Public Universities records requests (State University of New York at Binghamton)

Insider Staff filed this request with the State University of New York at Binghamton of New York.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Multi Request Public Universities records requests

From: Caroline Haskins

Dear records officer,

Pursuant to New York Freedom of Information Law, kindly transmit the following records in electronic format on a rolling basis as they are cleared for release:

1) From October 8, 2023 to October 11, 2023: Any emails, including any attachments to said emails, to or from the following individuals...
a. The university Dean(s)
b. The university President
c. The university Chancellor(s)
d. The university Provost(s)
e. The director of university Communications
f. The director of university Alumni Affairs
...that mention any of the following terms:
—"Students for Justice in Palestine"

If there are any questions about my request, can provide any clarification that will help expedite the processing of my request, please contact me at I am also happy to hop on the phone.

This FOI request is being filed in pursuit of a time-sensitive news story. Therefore, I ask that my request is expedited. When completing this request, please prioritize whichever records would take the least amount of time to be located and released. I would like these records in electronic format, sent via email or other digital method, and again, please release documents on a rolling basis, as they become available.

If you determine that any of the information qualifies for an exemption from disclosure, I ask you to note whether the exemption is discretionary, and if so whether it is necessary in this case to exercise your discretion to withhold the information. In any event, please provide a signed notification citing the legal authorities on which you rely if you determine that any of the information is exempt and will not be disclosed.

Also, I am a member of the news media as a reporter for Business Insider, and the requested documents are in the public interest and not being made for commercial purposes. Therefore, I ask that all fees are waived in the processing of my request. If fees associated with this request will be in excess of $25, kindly notify me in advance of fulfilling this request. As I am making this request as a journalist and this information is timely, I would appreciate your communicating with me if you have questions regarding this request.

Thanks again, and I look forward to your reply within 5 business days, as the statute requires, as the statute requires, and an even more prompt reply if you can make a determination without having to review the records in question.

Caroline Haskins

From: New York State University Police At Binghamton

Binghamton University acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Law request.  At this time, we anticipate responding to your request within 30 business days. If additional time is needed beyond that, you will be contacted with a new timeframe. Your request will be preserved in queue, so you do not need to follow-up or re-submit.  We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding in these evolving circumstances.

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: New York State University Police At Binghamton

Binghamton University acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Law request.  At this time, we anticipate responding to your request within 30 business days. If additional time is needed beyond that, you will be contacted with a new timeframe. Your request will be preserved in queue, so you do not need to follow-up or re-submit.  We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding in these evolving circumstances.

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: State University of New York at Binghamton

Dear Sir/Madam,
The University is working with the responsible departments to gather the
available records. Please be advised that this review / redaction process
will be relatively time intensive due to the number of records to be
reviewed. We expect to be able to provide a response within 3 months due
to day to day workload volumes, in addition, during this initial review if
we determine that fees may be applied we will be providing you with

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University


Binghamton University acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Law request.  At this time, we anticipate responding to your request within 30 business days. If additional time is needed beyond that, you will be contacted with a new timeframe. Your request will be preserved in queue, so you do not need to follow-up or re-submit.  We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding in these evolving circumstances.

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: State University of New York at Binghamton

Dear Sir/Madam -
The University provided an updated response on 12/6/23 - please see

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: State University of New York at Binghamton

Dear Sir/Madam,

The University is currently in the process of reviewing and redacting a
large number of emails in response to your request and similar requests.
Due to the volume of emails, the search for a new FOIL and records access
officer, and the need to ensure that any confidential information is
appropriately protected, together with any redactions required and
permitted by Public Officers Law Section 87, this process is estimated to
take approximately six months. Thank you for your understanding and
patience as we work to fulfill this request in a thorough and timely manner.

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University


Binghamton University acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Law request.  At this time, we anticipate responding to your request within 30 business days. If additional time is needed beyond that, you will be contacted with a new timeframe. Your request will be preserved in queue, so you do not need to follow-up or re-submit.  We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding in these evolving circumstances.

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University


Binghamton University acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Law request.  At this time, we anticipate responding to your request within 30 business days. If additional time is needed beyond that, you will be contacted with a new timeframe. Your request will be preserved in queue, so you do not need to follow-up or re-submit.  We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding in these evolving circumstances.

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: State University of New York at Binghamton

Dear Sir/Madam -
Please find attached correspondence/acknowledgement of expected time frame
of deliverables that has been emailed to this address on 2/28/24.

Record Access Officer
Binghamton University

  • 02 28 24 Re_ [External Email] RE_ New York Freedom of Information Law Request_ Public Universities records requests (State University of New York at Binghamton)


Binghamton University acknowledges receipt of your Freedom of Information Law request.  A response will be issued within the next 20 business days . If additional time is needed beyond that, you will be contacted with a new timeframe. Your request will be preserved in queue, so you do not need to follow-up or re-submit.
Thank you.

Records Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: State University of New York at Binghamton

Good Afternoon,

Please see the attached correspondence regarding your request for records.


Records Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: State University of New York at Binghamton

Please see the attached correspondence regarding your request for records.

Thank you,

Records Access Officer
Binghamton University

From: State University of New York at Binghamton

Dear Muckrock News,

Please see the attached response regarding your FOIL request.

Should you wish to appeal this decision, you must do so in writing, within
30 days of your receipt of this correspondence. Appeals must be addressed

FOIL Appeals Office
c/o Office of General Counsel
The State University of New York
H. Carl McCall SUNY Building - 353 Broadway
Albany, NY 12246

Thank you,

Records Access Officer
Binghamton University