Coronavirus response and homelessness (Office of the Mayor)
Showing 76 to 97 of 97
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COVID19 Sheet for PEH 03.16.2020
Attachment - Examples
CDC_People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness Interim Guidance
Access Points Update 2020-03-25
Press Statement 4.6.20 FINAL
Provider Memo 4.6.20
Philanthropic Funding Needs_HSH_April 2020 FINAL
Press Statement 4.2.20 FINAL
Interim Shelter Guidance on Warnings and Denials of Service - 3.30.20
Interim Shelter Guidance on Warnings and Denials of Service - 3.30.20 (1)
HSH Shelter Changes Memo 3.30.20
HSH Shelter Changes Memo 3.25.20
HSH COVID Homelessness Update 3.27.20
Hospital Release Set-Aside Bed policy -contacts updated 03.30.20
Homeward Bound Update 2020-03-27
Email 2_Redacted
Meals and Food Resources Update 2020-03-20
Interim Shelter Reservation and Extension Poilcy - revised 3.30.20