UB "policy-makers" filing financial disclosures with JCOPE

Robert Galbraith filed this request with the State University of New York at Buffalo of New York.
Tracking #



From: Robert Galbraith

Dear Mr. Hines:

Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request a copy of all records or portions thereof related to, or referring to the following:

1. The 2017 list of individuals holding "policy-making" positions at SUNY at Buffalo provided by the university to the Joint Commission on Public Ethics subject to Public Officers Law § 73-a(1)(ii).

I understand that there is a fee of $0.25 per page for duplication of the records requested; however, this request is a matter of public concern and is not being made for commercial usage. As such, I request that any fees associated with providing requested records be waived. I also request that documents be provided in electronic format if at all possible. Doing so would eliminate the need to copy the materials and provides another basis for my requested fee waiver.

If, however, such a waiver is denied, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request.

As you know, the Freedom of Information Law requires that an agency respond to a request within five (5) business days of receipt of such request. Therefore, I would appreciate a response as soon as possible.

If you determine that some but not all of the information is exempt from disclosure and that you intend to withhold it, I ask that you redact it for the time being and make the rest available as requested. In any event, please provide a notification citing the legal authorities on which you rely if you determine that any or all of the information is exempt and will not be disclosed.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter; I look forward to hearing from you shortly.


Robert Galbraith

From: Robert Galbraith

Mr. Hines,

Ten business days ago, I made a FOIL request for the list of policymakers at the University at Buffalo submitted to the Joint Commission on Public Ethics this year for the purposes of determining who is required to make personal financial disclosures pursuant to § 73-a of the Public Officers Law.

I have not received any acknowledgment of this request in the required time period, much less received responsive documents. If I do not hear back from your office by the end of the day, I will be forced to file an appeal with SUNY Central.


Robert Galbraith

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Mr. Galbraith,

An acknowledgement of your request was sent by email on October 18, 2017. Attached is a copy of that acknowledgment.

Brian T. Hines
Records Access Officer
University at Buffalo
120 Crofts Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260

From: State University of New York at Buffalo

Dear Mr. Galbraith,

Pursuant to your request, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, a disclosable document responsive to your request is attached. There are no other records responsive to your request.

If you wish to appeal any part of this decision, you must do so in writing within thirty (30) days of your receipt of this email. The appeal must be directed to: FOIL Appeals Officer, Kellie Dupuis, Associate Counsel, Office of University Counsel, SUNY Plaza, Albany, New York 12246.


Brian T. Hines
Records Access Officer
University at Buffalo
120 Crofts Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260