Police Union Contract (Rochester Police Department)

Katie Ryan filed this request with the Rochester Police Department of Rochester, NY.
Tracking #


Multi Request Police Union Contract


From: Katie Ryan

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law, I hereby request the following records:

I'd like to request a copy of the current collective bargaining agreement (also known as a collective agreement or a union contract) between this department and the city and/or local police union/fraternal order/benevolent association (or similar/equivalent organization). This includes any and all memorandums of understanding or similar agreements. Please provide all associated addendums, amendments, appendices, exhibits, and other supplemental and supporting documents.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Katie Ryan

From: Rochester Police Department

Dear Katie Ryan,<br><br>Your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request for &quot;Police Union Contract (Rochester Police Department)&quot; has been received by the City of Rochester. <br><br>Your request is currently being processed. The City will supply either the requested material or an updated response within approximately 20 business days. We will notify you in writing should additional time be needed.<br><br>This request has been assigned FOIL #RR21-06720. Please refer to this number when making any inquiries regarding this request.<br><br><a href="https://ecm-web.cityofrochester.gov/Forms/WheresMyFOIL?RequestNumber=RR21-06720">Click here</a> to check on the status of your request.<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>Stephanie Prince<br>Records Access OfficerDear Katie Ryan,

Your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request for &quot;Police Union Contract (Rochester Police Department)&quot; has been received by the City of Rochester.

Your request is currently being processed. The City will supply either the requested material or an updated response within approximately 20 business days. We will notify you in writing should additional time be needed.

This request has been assigned FOIL #RR21-06720. Please refer to this number when making any inquiries regarding this request.

<a href="https://ecm-web.cityofrochester.gov/Forms/WheresMyFOIL?RequestNumber=RR21-06720">Click here</a> to check on the status of your request.


Stephanie Prince
Records Access Officer

From: Katie Ryan

Good morning!

Following up on my public records request (FOIL #RR21-06720) - I was told on October 13th that I would receive a response within 20 business days. Please let me know when I can expect my requested documents.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

From: Katie Ryan

Hi there!

Following up on my public records request (FOIL #RR21-06720) - I was told on October 13th that I would receive a response within 20 business days. Please let me know when I can expect my requested documents.

From: Rochester Police Department

Good Morning,

Your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request #RR21-06720 has been processed. You requested information regarding: "Police Union Contract (Rochester Police Department)"

Your request is granted in full and the responsive documents are located within the link below. You will have 30 days to download before this link expires.

If you wish to appeal this determination, you must do so in writing within 30 days by emailing Corporation Counsel and Appeals Officer, c/o Stephanie Prince at foilappeals@cityofrochester.gov or by mailing your appeal to the following address:

City of Rochester
Corporation Counsel
30 Church Street, 400A
Rochester, NY 14614-1295

City of Rochester ShareFile Attachments Expires February 11, 2022

PLC CBA 2016-2019.pdf 45.2 MB

Download Attachments<https://cityofrochester.sharefile.com/d-sc67007210e584fffa03b590bd5fae42f>

Files are sent and received securely. Files sent with ShareFile will be available for up to 31 days from the time they are sent. <https://www.sharefile.com/?src=system-email-outlookplugin-new&utm_medium=system-email&utm_source=outlookplugin-new>


Geron C. Harris
City of Rochester, New York - Law Department
City Hall - Room 400A
30 Church Street
Rochester, New York 14614
p: (585) 428-7290 / f: (585) 428-6950


