PRA: Autopsy and coroner’s reports

Dillon Bergin filed this request with the Department Of The Medical Examiner of San Diego County, CA.


From: Dillon Bergin

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) ("CPRA”), and all other applicable laws, please disclose the following records.

Any and all autopsy, death investigation, and coroner’s reports relating to the deaths of the following individuals:

1. Name: Darryl Johnson, Date of birth: 05-11-1966, Date of death: 07-23-2006
2. Name: Martin Mendoza, Date of birth: 06-21-1963, Date of death: 02-21-2007
3. Name: David Wright, Date of birth: 05-11-1965, Date of death: 02-27-2007
4. Name: Ramel Henderson, Date of birth: 10-10-1955, Date of death: 05-30-2007
5. Name: Jesse Martinez, Date of birth: 07-12-1972, Date of death: 08-26-2007
6. Name: Nathan Sanderson, Date of birth: 12-23-1954, Date of death: 09-25-2008
7. Name: Guadalupe Zavala, Date of birth: 11-28-1920, Date of death: 09-15-2008
8. Name: Terry Sayachak, Date of birth: 12-18-1980, Date of death: 03-02-2009
9. Name: Joshua Balogh, Date of birth: 10-04-1980, Date of death: 09-17-2009
10. Name: Bertrand Martin, Date of birth: 10-23-1973, Date of death: 09-15-2010
11. Name: Pedro Diaz, Date of birth: 08-29-1988, Date of death: 08-19-2011
12. Name: Manuel Martinez, Date of birth: 01-28-1980, Date of death: 12-05-2012
13. Name: Hugo Barragan, Date of birth: 11-23-1976, Date of death: 06-05-2013
14. Name: Myterrio Ramsey, Date of birth: 10-17-1977, Date of death: 12-18-2013
15. Name: Lawrence Morris, Date of birth: 05-27-1968, Date of death: 02-20-2014
16. Name: Ricardo Anguiano, Date of birth: 10-17-1962, Date of death: 04-17-2014
17. Name: Lee Norman, Date of birth: 03-15-1980, Date of death: 12-15-2014
18. Name: Jonathan Schmidt, Date of birth: 02-14-1962, Date of death: 12-28-2014
19. Name: Lucky Phounsy, Date of birth: 07-31-1982, Date of death: 04-20-2015
20. Name: Thomas Zion, Date of birth: 03-12-1988, Date of death: 04-24-2015
21. Name: Guillermo Martinez, Date of birth: 09-25-1972, Date of death: 08-30-2015
22. Name: Anthony Ashford, Date of birth: 11-29-1985, Date of death: 10-27-2015
23. Name: Ryan Applegate, Date of birth: 06-23-1983, Date of death: 12-05-2015
24. Name: Jeffrey Stier, Date of birth: 10-12-1958, Date of death: 07-27-2016
25. Name: Robert Bermudez, Date of birth: 03-04-1963, Date of death: 12-12-2016
26. Name: Mark Adkins, Date of birth: 02-22-1963, Date of death: 05-22-2017
27. Name: Kristopher Birtcher, Date of birth: 12-21-1982, Date of death: 10-14-2017
28. Name: Oscar Leal, Date of birth: 08-04-1980, Date of death: 02-28-2018
29. Name: Earl Mcneil, Date of birth: 10-12-1977, Date of death: 06-11-2018
30. Name: Marco Napoles-Rosales, Date of birth: 04-25-1989, Date of death: 08-17-2018
31. Name: Jonathan Munoz, Date of birth: 03-07-1987, Date of death: 08-25-2018
32. Name: Jason Watts, Date of birth: 02-21-1989, Date of death: 10-13-2018
33. Name: Warren Morris, Date of birth: 09-19-1967, Date of death: 12-23-2018
34. Name: Vito Vitale, Date of birth: 01-11-1979, Date of death: 10-05-2018
35. Name: Aleah Jenkins, Date of birth: 03-30-1994, Date of death: 11-27-2018
36. Name: Cannatha Peutz, Date of birth: 12-11-1979, Date of death: 09-04-2019
37. Name: Tony Wilson, Date of birth: 08-18-1958, Date of death: 10-15-2019
38. Name: Harold Daniels, Date of birth: 07-20-1965, Date of death: 01-20-2019
39. Name: Lawayne Horne, Date of birth: 10-05-1975, Date of death: 03-02-2019
40. Name: Buddie Nichols, Date of birth: 11-18-1978, Date of death: 06-11-2019
41. Name: Eric Shafter, Date of birth: 12-22-1965, Date of death: 01-12-2020
42. Name: Oral Nunis, Date of birth: 09-05-1963, Date of death: 03-13-2020
43. Name: Ronnie Kong, Date of birth: 10-23-1987, Date of death: 05-29-2020
44. Name: Donell Henderson, Date of birth: 03-13-1985, Date of death: 08-02-2020
45. Name: Tony Zaifina, Date of birth: 08-30-1970, Date of death: 04-08-2020
46. Name: Lendarius Merriweather, Date of birth: 07-05-1996, Date of death: 07-09-2020
47. Name: Angel Montes, Date of birth: 01-21-1998, Date of death: 07-09-2020
48. Name: Robert Maxwell, Date of birth: 04-06-1979, Date of death: 08-26-2020
49. Name: Floyd Willis, Date of birth: 01-13-1981, Date of death: 09-04-2020
50. Name: Jose Castro-Gutierrez, Date of birth: 10-15-1990, Date of death: 10-23-2020
51. Name: Brandon Hardesty, Date of birth: 10-19-2000, Date of death: 02-22-2021
52. Name: Yan Li, Date of birth: 01-01-1975, Date of death: 03-04-2022
53. Name: Daniel Amenta, Date of birth: 02-15-1987, Date of death: 12-08-2022
54. Name: John Romero, Date of birth: 01-26-1964, Date of death: 12-08-2022
55. Name: Scholar Wang, Date of birth: 04-04-1974, Date of death: 08-23-2022
56. Name: Denny Jalate, Date of birth: 12-09-1998, Date of death: 10-10-2022
57. Name: Frank Browser, Date of birth: 10-02-1945, Date of death: 01-17-2023

If records pursuant to this request are possessed in machine-readable format such as an .xls, .csv spreadsheet file, please provide the record in this format. Please disclose these records in the format in which they are kept, e.g., .ppt, .pptx, .doc, or .docx.

The fundamental rule of the CPRA is a presumption of public access. “In other words, [A]ll public records are subject to disclosure unless the Legislature has expressly provided to the contrary.” Williams v. Superior Court, 5 Cal. 4th 337 (1993). This presumption finds further support in the California Constitution, as amended by Proposition 59 in 2004. “A statute, court rule, or other authority, including those in effect on the effective date of this subdivision, shall be broadly construed if it furthers the people's right of access, and narrowly construed if it limits the right of access.” Cal. Const. Art. 1 § 3(b)(2).

Please provide a determination on this request within 10 days of your receipt of it. If you determine that any or all of the information qualifies for an exemption from disclosure, please note whether, as is normally the case, the exemption is discretionary, and if so whether it is necessary in this case to exercise your discretion to withhold the information. If you determine that some but not all of the information is exempt from disclosure and that you intend to withhold it, please redact it for the time being and make the rest available as requested. In any event, please provide a signed notification citing the legal authorities on which you rely if you determine that any or all of the information is exempt and will not be disclosed.

Please apply a fee waiver to this request. If the request for a fee waiver is denied, please provide notification of any duplication costs exceeding $50 before you duplicate the records. If the request for a fee waiver is denied, please further provide an index of all other requests since 2018 for which a fee waiver was denied, and the reason therefore.

Please respond to this request and disclose the records electronically by email to this MuckRock email address. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help ensure this request is the least burdensome possible for your agency while providing a correct and full disclosure in the public interest.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email at, or by phone at (267) 314-7952.

Thank you.

Dillon Bergin

From: Department Of The Medical Examiner

M. Bergin,

Received, your requests have been entered into our system with the following exceptions: reports regarding Darryl Johnson, Martin Mendoza, Ramel Henderson, Nathan Sanderson, and Terry Sayachak were already sent to you on 03/05/2024; reports regarding Mark Adkins, Kristopher Birtcher, and Toney Zaffina were sent to you on 03/07/2024; and the cases regarding Jason Watts, Ronnie Kong, and John Romero are currently sealed by law enforcement, pursuant to Govt Code §7922. All other reports will be sent to you as soon as possible, but please be advised that our office is currently receiving a very high volume of requests for M.E. reports, and it currently taking 4 to 8 weeks at minimum to receive reports via email.

If you have any questions, please contact our office.

Emily McMullen
Pronouns: any/all
Administrative Analyst
Medical Examiner's Office
County of San Diego

From: Dillon Bergin

Thanks, Emily! That makes sense. I appreciate your help on this request and the previous one.


From: Department Of The Medical Examiner

I have attached the Medical Examiner's reports you requested regarding Donell Edward Henderson(20-02117). Please note that some individuals may find the information in these reports disturbing.

Be advised that certain information must be redacted from our reports. This includes:
* Medical record information obtained by a coroner or medical examiner pursuant to Civil Code §56.10 (b)(8) and (c)(6), incorporated by Government Code §6254 (k);
* Other medical information or similar information that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy under Government Code §6254 (c) and the California Constitution, article 1, section 1*;
* Personal and/or private information of individuals under Government Code §6254 (k), incorporating the California Constitution, article 1, section 1*;
* Protected organ donor information pursuant to Health and Safety Code §7150, et seq;
* Privileged information prohibited from disclosure pursuant to federal and/or state evidence laws, such as Evidence Code §1040.

*Right to Privacy: Courts have recognized the surviving family member's right to personal privacy. Therefore, even if a decedent no longer has a privacy interest, the family member(s) have a privacy interest over the disclosure of information contained within an autopsy report. For instance, a decedent may not have a right to privacy over their medical history, but the surviving family member does. Accordingly, families hold a substantive due process right under the 14th Amendment and that information should be redacted to protect their privacy interests. (See Marsh vs County of San Diego, 680F.3d 1148 (2012); National Archives and Records Admin vs. Favish, 541 U.S. 157 (2004).)

Adriana Rocha Garcia
Office Assistant
County of San Diego | Office of the Medical Examiner
5570 Overland Ave. Suite 101 San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: 858.694.2895
Fax: 858.467.9716

From: Dillon Bergin


Thanks so much for your help with this request! I really appreciate it.

Dillon Bergin


