Drone and UAV acquisition, policy, and use (San Antonio Police Department)

Beryl Lipton filed this request with the San Antonio Police Department of San Antonio, TX.
Tracking #


Multi Request Drone and UAV acquisition, policy, and use
Est. Completion None

From: Beryl Lipton

All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter “drones”).

Please search specifically records in each of the below document categories. A response to each of the categories and items would be appreciated.

i) requests for proposals (RFPs), proposals/quotes submitted by vendors, contracts, leases, budget requests, project/equipment budgets, cost allocations or reimbursements for the purchase of drone equipment;
ii) Grant applications and award letters for drone equipment purchases;
iii) Insurance contracts for all drone equipment;
iv) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head or agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) and drone vendors, manufacturers or retailers;
v) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) regarding acquisition, lease or use of drone equipment;
vi) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and the governor, mayor and city/town manager regarding the acquisition of drones;

vii) Applications (including all components and support documentation) for Certificates of Waiver/Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as COA grant notifications and final agreement;
viii) Contracts for services related to drones, such as data storage, data analysis, image storage, image analysis, video storage, video analysis, operation, maintenance;

i) Inventories/logs/lists/databases of all drones owned, leased or operated by or for the agency;
ii) Maintenance logs for all drones owned, leased or otherwise operated by or for the agency;
iii) records and logs related to any attachments or additional equipment used or designed to be used with the drones, including all license plate readers, video cameras, thermal cameras, data storage, Stingrays or cell phone simulators, etc.

i) Policies, guidelines, protocols, manuals and/or instructions on the use/operation of drones and usage of data, images and video obtained from drone flights;
ii) Communications from the agency head, quartermaster (or individual responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and maintenance) on approved uses for drones;
iii) Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or any other agreements or contracts with other government agencies, private corporations, organizations or individuals to share drone equipment, data, images or video or to operate drones on behalf of the agency;

i) Curriculum used to train drone operators and observers;
ii) Training log for all drone operators and observers;
iii) Certifications of training completion for all drone operators and observers;
iv) Contracts, purchase orders, budget requests or reimbursement orders for training sessions for all drone operators and observers;

i) Flight logs for all drone flights, including training flights;
ii) Flight logs transmitted to the Federal Aviation Administration pursuant to Certificate of Waiver/Authorization (COA) requirements;
iii) Reprimands relating to drones, including misuse of equipment and failure to properly maintain equipment.

This request is being made by a reporter as part of a journalistic investigation. It is being submitted to your agency at the suggestion of a MuckRock reader from your community, part of a project to better understand uses of police force nationwide. This has been of public interest for many years and is of particular interest to the public following the widely-seen death of George Floyd and subsequent First Amendment-protected demonstrations and public discussion. There is no commercial interest in making this request or in receiving responsive records.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

From: San Antonio Police Department

Dear Beryl Lipton:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor of Texas declared a public health emergency and disaster and issued an Executive Order for people to "Stay Home" to mitigate the spread of the virus and protect the health and safety of Texans by limiting gathering and restricting work activities to those that are essential and support critical infrastructure.  City of San Antonio administrative departments are closed to in-person contact.  Many departments are on skeleton crews while remaining staff is working remotely or is present but involved directly in the public health or epidemic response.  Too Few Employees have the access necessary to respond to public information requests at this time.  Therefore in accordance with the guidance issued by the Office of the Texas Attorney General, this is not a "business day" for the purpose of Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, the Public Information Act, and all PIA-related processes are currently paused.

From: San Antonio Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
City of San Antonio In response to the COVID-19 pandemic,  City of San Antonio administrative departments closed on April 6, 2020.  The City of San Antonio reopened its offices and resumed business day operations on November 23, 2020.  This action will restart all PIA-related processes.  All requests received prior to April 6, 2020 will resume processing and any requests submitted during the skeleton crew day period (April 6 – November 20) will be officially noted as being received and begin being processed on the 23 rd. This notice has been published on the City's website, and notification will be sent to each requester with pending or new requests.

From: San Antonio Police Department

W333606__letter_to_AG_10-day.pdf (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HXMjwvo-2BoqyxigpZhDNJxzqGU7neDa49K1vTgZ1M9Zz31TGChPDV-2BLnyetVtVW4ERBvJhwaj17UFqxFfOSFKz7jL-2BOnCvjcCUnlB3whEjQ3swvm9VZelD60smtNFJ11jCxF2RKG0PynqbVHYv6m8frfLxLI-2Fk1wfsfROLKR-2FRaNWHU3tPpUqSkSDeCzVA1ShFg-3D-3DpjFE_rAGL2YqRpufGGQrPT3BtOmAtPVrnJYCYwTTCsWpOhqzLQnSkIrYCIDc8rs6WXUfmep6UH8-2Ft-2B5Hr0-2FAsb8u1LmjwpD5ebBHapuTJCZq-2B062Ll99xwt55BhwObdQCeOTDvhGOaZiZpzpJOb-2Fuuk9AA1nn2wl7ugOaZhNCje8RSVz6i-2F3eLH1HajvdytOojqgsUQVge1G34Xw4rMyKyon-2F3zrr62PiKeSKVagpIw7YkgFzDDsD-2BX-2FWvOgJM5xpRgk6-2BNC1B0V-2Fnqqq6G1YvUN4ISWH-2F1j9VB2O3fowrbuCJ2dJ9OEtbePPCSLvEDQpHp0VnhM371WCwHcVhuuiNPHCPXQhsW8YN6nkMqm39nLQRdwDrRxOP5FgPrWSe9iA6YL4QEEk-2BsGyRQ4fLrZYaFX4pQ-3D-3D)

--- Please respond above this line ---

Dear Beryl Lipton:
Information Requested: All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter “drones”).

Please search specifically records in each of the below document categories. A response to each of the categories and items would be appreciated.

i) requests for proposals (RFPs), proposals/quotes submitted by vendors, contracts, leases, budget requests, project/equipment budgets, cost allocations or reimbursements for the purchase of drone equipment;
ii) Grant applications and award letters for drone equipment purchases;
iii) Insurance contracts for all drone equipment;
iv) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head or agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) and drone vendors, manufacturers or retailers;
v) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) regarding acquisition, lease or use of drone equipment;
vi) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and the governor, mayor and city/town manager regarding the acquisition of drones;

vii) Applications (including all components and support documentation) for Certificates of Waiver/Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as COA grant notifications and final agreement;
viii) Contracts for services related to drones, such as data storage, data analysis, image storage, image analysis, video storage, video analysis, operation, maintenance;

i) Inventories/logs/lists/databases of all drones owned, leased or operated by or for the agency;
ii) Maintenance logs for all drones owned, leased or otherwise operated by or for the agency;
iii) records and logs related to any attachments or additional equipment used or designed to be used with the drones, including all license plate readers, video cameras, thermal cameras, data storage, Stingrays or cell phone simulators, etc.

i) Policies, guidelines, protocols, manuals and/or instructions on the use/operation of drones and usage of data, images and video obtained from drone flights;
ii) Communications from the agency head, quartermaster (or individual responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and maintenance) on approved uses for drones;
iii) Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or any other agreements or contracts with other government agencies, private corporations, organizations or individuals to share drone equipment, data, images or video or to operate drones on behalf of the agency;

i) Curriculum used to train drone operators and observers;
ii) Training log for all drone operators and observers;
iii) Certifications of training completion for all drone operators and observers;
iv) Contracts, purchase orders, budget requests or reimbursement orders for training sessions for all drone operators and observers;

i) Flight logs for all drone flights, including training flights;
ii) Flight logs transmitted to the Federal Aviation Administration pursuant to Certificate of Waiver/Authorization (COA) requirements;
iii) Reprimands relating to drones, including misuse of equipment and failure to properly maintain equipment.

This request is being made by a reporter as part of a journalistic investigation. It is being submitted to your agency at the suggestion of a MuckRock reader from your community, part of a project to better understand uses of police force nationwide. This has been of public interest for many years and is of particular interest to the public following the widely-seen death of George Floyd and subsequent First Amendment-protected demonstrations and public discussion. There is no commercial interest in making this request or in receiving responsive records.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

Upload documents directly: https://https://www.muckrock.comhttps://accounts.muckrock.com/accounts/login/?url_auth_token=AAAasVUtnO192rbgDOo8hFTmdPo%3A1k5PA5%3AQ36cmNyBEB6nVVJvgaxKwudTuEc&next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.muckrock.com%2Faccounts%2Flogin%2F%3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fagency_login%252Fsan-antonio-police-department-657%252Fdrone-and-uav-acquisition-policy-and-use-san-antonio-police-department-99939%252F%253Femail%253DSAPDPIO%252540sanantonio.gov
The City of San Antonio is seeking to withhold some or all of the information you have requested and has sought a decision from the Texas Attorney General's Office on the applicability of certain exceptions, pursuant to section 552.301 of the Texas Government Code. Please see attached a copy of the City's correspondence with the Attorney General's Office.

Open Records Unit
Police Department

From: San Antonio Police Department

W333606_letter_to_AG_15-day.pdf (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HXMjwvo-2BoqyxigpZhDNJxzqGU7neDa49K1vTgZ1M9Zz31TGChPDV-2BLnyetVtVW4ERBvJhwaj17UFqxFfOSFKz7h5-2Fc7m8U7YuW9KyRUiaUQ4gpwA4EtgSpJLaRXGiyD0pXq44ArAZO9do4HebuYEbwbGn2wj-2Bqaqa2gW5jGqfuLHbYdApXzTVG89MPnnVF7l8Q-3D-3DAJyf_rAGL2YqRpufGGQrPT3BtOmAtPVrnJYCYwTTCsWpOhqzLQnSkIrYCIDc8rs6WXUfmep6UH8-2Ft-2B5Hr0-2FAsb8u1LsdA20UpoqkAc9citm72-2FJ6d3Ez3ocgW35neE5TluRsc7iUAfSh6zz9cHc-2B-2BFht6LMiM-2BycWF6yNGM8JQDctGJVCg430OeEydd6vhN4f-2BfCSLzUJOnDZn8tF5va-2FgGW0WiGf15YI2bTM4RqHm34SIwsfD97AlbcTbmcldcarnsKarQwClwBrA75eJHZOWbsLxPRuTLurjE9TmLkOQKjORyKALoInooYb2195a-2Fc0mqEyN9kmzxC1zTxOdRYXXfKFxltP-2BTiCmicSo107K9MOdAHvIeYIE0tCfZN-2Fz92M1J6azsyBZYZuInB-2F0UnbQIRFcA-3D-3D)

--- Please respond above this line ---

Dear Beryl Lipton:
Information Requested: All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter “drones”).

Please search specifically records in each of the below document categories. A response to each of the categories and items would be appreciated.

i) requests for proposals (RFPs), proposals/quotes submitted by vendors, contracts, leases, budget requests, project/equipment budgets, cost allocations or reimbursements for the purchase of drone equipment;
ii) Grant applications and award letters for drone equipment purchases;
iii) Insurance contracts for all drone equipment;
iv) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head or agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) and drone vendors, manufacturers or retailers;
v) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) regarding acquisition, lease or use of drone equipment;
vi) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and the governor, mayor and city/town manager regarding the acquisition of drones;

vii) Applications (including all components and support documentation) for Certificates of Waiver/Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as COA grant notifications and final agreement;
viii) Contracts for services related to drones, such as data storage, data analysis, image storage, image analysis, video storage, video analysis, operation, maintenance;

i) Inventories/logs/lists/databases of all drones owned, leased or operated by or for the agency;
ii) Maintenance logs for all drones owned, leased or otherwise operated by or for the agency;
iii) records and logs related to any attachments or additional equipment used or designed to be used with the drones, including all license plate readers, video cameras, thermal cameras, data storage, Stingrays or cell phone simulators, etc.

i) Policies, guidelines, protocols, manuals and/or instructions on the use/operation of drones and usage of data, images and video obtained from drone flights;
ii) Communications from the agency head, quartermaster (or individual responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and maintenance) on approved uses for drones;
iii) Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or any other agreements or contracts with other government agencies, private corporations, organizations or individuals to share drone equipment, data, images or video or to operate drones on behalf of the agency;

i) Curriculum used to train drone operators and observers;
ii) Training log for all drone operators and observers;
iii) Certifications of training completion for all drone operators and observers;
iv) Contracts, purchase orders, budget requests or reimbursement orders for training sessions for all drone operators and observers;

i) Flight logs for all drone flights, including training flights;
ii) Flight logs transmitted to the Federal Aviation Administration pursuant to Certificate of Waiver/Authorization (COA) requirements;
iii) Reprimands relating to drones, including misuse of equipment and failure to properly maintain equipment.

This request is being made by a reporter as part of a journalistic investigation. It is being submitted to your agency at the suggestion of a MuckRock reader from your community, part of a project to better understand uses of police force nationwide. This has been of public interest for many years and is of particular interest to the public following the widely-seen death of George Floyd and subsequent First Amendment-protected demonstrations and public discussion. There is no commercial interest in making this request or in receiving responsive records.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

Upload documents directly: https://https://www.muckrock.comhttps://accounts.muckrock.com/accounts/login/?url_auth_token=AAAasVUtnO192rbgDOo8hFTmdPo%3A1k5PA5%3AQ36cmNyBEB6nVVJvgaxKwudTuEc&next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.muckrock.com%2Faccounts%2Flogin%2F%3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fagency_login%252Fsan-antonio-police-department-657%252Fdrone-and-uav-acquisition-policy-and-use-san-antonio-police-department-99939%252F%253Femail%253DSAPDPIO%252540sanantonio.gov

The City of San Antonio is seeking to withhold some or all of the information you have requested and has sought a decision from the Texas Attorney General's Office on the applicability of certain exceptions, pursuant to section 552.301 of the Texas Government Code. Please see attached a copy of the City's correspondence with the Attorney General's Office.
Open Records
San Antonio Police Department

From: San Antonio Police Department

FAA_Form_7711-1_2019-CSA-3949_(City_of_San_Antonio__TX).pdf (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HXMjwvo-2BoqyxigpZhDNJxzqGU7neDa49K1vTgZ1M9Zz31TGChPDV-2BLnyetVtVW4ERBvJhwaj17UFqxFfOSFKz7gu7SBlYIdN-2FhXeRyaF3OWFCmfNX8lhMkUwxCARWFJh2m75QkwGnUfsl6qxDVoXX2YdnkC3DWZ1Fkw76gKjNkTc0zBq3pVLjlm2bTmT-2FbMj6g-3D-3Drcpn_rAGL2YqRpufGGQrPT3BtOmAtPVrnJYCYwTTCsWpOhqzLQnSkIrYCIDc8rs6WXUfmep6UH8-2Ft-2B5Hr0-2FAsb8u1LjAF8Ai12VhWBUd0T3km1QHMObpSBG0f-2FzrgrGfWStL7-2BaomEOq0ZT-2BhJsvQQNVX4zRuxvNnALzarOfWA9tYflZ32UDZlLc0QnyU-2FyihcdToCtJi8NIEiiCl0TJ2eKB5-2B5AC3OFA6Uy-2Bnm1NLCXeoGOkmD3DdMF629cuWPLlWCSciBTqC3trejRgfQz9R4p-2BldgSIWlYCZEJcLonSgzKZf3Xdvf2Cv1w8TyW4fUZnI74xLHgQoXmW1ewAF7xPKLgKuWPo-2FcJGnCb2Q-2BG2fzqoW4nF-2BB0umKIQzJQ2dGljZDcQUQcmhg1a5Q-2F0IwnJd8F7A-3D-3D)
SAPD_UAS_Standard_Operating_Guideleines_2019.docx (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HXMjwvo-2BoqyxigpZhDNJxzqGU7neDa49K1vTgZ1M9Zz31TGChPDV-2BLnyetVtVW4ERBvJhwaj17UFqxFfOSFKz7gu7SBlYIdN-2FhXeRyaF3OWFCmfNX8lhMkUwxCARWFJh2gajmzr7yCTiV4jJkUBgBahxFSv-2FRQD9vfCcIigXH3uyDsjklSO-2F0yQleRgUC0g-2F7w-3D-3DqXXT_rAGL2YqRpufGGQrPT3BtOmAtPVrnJYCYwTTCsWpOhqzLQnSkIrYCIDc8rs6WXUfmep6UH8-2Ft-2B5Hr0-2FAsb8u1LjAF8Ai12VhWBUd0T3km1QHMObpSBG0f-2FzrgrGfWStL7-2BaomEOq0ZT-2BhJsvQQNVX4zRuxvNnALzarOfWA9tYflZ32UDZlLc0QnyU-2FyihcdToCtJi8NIEiiCl0TJ2eKB5-2B5AC3OFA6Uy-2Bnm1NLCXeoGOkmD3DdMF629cuWPLlWCScm-2FQzRJN0U-2BUdZdzrxVtLHNkbvpY8NpMQ1Ng6zq9-2BaAu4x1aU53pUaT9kmuvwW66bkzxqItQsgZcgeNC30tXV-2Fui5-2Fe1ksZjDJXJ7jACscDmoTuTMgIJYaxUX3QFDKA6tvA6xEJ71xijVXHIovhgNNA-3D-3D)
THA_UAS_Operation_Procedure_SAPD.docx (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HXMjwvo-2BoqyxigpZhDNJxzqGU7neDa49K1vTgZ1M9Zz31TGChPDV-2BLnyetVtVW4ERBvJhwaj17UFqxFfOSFKz7gu7SBlYIdN-2FhXeRyaF3OWFCmfNX8lhMkUwxCARWFJh2lKGPfr0JcCKUkGcxuFcE8WCzAqmvHX9eRzOsImpN0yMBvnAdNl8-2BjdEPLP5reOXVw-3D-3DK7o1_rAGL2YqRpufGGQrPT3BtOmAtPVrnJYCYwTTCsWpOhqzLQnSkIrYCIDc8rs6WXUfmep6UH8-2Ft-2B5Hr0-2FAsb8u1LjAF8Ai12VhWBUd0T3km1QHMObpSBG0f-2FzrgrGfWStL7-2BaomEOq0ZT-2BhJsvQQNVX4zRuxvNnALzarOfWA9tYflZ32UDZlLc0QnyU-2FyihcdToCtJi8NIEiiCl0TJ2eKB5-2B5AC3OFA6Uy-2Bnm1NLCXeoGOkmD3DdMF629cuWPLlWCScf8r-2FjAiVRR0fiXlVIa1-2F8yCjjmwwqOrAsxG7WdYTFpLO31HREA-2BzDYxflhxfl9AgqzQiTy-2BlHq4JfoQW32Or6VRsiIOBCK2SSNKb892gZPVwYjqjHLs74-2F1KzlRvWhxt4ScqwwDUD40DheUOmmB6YQ-3D-3D)
THA_UAS_Procedure_SAPD.docx (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HXMjwvo-2BoqyxigpZhDNJxzqGU7neDa49K1vTgZ1M9Zz31TGChPDV-2BLnyetVtVW4ERBvJhwaj17UFqxFfOSFKz7gu7SBlYIdN-2FhXeRyaF3OWFCmfNX8lhMkUwxCARWFJh2vh5HP6tMv6YA-2BLdicI82Zow2S7i8aZCJWBAm7OoArhHWiR6-2F4I1TlOKeEgmN5BMqQ-3D-3Dfige_rAGL2YqRpufGGQrPT3BtOmAtPVrnJYCYwTTCsWpOhqzLQnSkIrYCIDc8rs6WXUfmep6UH8-2Ft-2B5Hr0-2FAsb8u1LjAF8Ai12VhWBUd0T3km1QHMObpSBG0f-2FzrgrGfWStL7-2BaomEOq0ZT-2BhJsvQQNVX4zRuxvNnALzarOfWA9tYflZ32UDZlLc0QnyU-2FyihcdToCtJi8NIEiiCl0TJ2eKB5-2B5AC3OFA6Uy-2Bnm1NLCXeoGOkmD3DdMF629cuWPLlWCSc-2BT6gHl4cWTThcW3DWfXSV7oBcwVAJDcPlKqa08wUG6ZoOP6muYlzGatXFJ2eySs-2BfCD3452vYt8A59RLrlmfV4SCTAGYyHLgN0fLMzC091oTM5W96d70AyrdaOyQZ1VXO1AbESdsaz3MNDZfXGaFkg-3D-3D)

--- Please respond above this line ---
City of San Antonio
Beryl Lipton Via EMail

MuckRock News DEPT MR 99939
Somerville, MA 02144

RE:    Response to Public Information Request

COSA ORR No: W333606-081120

Dear Beryl Lipton,

This letter responds to your request for information to the City of San Antonio, dated and received in our office on 8/11/2020 3:20:30 AM.

Information Requested: Police Records Request - All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter “drones”).

Please search specifically records in each of the below document categories. A response to each of the categories and items would be appreciated.

i) requests for proposals (RFPs), proposals/quotes submitted by vendors, contracts, leases, budget requests, project/equipment budgets, cost allocations or reimbursements for the purchase of drone equipment;
ii) Grant applications and award letters for drone equipment purchases;
iii) Insurance contracts for all drone equipment;
iv) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head or agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) and drone vendors, manufacturers or retailers;
v) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) regarding acquisition, lease or use of drone equipment;
vi) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and the governor, mayor and city/town manager regarding the acquisition of drones;

vii) Applications (including all components and support documentation) for Certificates of Waiver/Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as COA grant notifications and final agreement;
viii) Contracts for services related to drones, such as data storage, data analysis, image storage, image analysis, video storage, video analysis, operation, maintenance;

i) Inventories/logs/lists/databases of all drones owned, leased or operated by or for the agency;
ii) Maintenance logs for all drones owned, leased or otherwise operated by or for the agency;
iii) records and logs related to any attachments or additional equipment used or designed to be used with the drones, including all license plate readers, video cameras, thermal cameras, data storage, Stingrays or cell phone simulators, etc.

i) Policies, guidelines, protocols, manuals and/or instructions on the use/operation of drones and usage of data, images and video obtained from drone flights;
ii) Communications from the agency head, quartermaster (or individual responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and maintenance) on approved uses for drones;
iii) Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or any other agreements or contracts with other government agencies, private corporations, organizations or individuals to share drone equipment, data, images or video or to operate drones on behalf of the agency;

i) Curriculum used to train drone operators and observers;
ii) Training log for all drone operators and observers;
iii) Certifications of training completion for all drone operators and observers;
iv) Contracts, purchase orders, budget requests or reimbursement orders for training sessions for all drone operators and observers;

i) Flight logs for all drone flights, including training flights;
ii) Flight logs transmitted to the Federal Aviation Administration pursuant to Certificate of Waiver/Authorization (COA) requirements;
iii) Reprimands relating to drones, including misuse of equipment and failure to properly maintain equipment.

This request is being made by a reporter as part of a journalistic investigation. It is being submitted to your agency at the suggestion of a MuckRock reader from your community, part of a project to better understand uses of police force nationwide. This has been of public interest for many years and is of particular interest to the public following the widely-seen death of George Floyd and subsequent First Amendment-protected demonstrations and public discussion. There is no commercial interest in making this request or in receiving responsive records.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

Upload documents directly: https://https://www.muckrock.comhttps://accounts.muckrock.com/accounts/login/?url_auth_token=AAAasVUtnO192rbgDOo8hFTmdPo%3A1k5PA5%3AQ36cmNyBEB6nVVJvgaxKwudTuEc&next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.muckrock.com%2Faccounts%2Flogin%2F%3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fagency_login%252Fsan-antonio-police-department-657%252Fdrone-and-uav-acquisition-policy-and-use-san-antonio-police-department-99939%252F%253Femail%253DSAPDPIO%252540sanantonio.gov

From: San Antonio Police Department

City of San Antonio 06/14/2023
Via EMail
Beryl Lipton
MuckRock News DEPT MR 99939
Somerville, MA 02144

RE: Response to Public Information Request
COSA ORR No: W333606-081120
Dear Beryl Lipton:

The City received a public information request from you on 8/11/2020. Your request mentioned Police Records Request - All documents created from January 2010 through the date this request is processed related to the agency's use of airborne tools, vehicles, and weapons: aerial drones, remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), unmanned aerials (UAs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and/or unmanned aerial systems (UASs)(hereinafter “drones”).

Please search specifically records in each of the below document categories. A response to each of the categories and items would be appreciated.

i) requests for proposals (RFPs), proposals/quotes submitted by vendors, contracts, leases, budget requests, project/equipment budgets, cost allocations or reimbursements for the purchase of drone equipment;
ii) Grant applications and award letters for drone equipment purchases;
iii) Insurance contracts for all drone equipment;
iv) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head or agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) and drone vendors, manufacturers or retailers;
v) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and agency quartermaster (or individual responsible for equipment purchases and maintenance) regarding acquisition, lease or use of drone equipment;
vi) Communications (including electronic communications) between the agency head and the governor, mayor and city/town manager regarding the acquisition of drones;

vii) Applications (including all components and support documentation) for Certificates of Waiver/Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as COA grant notifications and final agreement;
viii) Contracts for services related to drones, such as data storage, data analysis, image storage, image analysis, video storage, video analysis, operation, maintenance;

i) Inventories/logs/lists/databases of all drones owned, leased or operated by or for the agency;
ii) Maintenance logs for all drones owned, leased or otherwise operated by or for the agency;
iii) records and logs related to any attachments or additional equipment used or designed to be used with the drones, including all license plate readers, video cameras, thermal cameras, data storage, Stingrays or cell phone simulators, etc.

i) Policies, guidelines, protocols, manuals and/or instructions on the use/operation of drones and usage of data, images and video obtained from drone flights;
ii) Communications from the agency head, quartermaster (or individual responsible for overseeing equipment purchases and maintenance) on approved uses for drones;
iii) Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or any other agreements or contracts with other government agencies, private corporations, organizations or individuals to share drone equipment, data, images or video or to operate drones on behalf of the agency;

i) Curriculum used to train drone operators and observers;
ii) Training log for all drone operators and observers;
iii) Certifications of training completion for all drone operators and observers;
iv) Contracts, purchase orders, budget requests or reimbursement orders for training sessions for all drone operators and observers;

i) Flight logs for all drone flights, including training flights;
ii) Flight logs transmitted to the Federal Aviation Administration pursuant to Certificate of Waiver/Authorization (COA) requirements;
iii) Reprimands relating to drones, including misuse of equipment and failure to properly maintain equipment.

This request is being made by a reporter as part of a journalistic investigation. It is being submitted to your agency at the suggestion of a MuckRock reader from your community, part of a project to better understand uses of police force nationwide. This has been of public interest for many years and is of particular interest to the public following the widely-seen death of George Floyd and subsequent First Amendment-protected demonstrations and public discussion. There is no commercial interest in making this request or in receiving responsive records.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the statute requires.


Beryl Lipton

Upload documents directly: https://https://www.muckrock.comhttps://accounts.muckrock.com/accounts/login/?url_auth_token=AAAasVUtnO192rbgDOo8hFTmdPo%3A1k5PA5%3AQ36cmNyBEB6nVVJvgaxKwudTuEc&next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.muckrock.com%2Faccounts%2Flogin%2F%3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fagency_login%252Fsan-antonio-police-department-657%252Fdrone-and-uav-acquisition-policy-and-use-san-antonio-police-department-99939%252F%253Femail%253DSAPDPIO%252540sanantonio.gov. This letter is for clarification on the information that you are seeking from the City. Due to the large volume of requests, the police department has been unable to expeditiously provide the information to requestors with any redactions as directed by the Attorney General’s Office.  Please let us know if you still want to receive this information.  If not, we will close this request so we can more quickly provide information on outstanding requests that requestors still want.  If we do not receive a response to this email in sixty days, this request will be closed.
If you would like for the City to proceed with your public information request, please respond in writing to the City by replying to this email within sixty-one (61) days from 06/14/2023. Otherwise, the City will consider your request withdrawn. Please note, the ten (10) business days to provide a response to your request will restart upon receipt of your clarification.


Open Records Division

From: San Antonio Police Department

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To Beryl Lipton, Please be advised that the City of San Antonio does not monitor requests that have been closed.  If a requestor desires to seek additional information, we recommend the creation of a new request (please visit the Open Records Center).  If you have further questions, please contact open records staff for City requests and SAPD Open Records for Police requests. City of San Antonio