Local Public FOIA Log Request (San Francisco Fire Department)

Expert FOIA filed this request with the San Francisco Fire Department of San Francisco, CA.
Multi Request Local Public FOIA Log Request
Awaiting Acknowledgement


From: Expert FOIA

To whom it may concern,

My name is Raymond Fisman and I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Law (POL Article 6), as it pertains to local public agencies.

As a researcher affiliated with Boston University, I am conducting a study that requires insights into the processing and management of FOIA requests by local city, fire, and park departments. Specifically, I request the following information:
• The total number of FOIA requests received on a quarterly basis.
• A breakdown of these requests by status: approved, rejected, in-progress, or any other relevant status.
• If available, a log file or similar record detailing individual requests and their respective statuses for each quarter.

I require this data for academic research purposes, in association with Duke University and Boston University. The study aims to analyze the trends and efficiency in the processing of FOIA requests by major public institutions. For comprehensiveness, I request that this information be provided for as far back as records are available.

Please inform me of any potential charges before processing this request. If certain parts of this request are exempt from release, please provide the non-exempt portions.

I appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to your prompt response. According to the Freedom of Information Law, you have 28 business days to respond to this letter. If access to the records I requested is denied, please provide an explanation in writing citing the specific statutory exemption(s).

Thank you for your assistance.
Raymond Fisman


There are no files associated with this request.