State-level inmate transportation policies, contracts, and invoices (New Mexico Corrections Department)

Beryl Lipton filed this request with the New Mexico Corrections Department of New Mexico.


From: Beryl Lipton

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, I hereby request the following documents:

• Any and all policies, procedures, directives, or associated materials regarding the transportation and extradition of prisoners under the jurisdiction of this agency. If such materials exist for both the transportation of prisoners within this agency's jurisdiction and transportation of prisoners to locations outside of this agency's jurisdiction and these materials differ, provision of all would be greatly appreciated.

• Any and all contracts—as well as all associated amendments, exhibits, memorandums, directives, or other such additional materials—intergovernmental services agreements, and any other agreements regarding the transportation (of any type and length) of prisoners in the custody of this agency.

• For any transportation provided by a company, agency, or other entity that is not this agency, please provide all invoices for services, as well as any and all agreements (including supplemental elements) under which such services were provided

Further clarification can be provided upon request.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 15 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

From: Montoya, Ricardo, NMCD

Good morning,

This is in response to your IPRA request below dated 7/6/2016. The New Mexico Corrections Department received your request on 07/07/2016 and is in the process of reviewing it. Pursuant to 14-2-8 (C) of the IPRA-“A written request shall provide the name, address and telephone number of the person seeking access to records”. Please provide all your contact information to include a telephone number, in the event it is necessary to contact you via telephone. Additionally, pursuant to 14-2-8(D) of the IPRA, you will be informed within (15) days of receipt the status of this agency's response to your request; Including whether the Department has any objections to all or part of your request, on or before 07/22/2016.

However, pursuant to 14-2-10 of the IPRA if the Department determines that your request is excessively burdensome or broad, you will be notified within the timeframe noted above and provide you with an estimate of how much additional time will be needed to comply with your request.


R. Montoya
Office of General Counsel
New Mexico Corrections Department
PO Box 27116 Santa Fe, NM 87502-0116
Ph: 505-827-8719
Fax: 505-827-8685<>

From: Montoya, Ricardo, NMCD

Good afternoon,
This is in response to your below IPRA request dated July 6, 2016. Pursuant to 14-2-10 of the IPRA, the New Mexico Corrections Department has determined that Items 1 and 3 of your IPRA request are burdensome and that it will need additional time to process and respond to those items of your request.
We anticipate being able to either, prepare the information and make it available for inspection and/or notify you of any exceptions or exemptions under the IPRA to your request by or on August 5, 2016. If that estimated date changes, we will let you know that information as soon as we know it.
However, information responsive to item # 2 of your request is available for inspection and will be provided to you shortly via Dropbox under separate link. Please respond confirming you have received it or if you have any issues opening the information.

Your patience is appreciated.

R. Montoya
Office of General Counsel
New Mexico Corrections Department
PO Box 27116 Santa Fe, NM 87502-0116
Ph: 505-827-8719
Fax: 505-827-8685<>

From: Ricardo Montoya (via Dropbox)

Hi there,

Ricardo Montoya ( invited you to view the file " Item-2- Contracts.pdf " on Dropbox.

View file[1]

The Dropbox team


From: Montoya, Ricardo, NMCD


Good Afternoon,
This is in response to your request for information dated July 6, 2016. Information responsive to item # 1 of your request is withheld. These are restricted or confidential policies dealing with the safe and secure operation of department prisons or facilities, and are confidential and therefore not subject to inspection pursuant to Section 14-2-1 (A) 8 NMSA, Section 33-1-6 (B) NMSA, and City of Las Cruces v. PELRB, 121 N.M. 688, 917 P.2d 451 (1996).

As indicated in the email dated July 22, 2016, the information responsive to item # 2 was too voluminous to attach to an email and was provided to you via Dropbox. You will have received an email from Dropbox with instructions for accessing the document(s).
However, information responsive to item # 3 of your request is available for inspection and is in the attached the PDF documents entitled “US Corrections_Redacted”. In all of the documents being provided, any personal identifier information of the inmates has been redacted pursuant to Sections 14-2-1 (B) and 14-2-6 (E). Also, in cases where it would jeopardize the inmate’s safety or security to reveal the inmate’s current or previous prison location, that information has been redacted from the responsive documents.
The Department has now responded in full to your request and is closing the matter.

R. Montoya
Office of General Counsel
New Mexico Corrections Department
PO Box 27116 Santa Fe, NM 87502-0116
Ph: 505-827-8719
Fax: 505-827-8685<>


