Central Kitsap School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2010 - 2021

PRA Audit filed this request with the Central Kitsap School District of Washington.

It is a clone of this request.


From: PRA Audit

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Central Kitsap School District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.

In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.

If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.

For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).

I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.

I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.


The requested documents will be made available to the general public.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


PRA Audit


Dear "PRA Audit" Requester,

Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520, this letter is to acknowledge receipt of the public records request you submitted to the Central Kitsap School District ("District") on November 7, 2021, via the District's electronic public records request form. Specifically, you requested the following records:

I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Central Kitsap School District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.

You also requested that these records be provided to you in native electronic format. The District interprets that to mean that you would like the native format of the records as they were provided to each requester. Please let us know as soon as possible if this is not a correct interpretation of your request for records in native format. Please also be aware that in some instances it may not be possible to provide records in native format if additional redactions must be made to the records before they are provided to you.

Further, the records retention period for public records requests is two years, so the District does not have copies of all requests and responses dating back to January 1, 2010. However, the District will be sure to provide you with all responsive records currently in our possession.

Because of the broad nature of your request, please understand that it will take the District a significant amount of time to fill the request. If you would like to narrow the scope of your request so that we may provide you with the records you are seeking in a more expeditious manner, you are always welcome to do so.

The District currently estimates it will be able to provide you with all records responsive to this request by March 31, 2022, with an estimated date of December 17, 2021, for an initial installment of records. This estimated date will allow sufficient time for the District to conduct a search for all responsive records, review the records for information that is exempt for disclosure under the Public Records Act, apply any necessary redactions, and produce an exemption log to explain any redactions made to the records.

Although these records were previously provided to requesters in response to public records requests, they will all have to be reviewed for student information that is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and other applicable exemptions related to both students and employees, as many of the records requests responsive to your request were made by families of students or District employees themselves.

Please understand that the above estimated date of completion is an estimate, and may be subject to change depending on a variety of factors, including the volume of records that are responsive to this request. If we require additional time to provide you with records responsive to your request, we will be sure to notify you in writing.

The District will contact you with an initial estimate of any applicable costs for the first installment of records before providing you with that installment, and will also provide you with a total estimate of the costs for the entire request when we are able.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
Follow Us! [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> [twitter] <https://twitter.com/CentralKitsap>

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good Afternoon,

I am writing to provide an update to our initial estimate for production.

We now estimate full production by May 27, 2022.

Call or email me if any questions.


Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: PRA Audit


101 Days ago on 4-26-22 we received an email from you stating:

'From: Central Kitsap School District
04/26/2022 Email
Good Afternoon,
I am writing to provide an update to our initial estimate for production.
We now estimate full production by May 27, 2022."

May 27, 2022 was 39 days ago and no records have been produced.

Please explain.

Thank you.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Hello and thanks for the follow-up. I apologize for the delay. Things are taking longer than usual or expected. I provide a new estimated completion date of August 31, 2022. Installments will be uploaded in the meantime.


Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District


I clicked your link below but don't see where to upload records. Are there some step-by-step instructions somewhere that you can point me to for uploading?

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: PRA Audit

Records delivery was requested via EMAIL, cloud based internet link or US MAIL. Thank you

From: PRA Audit

VIA EMAIL: CherylPo@ckschools.org.

To Whom It May Concern:

It has been over 1 year and your agency has not produced a single requested public record. Do you intend to produce any records, and if so when?

Thank you.

From: PRA Audit

VIA EMAIL: ErinP@ckschools.org

Subject: RE: Washington Public Records Act Request: Central Kitsap School District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2010 - 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

It has been over 1 year and your agency has not produced a single requested public record. Do you intend to produce any records, and if so when?

Thank you.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good Afternoon,

I am going to send an installment to you today and will continue to send installments until complete. You had asked earlier that we let you know an estimate of final cost. The actual amount cannot be determined ahead of time. However many of the records are native electronic files that won’t require printing or scanning. With that, overall estimate is under $300. We will invoice you as production costs equal $5.00 or more.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

The second one with subject line 3 of ? is actually number 4 of 5. Here 5 of 5 on this request.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

From: Portier Cheryl - ADMIN <CherylPo@ckschools.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 9:23 AM
To: Gillies Julie - FMS <JulieG@ckschools.org>
Cc: Portier Cheryl - ADMIN <CherylPo@ckschools.org>
Subject: RE: School Board 6505P

Sure thing. Here you are.

Cheryl Portier
Central Kitsap School District

From: Gillies Julie - FMS <JulieG@ckschools.org<mailto:JulieG@ckschools.org>>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 8:53 AM
To: Portier Cheryl - ADMIN <CherylPo@ckschools.org<mailto:CherylPo@ckschools.org>>
Subject: School Board 6505P

Good Morning Cheryl,

Can you provide me a copy of CKSD School Board Procedure 6505P that was revised on January 30, 2015? Not the current one that was revised on March 13, 2019.

Thanks, Julie

From: Central Kitsap School District

There were a few emails that needed to be pulled out of the produced documents because they contained student names requiring redaction. These were not originally redacted since there were produced to the teachers. One email contained a login password requiring redaction.

Basis for redaction

1. Student name, or student number, or student DOB, or student address, parent/guardian name, parent/guardian phone number, parent/guardian email exempt from disclosure under RCW 42.56.050(1)(2); 42.56.230(1)(2) and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b)(1); 34 CFR 99.3 and 99.30.
2. RCW 42.56.420 - Security. (4) Information regarding the public and private infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications networks, consisting of security passwords, security access codes and programs, access codes for secure software applications, security and service recovery plans, security risk assessments, and security test results to the extent that they identify specific system vulnerabilities, and other such information

I will send you additional installments next week.

Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
Follow Us! [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> [twitter] <https://twitter.com/CentralKitsap>

From: Central Kitsap School District

I will have another Thursday next week.

Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
Follow Us! [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> [twitter] <https://twitter.com/CentralKitsap>

From: PRA Audit


"I will have another Thursday next week."


today is wednesday.

From: PRA Audit

Looking forward to it.

From: Central Kitsap School District


My office has been closed the last two days due to snow. I have access to email, but little else. If conditions improve enough for me to go in tomorrow, you installment will be produced then. By Friday, I have more confidence that I can make it in. Will keep you informed.

From: PRA Audit


"I will have another Thursday next week."


today is wednesday.


"My office has been closed the last two days due to snow. I have access to email, but little else. If conditions improve enough for me to go in tomorrow, you installment will be produced then. By Friday, I have more confidence that I can make it in. Will keep you informed."

Welcome to a BRAND NEW YEAR.


When can we expect an installment of records?

Thank you.

From: PRA Audit


"I will have another Thursday next week."


today is wednesday.


"My office has been closed the last two days due to snow. I have access to email, but little else. If conditions improve enough for me to go in tomorrow, you installment will be produced then. By Friday, I have more confidence that I can make it in. Will keep you informed."

Welcome to a BRAND NEW YEAR.


When can we expect an installment of records?

Thank you.


STILL NO RESPONSE... When can we expect the records you claimed you were going to provide back in December 2022?

From: Central Kitsap School District

I have sent you 15 productions since December 2022 with another one planned for today. Have you gotten none of them?

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

Attached is today’s installment. I’ll have another next Friday, January 27.

In the image below of emails sent to you, the ones with attachments are the installments I have sent since December. Please confirm whether or not you have received these. If you are not getting my emails, let me know how you’d like to get this some other way.


Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

I'm sending this again without the attachments in case the problem is the attachments.
Please see question below on previous installments.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: PRA Audit


to: CherylPo@ckschools.org

We have received nothing since 12-06-22.

From: Central Kitsap School District

I have sent everything so far to this email address as you requested.

Since it appears that you are not receiving them in the manner you requested, let me know how you would like to receive the ones you are missing and future installments.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: PRA Audit


to: CherylPo@ckschools.org

"I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM."

Dropbox, Google Drive, any public file sharing site works as well.

Thank you.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Ok. Sounds good. I’ll start loading the installments onto CDs and mail.
Mail to the address below?

For mailed responses, please address (see note):
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120969
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: PRA Audit


to: CherylPo@ckschools.org

Yes thank you.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good afternoon,

I am mailing another installment to you today. According to tracking, you received the last installment on February 6. Please let me know if you did not receive it, or if you have difficulty opening any of the files on the disk (assuming receipt).

We have reached our minimum threshold for payment now. I’ll work with our accounting department and send an invoice next week.

The next few installments require redaction. I expect to have at least one ready for you next Friday, February 17, 2023.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Muckrock Staff

Hello Cheryl,

Thank you so much for your assistance and excellent communication with regard to this request. We truly appreciate it! Please know that our mail support is currently looking for the mail you sent out earlier this month. Do you have a tracking number for them to reference?

Thank You,

MuckRock Staff

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good morning and thank you!

Here are the images from the receipts of last Friday’s mailing and the Friday before last’s mailing showing the tracking numbers. Looks like you should be getting mailing number 2 today.

[A piece of paper with writing on it Description automatically generated with medium confidence]

[Text, letter Description automatically generated]

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to assist.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District


I am sending another installment today, one went out last Friday as well. Hoping they’ve all reached you ok. Another installment will be mailed Friday March 3.

Also, I am still working in several requests that require additional redaction before they may be released to you. In the meantime, am sending you requests that do not require that work to keep things moving.

Have a nice weekend.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District


I apologize that I have been unable to get an installment out to you last week or this week.

I shall have one for you next Friday.

Have a good weekend.


Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
Follow Us! [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> [twitter] <https://twitter.com/CentralKitsap>

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District


I am sending an installment today and will have another for you next week.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Hello, an installment is being mailed to you today. Another by Friday next week.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District


This was a short week for me so I was not able to prepare an installment for you today.

Will have one for next Friday.

Have a nice weekend.


Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
Follow Us! [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> [twitter] <https://twitter.com/CentralKitsap>

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District


An installment is being mailed to you today. Another next Friday.

Have a good weekend.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org
Did you know that April is records and information management month? How exciting!
Click the image below for a short, fun story about the importance of records management.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District


I had sent you an installment week before last. I expect to have another installment to you on May 12. I apologize for the delay!


Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
Follow Us! [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> [twitter] <https://twitter.com/CentralKitsap>

From: Central Kitsap School District

A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.

From: PRA Audit


Is this request now closed? Have all requested records been produced?


From: Central Kitsap School District

Good afternoon,

No, definitely not closed. I will be sending another installment to you in today’s mail. Have you received the mailed installments I’ve sent last couple of months?

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: PRA Audit


Yes we received 2 installments in April, 3 in march, and more in February.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A first set of responsive documents from the agency, with more to be sent at a specified date.

From: PRA Audit


via email to "Portier Cheryl - JW" <CherylPo@ckschools.org>


Is this request now closed? Have all requested records been produced?


From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good Afternoon,

I estimate I have about 10 more installments to get to you. Given current pace, I estimate completion of this request at the end of August 2023.

Since our last update on this, you should have received 1 installment in May with three different requests on it and 2 so far for June.

I am sending you another installment today with two different requests on it.

Call or email anytime if any questions.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: Central Kitsap School District


I apologize for this delay in response to the August 31 estimate.

I am writing to provide a new estimate of next installment on October 6, 2023. With estimated production complete by end of November 2023.

Again, sincerely apologize for these delays.


Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
Follow Us! [facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> [twitter] <https://twitter.com/CentralKitsap>

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good afternoon,

Apologies for the amount of time this is taking!

I am writing to let you know I estimate your next installment will be ready by April 17 and estimate full production on all remaining records by June 30, 2024.

Please call or email me anytime if any questions.

Cheryl Portier
Phone: (360) 662-1616
Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org

From: PRA Audit


via email to Cheryl Portier cherylpo@ckschools.org

Is this request now closed?

Have all responsive public records been produced?

Thank you.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good afternoon,

Not closed. I’m still working on this. Sincerely apologize for the delay. I will have a production for you next week along with an updated estimate for completion.

We are close.

Have a good weekend.


Cheryl Portier – Operations - 360-662-1616

Our Vision-A vibrant and inclusive learning community where all students find their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our Mission-Provide a high-quality Pre-K through 12th grade education to ensure all students graduate college and career ready.
Our Core Values-Keeping our core values at the forefront helps us focus our priorities.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good afternoon,

Next installment will be sent on September 13. Estimated completion by October 4.
Apologies for the delay.


Cheryl Portier – Operations - 360-662-1616

Our Vision-A vibrant and inclusive learning community where all students find their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our Mission-Provide a high-quality Pre-K through 12th grade education to ensure all students graduate college and career ready.
Our Core Values-Keeping our core values at the forefront helps us focus our priorities.

From: PRA Audit


via email to CherylPo@ckschools.org


Please provide a detailed status update as to when a next installment of records will be produced for this Public Records request.

It has now been over 15 months with no production of any records whatsoever.

06-16-2023 you gave an estimate of completion of this request as August 2023.

On 09-15-2023 you gave a new estimate of a next installment as 10-06-2023.

On 03-12-2024 you gave a new estimate of a next installment as 06-30-2024.

On 09-03-2024 you gave a new estimate of a next installment as 09-13-2024.

No installment of responsive public records has been received.

WAC 44-06-085
Response to Public Records Act requests.

2(b) Reasonable estimate of time or costs. The office will provide an estimate of the time required to respond to the request, and may provide an estimate of copying costs pursuant to a specific request seeking an estimate of cost. If the requestor believes the amount of time or estimated costs stated are not reasonable, the requestor may petition the public records officer for a formal review under WAC 44-06-120.

Please consider this communication CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE of intent to seek relief via RCW 42.56.550 - Judicial review of agency actions.




The lawful destruction of public records is governed by retention schedules. The unlawful destruction of public records can be a crime. RCW 40.16.010 and 40.16.020. An agency is prohibited from destroying a public record, even if it is about to be lawfully destroyed under a retention schedule, if a public records request has been made for that record. RCW 42.56.100. Additional retention requirements might apply if the records may be relevant to actual or anticipated litigation. The agency is required to retain the record until the record request has been resolved.

Note: An agency can be found to violate the Public Records Act and be subject to the attorneys' fees and penalty provision if it prematurely destroys a requested record after a request is made. See Yacobellis v. City of Bellingham, 55 Wn. App. 706, 780 P.2d 272 (1989). However, it is not a violation of the Public Records Act if a record is destroyed prior to an agency's receipt of a public records request for that record. Bldg. Indus. Ass'n of Wash. v. McCarthy, 152 Wn. App. 720, 218 P.3d 196 (2009); West v. Dep't of
Nat. Res., 163 Wn. App. 238, 258 P.3d 78 (2011). The Public Records Act (chapter 42.56 RCW) and the records retention statutes (chapter 40.14 RCW) are two different laws.



From: Central Kitsap School District


I am truly ashamed at the amount of time this has taken.

I will re-mail the missing installment from last week this afternoon.

There are 10 more requests to go here. This is my primary focus this week to finish completely.


Cheryl Portier – Operations - 360-662-1616

Our Vision-A vibrant and inclusive learning community where all students find their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our Mission-Provide a high-quality Pre-K through 12th grade education to ensure all students graduate college and career ready.
Our Core Values-Keeping our core values at the forefront helps us focus our priorities.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good afternoon,

By now, you should have received the last installment.

Over the course of the request, I show I sent the following:

Adam Case
Jodi Weaver
Student Name Redacted
Julie Gillies
Brittany wax
Kendra Tappe
Cheryl Sanlin
CKMS pickup/USAA Video
Paula Smith
Larry Mann
Luke Byran
Jamie Lund
Abrahim Alaydie (x2)
Allyson Wallis
Amanda Beyer
Barbara Schultz
Brian Lane
Cheryl Sanlin (x2)
Courtney Garth
Dave Freed
Ed Scholfield
Eric Hood
Janie Jordan
Jason Skifstad
Jazmine Jeweline
Jeff Davidson
Jessica Ankar
Jessica Williamson
Joe Sutton
Karen Soule
Kristin Parr
Larry Mann
Rich Nestor
Ryan brooks
Steve Adams (x5)
Sophia Blamey (x3)
Cindy Stockwell
James Mitchell
Jose Castellano

Please let me know if any of the above are missing so I can re-send them.


Cheryl Portier - Administrative Assistant
Central Kitsap School District | Operations | P O Box 8, Silverdale, Wa., 98383
Phone: (360) 662-1616 | Fax: (360) 662-1611 | Email: cherylpo@ckschools.org<mailto:cherylpo@ckschools.org>
[facebook]<https://www.facebook.com/CentralKitsapSchoolDistrict> www.ckschools.org<http://www.ckschools.org>

From: PRA Audit


No, did not receive an installment of records. Last installment received 02/2023.

Did receive an email on 09-30-2024 which is attached.

From: Central Kitsap School District

I received your email stating you'd not received the last several installments. That's rather distressing as my tracking shows delivered. While I've not had success uploading to this site in the past, I'm going to try again here with three uploads as a test. Please let me know if received and if so, I'll re-upload everything here.

From: Central Kitsap School District

test 2

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Central Kitsap School District

test 3

From: Central Kitsap School District


I went into the portal on Tuesday and uploaded three installments to test and see if that worked. Did you get them? At the beginning of our process here, records I uploaded there were getting an error on my side, so we moved to US mail.

If the upload is working now, I’m going to upload there each of the installments previously sent by US mail just in case there are others you’ve not received.


Cheryl Portier – Operations - 360-662-1616

Our Vision-A vibrant and inclusive learning community where all students find their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our Mission-Provide a high-quality Pre-K through 12th grade education to ensure all students graduate college and career ready.
Our Core Values-Keeping our core values at the forefront helps us focus our priorities.

From: PRA Audit



Have all responsive public records been produced?

Thank you.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Janine Jordan

From: Central Kitsap School District

CKMS pickup

From: Central Kitsap School District

Alaydie 1

From: Central Kitsap School District

Alaydie 2

From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Central Kitsap School District


Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District

adams crt

From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District

adams covid

From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District

adams life skills

From: Central Kitsap School District

adams homecoming

From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District

mann janus

From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District


From: Central Kitsap School District

blamey emails

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Central Kitsap School District

Good afternoon,

I believe I’ve sent you everything. However after you let me know that you did not receive the most recent mailing(s?), I want to make sure you have it all. I’m going to load/re-load onto your website all of the records including all of the ones previously mailed due to the website not working for me, and that emailing wasn’t working for both of us consistently. While you haven’t said for sure whether or not the three records uploaded last time to test are showing up for you, I can only assume they are, as they do show as loaded successfully for me. Below is an image of all the records loaded today.

If you find anything is missing, please let me know.

Cheryl Portier – Operations - 360-662-1616

Our Vision-A vibrant and inclusive learning community where all students find their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our Mission-Provide a high-quality Pre-K through 12th grade education to ensure all students graduate college and career ready.
Our Core Values-Keeping our core values at the forefront helps us focus our priorities.

From: Central Kitsap School District

I’m going to load the entire set of records onto a flash drive and mail it to the address below.

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 120969
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
This will be in the mail to you tomorrow.


Cheryl Portier – Operations - 360-662-1616

Our Vision-A vibrant and inclusive learning community where all students find their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our Mission-Provide a high-quality Pre-K through 12th grade education to ensure all students graduate college and career ready.
Our Core Values-Keeping our core values at the forefront helps us focus our priorities.

From: Central Kitsap School District

Technical difficulties prevented my from sending this last Friday. It’s going to you today.


Cheryl Portier – Operations - 360-662-1616

Our Vision-A vibrant and inclusive learning community where all students find their passion and achieve their dreams.

Our Mission-Provide a high-quality Pre-K through 12th grade education to ensure all students graduate college and career ready.
Our Core Values-Keeping our core values at the forefront helps us focus our priorities.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Central Kitsap School District

A copy of documents responsive to the request.