Library Complaint and Censorship Records (Crosby Elementary School Library)

Chris Peterson filed this request with the Crosby Elementary School Library of Pittsfield, MA.

From: Chris Peterson

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M. G. L. Chapter 66, Section 10) for a copy of the following records:

Copies of written and electronic complaints and challenges for removal, reclassification, or other reconsideration of publications including books, magazines, movies, websites (e.g. filtered from library computers), or other media from January 1, 2010, to present, as well as records, petitions, and correspondence related to these challenges.

We seek such records as, for example, are classified by the Massachusetts’ Supervisor of Public Records Municipal Records Retention Manual under Section 17.004: Complaint and Censorship Records, though we do not limit our request to those so classified.

According to 950 CMR 32.06(5), every custodian of records is encouraged to waive fees where disclosure would benefit the public interest, as we believe these will. This request is part of a research project by the Center for Civic Media to better understand how and why library materials are challenged in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are committed to open access and plan to make our findings broadly available to the public. If fees cannot be waived please inform me in advance.

We ask that, if possible, you please respond via email with text documents or clear, high-quality scanned PDFs. If you cannot reply electronically, please mail us the best quality copies you reasonably can. Your efforts helps us ensure broad accessibility and equity.

The statute requires your response to this request within 10 business days. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us better understand this important aspect of the work that you do. Please feel free to email me directly if you have any further questions.


- Chris Peterson
Research Assistant
Center for Civic Media
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on March 19, 2013. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thank you for your help.

From: Laurie Galok

I received two verbal requests :
"The Little Match Girl" by Hans Christian Andersen from a parent
"The Berenstain Bears and the Bully" by Stan Berenstain from a staff member

Laurie J. Galok
Library/Media Specialist
Crosby Elementary School Library
Crosby Elementary School
517 West St.
Pittsfield, MA 01201

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 5:04 AM,> wrote
Laurie J. Galok
Library/Media Specialist
Crosby Elementary School
517 West St.
Pittsfield, MA 01201
School 413-448-9670
Cell 413-464-1934
FAX 413-443-9520

Crosby Elementary School fosters an environment where every child will
achieve measurable academic growth. Crosby is committed to providing an
education for all students that ensures the mastery of skills necessary to
meet or exceed grade level benchmarks. All children at Crosby can feel safe
and secure as they learn, study and play.

Library Mission:
The Library Media Centers of the Pittsfield Public Schools will encourage,
support, and nurture a love of reading, and thereby assist in developing a
passion for lifelong learning.

From: Chris Peterson

Hi Laurie -

Thanks, this is very interesting. Do you have any additional recollections as to why these books were challenged and so on? If no, we'll include it in the record; if not, we'll mark this FOIA request as resolved. Thank you!

From: Laurie Galok

Hi Chris,

Laurie J. Galok
Library/Media Specialist
Crosby Elementary School
517 West St.
Pittsfield, MA 01201
School 413-448-9670
Cell 413-464-1934
FAX 413-443-9520

Crosby Elementary School fosters an environment where every child will
achieve measurable academic growth. Crosby is committed to providing an
education for all students that ensures the mastery of skills necessary to
meet or exceed grade level benchmarks. All children at Crosby can feel safe
and secure as they learn, study and play.

Library Mission:
The Library Media Centers of the Pittsfield Public Schools will encourage,
support, and nurture a love of reading, and thereby assist in developing a
passion for lifelong learning.

From: Laurie Galok

Hi Chris,
Ignore that previous email, I have a new laptop with a very sensitive mouse
and things are always happening I don't want! I have been out of work due
to a death in my family and therefore the delay in getting you this info.

I may have made notes with these books and still have them with the books
on my "shelf of things to do". What I do remember is the parent thought
"The Little Match Girl" was not appropriate for little children, the little
girl dies on the streets alone,(if I remember correctly) and a substitute
teacher thought the Berenstain Bears gave an unacceptable solution to a
bullying situation, too violent.

I may get into my classroom on Tuesday.If I can find any more info, I will
send it along. Sincerely, Laurie

Laurie J. Galok
Library/Media Specialist
Crosby Elementary School
517 West St.
Pittsfield, MA 01201
School 413-448-9670
Cell 413-464-1934
FAX 413-443-9520

Crosby Elementary School fosters an environment where every child will
achieve measurable academic growth. Crosby is committed to providing an
education for all students that ensures the mastery of skills necessary to
meet or exceed grade level benchmarks. All children at Crosby can feel safe
and secure as they learn, study and play.

Library Mission:
The Library Media Centers of the Pittsfield Public Schools will encourage,
support, and nurture a love of reading, and thereby assist in developing a
passion for lifelong learning.