Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.A.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17

Robert Hammond filed this request with the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of America.
Tracking #





From: Robert Hammond

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

(FYSA. FOIA Join the fight for FOIA compliance. FOIAcomplaince@gmail.com)

Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.B.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17

I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:

1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA Processing Logs.
a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No. 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:

We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text searching of FOIA logs.
To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
a) Tracking number of the request.
b) Date of the request.
c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters; the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the request.
e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
f) Subject matter of the request.
g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
i) Fee Information
a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial, educational, news
media, other).
b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
d. Amount of fees charged.
e. Amount of fees paid.
2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt release under the FOIA.
3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and estimated completion dates for them.


I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.

I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.

Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format, it must be released in that format upon request.

Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public.”

This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.

I am seeking expedited processing. In any denial of my request for expedited processing the Agency must state in detail how my request does not meet requirement and who, by name, was involved in the denial determination.
1. The subject is of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
a. The next and final FOIA Advisory Committee of the 2020 – 2022 Term is June 9, 2022, where this matter will be discussed. This is the final term of this committee
b. Based on records released regarding individualized tracking numbers, status and estimated completion dates of my FOIA requests and appeals, NARA is engaging in massive false FOIA reporting. There can be no dispute that such matters are the subject of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
c. Please refer further to my FOIA Public Comments regarding the March 29, 2022 Senate Oversight Committee FOIA Hearings, wherein DOJ OIP and NARA’s OGIS were slammed for lack of FOIA compliance oversight.
d. I plan to distribute information from this expedited FOIA request to members of the media and others via a vast distribution network.
e. I am an individual primarily engaged in dissemination of information via extensive email lists, blogs, coordination with Open Government Advocate Organizations and members of the media.

2. Information is urgently needed to inform the public concerning some actual or alleged government activity/malfeasance.
a. See paragraph 1 above incorporated fully herein..
b. I am recognized within to FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendation “OGIS 2.0: Reimagining FOIA Oversight” dated 05.04.2022 as an expert contributor “Robert (Bob) Hammond, Citizen FOIA Advocate.”
3. In any denial of expedited processing, NARA must repeat each paragraph and sub-paragraph above and state explicitly how my request does not meet the cited standards. A blanket statement without doing so lacks required content.

In any denial of my request for expedited processing, I am seeking that the Agency identify who, by name and email was consulted and that the Agency provide specific justification as to how my request stated herein does not qualify.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Robert Hammond

  • NARA_22-V.B.MUCK._NARA_FOIA_Request_and_Appeals_Case_Processing_Records_FY_17_xH8fAu5.pdf

From: National Archives and Records Administration

This message is to confirm your request submission to the FOIAonline application: View Request. Request information is as follows: (https://foiaonline.gov/foiaonline/action/public/submissionDetails?trackingNumber=NARA-NGC-2022-001251&type=request)

* Tracking Number: NARA-NGC-2022-001251
* Requester Name:
Robert Hammond
* Date Submitted: 05/31/2022
* Request Status: Submitted
* Description:
To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

(FYSA. FOIA Join the fight for FOIA compliance. FOIAcomplaince@gmail.com)

Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.B.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17

I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:

1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA Processing Logs.
a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No. 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:

We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text searching of FOIA logs.
To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
a) Tracking number of the request.
b) Date of the request.
c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters; the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the request.
e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
f) Subject matter of the request.
g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
i) Fee Information
a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial, educational, news
media, other).
b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
d. Amount of fees charged.
e. Amount of fees paid.
2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt release under the FOIA.
3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and estimated completion dates for them.


I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.

I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.

Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format, it must be released in that format upon request.

Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public.”

This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.

I am seeking expedited processing. In any denial of my request for expedited processing the Agency must state in detail how my request does not meet requirement and who, by name, was involved in the denial determination.
1. The subject is of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
a. The next and final FOIA Advisory Committee of the 2020 – 2022 Term is June 9, 2022, where this matter will be discussed. This is the final term of this committee
b. Based on records released regarding individualized tracking numbers, status and estimated completion dates of my FOIA requests and appeals, NARA is engaging in massive false FOIA reporting. There can be no dispute that such matters are the subject of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
c. Please refer further to my FOIA Public Comments regarding the March 29, 2022 Senate Oversight Committee FOIA Hearings, wherein DOJ OIP and NARA’s OGIS were slammed for lack of FOIA compliance oversight.
d. I plan to distribute information from this expedited FOIA request to members of the media and others via a vast distribution network.
e. I am an individual primarily engaged in dissemination of information via extensive email lists, blogs, coordination with Open Government Advocate Organizations and members of the media.

2. Information is urgently needed to inform the public concerning some actual or alleged government activity/malfeasance.
a. See paragraph 1 above incorporated fully herein..
b. I am recognized within to FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendation “OGIS 2.0: Reimagining FOIA Oversight” dated 05.04.2022 as an expert contributor “Robert (Bob) Hammond, Citizen FOIA Advocate.”
3. In any denial of expedited processing, NARA must repeat each paragraph and sub-paragraph above and state explicitly how my request does not meet the cited standards. A blanket statement without doing so lacks required content.

In any denial of my request for expedited processing, I am seeking that the Agency identify who, by name and email was consulted and that the Agency provide specific justification as to how my request stated herein does not qualify.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Robert Hammond


Upload documents directly: https://www.muckrock.com/

From: National Archives and Records Administration

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

Your FOIA request, dated May 31, 2022, was received by the National
Archives and Records Administration’s Office of General Counsel on the same
day via FOIAonline. We assigned your request tracking number NGC22-572.
Please provide this number in any future correspondence about your case.



From: National Archives and Records Administration

Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>

November 30, 2022

MuckRock News

DEPT MR 129370

263 Huntington Ave

Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated November 30, 2022 asking for a
status update for FOIAonline request NARA-NGC-2022-001251, internal
tracking number NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #416 in our complex FOIA
queue. Our estimated time to completion is 11 months from today. This is a
conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly through the queue.
If you do not receive a response within this estimated completion time,
please contact us again for a status update.

In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.


Ashley A. Bryan

Government Information Specialist

Office of General Counsel (NGC)

National Archives and Records Administration

8601 Adelphi Road

College Park, Maryland, 20740-6001


From: National Archives and Records Administration

Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>

December 30, 2022

Robert Hammond

MuckRock News

DEPT MR 129370

263 Huntington Ave

Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated December 30, 2022 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #416 in
our complex FOIA queue. Our estimated time to completion is 12 months from
today. This is a conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly
through the queue. If you do not receive a response within this estimated
completion time, please contact us again for a status update.

In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration



From: National Archives and Records Administration

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated December 30, 2022 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #413 in
our complex FOIA queue. Our estimated time to completion is 11 months from
today. This is a conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly
through the queue. If you do not receive a response within this estimated
completion time, please contact us again for a status update.

In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration



From: National Archives and Records Administration

Your FOIAonline user account for requests@muckrock.com will be deactivated in 5 days due to inactivity.

From: Robert Hammond

Do not ever deactivate my FOIAonline user account for requests@muckrock.com

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>

November 30, 2023

Robert Hammond

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 129370
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated November 27, 2023 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. A final decision letter
regarding NGC22-572 was sent to you on May 24, 2023. The status of this
case is closed.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration



From: Robert Hammond

I am seeking immediate written FOIA Public Liaison ( FPL) Dispute Resolution via Muckrock.com with NARA's FPL, Gary Stern, who is also NARA's Chief FOIA Officer and NARA's Appellate Authority. 'garym.stern@nara.gov'

NARA falsely states on November 30, 2023 that "A final decision letter regarding NGC22-572 was sent to you on May 24, 2023." There is no such final decision letter in Muckrock.com, which is where NARA is mandated to send such decision letter, thereby placing records into the public domain.

I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:

1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA Processing Logs.
a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No. 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:

We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text searching of FOIA logs.
To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
a) Tracking number of the request.
b) Date of the request.
c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters; the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the request.
e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
f) Subject matter of the request.
g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
i) Fee Information
a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial, educational, news
media, other).
b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
d. Amount of fees charged.
e. Amount of fees paid.
2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt release under the FOIA.
3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and estimated completion dates for them.


I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.

I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.

Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format, it must be released in that format upon request.

Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public.”

This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.

From: Robert Hammond

Expedited Appeal of Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.A.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17

NARA states it responded to this FOIA request on May 31, 2023 when there is no response in Muckrock.com as mandated.

From: Robert Hammond

Subject: Freedom of Information Act Request: Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.A.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

(FYSA. FOIA Join the fight for FOIA compliance. FOIAcomplaince@gmail.com)

Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.B.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17

I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:

1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA Processing Logs.
a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No. 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:

We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text searching of FOIA logs.
To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
a) Tracking number of the request.
b) Date of the request.
c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters; the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the request.
e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
f) Subject matter of the request.
g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
i) Fee Information
a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial, educational, news
media, other).
b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
d. Amount of fees charged.
e. Amount of fees paid.
2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt release under the FOIA.
3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and estimated completion dates for them.


I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.

I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.

Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format, it must be released in that format upon request.

Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public.”

This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.

I am seeking expedited processing. In any denial of my request for expedited processing the Agency must state in detail how my request does not meet requirement and who, by name, was involved in the denial determination.
1. The subject is of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
a. The next and final FOIA Advisory Committee of the 2020 – 2022 Term is June 9, 2022, where this matter will be discussed. This is the final term of this committee
b. Based on records released regarding individualized tracking numbers, status and estimated completion dates of my FOIA requests and appeals, NARA is engaging in massive false FOIA reporting. There can be no dispute that such matters are the subject of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
c. Please refer further to my FOIA Public Comments regarding the March 29, 2022 Senate Oversight Committee FOIA Hearings, wherein DOJ OIP and NARA’s OGIS were slammed for lack of FOIA compliance oversight.
d. I plan to distribute information from this expedited FOIA request to members of the media and others via a vast distribution network.
e. I am an individual primarily engaged in dissemination of information via extensive email lists, blogs, coordination with Open Government Advocate Organizations and members of the media.

2. Information is urgently needed to inform the public concerning some actual or alleged government activity/malfeasance.
a. See paragraph 1 above incorporated fully herein..
b. I am recognized within to FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendation “OGIS 2.0: Reimagining FOIA Oversight” dated 05.04.2022 as an expert contributor “Robert (Bob) Hammond, Citizen FOIA Advocate.”
3. In any denial of expedited processing, NARA must repeat each paragraph and sub-paragraph above and state explicitly how my request does not meet the cited standards. A blanket statement without doing so lacks required content.

In any denial of my request for expedited processing, I am seeking that the Agency identify who, by name and email was consulted and that the Agency provide specific justification as to how my request stated herein does not qualify.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Robert Hammond


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From: National Archives and Records Administration

Subject: FOIA Request NARA-NGC-2022-001251 Submitted

This message is to confirm your request submission to the FOIAonline application: View Request. Request information is as follows: (https://foiaonline.gov/foiaonline/action/public/submissionDetails?trackingNumber=NARA-NGC-2022-001251&type=request)

* Tracking Number: NARA-NGC-2022-001251
* Requester Name:
Robert Hammond
* Date Submitted: 05/31/2022
* Request Status: Submitted
* Description:
To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

(FYSA. FOIA Join the fight for FOIA compliance. FOIAcomplaince@gmail.com)

Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.B.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17

I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:

1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA Processing Logs.
a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No. 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:

We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text searching of FOIA logs.
To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
a) Tracking number of the request.
b) Date of the request.
c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters; the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the request.
e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
f) Subject matter of the request.
g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
i) Fee Information
a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial, educational, news
media, other).
b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
d. Amount of fees charged.
e. Amount of fees paid.
2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt release under the FOIA.
3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and estimated completion dates for them.


I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.

I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.

Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format, it must be released in that format upon request.

Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public.”

This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.

I am seeking expedited processing. In any denial of my request for expedited processing the Agency must state in detail how my request does not meet requirement and who, by name, was involved in the denial determination.
1. The subject is of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
a. The next and final FOIA Advisory Committee of the 2020 – 2022 Term is June 9, 2022, where this matter will be discussed. This is the final term of this committee
b. Based on records released regarding individualized tracking numbers, status and estimated completion dates of my FOIA requests and appeals, NARA is engaging in massive false FOIA reporting. There can be no dispute that such matters are the subject of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity that affect public confidence.
c. Please refer further to my FOIA Public Comments regarding the March 29, 2022 Senate Oversight Committee FOIA Hearings, wherein DOJ OIP and NARA’s OGIS were slammed for lack of FOIA compliance oversight.
d. I plan to distribute information from this expedited FOIA request to members of the media and others via a vast distribution network.
e. I am an individual primarily engaged in dissemination of information via extensive email lists, blogs, coordination with Open Government Advocate Organizations and members of the media.

2. Information is urgently needed to inform the public concerning some actual or alleged government activity/malfeasance.
a. See paragraph 1 above incorporated fully herein..
b. I am recognized within to FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendation “OGIS 2.0: Reimagining FOIA Oversight” dated 05.04.2022 as an expert contributor “Robert (Bob) Hammond, Citizen FOIA Advocate.”
3. In any denial of expedited processing, NARA must repeat each paragraph and sub-paragraph above and state explicitly how my request does not meet the cited standards. A blanket statement without doing so lacks required content.

In any denial of my request for expedited processing, I am seeking that the Agency identify who, by name and email was consulted and that the Agency provide specific justification as to how my request stated herein does not qualify.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business days, as the statute requires.


Robert Hammond


Upload documents directly: https://www.muckrock.com/

From: Muckrock Staff

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

Your FOIA request, dated May 31, 2022, was received by the National
Archives and Records Administration’s Office of General Counsel on the same
day via FOIAonline. We assigned your request tracking number NGC22-572.
Please provide this number in any future correspondence about your case.



From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251

Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>

November 30, 2022

MuckRock News

DEPT MR 129370

263 Huntington Ave

Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated November 30, 2022 asking for a
status update for FOIAonline request NARA-NGC-2022-001251, internal
tracking number NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #416 in our complex FOIA
queue. Our estimated time to completion is 11 months from today. This is a
conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly through the queue.
If you do not receive a response within this estimated completion time,
please contact us again for a status update.

In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.


Ashley A. Bryan

Government Information Specialist

Office of General Counsel (NGC)

National Archives and Records Administration

8601 Adelphi Road

College Park, Maryland, 20740-6001


From: Muckrock Staff

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251

Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>

December 30, 2022

Robert Hammond

MuckRock News

DEPT MR 129370

263 Huntington Ave

Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated December 30, 2022 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #416 in
our complex FOIA queue. Our estimated time to completion is 12 months from
today. This is a conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly
through the queue. If you do not receive a response within this estimated
completion time, please contact us again for a status update.

In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration



From: Muckrock Staff

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated December 30, 2022 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #413 in
our complex FOIA queue. Our estimated time to completion is 11 months from
today. This is a conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly
through the queue. If you do not receive a response within this estimated
completion time, please contact us again for a status update.

In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration



From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Subject: FOIAonline Account Will Be Deactivated Due To Inactivity

Your FOIAonline user account for requests@muckrock.com will be deactivated in 5 days due to inactivity.

From: Robert Hammond

Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251

Do not ever deactivate my FOIAonline user account for requests@muckrock.com

Robert Hammond

May 28, 2023
Notes are visible to you and other editors of this request.

Contact information overridden:



From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: Muckrock Staff

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>

November 30, 2023

Robert Hammond

MuckRock News
DEPT MR 129370
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated November 27, 2023 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. A final decision letter
regarding NGC22-572 was sent to you on May 24, 2023. The status of this
case is closed.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration



From: Robert Hammond

Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251

I am seeking immediate written FOIA Public Liaison ( FPL) Dispute Resolution via Muckrock.com with NARA's FPL, Gary Stern, who is also NARA's Chief FOIA Officer and NARA's Appellate Authority. 'garym.stern@nara.gov'

NARA falsely states on November 30, 2023 that "A final decision letter regarding NGC22-572 was sent to you on May 24, 2023." There is no such final decision letter in Muckrock.com, which is where NARA is mandated to send such decision letter, thereby placing records into the public domain.

I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:

1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA Processing Logs.
a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No. 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:

We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text searching of FOIA logs.
To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
a) Tracking number of the request.
b) Date of the request.
c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters; the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the request.
e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
f) Subject matter of the request.
g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
i) Fee Information
a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial, educational, news
media, other).
b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
d. Amount of fees charged.
e. Amount of fees paid.
2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt release under the FOIA.
3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and estimated completion dates for them.


I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.

I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.

Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format, it must be released in that format upon request.

Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the general public.”

This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.

I am appealing this FOIA Request

From: National Archives and Records Administration

December 11, 2023

Robert Hammond

MuckRock News
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated November 27, 2023 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. A final decision letter
regarding NGC22-572 was sent to perseverance2013@aol.com on May 24, 2023.
The status of this case is closed.

I am forwarding the corresponding email, along with the decision letter to
your Muckrock account. I am also sending it to the accounts listed in
the NGC22-571,
and NGC22-578, as well.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jodi Foor <jodi.foor@nara.gov>
Date: Wed, May 24, 2023 at 12:18 PM
Subject: NGC22-571; NGC22-572; NGC22-578 FOIA Final Response
To: <perseverance2013@aol.com>
Cc: FOIA <FOIA@nara.gov>

Dear Mr. Hammond,

Thank you for contacting the National Archives and Records Administration.
Please see the attached letter responding to three of your FOIA requests
requesting NARA Operation FOIA and Appeal Logs.


Jodi L. Foor

Deputy Freedom of Information Act Officer/Archivist

National Archives and Records Administration

Office of General Counsel

College Park, MD


FOIA@nara.gov <Jodi.Foor@nara.gov>

From: National Archives and Records Administration

Dear Mr. Hammond:

You have requested that I, as the NARA FOIA Public Liaison, address the
concern that you raised below that our May 24, 2023 response to your FOIA
request was sent to your personal email address when it should have been
sent to your Muckrock email address. We have now sent the response to your
Muckrock email address.


Gary M. Stern
General Counsel
FOIA Public Liaison
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740

---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: <requests@muckrock.com>
> Date: Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 10:46 AM
> Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251
> To: <foia@nara.gov>
> Cc: <foia@nara.gov>
> Nat'l Archives & Records Admin
> FOIA Office
> Room 3110
> 8601 Adelphi Road
> College Park, MD 20740
> December 10, 2023
> This is a follow up to request number NARA-NGC-2022-001251:
> I am seeking immediate written FOIA Public Liaison ( FPL) Dispute
> Resolution via Muckrock.com with NARA's FPL, Gary Stern, who is also NARA's
> Chief FOIA Officer and NARA's Appellate Authority. 'garym.stern@nara.gov'
> NARA falsely states on November 30, 2023 that "A final decision letter
> regarding NGC22-572 was sent to you on May 24, 2023." There is no such
> final decision letter in Muckrock.com, which is where NARA is mandated to
> send such decision letter, thereby placing records into the public domain.
> I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:
> 1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA
> Processing Logs.
> a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No.
> 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:
> We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s
> electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing
> basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text
> searching of FOIA logs.
> To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of
> the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
> a) Tracking number of the request.
> b) Date of the request.
> c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester
> (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most
> useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters;
> the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of
> third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
> d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the
> request.
> e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
> f) Subject matter of the request.
> g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
> h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of
> the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
> i) Fee Information
> a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial,
> educational, news
> media, other).
> b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
> c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
> d. Amount of fees charged.
> e. Amount of fees paid.
> 2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA
> Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post
> their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt
> release under the FOIA.
> 3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency
> record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA
> request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release
> of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
> 4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
> 5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all
> records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are
> immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and
> estimated completion dates for them.
> I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.
> I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and
> dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control
> number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a
> copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an
> imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing
> the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents
> stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any
> subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.
> Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in
> which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA
> Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format,
> it must be released in that format upon request.
> Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
> I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I
> FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable
> in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to
> “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the
> general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will
> be available to the general public.”
> This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine
> this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that
> each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.
> View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems
> here:
> https://www.muckrock.com/
> If prompted for a passcode, please enter:
> ••••••••
> Filed via MuckRock.com
> E-mail (Preferred): requests@muckrock.com
> For mailed responses, please address (see note):
> MuckRock News
> DEPT MR 129370
> 263 Huntington Ave
> Boston, MA 02115
> PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is
> being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share,
> and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed
> (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the
> department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable.
> ---
> On Nov. 30, 2023:
> Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572
> Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>
> November 30, 2023
> Robert Hammond
> MuckRock News
> DEPT MR 129370
> 263 Huntington Ave
> Boston, MA 02115
> RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572
> Dear Mr. Hammond:
> This is in response to your email dated November 27, 2023 asking for a
> status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. A final decision letter
> regarding NGC22-572 was sent to you on May 24, 2023. The status of this
> case is closed.
> Sincerely,
> Office of General Counsel
> National Archives and Records Administration
> foia@nara.gov
> 301-837-3642
> ---
> On May 28, 2023:
> Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251
> Do not ever deactivate my FOIAonline user account for
> requests@muckrock.com
> ---
> On May 27, 2023:
> Subject: FOIAonline Account Will Be Deactivated Due To Inactivity
> Your FOIAonline user account for requests@muckrock.com
> will be deactivated in 5 days due to inactivity.
> ---
> On Jan. 31, 2023:
> Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251
> RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572
> Dear Mr. Hammond:
> This is in response to your email dated December 30, 2022 asking for a
> status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #413 in
> our complex FOIA queue. Our estimated time to completion is 11 months from
> today. This is a conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly
> through the queue. If you do not receive a response within this estimated
> completion time, please contact us again for a status update.
> In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.
> Sincerely,
> Office of General Counsel
> National Archives and Records Administration
> foia@nara.gov
> 301-837-3642
> ---
> On Dec. 30, 2022:
> Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Act Request #NARA-NGC-2022-001251
> Sent via Email <requests@muckrock.com>
> December 30, 2022
> Robert Hammond
> MuckRock News
> DEPT MR 129370
> 263 Huntington Ave
> Boston, MA 02115
> RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572
> Dear Mr. Hammond:
> This is in response to your email dated December 30, 2022 asking for a
> status update for FOIA request NGC22-572. Currently, NGC22-572 is #416 in
> our complex FOIA queue. Our estimated time to completion is 12 months from
> today. This is a conservative estimate, and cases may move more quickly
> through the queue. If you do not receive a response within this estimated
> completion time, please contact us again for a status update.
> In future correspondence, please cite tracking number NGC22-572.
> Sincerely,
> Office of General Counsel
> National Archives and Records Administration
> foia@nara.gov
> 301-837-3642
> ---
> On May 31, 2022:
> Subject: Freedom of Information Act Request: Expedited FOIA Request NARA
> 22-V.A.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals Case Processing Logs FY 17
> To Whom It May Concern:
> Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following
> records:
> (FYSA. FOIA Join the fight for FOIA compliance. FOIAcomplaince@gmail.com)
> Expedited FOIA Request NARA 22-V.B.MUCK. NARA FOIA Request and Appeals
> Case Processing Logs FY 17
> I am respectfully seeking via Muckrock.com:
> 1. NARA’s FY 2017 FOIA Operational Records FOIA Requests and Appeals FOIA
> Processing Logs.
> a. The FOIA Advisory Committee, approved Tech Committee Recommendation No.
> 2022-TS3 (Part 2) “Posting FOIA Logs” states:
> We recommend that agencies proactively publish FOIA logs in the agency’s
> electronic reading room (often referred to as FOIA Libraries) on an ongoing
> basis, at least quarterly. Agencies should allow for the full text
> searching of FOIA logs.
> To be most useful, agency FOIA logs should contain, at a minimum, each of
> the following fields in either Excel or CSV format, in preference to PDF:
> a) Tracking number of the request.
> b) Date of the request.
> c) Name of the requester, provided it is not a first-party requester
> (i.e., someone asking for records on himself or herself) – to be most
> useful, the agency should publish the names of all third-party requesters;
> the agency should also alert requesters that they will publish the names of
> third-party requesters in their FOIA logs.
> d) Organizational affiliation of the requester, if identified in the
> request.
> e) Whether the request was processed under the Privacy Act as well.
> f) Subject matter of the request.
> g) Status of the request (pending, closed, etc.).
> h) For requests that have been closed, the date closed and the result of
> the FOIA request (granted, granted in part, denied, withdrawn, etc.).
> i) Fee Information
> a. Fee category assigned to requester, if applicable (commercial,
> educational, news
> media, other).
> b. Whether a fee waiver was requested.
> c. If a fee waiver was requested, whether it was granted.
> d. Amount of fees charged.
> e. Amount of fees paid.
> 2. I will accept the Logs with their current data. Apart from the FOIA
> Advisory Committee recommendation that agencies should proactively post
> their FOIA logs, the logs exist in any event and are subject to prompt
> release under the FOIA.
> 3. I am also seeking a copy of this FOIA Request, which is an Agency
> record that exists and is in the Agency’s possession at the time of my FOIA
> request. This record is a responsive record integral to my Request. Release
> of the Agency’s copy is not optional.
> 4. See PDF for complete FOIA Reqeust. See Requested Format.
> 5. Although I am seeking expedited processing and prompt release of all
> records, I am seeking a rolling release of those records that are
> immediately available followed by a list of additional searches and
> estimated completion dates for them.
> I am seeking all correspondence through MUCKROCK.com.
> I am seeking a PDF file with thru MUCKROCK.com with: (1) a signed and
> dated cover letter (citing my personally assigned requester control
> number); (2) with record page count for all records released records (3) a
> copy of this request in your reply. I seek records in this format with an
> imbedded copy of my requests to (1) impede the agency from not addressing
> the FOIA Request; (2) impede the Agency from not providing the documents
> stated in the Agency’s letter reply, and (3) make it obvious in any
> subsequent review what the Agency has or has not done.
> Further, I request that these records be sent in any digital formats in
> which they exist (such as PDF and Excel). Under the terms of the E-FOIA
> Amendments of 1996, Section 5, if a document exists in electronic format,
> it must be released in that format upon request.
> Each record must be provided as a distinct record in their native format.
> I am also seeking the “Description Available to the Public” field I
> FOIAonline be set to yes and that all records be released to and viewable
> in the application by the general Public. The release type must be set to
> “Unredacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will be available to the
> general public,” or to “Redacted – Releasable to the General Public: Will
> be available to the general public.”
> This request is distinctly separate from any other. Please do not combine
> this request with any other request in your reply. I am requesting that
> each element of the records sought be specifically addressed in the reply.
> I am seeking expedited processing. In any denial of my request for
> expedited processing the Agency must state in detail how my request does
> not meet requirement and who, by name, was involved in the denial
> determination.
> 1. The subject is of widespread and exceptional media interest and the
> information sought involves possible questions about the government's
> integrity that affect public confidence.
> a. The next and final FOIA Advisory Committee of the 2020 – 2022 Term is
> June 9, 2022, where this matter will be discussed. This is the final term
> of this committee
> b. Based on records released regarding individualized tracking numbers,
> status and estimated completion dates of my FOIA requests and appeals, NARA
> is engaging in massive false FOIA reporting. There can be no dispute that
> such matters are the subject of widespread and exceptional media interest
> and the information sought involves possible questions about the
> government's integrity that affect public confidence.
> c. Please refer further to my FOIA Public Comments regarding the March 29,
> 2022 Senate Oversight Committee FOIA Hearings, wherein DOJ OIP and NARA’s
> OGIS were slammed for lack of FOIA compliance oversight.
> d. I plan to distribute information from this expedited FOIA request to
> members of the media and others via a vast distribution network.
> e. I am an individual primarily engaged in dissemination of information
> via extensive email lists, blogs, coordination with Open Government
> Advocate Organizations and members of the media.
> 2. Information is urgently needed to inform the public concerning some
> actual or alleged government activity/malfeasance.
> a. See paragraph 1 above incorporated fully herein..
> b. I am recognized within to FOIA Advisory Committee Recommendation “OGIS
> 2.0: Reimagining FOIA Oversight” dated 05.04.2022 as an expert contributor
> “Robert (Bob) Hammond, Citizen FOIA Advocate.”
> 3. In any denial of expedited processing, NARA must repeat each paragraph
> and sub-paragraph above and state explicitly how my request does not meet
> the cited standards. A blanket statement without doing so lacks required
> content.
> In any denial of my request for expedited processing, I am seeking that
> the Agency identify who, by name and email was consulted and that the
> Agency provide specific justification as to how my request stated herein
> does not qualify.
> The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and
> this request is not being made for commercial purposes.
> In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform
> me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer
> the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or
> CD-ROM if not.
> Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I
> look forward to receiving your response to this request within 20 business
> days, as the statute requires.
> Sincerely,
> Robert Hammond
> View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems
> here:
> https://www.muckrock.com/
> If prompted for a passcode, please enter:
> ••••••••
> Filed via MuckRock.com
> E-mail (Preferred): requests@muckrock.com
> For mailed responses, please address (see note):
> MuckRock News
> DEPT MR 129370
> 263 Huntington Ave
> Boston, MA 02115
> PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is
> being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share,
> and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed
> (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the
> department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable.

From: National Archives and Records Administration


December 11, 2023

Robert Hammond

MuckRock News
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115

RE: Freedom of Information Act Request NGC22-572

Dear Mr. Hammond:

This is in response to your email dated December 10, 2023 asking for a
status update for FOIA request NGC22-572, and the lack of reply to the
Muckrock address provided. The final decision letter regarding NGC22-572 was
sent to perseverance2013@aol.com on May 24, 2023. The status of this case
is closed.

I am forwarding the corresponding email, along with the decision letter to
your Muckrock account. I am also sending it to the accounts listed in
the NGC22-571,
and NGC22-578, as well.



Office of General Counsel

National Archives and Records Administration

