Heating Complaints in South Bronx (CD 1 & 2) (NY 311)

Catherine Chojnowski filed this request with the NY 311 of New York City, NY.
Tracking #



Multi Request Heating Complaints in South Bronx (CD 1 & 2)


From: Catherine Chojnowski

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

All complaints filed for inadequate heating in Bronx Community Districts 1 and 2 (in both NYCHA complexes and private housing units) from (1) September 2020 - April 2021, and (2) September 2021 - Present. This request is being made for the purpose of informing the community about the extent of inadequate heating in the respective communities following the Bronx apartment fire that occurred January 9th, 2022.
Please redact the names of complainants, as well as the names of any other parties that may be identified in the complaints.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Catherine Chojnowski

From: NY 311

Hi Catherine,

Thanks for reaching out. Did you receive a FOIL tracking number from us for the previous request you're following up on? That number would look something like FOIL-2022-858-12345. If not, we can open a new FOIL request for you in our OpenRecords FOIL tracking system. When that happens, you'll get a tracking number and an automated message from OpenRecords.

Dominic Mauro
Assistant General Counsel
New York City Office of Technology and Innovation

From: NY 311

Hi Catherine,

FOIL-2022-858-12345 isn't a valid tracking number. I was using that as an example of what a FOIL tracking number would look like, and trying to figure out if your original email ever reached us. Looks like it didn't, which is fine; I'm happy to treat this as your FOIL request. You'll receive an automated message from our OpenRecords portal providing you with an actual tracking number shortly.

Thank you kindly in advance,


From: NY 311

Your request FOIL-2022-858-00072 has been successfully submitted to the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT).
The details of your request are shown below.

Request Title: 311 Complaints for Inadequate Heating

Request Description: All complaints filed for inadequate heating in Bronx Community Districts 1 and 2 (in both NYCHA complexes and private housing units) from (1) September 2020 - April 2021, and (2) September 2021 - Present. This request is being made for the purpose of informing the community about the extent of inadequate heating in the respective communities following the Bronx apartment fire that occurred January 9th, 2022.

Requester's Contact Information

Catherine Chojnowski

Not provided

Not provided

requests@muckrock.com (mailto:requests@muckrock.com)

Phone Number:
Not provided

Fax Number:
Not provided

Street Address (line 1):
Not provided

Street Address (line 2):
Not provided

Not provided

Not provided

Zip Code:
Not provided

You can view the request and take any necessary action at the following webpage: https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2022-858-00072. (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2022-858-00072)

From: NY 311

The Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) has acknowledged your FOIL request FOIL-2022-858-00072. (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2022-858-00072) You can expect a response on or about Friday, April 29, 2022.
Please visit FOIL-2022-858-00072 to view additional information and take any necessary action. (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2022-858-00072)

From: NY 311

The Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) has responded to your FOIL request FOIL-2022-858-00072 with the following file(s). (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2022-858-00072) The file(s) listed below will be accessible to the public on the OpenRecords portal in 20 business days ( Friday, April 22, 2022).

* 1: 311_heat_complaints.csv (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/response/2099560?token=b6dcaa43f0cf4f00aa41e4bf09a83c47)
Please visit FOIL-2022-858-00072 to view additional information and take any necessary action. (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2022-858-00072)

From: NY 311

The Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) has closed your FOIL request FOIL-2022-858-00072 for the following reasons: (https://a860-openrecords.nyc.gov/request/view/FOIL-2022-858-00072)
Your request under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) has been reviewed and the documents you requested have been posted on the OpenRecords portal.
