Enrollment prediction services contracts

Todd Feathers filed this request with the University Of New Mexico of New Mexico.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: Todd Feathers

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

1) All active contracts and accomanying statements of work the university has entered into for predictive machine learning services that aid in the enrollment and recruitment of students. Specifically, this includes services that feed input data provided by the university about current and historical student enrollment into machine learning models in order to make predictions about the probability of future enrollment by individual students, students from geographic regions (e.g. zip code or high school), and/or students belonging to demographic groups (e.g. Black students or first-generation students). Popular providers of predictive enrollment services include, but are not limited to: EAB, RNL (Ruffalo, Noel, Levitz), Mainstay, Othot, and The College Board.

2) Documentation of the machine learning models included in the responsive contracts. Specifically, this includes documents created by the university or provided to the university by the vendor or a third party that describe:

a) Input data—the data the university provides for analysis by the model
b) Output data—the data the model generates for the university to use (e.g., a numerical score, a probability percentage, a letter grade, or other ranking)
c) Model accuracy—metrics such as AUC, false positive/negative rates, sensitivity, specificity, etc. that demonstrate how the model performs at its intended task

I ask that all fees be waived as I am a journalist and intend to used the requested records to publish articles in the public interest and not for any commercial purpose.

If you choose to impose fees, I request a detailed breakdown of the fees, including the hourly wage of each employee involved and an explanation of the employee hours required to fulfill the request.

If you choose to reject this request or redact portions of responsive documents, I ask that you provide a detailed breakdown of the statutory exemptions and associated case law underlying your decision to withhold each/any portions from public review.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 15 business days, as the statute requires.


Todd Feathers

From: University Of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico


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From: University Of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico


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* No. 24-125 Three Day Acknowledgment.pdf

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From: University Of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico


A message was sent to you regarding record request #24-125:

Dear Requester:

Pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA), attached please find the three business day acknowledgment letter for your UNM IPRA Request.

Thank you,


Office of The Custodian of Public Records

The University of New Mexico

Office of University Counsel

1 University of New Mexico

UNM IPRA T: (505) 277-5035 F: (505) 277-4154


<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at The University of New Mexico.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/categories/17720084172567-Requesters">help page</a>

From: University Of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico


A message was sent to you regarding record request #24-125:

Dear Requester:

Would you be so kind as to provide further specifics into the type of records you are seeking and to define your reference to "machine learning", as this will assist in identifying any responsive documents that may exist?


Office of the Custodian of Public Records

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at The University of New Mexico.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/categories/17720084172567-Requesters">help page</a>

From: Todd Feathers


The types of tools for which I'm seeking contracts are sometimes called "enrollment analytics" or "enrollment optimization" tools. The most common providers, as I noted in the request, are EAB, RNL, Mainstay, and Othot. Many universities prioritize their recruiting efforts toward individual students or geographic areas based on the predictions these tools generate about the likelihood those students will enroll. The tools make these predictions using machine learning. Machine learning is a field within artificial intelligence that, broadly speaking, works by training computer algorithms to recognize patterns in data sets.

I hope that helps, but if you need more information I'd be happy to set up a time to talk and answer your questions.


From: University Of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico


A document has been released to you for record request #24-125:

* No. 24-125 Final Response Letter.pdf

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at The University of New Mexico.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/categories/17720084172567-Requesters">help page</a>

From: University Of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico


A message was sent to you regarding record request #24-125:

Dear Requester:


Pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA), attached please find the final response letter for your UNM IPRA Request.



Office of The Custodian of Public Records

The University of New Mexico

Office of University Counsel

1 University of New Mexico

UNM IPRA T: (505) 277-5035 F: (505) 277-4154

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at The University of New Mexico.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/categories/17720084172567-Requesters">help page</a>

From: University Of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico


Record request #24-125 has been closed.

<em>Questions about your request?</em> Reply to this email or sign in to contact staff at The University of New Mexico.<br><em>Technical support:</em> See our <a href="https://www.nextrequest.civicplus.help/hc/en-us/categories/17720084172567-Requesters">help page</a>


