (San Francisco Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the San Francisco Police Department of San Francisco, CA
BlueLeaks (San Jose Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the San Jose Police Department of San Jose, CA
BlueLeaks (Seattle Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Seattle Police Department of Seattle, WA
No Responsive Documents
BlueLeaks (South Carolina Intelligence and Information Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the South Carolina Intelligence and Information Center of South Carolina
BlueLeaks (South Dakota Fusion Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the South Dakota Fusion Center of South Dakota
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center of Nevada
Awaiting Appeal
BlueLeaks (Statewide Information & Analysis Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Statewide Information & Analysis Center of Utah
BlueLeaks (St. Louis Fusion Center: Terrorism Early Warning Group)
Emma Best sent this request to the St. Louis Fusion Center: Terrorism Early Warning Group of Missouri
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department of St. Louis, MO
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (Suffolk County Sheriff's Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Suffolk County Sheriff's Department of Suffolk County, MA
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Tampa Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Tampa Police Department of Tampa, FL
Awaiting Response
BlueLeaks (Texas Department of Public Safety)
Emma Best sent this request to the Texas Department of Public Safety of Texas
BlueLeaks (Texas Joint Crime Information Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Texas Joint Crime Information Center of Texas
Fix Required
BlueLeaks (The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey)
Emma Best sent this request to the The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey of New York City, NY
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Tucson Police Department)
Emma Best sent this request to the Tucson Police Department of Tucson, AZ
BlueLeaks (University Of New Mexico)
Emma Best sent this request to the University Of New Mexico of New Mexico
Awaiting Acknowledgement
BlueLeaks (Vermont State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Vermont State Police of Vermont
BlueLeaks (Virginia State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the Virginia State Police of Virginia
Payment Required
BlueLeaks (West Virginia State Police)
Emma Best sent this request to the West Virginia State Police of West Virginia
BlueLeaks (Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center)
Emma Best sent this request to the Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center of Wisconsin