Gov. Ron DeSantis' Calendar

Ben Welsh filed this request with the Executive Office of the Governor of Florida of Florida.

It is a clone of this request.



From: Ben Welsh

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

The calendar of Gov. Ron DeSantis from Jan. 9, 2019 to present date. I request that the records be released in electronic format, preferably as an export from Microsoft Outlook or whatever similar software is used by the office.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Ben Welsh

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning,

The Governor’s Office of Open Government is in receipt of your request for records as stated in your email below. If there is a fee associated with your request, you will be provided with a fee estimate for your review. Thank you for contacting the Executive Office of the Governor.

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

The Governor’s Office of Open Government has initiated a search for records responsive to your request, a copy of which is below.

Our initial search has found over 900 items potentially responsive to your request. An item identifies an email, attachment, meeting invitation, etc., and each item could result in multiple pages. All responsive pages require review for exempt and/or confidential information.

The Executive Office of the Governor is committed to public transparency and compliance with Florida’s Sunshine laws, and we will work to process your request as quickly as possible. As you may know, complex or laborious requests that may require significant staff review or materials costs are subject to service charges.

Please let us know if you would like to limit the scope of your request. Please note, if we do not hear from you within 30 days, our office will consider your request closed. Should that occur, you would be welcome to re-submit your request at any time.


Open Government

From: Ben Welsh

How could the request be narrowed? Are you able to distinguish between the public calendar and private calendar?

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

The Office of Open Government handles a high volume of public record requests. We are processing your request along with all other requests.


Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning Ben,

Our office is unable to distinguish or eliminate certain kinds of calendars from the entirety of the search with the software we use. If you wish to narrow the results of your request, please provide a more specific date range.

Office of Open Government

From: Ben Welsh

Thanks for the response. To satisfy what you ask, I will amend my request to events logged in calendar year 2022. I look forward to the release of these public records.

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

Thank you for the update. We are processing your request accordingly.

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning,

Our office is processing your request along with all others.

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning Ben,

Your updated request of the Governor’s calendar for the year 2022 resulted in nearly 400 items. Would you like to narrow your request further or continue as is?

Office of Open Government

From: Ben Welsh

That's fine with me

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning Ben,

We are processing your request.

Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida


Your request is being processed.

Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning,

The Office of Open Government is currently processing your request. Our Office is in response to a very immense number of public records requests as is working thoroughly through them all. Thank you for continued patience. We will contact you once your records request haven been processed. Have a great rest of your day.

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning,

Our office is currently inundated with requests, and we are working diligently on fulfilling your request along with the others.

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

Our office is currently inundated with requests and is working on fulfilling yours along with the others.

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

The Office of Open Government is in response to an immense number of public records requests and is working very hard to fulfil them all. Your request is currently being processed; our Open Government team will look into this request and will contact you if we need any more information or if your request has been completed. Have a great weekend

The Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good morning,

The Office of Open Government is processing you request along with all others.


Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

The Office of Open Government is currently processing your request. Our Office is in response to a very immense number of public records requests as is working thoroughly through them all. Thank you for continued patience. We will contact you once your records request haven been processed. Have a great rest weekend.

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

A search of the Executive Office of the Governor’s files has produced documents responsive to your request as stated below. You may find your records on the Governor’s website at the link provided below under “10-06-2023_Welsh,_B._04_Responsive_Documents”. Thank you for contacting the Executive Office of the Governor.

[​Folder icon] Public Records Requests<>

Office of Open Government

From: Executive Office of the Governor of Florida

Good afternoon,

A search of the Executive Office of the Governor’s files has produced documents responsive to your request as stated below. You may find your records on the Governor’s website at the link provided below under “5-17-2024 Welsh, B. 03 Responsive Documents”. Thank you for contacting the Executive Office of the Governor.

[​Folder icon] Public Records Requests<>

Office of Open Government


