Judicial Council Cost and Fee Review Records for Orleans Parish CDC including Pauper/Indigent

Margot Herster filed this request with the Louisiana Supreme Court of New Orleans, LA.
Est. Completion None
Fix Required


From: Margot Herster

Dear Custodian of Records for the Judicial Council:

Pursuant to the Louisiana Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

I am writing to request documents related to Orleans Parish Civil District Court's costs and fees or increases in court costs and fees submitted to, applied for, reviewed, or otherwise in the possession of the Judicial Council of the Louisiana Supreme Court for review, approval and/or recommended to the legislature pursuant to R.S. 13:61 from 2003 to present. Please see my prior requests for records and follow up, attached, that I submitted on July 16, 2021 and reiterated on July 20, 2020 to Ms. Vincent and Ms. Vujnovich, Judicial Administrator, at the address provided by the Louisiana Supreme Court for the custodian of records and public information administrative contact for the Judicial Administration Office (at https://www.lasc.org/JudicialAdministratorsOffice). During the same week, after inquiring about a request to the Clerks Offices, Hon. John Tarlton Olivier, Clerk of Court, confirmed that based on the particular documents that I am requesting my PRR is properly directed to the Judicial Administrator as custodian of the records of the Judicial Council.

I am reiterating my prior requests, to which I have received no response at all to date, and supplementing them herein. Please provide for inspection and or copying:

A copy of all applications, forms, or other documents pertaining to fee requests, review and approvals and/or applications related to 1) setting court rules for Orleans Parish Civil District Court, and 2) costs and fees that Orleans Parish Civil District Court, including those that apply to pauper/indigents, from 2003 to the present date.

Please include documents pertaining to applications and Judicial Council review of the following, including those that pertain to regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants for: 1) court reporter services and transcript fees including those to be paid by litigants who request transcriptions, 2) fax transmission fees, 3) fees to view court records online via remote access, and 4) filing fees for domestic matters from 2003 to the present date, and 5) any other costs and fees not aforementioned (such as the services required by law of a sheriff, clerk of court, courter reporter, notary or other public officer in connection with the judicial proceeding, the filing of pleadings and exhibits, the issuance of certificates, the certification of copies of notarial acts and public records, the issuance and service of subpoenas and process, the taking and transcribing of testimony, and the preparation of a record of appeal, attendance of not more than six witnesses for testifying either in court or by deposition, without paying fees, mileage or other expenses allowed by law, additional witnesses at the expense of the parish. If it is denied, the court must state its reason(s) for the denial in writing, a jury trial and the services of the jury, a devolutive appeal, and to apply for supervisory writs, filing fees by fax, e-filing fees, communication costs such as cd-roms, faxes, and photocopies).

Please also include all Judicial Council Cost and Fee Reports, or other reports, records, or minutes that document the deliberations, votes, approvals, disapprovals, and/or recommendations regarding costs and fees for Orleans Parish Civil District Court from 2003 to the present date, including those that pertain to or mention regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants.

To avoid environmental waste and unnecessary fees I prefer that you produce these records electronically to me at: margot@bureauofchange.org.

Please let me know if you have any questions or I can be of assistance in any way to aid in the timely delivery of these records.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Margot Herster, Director, Domestic Violence is Terrorism, a documentary production of lib(her)ate

From: Margot Herster

cc: via fax to (504) 310-2606

Sandra A. Vujnovich
Judicial Administrator
Records Custodian
Louisiana Supreme Court
400 Royal Street, Suite 1190
New Orleans, LA 70130-8101
FAX - (504) 310-2606

Dear Custodian of Records for the Judicial Council:

Pursuant to the Louisiana Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

I am writing to request documents related to Orleans Parish Civil District Court's costs and fees or increases in court costs and fees submitted to, applied for, reviewed, or otherwise in the possession of the Judicial Council of the Louisiana Supreme Court for review, approval and/or recommended to the legislature pursuant to R.S. 13:61 from 2003 to present. Please see my prior requests for records and follow up, attached, that I submitted on July 16, 2021 and reiterated on July 20, 2020 to Ms. Vincent and Ms. Vujnovich, Judicial Administrator, at the address provided by the Louisiana Supreme Court for the custodian of records and public information administrative contact for the Judicial Administration Office (at https://www.lasc.org/JudicialAdministratorsOffice). During the same week, after inquiring about a request to the Clerks Offices, Hon. John Tarlton Olivier, Clerk of Court, confirmed that based on the particular documents that I am requesting my PRR is properly directed to the Judicial Administrator as custodian of the records of the Judicial Council.

I am reiterating my prior requests, to which I have received no response at all to date, and supplementing them herein. Please provide for inspection and or copying:

A copy of all applications, forms, or other documents pertaining to fee requests, review and approvals and/or applications related to 1) setting court rules for Orleans Parish Civil District Court, and 2) costs and fees that Orleans Parish Civil District Court, including those that apply to pauper/indigents, from 2003 to the present date.

Please include documents pertaining to applications and Judicial Council review of the following, including those that pertain to regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants for: 1) court reporter services and transcript fees including those to be paid by litigants who request transcriptions, 2) fax transmission fees, 3) fees to view court records online via remote access, and 4) filing fees for domestic matters from 2003 to the present date, and 5) any other costs and fees not aforementioned (such as the services required by law of a sheriff, clerk of court, courter reporter, notary or other public officer in connection with the judicial proceeding, the filing of pleadings and exhibits, the issuance of certificates, the certification of copies of notarial acts and public records, the issuance and service of subpoenas and process, the taking and transcribing of testimony, and the preparation of a record of appeal, attendance of not more than six witnesses for testifying either in court or by deposition, without paying fees, mileage or other expenses allowed by law, additional witnesses at the expense of the parish. If it is denied, the court must state its reason(s) for the denial in writing, a jury trial and the services of the jury, a devolutive appeal, and to apply for supervisory writs, filing fees by fax, e-filing fees, communication costs such as cd-roms, faxes, and photocopies).

Please also include all Judicial Council Cost and Fee Reports, or other reports, records, or minutes that document the deliberations, votes, approvals, disapprovals, and/or recommendations regarding costs and fees for Orleans Parish Civil District Court from 2003 to the present date, including those that pertain to or mention regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants.

To avoid environmental waste and unnecessary fees I prefer that you produce these records electronically to me at: margot@bureauofchange.org.

Please let me know if you have any questions or I can be of assistance in any way to aid in the timely delivery of these records.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.


Margot Herster, Director, Domestic Violence is Terrorism, a documentary production of lib(her)ate

From: Margot Herster

cc: via email to svujnovich@lasc.org

Sandra A. Vujnovich
Judicial Administrator
Records Custodian
Louisiana Supreme Court
400 Royal Street, Suite 1190
New Orleans, LA 70130-8101
FAX - (504) 310-2606

Dear Custodian of Records for the Judicial Council:

Pursuant to the Louisiana Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

I am writing to request documents related to Orleans Parish Civil District Court's costs and fees or increases in court costs and fees submitted to, applied for, reviewed, or otherwise in the possession of the Judicial Council of the Louisiana Supreme Court for review, approval and/or recommended to the legislature pursuant to R.S. 13:61 from 2003 to present. Please see my prior requests for records and that I submitted on July 16, 2021 and reiterated on July 20, 2020 to Ms. Vincent and Ms. Vujnovich, Judicial Administrator, at the address provided by the Louisiana Supreme Court for the custodian of records and public information administrative contact for the Judicial Administration Office (at https://www.lasc.org/JudicialAdministratorsOffice). During the same week, after inquiring about a request to the Clerks Offices, Hon. John Tarlton Olivier, Clerk of Court, confirmed that based on the particular documents that I am requesting my PRR is properly directed to the Judicial Administrator as custodian of the records of the Judicial Council.

I am reiterating my prior requests, to which I have received no response at all to date, and supplementing them herein. Please provide for inspection and or copying:

A copy of all applications, forms, or other documents pertaining to fee requests, review and approvals and/or applications related to 1) setting court rules for Orleans Parish Civil District Court, and 2) costs and fees os Orleans Parish Civil District Court, including those that apply to pauper/indigents, from 2003 to the present date.

Please include documents pertaining to applications and Judicial Council review of the following, including those that pertain to regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants for: 1) court reporter services and transcript fees including those to be paid by litigants who request transcriptions, 2) fax transmission fees, 3) fees to view court records online via remote access, and 4) filing fees for domestic matters from 2003 to the present date, and 5) any other costs and fees not aforementioned (such as the services required by law of a sheriff, clerk of court, courter reporter, notary or other public officer in connection with the judicial proceeding, the filing of pleadings and exhibits, the issuance of certificates, the certification of copies of notarial acts and public records, the issuance and service of subpoenas and process, the taking and transcribing of testimony, and the preparation of a record of appeal, attendance of not more than six witnesses for testifying either in court or by deposition, without paying fees, mileage or other expenses allowed by law, additional witnesses at the expense of the parish. If it is denied, the court must state its reason(s) for the denial in writing, a jury trial and the services of the jury, a devolutive appeal, and to apply for supervisory writs, filing fees by fax, e-filing fees, communication costs such as cd-roms, faxes, and photocopies).

Please also include all Judicial Council Cost and Fee Reports, or other reports, records, or minutes that document the deliberations, votes, approvals, disapprovals, and/or recommendations regarding costs and fees for Orleans Parish Civil District Court from 2003 to the present date, including those that pertain to or mention regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants.

To avoid environmental waste and unnecessary fees I prefer that you produce these records electronically to me at: margot@bureauofchange.org.

Please let me know if you have any questions or I can be of assistance in any way to aid in the timely delivery of these records.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute requires.

From: Margot Herster

cc: via email to svujnovich@lasc.org

Sandra A. Vujnovich
Judicial Administrator
Records Custodian
Louisiana Supreme Court
400 Royal Street, Suite 1190
New Orleans, LA 70130-8101
FAX - (504) 310-2606

Dear Custodian of Records for the Judicial Council:

Pursuant to the Louisiana Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

I am writing to request documents related to Orleans Parish Civil District Court's costs and fees or increases in court costs and fees submitted to, applied for, reviewed, or otherwise in the possession of the Judicial Council of the Louisiana Supreme Court for review, approval and/or recommended to the legislature pursuant to R.S. 13:61 from 2003 to present. Please see my prior requests for records and that I submitted on July 16, 2021 and reiterated on July 20, 2020 to Ms. Vincent and Ms. Vujnovich, Judicial Administrator, at the address provided by the Louisiana Supreme Court for the custodian of records and public information administrative contact (at https://www.lasc.org/JudicialAdministratorsOffice).

During the same week, after inquiring about a request to the Clerks Offices, Hon. John Tarlton Olivier, Clerk of Court, confirmed that based on the particular documents that I am requesting my PRR is properly directed to the Judicial Administrator as custodian of the records of the Judicial Council.

I am reiterating my prior requests, to which I have received no response at all to date, and supplementing them herein. Please provide for inspection and or copying:

A copy of all applications, forms, or other documents pertaining to fee requests, review and approvals and/or applications related to 1) setting court rules for Orleans Parish Civil District Court, and 2) costs and fees os Orleans Parish Civil District Court, including those that apply to pauper/indigents, from 2003 to the present date.

Please include documents pertaining to applications and Judicial Council review of the following, including those that pertain to regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants for: 1) court reporter services and transcript fees including those to be paid by litigants who request transcriptions, 2) fax transmission fees, 3) fees to view court records online via remote access, and 4) filing fees for domestic matters from 2003 to the present date, and 5) any other costs and fees not aforementioned (such as the services required by law of a sheriff, clerk of court, courter reporter, notary or other public officer in connection with the judicial proceeding, the filing of pleadings and exhibits, the issuance of certificates, the certification of copies of notarial acts and public records, the issuance and service of subpoenas and process, the taking and transcribing of testimony, and the preparation of a record of appeal, attendance of not more than six witnesses for testifying either in court or by deposition, without paying fees, mileage or other expenses allowed by law, additional witnesses at the expense of the parish. If it is denied, the court must state its reason(s) for the denial in writing, a jury trial and the services of the jury, a devolutive appeal, and to apply for supervisory writs, filing fees by fax, e-filing fees, communication costs such as cd-roms, faxes, and photocopies).

Please also include all Judicial Council Cost and Fee Reports, or other reports, records, or minutes that document the deliberations, votes, approvals, disapprovals, and/or recommendations regarding costs and fees for Orleans Parish Civil District Court from 2003 to the present date, including those that pertain to or mention regular costs and fees and those for indigent/pauper litigants.

To avoid environmental waste and unnecessary fees I prefer that you produce these records electronically to me at: margot@bureauofchange.org.

Please let me know if you have any questions or I can be of assistance in any way to aid in the timely delivery of these records.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 3 business days, as the statute require

From: Louisiana Supreme Court

Ms. Herster-

With respect to your email below, please be advised that we are working on your request and will be back in touch with you as soon as we can.

Thank you,

Robert Gunn
Deputy Judicial Administrator/Community Relations
Louisiana Supreme Court
(504) 310-2588 main
(504) 310-2592 direct
(504) 310-2589 fax

From: Louisiana Supreme Court

Ms. Herster-

It is my understanding that responsive records were sent in October last year. Did you receive those records? If they weren’t received or perhaps went to a spam folder, please advise. If you would like me to resend those records, I can do so.

Thank you,

Robert Gunn
Deputy Judicial Administrator/Community Relations
Louisiana Supreme Court
(504) 310-2588 main
(504) 310-2592 direct
(504) 310-2589 fax

From: Louisiana Supreme Court

Ms. Lipton-

Please see the communication with Ms. Herster below. I am still receiving requests via US Mail for what I believe were responsive records previously provided in October. Please advise if the records were received and if not, we will have those records resent.

Thank you,

Robert Gunn
Deputy Judicial Administrator/Community Relations
Louisiana Supreme Court
(504) 310-2588 main
(504) 310-2592 direct
(504) 310-2589 fax


Dear Mr. Gunn,

The documents are incomplete, notably from 2013 forward on costs and fees
applications and documentation appear missing. It appears there is likely
more awry or missing in the production.

Regarding the letters, all document deliveries are to be uploaded to
Muckrock, otherwise the production will not be considered complete. This is
a public records request in conjunction with MuckRock.

Thank you,

*Margot Herster*
Founder, Director & Lead Faculty
BUREAU of CHANGE, New Orleans

Artist Website


There are no files associated with this request.