Virginia State Open Records Law - Request

Haley Parker filed this request with the City Of Newport News Retirement Board of Newport News, VA.

It is a clone of this request.


From: Tom Nash

Dear Ms Lee,

I am writing to ask for your help with a request under the Virginia State Open Records Law, Va Code sec §2.2-3700 - §2.2-3714.

On November 11, 2019, you kindly sent us Commitment, Contribution, Distribution, Value and IRR as of June 30, 2019 of your private equity and real estate funds. We were extremely grateful to receive this data, as it is very helpful for our research.

Do you have more recent records, specifically Commitment, Contribution, Distribution, Value and IRR as of September 30, 2019? This list should include all such partnerships, i.e. private equity, venture capital, distressed debt, mezzanine, fund of funds, real estate, natural resources and private debt investments. If so, is it possible for you to send them to us?

Thank you very much for your help with this request. I have attached a copy of the data sent previously for your reference.

Please send the requested data via e-mail ( or to the following address:

Alexandra Marie Oquias
Preqin Ltd.
One Grand Central Place
60 E 42nd Street
Suite 630, New York
NY 10165, Unites States

Thank you again for your help with this request. I understand that I may be charged for the cost of the copies requested, and agree to pay these charges.

From: City Of Newport News Retirement Board

Ms. Oquias,

Attached are the records you requested in your email below. I apologize for the delayed response.


Kim Lee
Communications/Media Relations Manager & FOIA Officer
Department of Communications | City of Newport News
2400 Washington Avenue | Newport News, VA 23607