Wilmington NC social security office air quality (Department of Environmental Quality)

Reyna Crooms filed this request with the Department of Environmental Quality of North Carolina.
Tracking #


Multi Request Wilmington NC social security office air quality
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: Reyna Crooms

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the North Carolina Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

I am a reporter with WECT News. I am looking for a report of the air quality test at the Wilmington, North Carolina, Social Security Administration office. The building is located at 1528 S 16th St. 28401. I am looking for reports from the years of 2020- 2024.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Reyna Crooms


Thank you for submitting your request. A copy is included below for your records.

Public Records Request

Your Name Reyna Crooms

Your Email requests@muckrock.com

Your Phone Number

Your Organization WECT News

Division Division of Air Quality
I'm Looking For This Type Of Record Document
Site or Company Names Social Security Administration office

Permit Number

Site or Company Addresses 1528 S 16th St. 28401

Request Description I am a reporter with WECT News. I am looking for a report of the air quality test at the Wilmington, North Carolina, Social Security Administration office. The building is located at 1528 S 16th St. 28401. I am looking for reports from the years of 2020- 2024.
View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems here:
https://www.muckrock.com/ (https://click.smartsheet.com/f/a/j_a07AnISGmkIflN52OEzA~~/AARF7wA~/RgRnkkbyP0QpaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubXVja3JvY2suY29tL3Jlc3BvbmQvMTY0ODQyMS9XA3NwY0IKZaLywa9lEq4wPlIlMTU2ODIwLTA5ODYxMzc2QHJlcXVlc3RzLm11Y2tyb2NrLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~)
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File Attachments

Public Records Request - Muckrock News.pdf ( 857k)

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From: Department of Environmental Quality

Thank you for reaching out. Your request has been received and we will begin processing. Please note that records requests are processed in the order they are received. As a reminder, many Division of Air Quality files are available online through the Facility Mapping Tool or Laserfiche: https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-quality/outreach-education-engagement/air-quality-public-information/air-quality-public-records

Can you please clarify what report you are seeking regarding this location? The N.C. DEQ Division of Air Quality regulates outdoor air quality. For information about indoor air quality, you will need to contact NCDHHS: https://epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oee/programs/iaq.html


Shawn Taylor (he/him)
Public Information Officer, Division of Air Quality
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-8446 | Cell: (919) 816-6086

From: Department of Environmental Quality


I wanted to check in with you again and see what report you may be seeking. Again, DAQ does not have records related to indoor air quality.

Shawn Taylor (he/him)
Public Information Officer, Division of Air Quality
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-8446 | Cell: (919) 816-6086


There are no files associated with this request.