Public Records Request for Officer IAD (Quincy Mayor)

Records Requester filed this request with the Quincy Mayor of Quincy, MA.
Multi Request Public Records Request for Officer IAD

From: Records Requester

Keeper of Records,

Please accept this request for public records, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 66, §10, and c. 4, §7, cl. 26. I request the Department produce information relating to internal affairs complaints against Quincy Police Department officers between January 1, 2010 ― April 30, 2020 including but not limited to the following:

1. Police Officer's Name;
2. Rank;
3. Badge Number;
4. Date of IAD complaint;
5. IAD Complaint # (sometimes referred to as the Complaint Control Form #);
6. IAD Case # (this is the number assigned to the IAD investigation file);
7. Nature of Charges against the Officer;
8. Results of the IAD investigation; and
9. IAD Complaint Disposition Date.

I understand this information is stored digitally therefore I request the records be provided digitally (preferably Excel/CSV) within the statutory time period of ten days.