FOIA Request: Previous Requests for POST Certification Data

Sam Stecklow filed this request with the Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training of Nevada.

It is a clone of this request.



From: Sam Stecklow

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Nevada Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

All requests received by POST seeking certification and employment history data for all active and/or inactive law enforcement officers in Nevada. Please include the request received by POST and any written correspondence between the requester and POST, including the final response letter from POST. Please search both the official POST public records inbox as well as the personal work inbox of any POST employees who may have responded to such a request. The timeframe for this request is from January 1, 2017 to the present date.

We are seeking this information as a news media organization on a matter of public interest concerning the conduct of government. As such, we ask for a waiver of all fees, if allowed under state law. If fees are necessary to reimburse the agency for actual costs, we agree to pay up to $100. If costs exceed that amount, please let us know before fulfilling the request.

Thank you

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Sam Stecklow

From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Good Morning,

Pursuant to NRS239.0107 I am making you aware POST is unable to provide these items per this request within 5 days as we are consulting with our legal advisor to determine what records we are able to provide. We anticipate giving you a further response within 2 weeks.

Thank you,

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335

From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Good Morning,

As mentioned in the response to your July 24th request, this request is also being reviewed by our legal advisors. We are awaiting direction from them and should know something within 2 weeks. I will let you know if that projection changes.

Thank you,

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335

From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Good Afternoon,

Pursuant to the State of Nevada Record Retention Schedule, we maintain Public Records Requests, including related correspondence, for 3 years. I have been in contact with the agency that maintains State of Nevada emails, and they also adhere to the State Retention Schedule. I will be able to provide my email requests, and related correspondence, from September of 2020 to current. We have determined that besides myself, there are no other individuals at POST who possess any responsive correspondence at this time. Therefore, the State of Nevada Information Technology Agency will have to supply the emails for other individuals here at NV POST that may have received such requests at some point. I do not know, at this time, how long it will take them to produce these emails. I will provide you with updates as appropriate. We do not receive such requests in any other format than email.
For clarification purposes, we understand you to be looking for all email requests from media outlets, such as yourself, that have made any type of request for all active/inactive officer employment and certification records and our correspondence with them. As noted above, the documents we will provide will date from September of 2020 to current.

Thank you,

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335

From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Kathy

Thanks, but my request did not specify just requests from media outlets. Please include requests for the POST certification and employment history data from any party.

Thank you

Sam Stecklow
Invisible Institute

From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Thank you!

From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Good Afternoon,

I wanted to give you an update on the progress I have made toward your request. I anticipate sending you this documentation on 09/28/23. I am compiling it all and will send you a google link to access the documentation.

Thank you,

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335

From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Good Afternoon,

Here is the link to access the information pursuant to this request:

Please let me know if you have any issues accessing the drive.

Thank you,

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335

From: Sam Stecklow

Hi Kathy

Thanks for these records. However, I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at. The file titled "Media Response Muckrock" is not opening properly, which may contain some explanation of the other records.

It seems like the other records are previous releases of NV's certification and/or employment history data. Are there actual request or release letters that are associated with these previous releases of data? That's really what I'm looking for, not the old data itself. I wrote in my request, "Please include the request received by POST and any written correspondence between the requester and POST, including the final response letter from POST."

Any clarification you can provide would be appreciated.



From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Good Morning,

The document named Media Response Muckrock is all of the email correspondence you requested. I’m not sure why you can’t open it. I’ll get it resent as soon as I can.

Thank you,

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335

From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

I received a notice that my reply with the attachment did not go through. I’ve put the email file in the google drive again, here is the link:

Try this one. Please let me know if it does not work.

Thank you

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335

From: Sam Stecklow

Thanks, Kathy. I was able to access those.

It looks like the employment history data was willfully provided by yourself to several entities, including Southern California Public Radio, a Duke University law professor, and the Seattle Times. Can you clarify why NV POST is now making the claims that it is making about this information that seemed to be clearly public as of about a year ago?



From: Nevada Commission On Peace Officer Standards And Training

Good Afternoon,

POST may have previously provided certain records, but updates in the law and in our interpretation of the relevant privacy interests of peace officer employees, support our current position to not provide certain of the records.

NV POST now points out the important distinction between employment records versus certification records. While POST may possess some records/data from each category just identified, POST is unable to provide data from the employment category because its release may jeopardize sensitive law enforcement employment information and personal privacy information (See Donrey of Nevada, Inc. v. Bradshaw, 798 P.2d 144 (1990); Reno Newspapers, Inc. v. Gibbons, 127 Nev. 873, 880, 266 P.3d 623, 628 (2011). See also Clark Cnty. School Dist. v. Las Vegas Review-Journal, 134 Nev. 700, 708, 429 P.3d 313, 320 (2018) (holding that Nevada’s common law protects personal privacy interests from unrestrained disclosure under the NPRA); Las Vegas Metro. Police Dep’t v. Las Vegas Review-Journal, 478 P.3d 383, 387–88, 136 Nev. 733, 737–38 (2020) (noting that “Nevada law … recognizes privacy rights in a laundry list of areas”) (citation omitted). Specifically, and as provided by the governing authority just cited - in balancing the public’s interest in disclosure of records against the duty and interest of law enforcement employers and licensing agencies in protecting the privacy of peace officer employees’ sensitive employment and personal identifying information, we determine that it would be improper to release employment data. This balancing determination is further expressly consistent with provisions found in NAC 284.718 (1)(g) & (i), which specifically identify the requested records as confidential employee eligibility information and/or reports. Further, the rationale supporting POST’s privacy-interests balancing determination supports non-release of Employee History reports for both state and non-state employee peace officers. Additionally, and importantly, requested employment data (to the extent NV POST possesses such data in the profile report of a particular officer) are not POST data or records, but rather employer records. POST does not and cannot verify accuracy of such; therefore, any requests for such records or data should be made to employing law enforcement agencies (subject to such agencies’ interest in protecting the interests of law enforcement officer security/safety and privacy discussed infra).

In contrast to this rationale for non-disclosure of certain employment information/records, some certification information and/or records which POST may possess, may be disclosed because they constitute POST’s records and/or data and may not be subject to the same privacy considerations discussed above for employment information/records.

Thank you,

Kathy Floyd
Chief, Standards Division
Nevada Commission on POST<,1,Qqi8IRCjU1wnw6tRh86yixAbli6bRVM0hhvSzB6mOOe2l-PROPcv56XX0iMmMKSxvPGGFRXLV5kSHcS-OFMaP0wqSreBQE2vZPdspOWHSPA,&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
(775) 687-3335
