Shuk-Mei Ho emails

Stephan Neidenbach filed this request with the University of Cincinnati of Ohio.
Est. Completion None
Fix Required


From: Stephan Neidenbach

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Ohio Open Records Law, I hereby request the following records:

Any emails to or from Shuk-Mei Ho to or from the following domains:

Please include emails from January 1, 2014 to the present.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I would request your response within ten (10) business days.


Stephan Neidenbach

From: Gabbard, Betty (gabbarbj)

Good afternoon, Mr. Neidenbach -

We are in receipt of your request of August 29. I am looking for your phone number so I can contact your directly. Could you forward your number to me?

Thank you.

Best regards,

B. Jean Gabbard
Senior Legal Assistant

Office of General Counsel
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210661
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0661
Tel : (513) 556-4526
Fax : (513) 558-4498

Campus Location: 246 University Hall
The foregoing message may contain attorney-client information. You should not copy, forward or otherwise distribute this email without the permission of the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message without retaining a copy and inform the sender of your action. Your cooperation will be appreciated.

From: Gabbard, Betty (gabbarbj)

Good morning, Mr. Neidenbach --

I look forward to your response so that we may proceed.

Best regards,

B. Jean Gabbard
Senior Legal Assistant

Office of General Counsel
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210661
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0661
Tel : (513) 556-4526
Fax : (513) 558-4498

Campus Location: 246 University Hall
The foregoing message may contain attorney-client information. You should not copy, forward or otherwise distribute this email without the permission of the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message without retaining a copy and inform the sender of your action. Your cooperation will be appreciated.

From: Stephan Neidenbach

May I call you this coming week? I am generally free between 2:30pm and 4:00 pm EST.

Thank you

From: Gabbard, Betty (gabbarbj)

Good afternoon, Neidenbach -
Please feel free to contact me today, tomorrow, or early next week. Your timeframe sound fine to me. If want me to call you, please forward your number.

Thank you for responding.
B. Jean Gabbard
513 556 4526

From: Gabbard, Betty (gabbarbj)

Good afternoon, Mr. Neidenbach -

I look forward to your phone call so we can move forward with your request.

Best regards,

B. Jean Gabbard
Senior Legal Assistant

Office of General Counsel
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210661
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0661
Tel : (513) 556-4526
Fax : (513) 558-4498

Campus Location: 246 University Hall
The foregoing message may contain attorney-client information. You should not copy, forward or otherwise distribute this email without the permission of the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message without retaining a copy and inform the sender of your action. Your cooperation will be appreciated.

From: Gabbard, Betty (gabbarbj)

Mr. Neidenbach -

I am in receipt of your message of August 29. Since we have not been able to connect, I have asked IT to forward the emails to me to / from Shuk-Mei Ho from the following domains from January 1, 2014 to August 29, 2017:

I wanted to let you know that 510 emails were identified (2500 or so pages) and that it will take some time to view and process each page.

If you wish to narrow your request, this would great reduce the time to process the emails. I am going to proceed with requesting copies of the emails as outlined above unless you come back to me with more narrow parameters (smaller timeframe, etc.).

Best regards,

B. Jean Gabbard
Senior Legal Assistant

Office of General Counsel
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210661
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0661
Tel : (513) 556-4526
Fax : (513) 558-4498

Campus Location: 246 University Hall
The foregoing message may contain attorney-client information. You should not copy, forward or otherwise distribute this email without the permission of the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message without retaining a copy and inform the sender of your action. Your cooperation will be appreciated.

From: University of Cincinnati

Good morning, Mr. Neidenbach -

In response to your request of August 29, 2017, for "any emails to Shuk-Mei Ho to or from",,, and, for the timeframe of January 1, 2014 to August 28, 2017, I will be sending a link to your attention today. Due to size limitations with email attachments, I believe this is the best way to transfer the email file to you.

Please note that we redacted personal email addresses and cell phone numbers as non-records in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 149.43.

I believe the University's response concludes your request. If you have any questions (once you receive the link and are able to view the email file), please contact our office directly. The Office of General Counsel will be closed the entire week of December 25th; however, I will be checking my email box periodically, should you have any concerns.

Best regards,

B. Jean Gabbard
Sr. LA / PL - Public Records

Office of General Counsel
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210661
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0661
Tel : (513) 556-4526
Fax : (513) 558-4498

Campus Location: 246 University Hall
The foregoing message may contain attorney-client information. You should not copy, forward or otherwise distribute this email without the permission of the sender. If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message without retaining a copy and inform the sender of your action. Your cooperation will be appreciated.


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