Open Public Records Act-Request

Haley Parker filed this request with the Rutgers University of Newark, NJ.
Tracking #



From: Haley Parker

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to ask for your help with a request under the Open Public Records Act P.L. 2001, CHAPTER 404 N.J.S. 47:1A-1 et seq.

Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information:

1. A list of ALL types of alternative asset investments, including private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds, infrastructure, natural resources, real estate and private debt partnerships in which Rutgers University Endowment is an investor; and
2. For each partnership, may I please have a copy of any alternative assets investment records that would show some or all of the following information:

a. Rutgers University Endowment's total commitment to the partnership,
b. the total contributions made by Rutgers University Endowment to the partnership to date,
c. the total distributions received by Rutgers University Endowment from the partnership to date,
d. the estimated current value of Rutgers University Endowment's holding in the partnership, and
e. any available estimates of the IRR earned by Rutgers University Endowment to date on its investment in the partnership.

In addition to this could you please provide me with an up to date account of your current asset allocations in the above asset classes including any direct investments you may have.

Thank you very much for your attention to this request. I have attached an example of the type of information we are hoping to receive.

In the event that Rutgers University Endowment has no such investments, a simple note to this effect will suffice. I understand that I may be charged for the cost of the copies requested, and agree to pay these charges.

Please send the requested records via e-mail to

Thank you again for your attention to this request.

Yours faithfully,


Thanks for contacting Rutgers University Ethics and Compliance. If you wish to make an Open Public Records Act request, we advise you to visit our online public portal to ensure that your request is processed:

To receive the most timely response to your records requests, please submit your requests online via:<> on the Rutgers University Open Public Records Center<> public portal. We will continue to process requests received via email, however for the quickest response, we advise you submit directly online.

You can find further information at<>

Please note the University is closed from December 25, 2017, and reopens January 2, 2018.

For further information, please feel free to call or email the University OPRA Custodian directly: 973.972.1887 or email

Casey Woods
Interim OPRA Custodian
University Ethics & Compliance


From: Rutgers University

Dear ,
Thank you for registering with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Open Public Records Center, an online, public portal. Below you will find your portal login and password information . Login: If you have never used this system or cannot remember your password, you may request a Temporary Password (
If you are a first time user and did not submit your request through the public portal but are receiving this e-mail, an account has been created for you with the login and password listed above. At this account you can access, track and receive any documents in response to your request.
Please log in to the Rutgers University Open Public Records Center and then "My Request Center" to update any contact or password information on your account and to view your request. (

The University Custodian of Records will contact you if there are questions regarding your request or provide you a response. If you have questions, you may contact the OPRA Administrator at 973.972.1887.

Thank you again for registering with the Rutgers University Open Public Records Center.
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Rutgers University

Dear :
Thank you for submitting your request for government records of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Your request has been received and is being processed in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA), NJSA 47:1 et seq. Your request was received through the online, public portal Rutgers University Open Public Records Center of this office on 9/6/2019 and ( given the reference number R005245-090619.

Your request will be forwarded to the Office of the Custodian of Records for review and processing, including determining the volume of responsive documents and any potential costs associated with satisfying your request. Please note, the N.J. Open Public Records Act does not require the University to create new documents, to conduct research, or to answer questions for information.

Records Requested: Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information:
1. A list of ALL types of alternative asset investments, including private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds, infrastructure, natural resources, real estate and private debt partnerships in which Rutgers University Endowment is an investor; and
2. For each partnership, may I please have a copy of any alternative assets investment records that would show some or all of the following information:
a. Rutgers University Endowment's total commitment to the partnership,
b. the total contributions made by Rutgers University Endowment to the partnership to date,
c. the total distributions received by Rutgers University Endowment from the partnership to date,
d. the estimated current value of Rutgers University Endowment's holding in the partnership, and
e. any available estimates of the IRR earned by Rutgers University Endowment to date on its investment in the partnership.
In addition to this could you please provide me with an up to date account of your current asset allocations in the above asset classes including any direct investments you may have.
Thank you very much for your attention to this request. I have attached an example of the type of information we are hoping to receive.
In the event that Rutgers University Endowment has no such investments, a simple note to this effect will suffice. I understand that I may be charged for the cost of the copies requested, and agree to pay these charges.
The Office of the Custodian of Records uses the Rutgers University Open Public Records Center to communicate with you, respond to and track all open public records requests.  If you have submitted your request electronically through Rutgers Open Public Records Center portal, you have already been required to create an account. (

Notice to First Time Portal Users:
If you are a first time user and did not submit your request through the public portal, you are receiving this request because the Rutgers Office of the Custodian has created an account for you at the Rutgers University Open Public Records Center . (
To access your account and view your request:

1.Go to: 2. Select/open  "My Records Center" Rutgers University Open Public Records Center. (
3. Enter your email and password as provided in your previously received Welcome Letter.

You can monitor your request through the Rutgers University Open Public Records Center at "My Request Center." (
Thank you and if you have questions, you  may contact the OPRA Administrator at (973) 972-1981.

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
University Custodian of Records
Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Ethics and Compliance
65 Bergen Street, Ste. 1346
Newark, New Jersey 07101-1709
Phone: (973) 972-1981
Fax: (973) 972-2396

From: Rutgers University

Endowment-_OPRA_R005245.pdf (

--- Please respond above this line ---

Reference: Rutgers Open Public Records Request, # R005245-090619
Dear ,
Please accept this letter as the University Custodian of Records response to your request for records pursuant to the Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”). On September 06, 2019, this office received your request for the following:
“Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of any records that would show some or all of the following information:
1. A list of ALL types of alternative asset investments, including private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds, infrastructure, natural resources, real estate and private debt partnerships in which Rutgers University Endowment is an investor; and
2. For each partnership, may I please have a copy of any alternative assets investment records that would show some or all of the following information:
a. Rutgers University Endowment's total commitment to the partnership,
b. the total contributions made by Rutgers University Endowment to the partnership to date,
c. the total distributions received by Rutgers University Endowment from the partnership to date,
d. the estimated current value of Rutgers University Endowment's holding in the partnership, and
e. any available estimates of the IRR earned by Rutgers University Endowment to date on its investment in the partnership.
In addition to this could you please provide me with an up to date account of your current asset allocations in the above asset classes including any direct investments you may have.
Thank you very much for your attention to this request. I have attached an example of the type of information we are hoping to receive.
In the event that Rutgers University Endowment has no such investments, a simple note to this effect will suffice. I understand that I may be charged for the cost of the copies requested, and agree to pay these charges.”
The University has reviewed your request. The responsive document(s) is now available to you through the Rutgers University Open Records Center. Please log in to the Records Center and "My Records Center" to retrieve the appropriate responsive document(s). The document(s) is also attached to this email for your convenience. (
Please note, portion e of your request is denied as estimates would be considered advisory, consultative, and deliberative materials which are exempt from disclosure.
If your request has been denied, you may take your appeal to the New Jersey Government Records Council (NJGRC), which has mediation and dispute resolution procedures, or you may file a lawsuit with the New Jersey Superior Court, as provided by N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et seq. Your rights of appeal is provided with this letter at Public Facing Pages of the Rutgers University Open Public Records Request Center . You may also review the brochure at the Rutgers Custodian of Records page or visit the ( NJGRC page. (
If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this further, you may contact my office at 973.972.1887.

Casey Woods
OPRA Custodian
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Open Public Records Center. (