Highline Public Schools District – Request for a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by the District including District Responses for the years 2010 - 2021

PRA Audit filed this request with the Highline Public Schools District of Burien, WA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #



From: PRA Audit

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.

In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.

If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.

For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).

I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.

I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.


The requested documents will be made available to the general public.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


PRA Audit

From: Highline Public Schools District

Dear PRA Audit:
Thank you for your interest in public records of Highline Public Schools. Your request has been received and is being processed in accordance with the State of Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. Your request was received in this office on 11/7/2021 and given the reference number P000249-110721 for tracking purposes.  NOTE:  The day the request is received does not count as one of the five (5) days. Weekends and holidays observed by the agency are also excluded in the calculation.  If your request has been submitted on the weekend, or on a holiday, the date received is the next business day. Records Requested: To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act [RCW 42.56] I hereby request the following records:

I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021.

In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.

If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.

For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).

I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.

I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM.


The requested documents will be made available to the general public.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


PRA Audit

Upload documents directly: https://www.muckrock.com/
Not all public documents are available in electronic format. If the document(s) requested are not available electronically, we will make them available for inspection or by paper copy in accordance with the Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW.

Your request will be forwarded to the relevant department(s) to locate the information you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request. You will be contacted about the availability and/or provided with copies of the records in question. PLEASE NOTE: The State of Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW, does not require a governmental body to create new information, to do legal research, or to answer questions.

You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you'll receive an email when your request has been completed. Again, thank you for using the Records Center. Highline Public Schools
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/CustomerIssues.aspx)

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721, Five-Day Letter and Request to Clarify

Dear PRA Audit,

Highline Public Schools received a public records request from you on November 07, 2021.  We would like to take a moment to let you know how we intend to process your request for records. After reviewing your request, we have determined that your request is extremely complex. Because of the complexity of your request, we anticipate the need to review every public records request and each responsive record for additional redactions, in accordance to the Public Records Act R.C.W 42.56, prior to releasing the records to you, therefore, you may not receive the responsive records exactly they way the original requester received them.  If third parties were previously notified on a request, we will prepare third party notices to notify the party that you submitted this request and set an injunction deadline allowing the parties to obtain a court order to stop the release of the records to you. You will be required to complete and return a Commercial Purpose Declaration for every request for lists of individuals. The records will only be released to you after the completed form is returned. The district will provide a Redaction Log/Exemption Log for all redacted records. The district is not required to create a new record to fulfill a public records request according to WAC 44-14-04003 (6).
Because of the volume of records that you requested, this request will be expensive and time consuming to fulfill. We anticipate the need to provide the records to you in installments. We are requesting additional time to review the Public Records Act prior to responding to your request to provide the records to you in reverse chronological order. We will bill you for each installment we prepare and the fees for each installment  are required to be paid prior to us releasing the responsive records to you. Please review a copy of our fee schedule by clicking on the link below. All requests are process through GovQA. The records will be loaded and released to you through this platform and you will have the option to download the records to a device of your choice. Additionally, we will only be able to provide you with the requested records to the extent that the records are in the district’s possession. We do not provide any electronically generated records in its original or native format, instead, we provide electronically generated records in Adobe PDF form with metadata.
Your request is unclear. Please review the questions below and clarify your request immediately: You asked for:
"I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021. We are unsure of what you mean by "a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests". We are unsure of what you mean by "a complete copy".  Are you asking for only a copy of the original public records request submitted and the responsive records that were sent to the requester? Will you please clarify?
In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest. We are requiring additional time to review the Public Records Act before we are able to respond to this portion of your request.

If this request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the PRA. I also request a detailed contemporaneous log to be provided for any document withheld or redacted.

For each responsive record the District contends is exempt from public disclosure, in whole or in part, please specifically identify the record by subject, title, author, custodian and date, and state how a specific statutory exemption applies to each record as required by RCW 42.56.210(3) and Rental Housing Ass'n v. Des Moines, 165 Wn.2d 525, 199 P.3d 393 (2009).

I request electronic production of all electronic records in the original NATIVE electronic format for each record.

I request for these public records to be produced by public (no password) e-mail attachment or link. If electronic attachment or link is not possible, an alternative would be to produce responsive records via USB DRIVE or DATA CD-ROM. T he district utilizes GovQA to receive and respond to public records requests. You submitted your request through this platform. We are not sure if you would like to receive responsive records through GovQA or if you would like us to bill you for a cd or flash drive for each installment. Will you please clarify?


The requested documents will be made available to the general public. Will you clarify what this statement means? Please clarify?
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

Please review a copy of our fee schedule which is located here https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records. (https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records)
We will notify you by to provide you with a fee estimate. This estimated timeframe is based on the following factors: February 2, 2022 The volume and complexity of other public records requests currently pending with the District The volume and complexity of your request The fact that you requested records that may need to be redacted and redaction log created The fact that the district will be closed for multiple upcoming holidays

Please note that RCW 42.56.070 provides in part:
(8) This chapter shall not be construed as giving authority to any agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives to give, sell or provide access to lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes, and agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall not do so unless specifically authorized or directed by law.....
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: PRA Audit

Hello Ms. Terry,

We have received your email and request to clarify, thank you.

You stated you believe this public records request is “complex.” We do not agree.

This public records request is seeking nothing more than electronic copies of PREVIOUS public records requests as PREVIOUSLY received by the District for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021 as well as complete District responses as previously produced to these records requests.

Presumably exemptions and redactions to these previously produced records requests have already been applied by the District.

Electronic production of previously redacted and produced public records by the District is hardly complex.

You stated the District anticipates the need to review every public records request and each responsive record for additional redactions. Understood.

You stated If third parties were previously notified on a request, the District will prepare third party notices to notify the party that we submitted this request and the District will set an injunction deadline allowing the parties to obtain a court order to stop the release of the records. Understood.

You stated the District will require that we complete and return a Commercial Purpose Declaration for those public records requests in which a list of individuals was requested and these specific records will only be released after the completed form is returned. Per RCW 42.56.070(8) understood.

You stated the District is requesting additional time to review the Public Records Act prior to responding to your request to provide the records to you in reverse chronological order. This we do not understand. Please explain.

You stated the District will bill for each installment prepared and the fees for each installment are required to be paid prior to the release of responsive records. Understood.

You stated All requests are processed through GovQA. With all due respect, we have no access to “GovQA.” Please send all records via email and/or electronic link or US MAIL via CD-ROM or USB Flash DRIVE only.

You stated - the records will be loaded and released to you through this platform and you will have the option to download the records to a device of your choice. We object. Please send all records via email and/or electronic link or US MAIL via CD-ROM or USB Flash DRIVE only.

You stated Additionally, we will only be able to provide you with the requested records to the extent that the records are in the district’s possession. Understood.

You stated We do not provide any electronically generated records in its original or native format, instead, we provide electronically generated records in Adobe PDF form with metadata. We object. We have requested NATIVE format.

If the original records request and/or District response was electronic in format we request the NATIVE electronic format to be retained and produced.

If the original records request and/or District response was paper in format we request Adobe .pdf format to be electronically produced.

You Stated:

Your request is unclear. Please review the questions below and clarify your request immediately: You asked for:
"I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021. We are unsure of what you mean by "a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests". We are unsure of what you mean by "a complete copy". Are you asking for only a copy of the original public records request submitted and the responsive records that were sent to the requester? Will you please clarify?

This public records request is seeking electronic copies of previous public records requests as previously received by the District for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021 as well as complete District responses as previously produced to these records requests.

If the original records request and/or District response was electronic in format we request the NATIVE electronic format to be retained and produced.

If the original records request and/or District response was paper in format we request Adobe .pdf format to be electronically produced.

Please produce all records via electronic link via email if possible without password protection.

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

Dear PRA Audit,
As of March 2017, all public records requests are processed through GovQA. Please send your response to the GovQA portal.
Thank you,

Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Highline Public Schools
Phone 206.631.3170

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From: PRA Audit

Hello Ms. Terry,

You state:

"As of March 2017, all public records requests are processed through GovQA. Please send your response to the GovQA portal."

As per RCW 42.56.040 and RCW 34.05.220 please provide a copy of Highline Public Schools District published policy and procedure mandating the exclusive use of GovQA for all public records requests.

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

Dear PRA Audit,
Please discontinue utilizing this inbox to communicate with us regarding your request. This inbox is not used to respond to public records request and it is not checked regularly for requester correspondence. Our online portal, GovQA, has been active since March 2020 and was set up to receive and respond to public records requests. We wish to provide the best service possible to you, therefore, we ask that you utilize our online portal to communicate with us. This request is supported by RCW 42.56.100 which states in part, “Agencies shall adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations, and the office of the secretary of the senate and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall adopt reasonable procedures allowing for the time, resource, and personnel constraints associated with legislative sessions, consonant with the intent of this chapter to provide full public access to public records, to protect public records from damage or disorganization, and to prevent excessive interference with other essential functions of the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives. Such rules and regulations shall provide for the fullest assistance to inquirers and the most timely possible action on requests for information.”

Our online portal, GovQA, was set up for our customers to electronically submit requests, and electronically send and receive correspondence. Again, we ask that you utilize our online portal to correspond with us. If you do not wish to utilize GovQA, you may send correspondence through U.S. Mail to my attention at:

Highline Public Schools
15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW
Burien, WA 98166
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Highline Public Schools

[Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC4B87.40EC2DF0]

From: PRA Audit

Hello Ms Terry,

Thank you for your email.

We object to the use of the GovQA Portal, or any portal which does not contain the simple functionality of submission and receipt via email without portal password and login.

We agree RCW 42.56.100 does provide for your agency to “adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations…”

However any rule and/or regulation mandating exclusive use of GovQA for all public records requests must be published, and public.

As we requested on 11-16-21, again we ask per RCW 42.56.040 and RCW 34.05.220 please provide the publicly published Highline Public Schools District policy and Procedure mandating the exclusive use of the GovQA portal for public records requests.

RCW 42.56.040 Duty to publish procedures:

(1) Each state agency shall separately state and currently publish in the Washington Administrative Code and each local agency shall prominently display and make available for inspection and copying at the central office of such local agency, for guidance of the public:

(a) Descriptions of its central and field organization and the established places at which, the employees from whom, and the methods whereby, the public may obtain information, make submittals or requests, or obtain copies of agency decisions;

(b) Statements of the general course and method by which its operations are channeled and determined, including the nature and requirements of all formal and informal procedures available;

(c) Rules of procedure;

(d) Substantive rules of general applicability adopted as authorized by law, and statements of general policy or interpretations of general applicability formulated and adopted by the agency; and

(e) Each amendment or revision to, or repeal of any of the foregoing.

(2) Except to the extent that he or she has actual and timely notice of the terms thereof, a person may not in any manner be required to resort to, or be adversely affected by, a matter required to be published or displayed and not so published or displayed.

Per: RCW 34.05.220 (3) No agency order, decision, or opinion is valid or effective against any person, nor may it be invoked by the agency for any purpose, unless it is available for public inspection. This subsection is not applicable in favor of any person who has actual knowledge of the order, decision, or opinion.

The agency has the burden of proving that knowledge, but may meet that burden by proving that the person has been properly served with a copy of the order.

Also please note, as you partially referenced RCW 42.56.100: “Nothing in this section shall relieve agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives from honoring requests received by mail for copies of identifiable public records.”

Should Highline Public Schools District have no previously published public rule mandating the GovQA portal for exclusive use for public records requests, the practice is optional and we respectfully DECLINE.

However would be more than willing to correspond with the District via an alternative email address of the District’s choosing.

Please provide an alternate email address other than publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org which may be used for all correspondence regarding this public records request.

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721.  Letter Re: Electronic Responses through GovQA, Discontinue utilizing district email box for requester correspondence and Request for Clarification
Dear PRA Audit,
We received your email dated November 16, 2021, which was located in our public records email box that is not regularly checked for requester communication. We are unable to accurately and efficiently process your request by receiving correspondence from any district email box not designated to receive and respond to public records requests. The email box that you sent your response to is an internal box. In order for us to provide you with the best possible customer service, we ask that you discontinue utilizing the email box and direct all electronic correspondence through this online portal, GovQA. GovQA is an electronic case management system that was set up for our district to receive and respond to public records request timely and efficiently. All requests are processed through the portal. We do not have an additional process established for electronic communication with requesters. If you do not wish to respond to us through GovQA, the alternative option is mailing your correspondence through US Mail to: Highline Public Schools, Attention Public Records Officer, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA  98166.
We will process your request by providing responsive records to you beginning with the most recent school year. The records will not be produced in exact order because in some instances it will be necessary to prepare Commercial Purpose Declarations and third party notices allowing time for injunction deadlines. Rather than delaying installments, we will continue to process your request by providing other responsive records to you.
Your request remains unclear. Please review the questions below and clarify your request immediately:
You asked for:
"I request a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021. We are unsure of what you mean by "a complete electronic copy of all Public Records Requests received by Highline Public Schools District and a complete electronic copy of the District's Responses to these Public Records Requests". We are unsure of what you mean by "a complete copy". Are you asking for only a copy of the original public records request submitted and the responsive records that were sent to the requester? Will you please clarify?
This public records request is seeking electronic copies of previous public records requests as previously received by the District for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021 as well as complete District responses as previously produced to these records requests. Y our request is still unclear. Will you clarify by telling us if you are asking for the all original requests submitted? We are not sure what you mean by "complete District responses as previously produced to these records requests." Will you please clarify?
In the event the District chooses to provide these records in installments over time I request the records to be produced in reverse chronological order - from the most recent records to the earliest.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public. Will you clarify what this statement means? Please clarify?
Please review a copy of our fee schedule which is located here https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records.
We will notify you by to provide you with a fee estimate. This estimated timeframe is based on the following factors: February 2, 2022
• The volume and complexity of other public records requests currently pending with the District
• The volume and complexity of your request
• The fact that you requested records that may need to be redacted and redaction log created
• The fact that the district will be closed for multiple upcoming holidays

Please note that RCW 42.56.070 provides in part:
(8) This chapter shall not be construed as giving authority to any agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives to give, sell or provide access to lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes, and agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall not do so unless specifically authorized or directed by law.....
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: Highline Public Schools District

Please discontinue utilizing this inbox to communicate with us regarding your request. We are unable to accurately and efficiently process your request by receiving correspondence from any district email box not designated to receive and respond to public records requests. The email box that you sent your response to is an internal box. In order for us to provide you with the best possible customer service, we ask that you discontinue utilizing the email box and direct all electronic correspondence through this online portal, GovQA. GovQA is an electronic case management system that was set up for our district to receive and respond to public records request timely and efficiently. All requests are processed through the portal. We do not have an additional process established for electronic communication with requesters. If you do not wish to respond to us through GovQA, the alternative option is mailing your correspondence through US Mail to: Highline Public Schools, Attention Public Records Officer, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166.

Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Highline Public Schools

[Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC4B87.40EC2DF0]

From: PRA Audit

Hello Ms. Terry,

Thank you for your email.

I understand the District has no legal authority to mandate the use of the GOVQA online portal exclusively for public records requests.

I understand the only alternative option the District is providing is:

“the alternative option is mailing your correspondence through US Mail to: Highline Public Schools, Attention Public Records Officer, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166.”


As stated previously in the original request, this public records request (PRR) is not for commercial purposes, nor is the request seeking a “list” of individuals or names of any kind.

This PRR is seeking copies of previously requested public records requests sent to the District, and the District’s responses to the PRR. I recognize that previous public records requests may have had a commercial purpose, or sought a “list” of individuals or names prompting the District to request a completed commercial purpose declaration per (RCW 42.56.070(8)).

Please exclude from any production of responsive documents to this PRR any previously produced records that required a completed commercial purpose declaration.

This PRR is and will remain anonymous as allowed by Washington State Law. I declare this PRR is not commercial in purpose in any way, and is not being used by any business activity intended to generate profits, nor is this public records act request intended to generate revenue or seek financial benefit.

Because no list of individuals or list of names has been requested, and because the District can exclude from its responses any responsive records the District previously produced that in which the District required a completed commercial purpose declaration, and because this PRR is not commercial in purpose in any way, (RCW 42.56.070(8)) does not apply. Therefore no completed commercial purposes declaration is required. For these reasons no commercial purposes declaration will be completed or submitted for this public records request.

On 11-23-21 you emailed the following question:
“This public records request is seeking electronic copies of previous public records requests as previously received by the District for the time period January 1, 2010 through November 4, 2021 as well as complete District responses as previously produced to these records requests. Y our request is still unclear. Will you clarify by telling us if you are asking for the all original requests submitted? We are not sure what you mean by "complete District responses as previously produced to these records requests." Will you please clarify?”


I request an electronic copy of all original PRA requests. If the original PRA request was made via email, I request the NATIVE electronic format to be produced. If the original request was made via US mail or limited to written paper form only, I request an electronic .pdf copy of the original request.

I request an electronic copy of all communications between the District and the PRA requestor regarding the processing and any other aspect of production for the PRR. All communications, requests for clarification and replies are responses by the District and were previously requested in my original request. If the communications between the District and the requestor were via email I request the NATIVE electronic email format to be produced. If the communications between the District and the original requestor were limited to written paper form I request a .pdf copy of any communications.

I request an electronic copy of all “records and writings” as defined by RCW 42.56 previously produced by the District in response to the original PRA request. If the District produced electronic files in response to a PRA request, I request a duplicate copy of the files produced. If the District produced paper copies in response to a PRA request, I request a .pdf copy of those paper copies to be produced.

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721.  Letter and Request to Clarify -  December 2021

Dear PRA Audit,
We received your letter dated December 6, 2021, clarifying your request. We anticipate the need to review every public records request and each responsive record for additional redactions, in accordance to the Public Records Act R.C.W 42.56, prior to releasing the records to you, therefore, you may not receive the responsive records exactly the way the original requester received them. The district will provide a Redaction Log/Exemption Log for all redacted records. The district is not required to create a new record to fulfill a public records request according to WAC 44-14-04003 (6). If third parties were previously notified on a request and if we determine that additional parties are required to be notified, we will prepare third party notices to notify the party that you submitted this request and set an injunction deadline allowing the parties to obtain a court order to stop the release of the records to you. The district requires a Commercial Purpose Declaration for every request for lists of individuals. Thank you for clarifying your request and informing us that you do not intend to complete a Commercial Purpose Declaration and receive lists of individuals.

Because of the volume of records that you requested, this request will be expensive and time consuming to fulfill. We anticipate the need to provide the records to you in installments. Since you clarified your request and wish to receive communication records between the district and the requester, we are not able to provide you with an accurate total estimate to fulfill the entire request. Fulfilling this request will now require searching for communication records between the district and the requester on every previously submitted request. Before we begin reviewing and preparing each previously submitted request, we will provide you with an estimate, which includes communication between the district and the requester.  At this time, we may ask you for a 10% deposit to be paid prior to us reviewing and preparing the records for release. After paying 10% down, we will bill you for each installment as they are prepared. The fees for each installment are required to be paid prior to us releasing the responsive records to you. Please review a copy of our fee schedule by clicking on the link below. All requests are process through GovQA. The records will be loaded and released to you through this platform and you will have the option to download the records to a device of your choice. Additionally, we will only be able to provide you with the requested records to the extent that the records are in the district’s possession. We do not provide any electronically generated records in its original or native format, instead, we provide electronically generated records in Adobe PDF form with metadata.
Your request is unclear. Please review the questions below and clarify your request by January 6, 2022: You asked for: "The requested documents will be made available to the general public". Because we are required to provide third party notices on certain requests, we would like to inform third parties how you intend to make the records available to the public. How will the records be publicly displayed? Will you clarify what this statement means? Will you please clarify?
As stated previously in the original request, this public records request (PRR) is not for commercial purposes, nor is the request seeking a "list" of individuals or names of any kind.
This PRR is seeking copies of previously requested public records requests sent to the District, and the District's responses to the PRR. I recognize that previous public records requests may have had a commercial purpose, or sought a "list" of individuals or names prompting the District to request a completed commercial purpose declaration per (RCW 42.56.070(8)).
Please exclude from any production of responsive documents to this PRR any previously produced records that required a completed commercial purpose declaration.
This PRR is and will remain anonymous as allowed by Washington State Law. I declare this PRR is not commercial in purpose in any way, and is not being used by any business activity intended to generate profits, nor is this public records act request intended to generate revenue or seek financial benefit. You asked for: "Because no list of individuals or list of names has been requested, and because the District can exclude from its responses any responsive records the District previously produced that in which the District required a completed commercial purpose declaration, and because this PRR is not commercial in purpose m in any way, (RCW 42.56.070(8)) does not apply. Therefore no completed commercial purposes declaration is required. For these reasons no commercial purposes declaration will be completed or submitted for this public records request. " We are unsure if you are asking us to only exclude responsive records for lists. We know of several requests that asked for lists in addition to other records. Do you wish to receive the other responsive records as long as the other records do not require the Commercial Purpose Declaration to be completed by you? Will you please clarify?
I request an electronic copy of all original PRA requests. If the original PRA request was made via email, I request the NATIVE electronic format to be produced. If the original request was made via US mail or limited to written paper form only, I request an electronic .pdf copy of the original request. You asked for: I request an electronic copy of all communications between the District and the PRA requester regarding the processing and any other aspect of production for the PRR. All communications, requests for clarification and replies are responses by the District and were previously requested in my original request. If the communications between the District and the requestor were via email I request the NATIVE electronic email format to be produced. If the communications between the District and the original requestor were limited to written paper form I request a .pdf copy of any communications. We are unsure of what you mean by "any other aspect of production for the PRR"? Will you please clarify? You asked for: "I request an electronic copy of all "records and writings" as defined by RCW 42.56 previously produced by the District in response to the original PRA request. If the District produced electronic files in response to a PRA request, I request a duplicate copy of the files produced. If the District produced paper copies in response to a PRA request, I request a .pdf copy of those paper copies to be produced." We are unsure of what you mean by "a copy of all records and writings". Are you requesting additional records than what you requested above? For example, above you clarified your request by asking us to exclude records requiring Commercial Purpose Declarations yet in this portion of your request you are asking for a copy of all records and writings. Will you please clarify?
Please review a copy of our fee schedule which is located here https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records.
Please review a copy of our fee schedule which is located here https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records. We will inform you in advance if charges will apply and you will be given an opportunity to consent to the charges in advance. (https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records)
We will notify you by to provide you with a fee estimate for your first installment. This estimated timeframe is based on the following factors: February 2, 2022
• The volume and complexity of other public records requests currently pending with the District
• The volume and complexity of your request
• The fact that you requested records that may need to be redacted and redaction log created
• The fact that the district will be closed for multiple upcoming holidays

Please note that RCW 42.56.070 provides in part:
(8) This chapter shall not be construed as giving authority to any agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives to give, sell or provide access to lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes, and agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall not do so unless specifically authorized or directed by law.....
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: PRA Audit


In response to your questions:

Your request is unclear. Please review the questions below and clarify your request by January 6, 2022: You asked for: "The requested documents will be made available to the general public". Because we are required to provide third party notices on certain requests, we would like to inform third parties how you intend to make the records available to the public. How will the records be publicly displayed? Will you clarify what this statement means? Will you please clarify?

The records will be available on the website http://www.muckrock.com

We are unsure if you are asking us to only exclude responsive records for lists. We know of several requests that asked for lists in addition to other records. Do you wish to receive the other responsive records as long as the other records do not require the Commercial Purpose Declaration to be completed by you? Will you please clarify?

Please exclude responsive records for lists. Please include all other records. We do wish to receive all responsive records that do not require a Commercial Purpose Declaration.

We are unsure of what you mean by "any other aspect of production for the PRR"? Will you please clarify? You asked for: "I request an electronic copy of all "records and writings" as defined by RCW 42.56 previously produced by the District in response to the original PRA request. If the District produced electronic files in response to a PRA request, I request a duplicate copy of the files produced. If the District produced paper copies in response to a PRA request, I request a .pdf copy of those paper copies to be produced." We are unsure of what you mean by "a copy of all records and writings". Are you requesting additional records than what you requested above? For example, above you clarified your request by asking us to exclude records requiring Commercial Purpose Declarations yet in this portion of your request you are asking for a copy of all records and writings. Will you please clarify?

This request is for the original pra request and the District's responses to that PRA request. The scope of records to be provided is defined by all "records and writings" as defined by RCW 42.56. Specific records requiring a Commercial Purpose Declaration can be excluded.

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

Hello PRA Audit,
You have responded to an unresponsive email.

Please be advised that if you wish to submit a public records request, update an existing request, or check the status of an already submitted request, you should visit the Public Records Center.

Thank you
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: PRA Audit

From: PRA Audit

Subject: RE: Washington Public Records Act Request #P000249-110721


In response to your questions:

Your request is unclear. Please review the questions below and clarify your request by January 6, 2022: You asked for: "The requested documents will be made available to the general public". Because we are required to provide third party notices on certain requests, we would like to inform third parties how you intend to make the records available to the public. How will the records be publicly displayed? Will you clarify what this statement means? Will you please clarify?

The records will be available on the website http://www.muckrock.com

We are unsure if you are asking us to only exclude responsive records for lists. We know of several requests that asked for lists in addition to other records. Do you wish to receive the other responsive records as long as the other records do not require the Commercial Purpose Declaration to be completed by you? Will you please clarify?

Please exclude responsive records for lists. Please include all other records. We do wish to receive all responsive records that do not require a Commercial Purpose Declaration.

We are unsure of what you mean by "any other aspect of production for the PRR"? Will you please clarify? You asked for: "I request an electronic copy of all "records and writings" as defined by RCW 42.56 previously produced by the District in response to the original PRA request. If the District produced electronic files in response to a PRA request, I request a duplicate copy of the files produced. If the District produced paper copies in response to a PRA request, I request a .pdf copy of those paper copies to be produced." We are unsure of what you mean by "a copy of all records and writings". Are you requesting additional records than what you requested above? For example, above you clarified your request by asking us to exclude records requiring Commercial Purpose Declarations yet in this portion of your request you are asking for a copy of all records and writings. Will you please clarify?

This request is for the original pra request and the District's responses to that PRA request. The scope of records to be provided is defined by all "records and writings" as defined by RCW 42.56. Specific records requiring a Commercial Purpose Declaration can be excluded.

Thank you.



From: Highline Public Schools District

Subject: Unrecognized Email :: U000265-122221

Hello PRA Audit,

You have responded to an unresponsive email.

Please be advised that if you wish to submit a public records request, update an existing request, or check the status of an already submitted request, you should visit the Public Records Center.

Thank you
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

Please note we are receiving your questions via email: highlineschool@mycusthelp.net however we are receiving messages we cannot REPLY to this email. Please provide an email address to reply to or use US MAIL. Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721,   Letter in Response to December 22, 2021 Letter Clarifying Request and Letter Interpreting Request

Dear PRA Audit,
On January 4, 2022, we received your letter dated December 22, 2021, clarifying your request. As we previously stated, we anticipate the need to review every public records request and each responsive record for additional redactions, in accordance with the Public Records Act R.C.W 42.56, prior to releasing the records to you, therefore, you may not receive the responsive records exactly the way the original requester received them. The district will provide a Redaction Log/Exemption Log for all redacted records. The district is not required to create a new record to fulfill a public records request according to WAC 44-14-04003 (6). If third parties were previously notified on a request and if we determine that additional parties are required to be notified, we will prepare third party notices to notify the parties that you submitted this request and set an injunction deadline allowing the parties to obtain a court order to stop the release of the records to you. The district requires a Commercial Purpose Declaration for every request for lists of individuals. Thank you for clarifying your request and informing us that you do not intend to complete a Commercial Purpose Declaration and receive lists of individuals. At that time, you also informed us that the responsive records that we provide to you will be available on your website at: http://www.muckrock.com.
We will process your request by providing responsive records to you in reverse chronological order beginning with the newest previously submitted request in accordance with the time frame that you provided. The records may not always be produced in exact order because in some instances it will be necessary to prepare third party notices allowing time for injunction deadlines. Rather than delaying installments, we will continue to process your request by providing other responsive records to you.

Because of the volume of records that you requested, this request will be expensive and time consuming to fulfill. We anticipate the need to provide the records to you in installments. Since you clarified your request and wish to receive communication records between the district and the requester, we are not able to provide you with an accurate total estimate to fulfill the entire request. Fulfilling this request will now require searching for communication records between the district and the requester on every previously submitted request. Before we begin reviewing and preparing each previously submitted request one at a time, we will provide you with an estimate, which includes communication between the district and the requester. At this time, we may ask you for a 10% deposit to be paid prior to us reviewing and preparing the records for release. After paying 10% down, we will bill you for each installment as they are prepared. The fees for each installment are required to be paid prior to us releasing the responsive records to you. Please review a copy of our fee schedule by clicking on the link below. All requests are process through GovQA. The records are typically loaded and released  through this platform. You asked to receive responsive records on a cd or flash drive which we will provide for each installment at a cost of $1.50 for each device and a $1.50 to mail each device plus the cost to upload records for each installment. Additionally, we will only be able to provide you with the requested records to the extent that the records are in the district’s possession. We do not provide any electronically generated records in its original or native format, instead, we provide electronically generated records in Adobe PDF form with metadata.
An answer has been provided for your request for policy and procedure records. We provided a link to our website. This portion of your request is fulfilled, closed and there are no additional responsive records to provide to you.
The following is our interpretation of your request:
• A copy of all previously submitted original Public Records Requests (in reverse chronological order) with responsive records that were previously released to requestors, excluding all responsive records for lists of individuals that require the requester to complete a Commercial Purpose Declaration, and a copy of all correspondence/emails, including Five-Day Letters, Requests for Clarifications, responses and replies between district staff and the requester, from January 1, 2010, to November 4, 2021, A current copy of Highline Public Schools published policy and procedure mandating the exclusive use of GovQA for all public records requests.
Answer: Please review our website for procedure regarding the GovQA portal at https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records . (http://)
If our interpretation is not accurate, please clarify your request on or before by logging into the January 20, 2022, Records Center or sending your correspondence via U.S. Mail to: Highline Public Schools, Attention: Public Records Officer, 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA  98166, and refer to your Public Records Request P000249-110721. (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/supporthome.aspx)
Please review a copy of our fee schedule which is located here https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records. We will inform you in advance if charges may apply for each previously submitted request as we process them one at a time and you will be given an opportunity to consent to the charges in advance. (https://www.highlineschools.org/departments/records/public-records)
We will notify you by to provide you with a fee estimate for your first installment. This estimated timeframe is based on the following factors: February 2, 2022
• The volume and complexity of other public records requests currently pending with the district The volume and complexity of your request The fact that you requested records that may need to be redacted and redaction log created The fact that the district will be closed for an upcoming holiday

Please note that RCW 42.56.070 provides in part:
(8) This chapter shall not be construed as giving authority to any agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives to give, sell or provide access to lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes, and agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall not do so unless specifically authorized or directed by law.....
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721  Extend Time

Dear PRA Audit,
We are requiring additional time to locate, assemble and review records responsive to your request according to RCW 42.56.520. We will notify you by to provide you with an estimate for the first installment. March 9, 2022
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721 Letter Re: Cost Estimate

Dear PRA Audit,
The cost of your first installment is $1.50 for the cd. This charge does not include and additional $1.50 for mailing. The records will be turned over to you on . Let us know if you approve of the charge and provide us with a mailing address or if you will be picking up the cd in person. After you approve of the charge, we will prepare an invoice with payment instructions. The records only be released after we receive full payment. March 30, 2022
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: PRA Audit


Please send an invoice to have the CD mailed to:

411A Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721. Deadline for Response
Dear PRA Audit,
In reviewing our deadline to respond to you we noticed that we have not received your mailing address or consent for fees associated with this request. Please respond to us either by sending your response through this online portal or by US Mail to 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA  98166 by April 6, 2022.
Let us know you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: PRA Audit

VIA EMAIL 3-31-2022 TO: publicrecordsrequest@highlineschools.org

We continue to respond to Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy

Ms. Terry seems to have no problem sending email but does have problems receiving email.

This continues to be a public records request:



Subject: RE: Washington Public Records Act Request #P000249-110721



Please email an invoice for any necessary fees and send all responsive records via email or internet link or send via USB flash drive or CD ROM to:

411A Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

Subject: [Records Center] Public Records Request :: P000249-110721

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721 Extend Time

Dear PRA Audit,
We are requiring additional time to locate, assemble and review records responsive to your request according to RCW 42.56.520. We will notify you by to provide you with an estimate for the first installment. March 9, 2022
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: Highline Public Schools District

Subject: [Records Center] Public Records Request :: P000249-110721

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721 Letter Re: Cost Estimate

Dear PRA Audit,
The cost of your first installment is $1.50 for the cd. This charge does not include and additional $1.50 for mailing. The records will be turned over to you on . Let us know if you approve of the charge and provide us with a mailing address or if you will be picking up the cd in person. After you approve of the charge, we will prepare an invoice with payment instructions. The records only be released after we receive full payment. March 30, 2022
Let us know if you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)

From: PRA Audit

Subject: RE: Washington Public Records Act Request #P000249-110721


Please send an invoice to have the CD mailed to:

411A Highland Ave
Somerville, MA 02144

Thank you.

From: Highline Public Schools District

Subject: [Records Center] Public Records Request :: P000249-110721

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021., Reference # P000249-110721. Deadline for Response
Dear PRA Audit,
In reviewing our deadline to respond to you we noticed that we have not received your mailing address or consent for fees associated with this request. Please respond to us either by sending your response through this online portal or by US Mail to 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166 by April 6, 2022.
Let us know you have any questions.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy

From: Highline Public Schools District

--- Please respond above this line ---

RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of November 07, 2021, Reference # P000249-110721, Closing Letter  Dated April 11, 2022

Dear PRA Audit, The District sent an email to you on March 9, 2022 and March 30, 222, asking you to consent to the estimated fees  associated with your request. To date we have not received a response from you consenting to the estimated fees. Your Public Records Request P000249-110721 is closed. W e have discontinued performing all research to fulfill this request.
Michelle Terry
Certified Public Records Officer
Policy & Strategy
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Center (https://highlineschool.mycusthelp.com/WEBAPP/_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=249&coid=)