ocala pd traffic

Brooks filed this request with the Ocala Police Department of Ocala, FL.
Tracking #



From: Brooks

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

We request raw data – in a machine-readable database or spreadsheet format such as SQL, CSV, XML, JSON, Excel, or Access files — on Traffic Stops (also known as vehicle stops). The time period of the data should cover the earliest date available in the Police Department or City databases through the date on which this request is fulfilled.

The data should include all disclosable fields, including but not limited to fields containing the following types of information:

• Officer Gender
• Officer Race/ Ethnicity
• Incident Location
• Incident Date
• Incident Time
• Charge
• Charge Description
• Person ID (Subject ID)
• Subject First Name
• Subject Middle Name
• Subject Last Name
• Subject Date of Birth
• Subject Drivers License
• Subject Sex
• Subject Race
• Subject Age
• Incident ID
• Search Conducted
• Contraband Found / Search Result
• Disposition
• Vehicle Make
• Vehicle Model

In addition, we are also requesting all identifiers, primary keys, and/or metadata that distinguish between unique records and individuals, and that link the database tables together, including but not limited to Incident IDs, Person IDs, and [any other relevant fields you’re aware of].

We are also requesting any data dictionaries, code tables, or other types of manuals that define, in plain English, the meaning of the column headers in the data, and any codes, acronyms, abbreviations or other shorthand terms used for entries in the data.

We are asking for an export of raw data, to the extent maintained in the City’s or PD’s databases. We do not expect the City or PD to manually input or alter any information into the data for the purposes of fulfilling this request.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.



From: Brooks

following up with this request

From: Brooks

following up with this request

From: Ocala Police Department

Good Afternoon,

We are working on seeing how feasible it is for us to compile this data with our current reporting systems. Several departments are working on this request and I will continue to update you as we come up with something that addresses the scope of this request.

Thank you,

OPD Records Section
352-369-7090/fx 352-369-7217
Ocala Police Department

From: Ocala Police Department

Good Afternoon,

In addition, please be advised that this Public Records Request is too broad in scope and we would need a specific time frame for which you want us to gather the data rather than “The time period of the data should cover the earliest date available in the Police Department or City databases through the date on which this request is fulfilled.”

Please advise,

Thank you,

OPD Records Section
352-369-7090/fx 352-369-7217
Ocala Police Department

From: Brooks

Please include data from: January, 1, 2011 to September, 1, 2020.

From: Ocala Police Department

Good Afternoon,

Our System Analyst is still working on creating a report that contains this data. We have encountered unforeseen delays and it will be at least another week before the report is complete. Please continue to bear with us and we will update you with any news regarding your request as it becomes available.

Thank you,

OPD Records Section
352-369-7090/fx 352-369-7217
Ocala Police Department

From: Brooks

Appreciate the update. Looking forward to hearing from you in a week.

From: Brooks

Following up as I have not heard from you.


From: Ocala Police Department

Good Morning,

We have completed the request and I am waiting to receive the data from IT to put on disc, as they do not believe it will transfer by the Cloud. At that time I will request mailing information. I will hopefully know something by the close of business today, but will be able to update you on Thursday definitely.

Thank you,

OPD Records Section
352-369-7090/fx 352-369-7217
Ocala Police Department

From: Brooks

Much appreciated. Please let me know if you would like me to provide you with an address.

From: Ocala Police Department

Good Afternoon,

Please provide mailing details and we will put this on disc. I have attached an invoice as well. Please remit payment in the form of cash or check to the Ocala Police Department Records Section/402 South Pine Avenue/Ocala, FL 34471. Once payment is received, we will mail out the disc.

Thank you,

OPD Records Section
352-369-7090/fx 352-369-7217
Ocala Police Department

From: Ocala Police Department

Dear Requester,

This will acknowledge receipt. The City of Ocala Public Records Center will respond as soon as possible. Your request was given the reference number W004957-110620 for tracking purposes.

Please be advised that you must log into the City of Ocala Public Records Center to track your request. The City of Ocala Public Records Center will notify you by email when your record request is complete.

Angel B. Jacobs
City Clerk's Office
City of Ocala
110 SE Watula Ave
Ocala, Fl 34471
352-629-8403 (p)
352-629-5208 (f)

To track your request and respond, visit the , then click on "My Request Center." Public Records Center (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=tVZK-2BDMrxhcb-2BNvwVODlUElrrq-2FtWVF1YS4LgQ1UpTyLYWXVWzbY2pMSXuNctj2sFszH_Fzsi4A6Enrw7KZWRG8m8t84goEFjhu7S3QZzhSxE9owE7U04esfP5cJig9foC-2F8qLAQh0lMk30XaHqILyxb0dM1uiQRMNl2-2F48rie1adYQlO0ZNKujpzVRjaipSq3sYmpE9O-2F8wfjhwM8kI8XNuk-2BW7jfUKNiQuAPrbSoD2zEEyIC5EHpbVKwU-2BGkQvnPzxyZJc1rpFz-2B3gqqmqSvxD1CJGt-2FpG-2BFEOnQ1rvc2FJ9aaUVEa1y95tVYypi4RtdaOCRtslujyZevt6zSvcvGDcRMpWcIAUSzmx2XtWia25eDDWtkXc5X57G77xgA7HCGpuVGcS2z3KDdAPRY0QDD9h8fg-2BWPhYH9rybD2T3iZSLnLSmtGsGZ-2FgUR0hAqXqx9xVvBbrSN4TAgVYynY0Gyr-2B0w-3D-3D)

From: Brooks

Please confirm what information will be provided in the data request:

Will you be able to provide all variables requested?

If possible please send a digital sample of the data that will be provided upon receipt of the invoice.

From: Ocala Police Department

Hello MuckRock News Attn: Brooks,
You have responded to an unresponsive email.
Please be advised that if you wish to submit a public records request, update an existing request, or check the status of an already submitted request, you should visit the Public Records Center.
Thank you
City of Ocala

Track the issue status and respond at: http://mygovhelp.info/OCALAFL//_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=4964 (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=kc-2BYlAhmQSPQRZfhHvZh0Yu9j3ESzZEyIkqWu-2BsyuH96FeSQTPzEK6tIhJZIWtOzdZIIfq-2Bw4IdEdyQT0bx8pXvqk6OlTCclXnC3s14NgY8-3DFEcN_Fzsi4A6Enrw7KZWRG8m8t84goEFjhu7S3QZzhSxE9owE7U04esfP5cJig9foC-2F8qLAQh0lMk30XaHqILyxb0dO-2BXaR4CnaudNt-2FA-2B6e9MeZsin0Qzx1lK1ku4dSMvqoOF4ol4tmgfEJXeyX5Q7kVTTzf4k9KaTDcJhGlCSMJI-2B6U3rE1RguUM3DWf7q-2Fe8MwSQU7wCiDtGf7XKZMwohZkziTI9-2BKdFxS1CnOT7YDcES-2BS-2BTNB6bDwXi3eURzYGwjI6bLDW5pYJYiz2Hc6I5m9LDUERIyXYlNZ8EgFlKnFTZprY27aG2msjR1zjkT3MbYtnXA08uW9ql9SwKrDEEef3VWGeq6gifP7zSQil-2BLya-2FQR6dgNzhnDWCE4-2F9My84uAUsopCsIxkQkYJZOwzBA4g-3D-3D)

From: Brooks

Please confirm what information will be provided in the data request:

Will you be able to provide all variables requested?

If possible please send a digital sample of the data that will be provided upon receipt of the invoice.

From: Ocala Police Department

Hello MuckRock News Attn: Brooks,
You have responded to an unresponsive email.
Please be advised that if you wish to submit a public records request, update an existing request, or check the status of an already submitted request, you should visit the Public Records Center.
Thank you
City of Ocala

Track the issue status and respond at: http://mygovhelp.info/OCALAFL//_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=4976 (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=kc-2BYlAhmQSPQRZfhHvZh0Yu9j3ESzZEyIkqWu-2BsyuH96FeSQTPzEK6tIhJZIWtOzdZIIfq-2Bw4IdEdyQT0bx8pQl6XsBm83tMWRXyiBxmiJU-3D90UK_Fzsi4A6Enrw7KZWRG8m8t84goEFjhu7S3QZzhSxE9owE7U04esfP5cJig9foC-2F8qLAQh0lMk30XaHqILyxb0dPro7zZo-2BHg5glABC5nQvCEtg7Y2eGINRE6EIw7QTNBGeKU7ZFVMqgOxD2fQZ3AcHDMomhY79DOAG4SI2B9qEP6kNFUeRU49B00JgYn22ppr3eQnfbIyL5qw-2BgRhLn4SSHOzh3QL0hhkQMSUcRHNOXLraxxE9z3kbPS94JtZ01RB0PUdWT9VC9FL5EiZ-2BGcJxI6mhl5-2Bmrltcsr-2BRjPv7UPMz5EXr0-2BJL4Z1b3Xt6wW8VtJtVp6A7HBcUOgRnZcxshP3Rtp1-2FRDuWRbRbTnUnYoTx-2B40HhYRifeF6Vyzo-2BlI6Q4zjCWGiMsFe3oH1hmNGA-3D-3D)

From: Ocala Police Department

Hello MuckRock News Attn: Brooks,
You have responded to an unresponsive email.
Please be advised that if you wish to submit a public records request, update an existing request, or check the status of an already submitted request, you should visit the Public Records Center.
Thank you
City of Ocala

Track the issue status and respond at: http://mygovhelp.info/OCALAFL//_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=5037 (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=kc-2BYlAhmQSPQRZfhHvZh0Yu9j3ESzZEyIkqWu-2BsyuH96FeSQTPzEK6tIhJZIWtOzdZIIfq-2Bw4IdEdyQT0bx8pWYMTD1vsOCzmjORc6aploU-3D5K52_Fzsi4A6Enrw7KZWRG8m8t84goEFjhu7S3QZzhSxE9owE7U04esfP5cJig9foC-2F8qLAQh0lMk30XaHqILyxb0dCw7Y9Iw7B51fH02rnDm7OIjEtwZxkPj0QATE1QyThkR7DsgebkI0WeooEpr2YMjoAzIG1Ix5MKU1DkvG-2BFULeQPwXehy2KRl-2FtSRsjRHSZpT02Sj-2B2Y3ZlCr4g3H0pMsNr88PObxDQxl8hYCwMQAPqaYkjAPZX-2FsJJOlWoBNUXU57PcNC9eKbW6r61pqihsfBPeHG3YdLqAjPaudw2HBrJbX2nM-2FNFS1hkzGTDc43ZtyWLtwBeIHdfR9EN7-2F-2FTtc9FlJx5LSYtuzR-2Bq7Re-2BXDpYX12sGwaZHmG8KH8N0mlw5VT8dq6j7UHVPiMQBWPF9g-3D-3D)

From: Ocala Police Department

Hello MuckRock News Attn: Brooks,
You have responded to an unresponsive email.
Please be advised that if you wish to submit a public records request, update an existing request, or check the status of an already submitted request, you should visit the Public Records Center.
Thank you
City of Ocala

Track the issue status and respond at: http://mygovhelp.info/OCALAFL//_rs/RequestEdit.aspx?rid=5090 (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=kc-2BYlAhmQSPQRZfhHvZh0Yu9j3ESzZEyIkqWu-2BsyuH96FeSQTPzEK6tIhJZIWtOzdZIIfq-2Bw4IdEdyQT0bx8pbGYzyQXw0Ph5oaGQOY1VDY-3DnOxQ_Fzsi4A6Enrw7KZWRG8m8t84goEFjhu7S3QZzhSxE9owE7U04esfP5cJig9foC-2F8qLAQh0lMk30XaHqILyxb0dEgQQeTSuf4SFmNn1vkIpddyi-2B4u8NLIUtnv1igny0cgQuGwWmj-2B6gKSSBSyQWPuqffnpd3yqkKlXUq3ctOa4y1QR-2F-2F2YIOde9jFs4jfnAibarGzwvJcsEBEvFVKNr-2BVTMUthQ-2FQ8h48lz5nvrjidSQ4Tp5yiCCFhHoc81dqLrvEkTFDDqNf1Z7B1cmFew5RAlW3snDip5n7PxfUwx7cSM9B6Bj-2FH1c5LIWjTEQSmPEhJuri1bx2bbcE8Nc0qCR7Y-2FxzmBI3WK-2Fnnvm0bZiRbZf7SHlTJgfKOdUvz6cBoXhcu2HeRIuXUUc-2BUQaQZnCgpQ-3D-3D)

From: Ocala Police Department

Dear Requester,

In regards to the Public Records Request received on 11/6/2020 requesting Police records. The records have been waiting for payment for 30 days. The City of the Ocala considers this request closed. If you would still like the records, please submit another Public Records Request. Thank you for using the City of Ocala Public Records Center. Request Details:
Public Records Request # W004957-110620
Type of Record: Police
Description of Records Requested: Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I herby request the following records:

We request raw data - in a machine-readable database or spreadsheet format such as SQL, CSV, XML, JSON, Excel, or Access files - on Traffic Stops (vehicle stops). Time period of the data should cover the earliest date available in the Police Department or City databases through the date on which this request is fulfilled. (See scanned email for a complete description of the request)
Link to review request details online:
http://mygovhelp.info/OCALAFL/_rs/CustomerIssues.aspx? (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=kc-2BYlAhmQSPQRZfhHvZh0Yu9j3ESzZEyIkqWu-2BsyuH-2FyEWW6J-2Brm-2F0PQaug1F1Qog27JlptZ8ThSKWmGzCBHGQ-3D-3D2oBD_Fzsi4A6Enrw7KZWRG8m8t84goEFjhu7S3QZzhSxE9owE7U04esfP5cJig9foC-2F8qLAQh0lMk30XaHqILyxb0dO8e0U9VIw4QUy3ArOqx3FXgY6Pryq0KjD9a7vyj8pdjfERVXctzqvwgFCmgyH5W08uscZ3UOXUg46XrRy1XdBQvBN5uMW1MV7lCF69bqc5IbEaT7dw6CTilsxZIfs87xmWN6-2ByQHY5emYXtL5boH18qKkVSggtLbrWbiI9lQ964oVbZgZbf39Sa-2FQY6ExW-2BecR-2FNH-2F-2F2N0GVP9BVMNM3m6MSDzoGtF0CD82roWbs0DJ3cYvX-2BUwMvAQCDCfz5YriPS9gAOMnAO0LyeXaBOScxbnvojr2piPpGPBfDSoSpdDKEW8sJGMYPZgJ3DlPk4VMw-3D-3D)