Public Universities records requests (State University of New York at Buffalo)

Insider Staff filed this request with the State University of New York at Buffalo of New York.

It is a clone of this request.

Multi Request Public Universities records requests


From: Caroline Haskins

Dear records officer,

Pursuant to New York Freedom of Information Law, kindly transmit the following records in electronic format on a rolling basis as they are cleared for release:

1) From October 8, 2023 to October 11, 2023: Any emails, including any attachments to said emails, to or from the following individuals...
a. The university Dean(s)
b. The university President
c. The university Chancellor(s)
d. The university Provost(s)
e. The director of university Communications
f. The director of university Alumni Affairs
...that mention any of the following terms:
—"Students for Justice in Palestine"

If there are any questions about my request, can provide any clarification that will help expedite the processing of my request, please contact me at I am also happy to hop on the phone.

This FOI request is being filed in pursuit of a time-sensitive news story. Therefore, I ask that my request is expedited. When completing this request, please prioritize whichever records would take the least amount of time to be located and released. I would like these records in electronic format, sent via email or other digital method, and again, please release documents on a rolling basis, as they become available.

If you determine that any of the information qualifies for an exemption from disclosure, I ask you to note whether the exemption is discretionary, and if so whether it is necessary in this case to exercise your discretion to withhold the information. In any event, please provide a signed notification citing the legal authorities on which you rely if you determine that any of the information is exempt and will not be disclosed.

Also, I am a member of the news media as a reporter for Business Insider, and the requested documents are in the public interest and not being made for commercial purposes. Therefore, I ask that all fees are waived in the processing of my request. If fees associated with this request will be in excess of $25, kindly notify me in advance of fulfilling this request. As I am making this request as a journalist and this information is timely, I would appreciate your communicating with me if you have questions regarding this request.

Thanks again, and I look forward to your reply within 5 business days, as the statute requires, as the statute requires, and an even more prompt reply if you can make a determination without having to review the records in question.

Caroline Haskins

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

At this time, your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request is not reasonably described. To search for the requested records, please list the names of the individuals you are interested in receiving records for.

Thank you,
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: Caroline Haskins

a. The university Dean(s) + The university Provost(s)
Graham Hammill
Ann Bisantz
Erin K. O’Brien
Sarah M. Young
Philip Badaszewski
Nina Pierino
Robin Schulze
Janelle Brooks
Kemper E. Lewis
Julia Czerniak
Ananth V. Iyer
S. Todd Brown
Dean Tesluk
Marcelo W. B. Araujo, DDS, PhD
Annette B. Wysocki, PhD, RN, FAAN
Craig W. Abbey
Allison Brashear, MD, MBA,
Dawn Reed
Carol Van Zile-Tamsen
Sandra Flash
Scott Weber, PhD,
Dean Abramovsky
Evviva Weinraub Lajoie
Elizabeth Adelman.

b. The university President
Satish K. Tripathi

c. The director of university Communications
John Della Contrada
Jeff Smith
Kati Manne
Jerod Dahlgren
Rebecca Bernstein
Jessica Kane
Laura Silverman
Erin Goetz
Daniel Baker
Tracey Eastman
Grace Gerass
Jay Rey
Elena Conti-Blatto
Devon Jerla
David Hill
Cory Nealon
Sarah Watson

d The director of university Alumni Affairs
Thomas McArthur
Kristen M. Murphy
Alexis Greinert
Andrew Wilcox
Brittany Valvo
Damian Desbordes
Jennifer E. Britton
Kristi Fields
Lauren Turner
Tracy L. Oun
Wei-Loon Leong
Caitlin McNulty
Cynthia Shore
Denise Krause
Ebehitale Imobhio
Ilene Fleischmann
Hailley Fenski
Sarah Goldthrite
Shannon O'Sullivan
Sherry Szarowski
Stephanie Mack

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good morning,

It will take a significant amount of time to review emails based on the key words and the number of individuals listed below. I anticipate it will take several weeks to review and redact pursuant to FOIL. In these cases, agencies are advised to “contact persons seeking records when a request is voluminous or when locating the records sought involves substantial effort, so that agency personnel may ascertain the nature of records of primary interest and attempt to reasonably reduce the volume of the records requested" (21 NYCRR 1401.2[b][2] and [3]). Therefore, please list individuals that are of primary interest so that a review of those records can begin.

Thank you,
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo


Please see email below and provide a response.

Thank you,
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

Additional time is needed to complete this request as a response to help reasonably reduce the volume of records requested has not been received. Therefore, due to the continuous increase in received FOIL requests and the need to review emails from over 50 employees for this request, I anticipate it will take up to 3 months to complete or longer. I will provide a status update in 1 month, by 1/7/2024.

Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

Thank you for checking in. As an update, emails are still under review. As stated in previous communications, due to the amount of individuals listed for this request and due to the amount of FOIL requests received, I anticipated that it will take 3 months or more to complete this request (which was reasonably described on November 8, 2023). I will provide another update on 2/9/2024. If you would like responsive records sooner, please list individuals whose records are of primary interest.
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: Insider Staff

Hello Shannon,

My name is Katherine Long; I am taking over this request from my colleague Caroline Haskins, who has left the organization.

I would like to substantially limit the scope of this request. The only individuals I am interested in are:
- Satish Tripathi
- Thomas A Aguirre
- John Della Contrada
- Thomas MacArthur

Happy to chat more via phone, 206 375 9280.

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Wonderful, thank you! I anticipate having a full response by 2/9/2024.

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

As an update, potential responsive records have been gathered and are undergoing a final review before release. Therefore, additional time is needed beyond the 2/9 due date. To ensure there is enough time for the review process, I anticipate responsive records will be released between 2/16/2024 - 2/29/2024.

Thank you,
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

Your request is still under review due to an extensive backlog of FOIL requests. An update will be provided by 3/15/2024 if responsive records are not released by then.

Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

The final review of the requested records consists of a review by our legal counsel to ensure full compliance with the law. There still is a backlog of FOIL requests under review. An update will be provided by 3/29/2024 if responsive records are not released by then.

Thank you,
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good morning,

We are diligently working to address the high volume of FOIL requests, including this request that is still under a final review. An update will be provided by 4/26/2024 if responsive records are not released by then. Thank you for your patience.

Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good morning,

An email response was sent on 3/29.
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

Despite diligent efforts, records for this request are still undergoing a final review and additional time is required. I anticipate providing a comprehensive update no later than April 26, 2024. This update will include any responsive records that have been finalized for release, or further information on the status of your request if necessary.

Thank you,
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Apologies, the date below should read April 24, 2024.

Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good morning,

My apologies as the date below for an update should reflect May 24, 2024, not April 26, 2024. I will be in touch soon.

Thank you,
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good afternoon,

The records you requested are still in the final stages of review and are currently awaiting approval for release. Note that this request is being treated as a high priority. We are diligently working to expedite the process and anticipate having a response by 6/24/2024.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Good morning,

In response to your FOIL request, please see the attached responsive records. Redactions were made pursuant to Public Officers Law, Article 6:

* §87(2)(b), "if disclosed would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy"
* §87(2)(g), "are inter-agency or intra-agency materials which are not:
i. statistical or factual tabulation or data;
ii. instructions to staff that affect the public;
iii. final agency policy or determinations;
iv. external audits, including but not limited to audits performed by the comptroller and the federal government..."

Thank you for your patience with this process. Should you wish to appeal this decision, you must do so within 30 days of this decision. Appeals must be sent to:
FOIL Appeals Office
c/o Office of General Counsel
The State University of New York
H. Carl McCall SUNY Building - 353 Broadway
Albany, NY 12246
Shannon Davis
FOIL Administrator
University at Buffalo<>


