Records Request (City Of Palm Beach Gardens)

Mason C. Turner filed this request with the City Of Palm Beach Gardens of Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
Multi Request Records Request

From: Mason C. Turner

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Florida Sunshine Law, I hereby request the following records:

Confirmation of employment of Jamie Smith ID#232 at Jupiter's (northcom) dispatch center, confirmation of employment, ID number and salary for 2022. Also Her date of hire and payment history up to 2022
The confirmation of employment of "Adam" ID#412 at Jupiter's (northcom) dispatch center, confirmation of employment, ID number and salary for 2022.
The confirmation of employment of "Courtney" ID#9426 at Jupiter's (northcom) dispatch center, confirmation of employment, ID number and salary for 2022.
The confirmation of employment of "Kristin" (on the clock at 12.5.23 ~7:35am) 'ID number refused upon request' she is 'employed' at the (northcom) PBG dispatch center, confirmation of employment, ID number and salary for 2022.

Please include the full names for all individuals stated and their ID numbers and their initial date of employment.

Also please state if it is within dispatch/communications policy to hang up on an individual during a call. Please also confirm that the email address turnermason@gmail is not blocked or restricted from sending mail to city/dispatch issued email addresses as this is unlawful.

There should not be any fees associated pertaining to this request, I would prefer the request be filled electronically, by e-mail attachment as per Sunshine Law.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days.


Mason C. turner

From: City Of Palm Beach Gardens

Good Morning,
Your records request that was submitted on December 12, 2023, is still being processed.
Thank you.


Lorilynn Pollard
Records Coordinator
office:(561) 799-4120|<,1,fqDhjAdMrts4WbNNyJJ3kbfpkkG5BgHHbFJfoElUjcMwOA_Fbvizap6UdmNbTgBjuBdWzyLBsyWgsoQor-PmUKh-hFlkFemiGeFI2vmY_Wc6K446YerxfF932A,,&typo=1>
address:10500 N. Military Trail|Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
"A Signature City"
[A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated]


Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from local officials regarding city business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications may therefore be subject to public disclosure.

From: City Of Palm Beach Gardens

This request was processed on Friday January 19, 2023 by the Police Records Department.
Thank you


Lorilynn Pollard
Records Coordinator
office:(561) 799-4120|<,1,fqDhjAdMrts4WbNNyJJ3kbfpkkG5BgHHbFJfoElUjcMwOA_Fbvizap6UdmNbTgBjuBdWzyLBsyWgsoQor-PmUKh-hFlkFemiGeFI2vmY_Wc6K446YerxfF932A,,&typo=1>
address:10500 N. Military Trail|Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
"A Signature City"
[A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated]

From: Mason C. Turner

Thank you, Please close this request as completed

From: City Of Palm Beach Gardens

Good morning,

This request was processed on Friday January 19, 2024 by the Police Records Department.
Thank you


Lorilynn Pollard
Records Coordinator
office:(561) 799-4120|<,1,fqDhjAdMrts4WbNNyJJ3kbfpkkG5BgHHbFJfoElUjcMwOA_Fbvizap6UdmNbTgBjuBdWzyLBsyWgsoQor-PmUKh-hFlkFemiGeFI2vmY_Wc6K446YerxfF932A,,&typo=1>
address:10500 N. Military Trail|Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
"A Signature City"
[A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated]