BOP contracts/MOUs re: Moshannon Valley Correctional Center

Beryl Lipton filed this request with the Bureau of Prisons of the United States of America.
Est. Completion None

From: Beryl Lipton

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:

All contracts (and their amendments) and memorandums of understanding entered into by the Federal Bureau of Prisons for services and activities related to the Moshannon Valley Correctional Center (CI Moshannon Valley) []

I also request that, if appropriate, fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest. The requested documents will be made available to the general public free of charge as part of the public information service at, processed by a representative of the news media/press and is made in the process of news gathering and not for commercial usage.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl C.D. Lipton

From: OGC Electronic Freedom of Information

Your request for information has been received. Please read this automatic reply carefully as this may be the only response you receive from this office.

If your request involves:

Inmate Records:

Inmate register numbers, age, race, sex, projected release date and location, or date released can be found on the BOP website via the Inmate Locator at:

The website contains information on the current prison population and on inmates released from 1982 - present. If your request is for information available on the website, this is the only response you will receive. If you are unable to access the information via the website you may resubmit your request, however, please specify that you were unable to obtain the information from the website. In order that we may continue to provide needed information in a quick and efficient manner, please also indicate why you could not obtain the information from the site.

Additionally, the database we use in our office to search for inmate information is the same database used on our website. If your search results in "NO RECORD FOUND," there is no further search our office can conduct that will provide a different response.

If you are requesting information that is not available via the Inmate Locator, (Inmate register numbers, age, race, sex, projected release date and location, or date released) please be advised that an original release Authorization from that person that is either notarized or contains a penalty of perjury statement is required. For your convenience, you may use form DOJ-361, which can be found on the BOP website for a release authorization. This request must be submitted in writing to:

FOIA/PA Office
320 First Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20534

If you believe you are entitled to the information you seek without authorization from the subject of the record, you should reply to this email, and indicate that you wish us to process your request as is, without authorization. You will need to explain why you are entitled to the information without an authorization. Absent a legally sufficient reason for releasing the records without consent, your request will be denied and appeal rights will be given. Otherwise, this is the only response you will receive to such requests until a written request is submitted.

Requests for records maintained on non-inmate persons:

Requests for information on an individual cannot be processed without a current, original release Authorization from that person that is either notarized or contains a penalty of perjury statement. For your convenience, you may use form DOJ-361, which can be found on the BOP website for a release authorization. This request must be submitted in writing to:

FOIA/PA Office
320 First Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20534

If you believe you are entitled to the information you seek without authorization from the subject of the record, you should reply to this text and indicate that you wish us to process your request as is, without authorization. Otherwise, this is the only response you will receive to such requests until a written request is submitted.

Requests for information not related to an individual:

All other requests will be processed and a response forwarded as soon as possible.

BOP's FOIA Service Center:

You may check the status of a request by contacting the BOP's FOIA Service Center (FSC) at 202.616.7750. Please note that this service is available only to requesters seeking information concerning the status of a submitted FOIA request.

From: Raymond, Sandy

Please see attached response to your recent FOIA requests.

From: Raymond, Sandy

Please see attached amended acknowledgment letter with appeal rights.

February 9, 2015

Beryl Lipton
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 15924, 15931,15948,15951,15954,15956,15962
P.O. Box 55819
Boston, MA 02205-5819

Dear Mr. Lipton:

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is in receipt of your Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act (FOIA) requests. Based upon your multiple requests for similar matters, we aggregated these requests. Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 16.11(h), requests made within a 30-day period will be aggregated and treated as one request for the purpose of assessing fees. Your requests have been assigned a number and forwarded to the processing office noted below. Please make a note of the request number and processing office as you will need to include it in any correspondence or inquiry regarding your requests.

FOIA/PA Request Number: 2015-02848
Processing Office: Central Office (CO)
Request Summary: All contracts, their amendments, and memorandums of understanding entered into by the Federal Bureau of Prisons for services and activities related to FCI Big Spring, D. Ray James Correctional Facility, Moshannon Velley Correctional Institution , Reeves County Detention Complex (R1 & R2), Reeves County Detention Complex (R3), Rivers Correctional Institution, and Val Verde Correctional Facility.

You may appeal the decision to aggregate your requests to the Office of Information Policy, United States Department of Justice, 1425 New York Ave., Suite 11050, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001. This written appeal must be received by the Office of Information Policy (OIP) within 60 days from the date of this letter. Both the appeal letter and face of the envelope should be marked "Freedom of Information Act Appeal.”

Due to the large number of requests received by the Bureau of Prisons for disclosure of records pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, and due to the limited resources available to process such requests, the Bureau of Prisons has adopted a firstin/firstout practice of processing all incoming requests. Your request has been placed in chronological order based on the date of receipt and will be handled as expeditiously as possible when it is assigned for processing. While most requests can be processed within 20 working days, exceptions may exist.

We have examined your request and have determined the two following unusual circumstances apply to your request:

• The need to search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishments that are separate from the office processing the request.
• The need to search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records which are demanded in a single request.

As a result, the amount of time necessary to respond to your request will increase by an estimated thirty days. Once responsive documents have been collected, we will process your request in the order that it was received.

You may modify your request by limiting the scope of the request so that it may be processed within the statutory time frame.

Unless you indicated otherwise, by submission of your request, you have agreed to pay fees up to $25.00, as stated in 28 C.F.R. 16.3(c). Please note that pursuant to 28 C.F.R. 16.11, we are required to charge fees for time spent searching for or duplicating responsive documents. If we anticipate that your fees will be in excess of $25.00 or the amount you indicated you are willing to pay, we will notify you of the estimated amount. At that time, you will have the option of modifying your requests to reduce fees.

If you have questions regarding the status of your request, you may contact the CO at 202-616-7750. You can also check the status of your request on line at

  • Amended Acknowledgment letter w appeal rights - 2015-02848