Police data collection project (Plano Police Department)
Tracking # |
P006895-021120 |
Multi Request | Police data collection project |
Submitted | Feb. 7, 2020 |
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From: Samuel Sinyangwe
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, I hereby request the following records:
-the total number of use of force incidents, separated by year and by type of force used from 2013-2019 (for example, "27 taser incidents in 2013, 3 baton incidents in 2013, etc.)
-total number of civilian complaints reported and the total number sustained, separated by year (for example, 8 complaints in 2013, 2 complaints sustained in 2013, 4 complaints in 2014, 1 complaint sustained in 2014, etc.)
-total number of use of force complaints reported and the total number sustained from 2013-2019, separated by year
-total number of biased policing or discrimination/profiling complaints reported and the total number sustained from 2013-2019, separated by year
-a spreadsheet or list with the dates (month/day/year and time if available), race of subjects involved, and injuries/deaths sustained for all officer-involved shootings incidents (excluding shootings of animals) from 2013-2019, separated by year
The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.
In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.
Samuel Sinyangwe
From: Plano Police Department
Dear Samuel Sinyangwe:
We have received your request for information. We respond to all requests in the order received, within ten business days of the date of receipt. We will respond to your request as soon as possible. If you have received this response, we have received your request for information.
City of Plano
From: Plano Police Department
--- Please respond above this line ---
RE: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION - Reference # P006895-021120
Dear Samuel Sinyangwe,
Your request for information has been completed.
Please log in to the Public Records Center at the following link to retrieve the appropriate responsive documents.
Police Department Information Request - P006895-021120 (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdIUOLxAEmT5xsnC7SDNh0Ff8CjA92G9S8Kz1xwaGAcmOku-2FQStOkcOC2DGLv4lYjcnZbqLeJAmgxw-2Bauk-2F-2FZ8w-3DmiqV_M2AuAUlmMo8gf07KVGPiO558aw8CL18EXE6R7uvPtsvf69rpTHACPcrWCOOzwqB6qT9JUPAanmPWF2aGE-2B5x4SwTG-2BJeGfZ4VZ6iK1YIBAVQhaKylgTsEcXDk8slB3owdJkE5zg-2Bl-2BZqdqevK5hPcX6ZvmoLDH4gnlZaiC-2BWG-2B49tVeG00FQoyxh6-2Ba4eQJsyPajAMQIjd7EqL3CVQks6SyA3IgNm8eVf9K6TmQlIto7RiGOIdlmzksj5YMuAiSyfBZMZcmJw9qAX0U8wIKX-2F70kELFCK83IPjEFtDB5o6ZJZkpMcY8VtQztTMYySp-2FY9llBVqFI0zrLuMAUSuPRvBmFBlGLxCb8LpH-2BRbzGe-2FlFG0RHGaddNfI7h9nh8Eh871v3Yde59OoUa1XDzftD-2F-2Bd8fEvt35cNzAUmDMiqOzc-3D)
Sally Ortiz
Open Records Assistant
Open Records
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Public Records Center (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HdIUOLxAEmT5xsnC7SDNh0EcF9r2Z8ZVSg5qEzfZ7maLsr-2BOlppgQrAtpnCSV5vVVnbdiF1LiH5evmqEtZgdU60-3DRgu3_M2AuAUlmMo8gf07KVGPiO558aw8CL18EXE6R7uvPtsvf69rpTHACPcrWCOOzwqB6qT9JUPAanmPWF2aGE-2B5x4SwTG-2BJeGfZ4VZ6iK1YIBAVQhaKylgTsEcXDk8slB3owdJkE5zg-2Bl-2BZqdqevK5hPcX6ZvmoLDH4gnlZaiC-2BWG-2B49tVeG00FQoyxh6-2Ba4eQJsyPajAMQIjd7EqL3CVQks6SyA3IgNm8eVf9K6TmQlItrLV2rKQrORG15IRhJUmn3BjnPB1V8UnTqANzZG1XUHF2Mijlhn8pbYBA2coNcVhl6gfB7zJDT-2BhZNidqpL1Lh6Rmg4nQD3kiCr4dN4aS-2FazQQGZYW7S578HLR2xLN8i3LCzkXHtHUk9cTLio7kDq4DheO3LROpWxjtUd-2BSptjKBeqX4WeAwEsjVBeLgPEgfj4-3D)