Enbridge Inc.'s Algonquin Pipeline Expansion

Jordan Lassiter filed this request with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation of New York.
Tracking #


Due Jan. 26, 2024
Est. Completion July 19, 2024
Awaiting Response


From: Jordan Lassiter

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
ATTN: FOIA Requester Service
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233
Email: foia@dec.ny.gov

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear NYSDEC FOIA Requester Service Center,

Subject: Request for Records on Enbridge Inc.'s Algonquin Pipeline Expansion

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552) to request comprehensive records related to the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, specifically focusing on the role and responsibilities of Enbridge Inc., the company owning and operating the pipeline.

My request includes, but is not limited to, the following records:

Environmental Impact Assessments and Statements conducted by or submitted to NYSDEC regarding the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, including Enbridge Inc.’s involvement.
Permits and Approvals issued to Enbridge Inc. for the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, along with any conditions or stipulations.
Correspondence and Communications between NYSDEC and Enbridge Inc. related to environmental assessments, compliance, or violations.
Compliance Reports and Violation Notices issued to Enbridge Inc. concerning the pipeline expansion.
Internal Memos and Evaluations within NYSDEC regarding Enbridge Inc.’s environmental management, risk assessments, and mitigation strategies for the pipeline expansion.
Public Consultation and Comments Records related to the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, particularly those mentioning Enbridge Inc.
Legal Basis for Request:

Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law Article 6)
Case Law: Environmental Protection Agency v. Mink, 410 U.S. 73 (1973) and NLRB v. Robbins Tire & Rubber Co., 437 U.S. 214 (1978) for transparency in government operations and activities.
Fee Waiver Request:
I request a waiver of all fees for this request, as the disclosure is in the public interest, contributing significantly to public understanding of government operations and activities, particularly regarding environmental impact and corporate accountability (5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(iii)).

FOIA Compliance:
In line with Department of Justice v. Tax Analysts, 492 U.S. 136 (1989), I expect adherence to principles of transparency and public access to information.

Response in Case of Denial:
Please provide detailed justifications for any denial, citing specific FOIA exemptions or reasons as per New York State guidelines.

Correspondence Tracking:
Kindly provide a unique FOIA request number for this inquiry.

I look forward to your response within the statutory period as outlined in New York State's FOIA guidelines.


Jordan Lassiter

From: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Dear Jordan:

Thank you for your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request. Your request has been received and is being processed. Your request was received in this office on 1/21/2024 and given the reference number FOIL #W125876-012124 for tracking purposes. You may expect the Department's response to your request no later than 2/20/2024.

Record Requested: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
ATTN: FOIA Requester Service
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233
Email: foia@dec.ny.gov

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear NYSDEC FOIA Requester Service Center,

Subject: Request for Records on Enbridge Inc.'s Algonquin Pipeline Expansion

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552) to request comprehensive records related to the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, specifically focusing on the role and responsibilities of Enbridge Inc., the company owning and operating the pipeline.

My request includes, but is not limited to, the following records:

Environmental Impact Assessments and Statements conducted by or submitted to NYSDEC regarding the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, including Enbridge Inc.’s involvement.
Permits and Approvals issued to Enbridge Inc. for the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, along with any conditions or stipulations.
Correspondence and Communications between NYSDEC and Enbridge Inc. related to environmental assessments, compliance, or violations.
Compliance Reports and Violation Notices issued to Enbridge Inc. concerning the pipeline expansion.
Internal Memos and Evaluations within NYSDEC regarding Enbridge Inc.’s environmental management, risk assessments, and mitigation strategies for the pipeline expansion.
Public Consultation and Comments Records related to the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, particularly those mentioning Enbridge Inc.
Legal Basis for Request:

Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law Article 6)
Case Law: Environmental Protection Agency v. Mink, 410 U.S. 73 (1973) and NLRB v. Robbins Tire & Rubber Co., 437 U.S. 214 (1978) for transparency in government operations and activities.
Fee Waiver Request:
I request a waiver of all fees for this request, as the disclosure is in the public interest, contributing significantly to public understanding of government operations and activities, particularly regarding environmental impact and corporate accountability (5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(iii)).

FOIA Compliance:
In line with Department of Justice v. Tax Analysts, 492 U.S. 136 (1989), I expect adherence to principles of transparency and public access to information.

Response in Case of Denial:
Please provide detailed justifications for any denial, citing specific FOIA exemptions or reasons as per New York State guidelines.

Correspondence Tracking:
Kindly provide a unique FOIA request number for this inquiry.

I look forward to your response within the statutory period as outlined in New York State's FOIA guidelines.


Jordan Lassiter


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New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Record Access Office

From: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

--- Please respond above this line ---

Office of General Counsel
P: (518) 402-9522 | F:
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 1/21/2024, Reference # W125876-012124 Dear Jordan Lassiter, In regard to your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request, be advised that DEC is continuing to process your FOIL request and needs to extend the deadline for DEC's response. DEC receives more than 200 FOIL requests each week and DEC staff try their best to respond to requests as soon as possible and in the order in which they are received. We estimate that DEC will complete its work respond to your FOIL request by .  We will notify you in writing when/if the responsive materials are available for release or if more time is required to complete your request. 3/20/2024 If you have any questions in the interim, please call me at (518) 402-9522 and refer to FOIL request #W125876-012124, or simply reply to this email.  Thank you.

Sincerely, Records Access

From: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

--- Please respond above this line ---

Office of General Counsel
P: (518) 402-9522 | F:
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 1/21/2024, Reference # W125876-012124 Dear Jordan Lassiter, In regard to your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request of 1/21/2024, be advised that DEC is continuing to process your FOIL request and needs to extend the deadline for DEC's response. DEC receives more than 200 FOIL requests each week and DEC staff try their best to respond to requests as soon as possible and in the order in which they are received.  With respect to your request, DEC needs additional time to process and respond to it because: Ensuring that DEC has located all responsive records will take additional time.DEC must review the responsive records to determine whether any exceptions to or exemptions from disclosure apply. We estimate that DEC will complete its work respond to your FOIL request by .  We will notify you in writing when/if the responsive materials are available for release or if more time is required to complete your request. 4/12/2024 If you have any questions in the interim, please call me at (518) 402-9522 and refer to FOIL request #W125876-012124, or simply reply to this email.  Thank you.

Sincerely, Records Access Office

From: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

--- Please respond above this line ---

Office of General Counsel
P: (518) 402-9522 | F:
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 1/21/2024, Reference # W125876-012124 Dear Jordan Lassiter, In regard to your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request of 1/21/2024, be advised that DEC is continuing to process your FOIL request and needs to extend the deadline for DEC's response. DEC receives more than 200 FOIL requests each week and DEC staff try their best to respond to requests as soon as possible and in the order in which they are received.  With respect to your request, DEC needs additional time to process and respond to it because: Ensuring that DEC has located all responsive records will take additional time.The records responsive to your request are difficult to locate and retrieve.Your request is complex and therefore DEC staff must exert an unusual level of effort to conduct a diligent search.DEC must review the responsive records to determine whether any exceptions to or exemptions from disclosure apply. We estimate that DEC will complete its work respond to your FOIL request by .  We will notify you in writing when/if the responsive materials are available for release or if more time is required to complete your request. 5/3/2024 If you have any questions in the interim, please call me at (518) 402-9522 and refer to FOIL request #W125876-012124, or simply reply to this email.  Thank you.

Sincerely, Records Access Office

From: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

--- Please respond above this line ---

Office of General Counsel
P: (518) 402-9522 | F:
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 1/21/2024, Reference # W125876-012124 Dear Jordan Lassiter, In regard to your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request of 1/21/2024, be advised that DEC is continuing to process your FOIL request and needs to extend the deadline for DEC's response. DEC receives more than 200 FOIL requests each week and DEC staff try their best to respond to requests as soon as possible and in the order in which they are received.  With respect to your request, DEC needs additional time to process and respond to it because: Ensuring that DEC has located all responsive records will take additional time.The records responsive to your request are difficult to locate and retrieve.Your request is complex and therefore DEC staff must exert an unusual level of effort to conduct a diligent search.DEC must review the responsive records to determine whether any exceptions to or exemptions from disclosure apply. We estimate that DEC will complete its work respond to your FOIL request by .  We will notify you in writing when/if the responsive materials are available for release or if more time is required to complete your request. 5/31/2024 If you have any questions in the interim, please call me at (518) 402-9522 and refer to FOIL request #W125876-012124, or simply reply to this email.  Thank you.

Sincerely, Records Access Office

From: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

--- Please respond above this line ---

Office of General Counsel
P: (518) 402-9522 | F:
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 1/21/2024, Reference # W125876-012124 Dear Jordan Lassiter, In regard to your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request of 1/21/2024, be advised that DEC is continuing to process your FOIL request and needs to extend the deadline for DEC's response. DEC receives more than 200 FOIL requests each week and DEC staff try their best to respond to requests as soon as possible and in the order in which they are received.  With respect to your request, DEC needs additional time to process and respond to it because: DEC’s initial search has identified a large volume of potentially responsive records that DEC staff must review to determine which are in fact responsive and which are not.Ensuring that DEC has located all responsive records will take additional time.The records responsive to your request are difficult to locate and retrieve.Your request is complex and therefore DEC staff must exert an unusual level of effort to conduct a diligent search.DEC must review the responsive records to determine whether any exceptions to or exemptions from disclosure apply. We estimate that DEC will complete its work respond to your FOIL request by .  We will notify you in writing when/if the responsive materials are available for release or if more time is required to complete your request. 6/21/2024 If you have any questions in the interim, please call me at (518) 402-9522 and refer to FOIL request #W125876-012124, or simply reply to this email.  Thank you.

Sincerely, Records Access Office

From: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

--- Please respond above this line ---

Office of General Counsel
P: (518) 402-9522 | F:
RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST of 1/21/2024, Reference # W125876-012124 Dear Jordan Lassiter, In regard to your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request of 1/21/2024, be advised that DEC is continuing to process your FOIL request and needs to extend the deadline for DEC's response. DEC receives more than 200 FOIL requests each week and DEC staff try their best to respond to requests as soon as possible and in the order in which they are received.  With respect to your request, DEC needs additional time to process and respond to it because: DEC’s initial search has identified a large volume of potentially responsive records that DEC staff must review to determine which are in fact responsive and which are not.Ensuring that DEC has located all responsive records will take additional time.The records responsive to your request are difficult to locate and retrieve.Your request is complex and therefore DEC staff must exert an unusual level of effort to conduct a diligent search.DEC must review the responsive records to determine whether any exceptions to or exemptions from disclosure apply. We estimate that DEC will complete its work respond to your FOIL request by .  We will notify you in writing when/if the responsive materials are available for release or if more time is required to complete your request. 7/19/2024 If you have any questions in the interim, please call me at (518) 402-9522 and refer to FOIL request #W125876-012124, or simply reply to this email.  Thank you.

Sincerely, Records Access Office


