Text Messages / Walter Wong and others - Immediate Disclosure Request

twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester filed this request with the Office of the Mayor of San Francisco of San Francisco City and County, CA.

It is a clone of this request.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester


NOTE: THE EMAIL ADDRESS SENDING THIS REQUEST IS A PUBLICLY-VIEWABLE MAILBOX. Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.

Below are new Immediate Disclosure Requests (SF Admin Code 67.25(a)) directed to your agency and its department head.
Your initial response is required by Feb 20, 2020. Rolling records responses are requested (SFAC 67.25(d)) if you are unable to immediately produce records.
Exact copies of every responsive record are requested (Gov Code 6253(b)) - do not: provide mere URLs, print and scan electronic records, convert native files to PDFs, or provide black and white versions of any color record. Provide only copies of records not requiring fees and in-person inspection of all other records (GC 6253).

Your non-exhaustive obligations:
- All withholding of any information must be justified in writing by specific statutory authority (SFAC 67.27).
- All withholdings by masking or deletion (aka redactions) must be keyed by footnote or other clear reference to the specific justification for that redaction, and only the minimal exempt portion of any record may be withheld (SFAC 67.26).
- You must respond to emailed requests (SFAC 67.21(b)).
- You must notify us of whether or not responsive records exist and/or were withheld for each below request (Gov Code 6253(c), 6255(b)).
- You must state the name and title of each person responsible for withholding any information (Gov Code 6253(d)).
- Do not impose any end-user restrictions upon me (Santa Clara Co. vs Superior Ct, 170 Cal.App 4th 1301); so if you use a third-party website to publish records, please make them completely public without any login or sign-in.

Your agency must do all of the above things in your response, and you cannot wait until we file complaints.

****** We have no duty to, and we will not again, remind the City of its obligations. Instead, we will file complaints for every Sunshine Ordinance or CPRA violation. We will continue to file complaints until the City's procedures are modified to fully comply with the Sunshine Ordinance and CPRA, without caveat or exception. ******

1. all text/chat messages (of any form or application, including all attachments/images) public records on government or personal accounts between Mason Lee and any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, or Harlan Kelly Jr. for all time frames.

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester


NOTE: THE EMAIL ADDRESS SENDING THIS REQUEST IS A PUBLICLY-VIEWABLE MAILBOX. Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.

Below are new Immediate Disclosure Requests (SF Admin Code 67.25(a)) directed to your agency and its department head.
Your initial response is required by Feb 20, 2020. Rolling records responses are requested (SFAC 67.25(d)) if you are unable to immediately produce records.
Exact copies of every responsive record are requested (Gov Code 6253(b)) - do not: provide mere URLs, print and scan electronic records, convert native files to PDFs, or provide black and white versions of any color record. Provide only copies of records not requiring fees and in-person inspection of all other records (GC 6253).

Your non-exhaustive obligations:
- All withholding of any information must be justified in writing by specific statutory authority (SFAC 67.27).
- All withholdings by masking or deletion (aka redactions) must be keyed by footnote or other clear reference to the specific justification for that redaction, and only the minimal exempt portion of any record may be withheld (SFAC 67.26).
- You must respond to emailed requests (SFAC 67.21(b)).
- You must notify us of whether or not responsive records exist and/or were withheld for each below request (Gov Code 6253(c), 6255(b)).
- You must state the name and title of each person responsible for withholding any information (Gov Code 6253(d)).
- Do not impose any end-user restrictions upon me (Santa Clara Co. vs Superior Ct, 170 Cal.App 4th 1301); so if you use a third-party website to publish records, please make them completely public without any login or sign-in.

Your agency must do all of the above things in your response, and you cannot wait until we file complaints.

****** We have no duty to, and we will not again, remind the City of its obligations. Instead, we will file complaints for every Sunshine Ordinance or CPRA violation. We will continue to file complaints until the City's procedures are modified to fully comply with the Sunshine Ordinance and CPRA, without caveat or exception. ******

1. all text/chat messages on government or personal accounts between London Breed and any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, Harlan Kelly Jr., SFPD Chief William Scott, Jeff Kositsky, Sean Elsbernd, Mohammad Nuru, Alaric Degrafinried, Mary Ellen Carroll, Abigail Stewart-Khan, Sophia Kittler, or Mason Lee - for all time frames - in any form or application, including all attachments/images, and including any group messages with add'l parties.

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please see the attached text communications responsive to your request below. Please note that information unrelated to city business has been redacted to protect personal privacy. See Cal. Govt. Code Secs. 6254(c), California Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 1.

We have no other responsive records to produce.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Thanks. Remember the request asked for all attachments/images. A black and white print and scan is not a copy of the original record for either of the images/attachments.
As with the WhatsApp dispute earlier ( to which you replied https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6796301-Revised-Letter-Re-WhatsApp-Files.html ), you need to provide full reproductions of these records.

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


The Office of the Mayor has received your request below directed to Mason Lee. Please note that we are invoking an extension of time to continue our response and will respond further with responsive documents within 14 days of the original due date. See Government Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Please send such requests for Mayor's Office staff to the mayorsunshinerequests@sfgov.org<mailto:mayorsunshinerequests@sfgov.org> as you have for all of your other requests, as it makes our process more efficient.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco

We will have to check if it is feasible to provide such copies.

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

London Breed and Office of the Mayor,

Remember you still owe copies of the prior attachments/images. Given you have the record, you should not have destroyed the attachments/images.

Furthermore, this is an immediate disclosure request for the contents of London Breed's trash or deleted items or similar folder for her government and personal email/text/chat messages (including all headers, timestamps, identity of participants, message bodies, metadata, attachments, images, and formatting, in their original electronic format), where any communicating party is another city employee or official or is any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, Harlan Kelly Jr., SFPD Chief William Scott, Jeff Kositsky, Sean Elsbernd, Mohammad Nuru, Alaric Degrafinried, Mary Ellen Carroll, Abigail Stewart-Khan, Sophia Kittler, or Mason Lee. If such records are voluminous feel free to provide a listing of date/party/subject (or similar), and I can narrow the search. Nevertheless, you cannot destroy any records responsive to this request, for example by permanently deleting or emptying the trash.

Note that the City Attorney has opined that these kinds of "deleted" records are public, from the Good Govt Guide:

"Emails that are easily retrievable by the user must be searched in response to a public
records request. This includes emails that have not been deleted; emails that have been put
in the “Deleted Items” folder but have not been emptied from that folder (and hence are
immediately retrievable); and emails that have been deleted and emptied from that folder
but remain immediately retrievable by accessing the computer’s “Recover Deleted Items
From Server” function."

You must recover whatever emails/text/chat messages are recoverable from your local trash/deleted folder and from your servers, if any.

If there are no such records, then you must explicitly indicate so.


NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

London Breed and Office of the Mayor,

Furthermore, this is an immediate disclosure request for the contents of London Breed's trash or deleted items or similar folder for her government and personal email/text/chat messages (including all headers, timestamps, identity of participants, message bodies, metadata, attachments, images, and formatting, in their original electronic format), where any communicating party is another city employee or official or is any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, Harlan Kelly Jr., SFPD Chief William Scott, Jeff Kositsky, Sean Elsbernd, Mohammad Nuru, Alaric Degrafinried, Mary Ellen Carroll, Abigail Stewart-Khan, Sophia Kittler, or Mason Lee. If such records are voluminous feel free to provide a listing of date/party/subject (or similar), and I can narrow the search. Nevertheless, you cannot destroy any records responsive to this request, for example by permanently deleting or emptying the trash.

Note that the City Attorney has opined that these kinds of "deleted" records are public, from the Good Govt Guide:

"Emails that are easily retrievable by the user must be searched in response to a public
records request. This includes emails that have not been deleted; emails that have been put
in the “Deleted Items” folder but have not been emptied from that folder (and hence are
immediately retrievable); and emails that have been deleted and emptied from that folder
but remain immediately retrievable by accessing the computer’s “Recover Deleted Items
From Server” function."

You must recover whatever emails/text/chat messages are recoverable from your local trash/deleted folder and from your servers, if any.

If there are no such records, then you must explicitly indicate so.


NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco

Thank you for your email. Please note my new email address is mayorlondonbreed@sfgov.org<mailto:mayorlondonbreed@sfgov.org>. Please direct your correspondence to this new address.

Please use the following resources are available for your more immediate needs:

If you are writing with a request for non-emergency neighborhood services (such as park repairs, street and sidewalk cleaning, and tree maintenance), or for inquiries regarding the shelter reservation waitlist, please Call 3-1-1. If your request has not been addressed and you would like our office to follow up, please contact the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services at (415) 554-5977 with your confirmation number.

If there is a homeless individual in distress on the street in need of assistance, please contact the SF Homeless Outreach Team (SF HOT) at the following dispatch numbers:

• For all urgent matters: 415-355-7445
(Services include 24/7 urgent/emergent client transportation; transportation to shelter drop-in center or resource center; and client care coordination)
• For non-urgent matters: 415-355-7401
(Services include outreach requests and/or client wellness checks; and client consultation)

**Please note that non-urgent calls to the urgent dispatch lines will be asked to call the non-urgent line so that the urgent medical providers and operators can be available for emergency situations.**

If you wish to make a Request for Public Records or other request under the City’s Sunshine Ordinance, please contact your request to mayorsunshinerequests@sfgov.org. If you are making an immediate disclosure request, please remember to put the words “Immediate Disclosure Request” in the subject line of your e-mail.

For all scheduling inquiries and requests, please contact scheduling@sfgov.org<mailto:scheduling@sfgov.org> with the following information:

• For events: event details and nature of request (speaking, attending, hosting, etc.)
• For meetings: purpose of meeting and meeting attendees


London N. Breed

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

London Breed and Office of the Mayor,

Furthermore, this is an immediate disclosure request for the contents of London Breed's trash or deleted items or similar folder for her government and personal email/text/chat messages (including all headers, timestamps, identity of participants, message bodies, metadata, attachments, images, and formatting, in their original electronic format), where any communicating party is another city employee or official or is any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, Harlan Kelly Jr., SFPD Chief William Scott, Jeff Kositsky, Sean Elsbernd, Mohammad Nuru, Alaric Degrafinried, Mary Ellen Carroll, Abigail Stewart-Khan, Sophia Kittler, or Mason Lee. If such records are voluminous feel free to provide a listing of date/party/subject (or similar), and I can narrow the search. Nevertheless, you cannot destroy any records responsive to this request, for example by permanently deleting or emptying the trash.

Note that the City Attorney has opined that these kinds of "deleted" records are public, from the Good Govt Guide:

"Emails that are easily retrievable by the user must be searched in response to a public
records request. This includes emails that have not been deleted; emails that have been put
in the “Deleted Items” folder but have not been emptied from that folder (and hence are
immediately retrievable); and emails that have been deleted and emptied from that folder
but remain immediately retrievable by accessing the computer’s “Recover Deleted Items
From Server” function."

You must recover whatever emails/text/chat messages are recoverable from your local trash/deleted folder and from your servers, if any.

If there are no such records, then you must explicitly indicate so.


NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have received your request and we are looking into it. Please note that immediate disclosure requests remain suspended under the COVID-19 emergency orders (see attached). We will further respond by August 17.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

  • Second SupplementalDeclaration2_03132020_stamped (003) (004)

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Thank you - have you produced the images and attachments from the last Nuru-Breed records?

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Sean Elsbernd and Office of the Mayor,

Furthermore, this is an immediate disclosure request for the contents of Sean Elsbernd's trash or deleted items or similar folder for their government and personal email/text/chat messages accounts (including all headers, timestamps, identity of participants, message bodies, metadata, attachments, images, and formatting, in their original electronic format), where any communicating party is another city employee or official or is any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, Harlan Kelly Jr., SFPD Chief William Scott, Jeff Kositsky, Mohammad Nuru, Alaric Degrafinried, Mary Ellen Carroll, Abigail Stewart-Khan, Sophia Kittler, London Breed, or Mason Lee. If such records are voluminous feel free to provide a listing of date/party/subject (or similar), and I can narrow the search. Nevertheless, you cannot destroy any records responsive to this request, for example by permanently deleting or emptying the trash.

Note that the City Attorney has opined that these kinds of "deleted" records are public, from the Good Govt Guide:

"Emails that are easily retrievable by the user must be searched in response to a public records request. This includes emails that have not been deleted; emails that have been put in the “Deleted Items” folder but have not been emptied from that folder (and hence are immediately retrievable); and emails that have been deleted and emptied from that folder but remain immediately retrievable by accessing the computer’s “Recover Deleted Items From Server” function."

You must recover whatever emails/text/chat messages are recoverable from your local trash/deleted folder and from your servers, if any.

If there are no such records, then you must explicitly indicate so.


NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Sean Elsbernd and Office of the Mayor,

Furthermore, this is an immediate disclosure request for the contents of Sean Elsbernd's trash or deleted items or similar folder for their government and personal email/text/chat messages accounts (including all headers, timestamps, identity of participants, message bodies, metadata, attachments, images, and formatting, in their original electronic format), where any communicating party is another city employee or official or is any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, Harlan Kelly Jr., SFPD Chief William Scott, Jeff Kositsky, Mohammad Nuru, Alaric Degrafinried, Mary Ellen Carroll, Abigail Stewart-Khan, Sophia Kittler, London Breed, or Mason Lee. If such records are voluminous feel free to provide a listing of date/party/subject (or similar), and I can narrow the search. Nevertheless, you cannot destroy any records responsive to this request, for example by permanently deleting or emptying the trash.

Note that the City Attorney has opined that these kinds of "deleted" records are public, from the Good Govt Guide:

"Emails that are easily retrievable by the user must be searched in response to a public records request. This includes emails that have not been deleted; emails that have been put in the “Deleted Items” folder but have not been emptied from that folder (and hence are immediately retrievable); and emails that have been deleted and emptied from that folder but remain immediately retrievable by accessing the computer’s “Recover Deleted Items From Server” function."

You must recover whatever emails/text/chat messages are recoverable from your local trash/deleted folder and from your servers, if any.

If there are no such records, then you must explicitly indicate so.


NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have performed a search regarding the requested records of Sean Elsbernd. We have no responsive records to provide.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Thank you. I look forward to the Mayor's responses as well.

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Please note, for both the Mayor and Elsbernd, deleted messages may be stored, if they use iMessage/Messages/iPhone, on their iCloud account and/or on computer that they sync their iPhone to using iTunes. If they use Android, SMS/MMS messages may be backed up to their Google account, including Google Drive.

Please ensure you search these locations, including for Elsbernd if you did not do so previously.

To avoid any doubt, I'll issue this further request:

Furthermore, this is an immediate disclosure request for the contents of Sean Elsbernd's and London Breed's trash or deleted items or similar folder for their government and personal email/text/chat messages accounts **AND for the text/chat messages backed-up in their Apple/iCloud account, Google/Google Drive account, or iTunes/Messages computer app for their government and personal email/text/chat messages accounts** (including all headers, timestamps, identity of participants, message bodies, metadata, attachments, images, and formatting, in their original electronic format), where any communicating party is another city employee or official or is any of Walter Wong, Harlan Wong, Melanie Lok, Irene Lok, Washington Wong, Florence Kong, Michael Tracy, Rudolph Dwayne Jones (Dwayne Jones), Dionjay Brookter, Harlan Kelly Jr., SFPD Chief William Scott, Jeff Kositsky, Mohammad Nuru, Alaric Degrafinried, Mary Ellen Carroll, Abigail Stewart-Khan, Sophia Kittler, London Breed, Sean Elsbernd, or Mason Lee.

If such records are voluminous feel free to provide a listing of date/party/subject (or similar), and I can narrow the search. Nevertheless, you cannot destroy any records responsive to this request, for example by permanently deleting or emptying the trash.

Note that the City Attorney has opined that these kinds of "deleted" records are public, from the Good Govt Guide:

"Emails that are easily retrievable by the user must be searched in response to a public records request. This includes emails that have not been deleted; emails that have been put in the “Deleted Items” folder but have not been emptied from that folder (and hence are immediately retrievable); and emails that have been deleted and emptied from that folder but remain immediately retrievable by accessing the computer’s “Recover Deleted Items From Server” function."

You must recover whatever emails/text/chat messages are recoverable from your local trash/deleted folder and from your servers, if any.

If there are no such records, then you must explicitly indicate so.


NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the MuckRock.com FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please see the records responsive to the request below, attached. Also attached is our previous production to you in response to another request, which also includes documents responsive to this request. The bases for redactions in that set are as set forth in the accompanying production emails.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

  • RE_ California Public Records Act Request_ Mayor's Notes - Immediate Disclosure Request 1

  • RE_ California Public Records Act Request_ Mayor's Notes - Immediate Disclosure Request

  • Re_ the passing of Ernest Go

  • RE_ San Francisco – Shanghai Sister Cities Committee’s name in Chinese_

  • FW_ the passing of Ernest Go

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


This follow-up request went to our junk mail folder. We have now received it. We have no responsive records to provide.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

To confirm, both Elsbernd and the Mayor have no records for these requests?


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


To the best of our knowledge after a reasonable inquiry, we have not located any such deleted items. Such material is not “easily retrievable” per the standard set forth in the Good Government Guide. To the extent texts are backed up on a cloud storage system or a service provider server, they could not be retrieved without extraordinary effort. To restore a personal device might require reconfiguring the device or removing other data. Bear in mind you are asking for searches of personal devices, not city issued devices, and we have searched precisely those devices for any responsive items pertaining to city business.

The passage cited from the Good Government Guide (p. 99) refers to emails that are “easily retrievable”, such as items placed in a deleted items folder but not yet emptied and retrievable by accessing the “Recover Deleted Items From Server” function in Outlook. This is referring to an Outlook function that exists on City computers and is not referring generally to other systems on personal devices. Further, understanding the duty to search personal electronic devices under the City of San Jose case, that duty to search is still governed by a “reasonable effort” standard, per the City Attorney’s memo on this topic.

Accordingly, we have satisfied our duties to perform a reasonable search by searching the devices in question and exploring any feasible options for retrieving materials not saved to the devices. Following that process we have not located any additional responsive records.

Have a good holiday weekend.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

  • MEMO-03-24-2017-San Jose Case -Personal-Electronic-Devices

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Mayor London Breed,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form (but not including email) regarding the conduct of public business in the possession of Mayor London Breed (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), other for the Dec 18-23 Nuru communications previously disclosed.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Mayor London Breed,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form (but not including email) regarding the conduct of public business in the possession of Mayor London Breed (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), other for the Dec 18-23 Nuru communications previously disclosed. Provide rolling responses.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Sean Elsbernd,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form (but not including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses. Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Andrea Bruss,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form (but not including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses. Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.



From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco

Dear Anonymous,

We have received your request and performed a search for any responsive records. Chief of Staff Elsbernd has no responsive texts, chats or instant messages to provide.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please note that Immediate Disclosure Requests remain suspended under the emergency health orders (see attached at Section 5). We will respond further in the normal 10 day course.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please see the attached records of Andrea Bruss, responsive to your request below. Please note that conference call information in the document titled AB3 is redacted pursuant to the official information privilege. See Cal. Evid. Code Sec. 1040(b)(2).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Mayor London Breed,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since you are apparently destroying your records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Mayor London Breed,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since you are apparently destroying your records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Mayor London Breed,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since you are apparently destroying your records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Hank Heckel,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since your Office is apparently destroying records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Jeff Cretan,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since your Office is apparently destroying records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Andrea Bruss,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since your Office is apparently destroying records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Sean Elsbernd,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since your Office is apparently destroying records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Mayor London Breed and Office of the Mayor,

This is an immediate disclosure request for all communication in any form on any government or personal accounts or devices, including any in trash or deleted folders or similar, between NAOMI KELLY or HARLAN KELLY JR. on the one hand and any member of the Office of the Mayor on the other hand, AND also every reply or forward thereof (even if Kelly(s) are not a party to the reply or forward), from Nov 24, 2020 and present. Provide rolling responses. Provide exact copies in PDF form with all To/From/Cc/Bcc/Subject/Sent, images, attachments, message bodies. We are not yet requesting the remainders of the email header metadata, but we may do so later for some of the messages to forensically analyze them.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since your Office is apparently destroying records, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Just to clarify, are the records requested below limited by the topic in the subject line? Also what is the date range?

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

No limitation on topic or date of Breed texts. I word my requests very carefully specifically to avoid specious arguments like you tried (and failed) to make at SOTF yesterday about a grid calendar view -- please follow the wording of my original requests. Whatever Breed texts about the conduct of public business existed as of the time/date of my request, I want them (I asked for similar on Nov 30 - no limitations on that earlier request either) -- but read the requests.

If you could provide a statement of quantity, form, existence of what I requested for each request on Nov 30 and today, I may narrow my search to produce less records if there were a tremendous number - but of course the Mayor purports to have suspended that provision of SFAC 67.21.... so how do we know how many there are?

If this is how I have to force you to stop destroying text messages, like calendars, by continually requesting them, then so be it.

Mayor Breed must preserve all documents and correspondence in a professional and businesslike manner (SFAC 67.29-7(a)). There is a pending appeal that will determine whether her behavior so far has met this legal requirement. (And no, that is not the same as a different 67.29-1 requiring compliance with retention policy; statutory interpretation rules require that we do not assume that two separate laws mean the same thing.)

I will appeal any withholding, redaction, or claim that any record is not public or that any public record is not disclosable - do not destroy any records pending the final adjudication of all appeals. Now, perhaps, with the FBI investigations you've all already stopped destroying records, it is unclear. But my goal still matters: You should stop destroying records because local law prohibits it, not merely when the FBI is investigating.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have no responsive records to provide in response to the request below. One record has been withheld as an attorney/client privileged communication. See Gov Code § 6254(k); 6276.04; Cal. Evid. Code § 950 et seq.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have received this request and we are performing a search for responsive records. Please note that Immediate Disclosure Requests remain suspended under the emergency health orders (see attached at Section 5). We will respond further in the normal 10 day course.

This also serves as a reminder regarding all of your recent Immediate Disclosure Requests of the suspension of that provision. We will respond further to all of those requests within the 10 day period following receipt.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

  • Second SupplementalDeclaration2_03132020_stamped (003) (004)

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Thank you Mr. Heckel for the prompt response - I'll ask every city department to turn over every employee's messages with Mr. Elsbernd and Ms. Breed if that's what it takes to get to the bottom of this.

And here's another request:

This is an immediate disclosure request for all of (Sean Elsbernd's, London Breed's, and Andrea Bruss's) text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses. No limitation by subject or date.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since your Office is apparently destroying records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

And here's yet another request:

This is an immediate disclosure request for all of (Sean Elsbernd's, London Breed's, and Andrea Bruss's) text, chat, or instant messages in any form and any app (including but not limited to SMS, MMS, text, iMessage, Teams, Discord, WeChat, QQ, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hangouts, Meet, Slack, Skype, Viber, Snapchat, Line, Kik, FaceTime, Wickr Me, Chatroulette, Threema, KakaoTalk, Duo, GroupMe, Wire, Voxer, Allo, Tango, Bumble, Grindr, Tinder, Olive, Taimi, but NOT including email) regarding the conduct of public business on any government or personal accounts or devices (including all names, text, images, attachments, dates, and times), including any in trash or deleted folders or similar. Provide rolling responses. No limitation by subject or date.

Do not destroy records that exist as of the time you receive this request.

Since your Office is apparently destroying records in this matter, but you are forced to retain records during a pending CPRA request, these will be continually requested until you cease your destruction of public records.



From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We are continuing our response to the request below for up to 14 days due to the need to consult with another department. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

Begin forwarded message:

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We are continuing our response to the request below for up to 14 days due to the need to consult with another department. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We are continuing our response to the request below for up to 14 days due to the need to consult with another department. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We are continuing our response to the request below for up to 14 days due to the need to consult with another department. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We are continuing our response to the request below for up to 14 days due to the need to consult with another department. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We are continuing our response to the request below for up to 14 days due to the need to consult with another department. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We are continuing our response to the request below for up to 14 days due to the need to consult with another department. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6253(c) and San Francisco Admin. Code § 67.25(b).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Sean Elsbernd,

Please provide as an immediate disclosure request your copy of the attached public record texts disclosed by Commissioner Taylor.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Supervisor of Records Dennis Herrera:

This is a petition under 67.21(d) with for different requests made from this email address:

1. I requested from Sean Elsbernd on Dec 18, 2020 before close of business his copies of the specific text messages disclosed by the Police Commission in EX 1, attached. He refuses to comply with my request as I have received no determination of disclosable public records nor extension nor any other response in 10 days as required by Gov Code 6253(c). Today is Dec 30.

2. On December 3 and 4th I requested various communications from London Breed and her staff. Breed, Cretan, Heckel, Elsbernd, and Bruss have all refused to comply with my requests, as I have received no determination of disclosable public records within the 10 + 14 day extension deadline under Gov Code 6253(c). Today is Dec 30.

Please determine in writing that one or more records or parts thereof not yet disclosed to me in these requests in public and order them disclosed.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

You and your staff have again completely failed to comply with the CPRA. As I petitioned to the Sup of Records:

1. I requested from Sean Elsbernd on Dec 18, 2020 before close of business his copies of the specific text messages disclosed by the Police Commission in EX 1, attached. He refuses to comply with my request as I have received no determination of disclosable public records nor extension nor any other response in 10 days as required by Gov Code 6253(c). Today is Dec 30.

2. On December 3 and 4th I requested various communications from London Breed and her staff. Breed, Cretan, Heckel, Elsbernd, and Bruss have all refused to comply with my requests, as I have received no determination of disclosable public records within the 10 + 14 day extension deadline under Gov Code 6253(c). Today is Dec 30.

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


This is in response to your request below regarding Sean Elsbernd's referenced texts. The Office of the Mayor has no responsive records. Also, we appreciate your voluntarily redacted Chief of Staff Elsbernd's cell phone number. I assume that you will also ask the Muckrock website to remove the unredacted documents that you posted to the site and replace them with the redacted ones. Please confirm.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Regarding your request below, Chief of Staff Elsbernd has no records responsive to Item 1 below.

Regarding Item 2 referencing your requests for texts and communications in other media to various Mayor’s Office Staff of December 3 and 4th, please note that responsive records exist and we will provide those to you over the next couple of weeks on a rolling basis, consistent with Gov. Code 6253(c) and Section 7a of the Fifth Supplement to the Proclamation Declaring a Local Emergency, which has suspended the normal response time in which to provide or withhold documents during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in light of the reasons cited in that proclamation.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please note that responsive records exist to the request below and we will provide those to you over the next couple of weeks on a rolling basis, consistent with Gov. Code 6253(c) and Section 7a of the Fifth Supplement to the Proclamation Declaring a Local Emergency, which has suspended the normal response time in which to provide or withhold documents during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in light of the reasons cited in that proclamation.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

As you know, in no circumstance can the City's response delay production unreasonably. 1 month with no records in rolling fashion is unreasonable.

Also the CPRA requires you to indicate whether the records are *disclosable* and an explanation. If records are not *discosable* (exempt) please explain (i.e. provide a justification).

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


In response to your request below, see the attached text message of Andrea Bruss not previously produced.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have no responsive records to provide in response to the request below.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have no responsive records to provide in response to the request below.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please see the attached records from the Office of the Mayor responsive to your request below regarding communications with Naomi Kelly and Harlan Kelly.

Certain information has been redacted as keyed in the documents themselves.

Specifically redactions have been made to protect personal privacy (Gov. Code § 6254(c), California Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 1.); to withhold dial-in and conference call information pursuant to the official information privilege (Evid. Code § 1040); and to withhold draft recommendations of the author (See Admin. Code 67.24(a)(1); Gov. Code § 6254(a)). See the specific codes in the redactions.

Additionally, a document has been withheld pursuant to the attorney/client privilege. See Gov. Code § 6254(k); Admin. Code 67.23(k); Evid. Code § 950 et seq.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please see the attached text messages of Andrea Bruss and Sean Elsbernd responsive to the request below. We have no responsive text messages from Mayor Breed to provide.

Please note that conference call information in the document titled AB3 is redacted pursuant to the official information privilege. See Cal. Evid. Code Sec. 1040(b)(2).

Additionally, responsive communications have been withheld pursuant to the attorney/client privilege. See Gov. Code § 6254(k); Admin. Code 67.23(k); Evid. Code § 950 et seq.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


This is in response to your request below seeking text, chat or instant messages from Jeff Cretan. We have no responsive records.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


In response to your request below, see attached my responsive texts. Please note that a personal conversation unrelated to City business has been redacted to protect personal privacy as indicated in the document. See California Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 1; Cal. Govt. Code Secs. 6254(c). Please also note that certain texts were withheld as communications soliciting or reflecting legal advice pursuant to the attorney/client privilege. See Gov. Code § 6254(k); Admin. Code 67.23(k); Evid. Code § 950 et seq.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Your office recently received a request "All City comms with Mr. Kelly's yahoo accounts - immediate disclosure request".
Please provide all further responses on this email address.

All of your responses will be available to the public on MuckRock.com

Thank you,

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Andres Powers:

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages (on any app, in any form, whether encrypted or not) on your government or personal devices or accounts with any City employee/official, Harlan Kelly Jr., Naomi Kelly, Juliet Ellis, Walter Wong, Mohammed Nuru - at any time or subject. Your peers and your Mayor claim to no longer have their texts. Let's see what you have. Provide exact copies including all text, formatting, sender/recipient identities, attachments, audio, video, images, date and time stamps.

This request is sent to you personally to ensure you have actual notice of this request, and that you DO NOT DESTROY ANY RESPONSIVE RECORDS. We will appeal all withholdings.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Andres Powers:

This is an immediate disclosure request for all text, chat, or instant messages (on any app, in any form, whether encrypted or not) on your government or personal devices or accounts with any City employee/official, Harlan Kelly Jr., Naomi Kelly, Juliet Ellis, Walter Wong, Mohammed Nuru - at any time or subject. Your peers and your Mayor claim to no longer have their texts. Let's see what you have. Provide exact copies including all text, formatting, sender/recipient identities, attachments, audio, video, images, date and time stamps.

This request is sent to you personally to ensure you have actual notice of this request, and that you DO NOT DESTROY ANY RESPONSIVE RECORDS. We will appeal all withholdings.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Please provide all emails, texts, chats, or instant messages to, from, cc, or bcc PGiusti@recology.com or Paul Giusti in your office or your employee's personal accounts. Given today's overcharging suit against Recology and the charges against Giusti, all such communications are presumed to be about the conduct of public business. We have some of these records and know that the Mayor's Office was included on all of them.

Provide rolling responses and exact PDF copies of all record; preserving all attachments, images, audio, video, To/From/Cc/Bcc email addresses, hyperlinks, urls, formatting.

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

There is no limitation on subject matter or date/time below.

1. This is an immediate disclosure request for all texts, chats, or instant messages, of any kind, in any app, IN A DELETED OR TRASH FOLDER OR STATE (but not yet permanently deleted) for Sean Elsbernd on your personal or government accounts.

2. This is an immediate disclosure request for all texts, chats, or instant messages, of any kind, in any app, not in a trash/deleted folder for Sean Elsbernd on your personal or government accounts.

You need to actually search when I make a request. It's possible you didn't delete something or it hasn't yet been deleted.

It appears from this attachment that Hank Heckel may be just assuming that at any given moment you don't have anything due to your deletion policy, but it is possible that at the time you receive this request you have some form of communication I am requesting.


From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Hank Heckel:

Please provide as exact PDF copies all email in the "sullivan v mayor breed 5 supplement proclamation complaint" thread.

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Hah - Looks like "HDizz" scooped me! Office of the Mayor: please provide all text messages pictured here: https://twitter.com/dizz_h/status/1370119689150472196


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have located records responsive to your request below. We anticipate providing them on a rolling basis beginning the week of March 29. See Cal. Gov. Code 6253(c).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


We have located material responsive to your request below. We anticipate providing on a rolling basis beginning the week of March 29. See Cal. Gov. Code 6253(c).

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


These records were previously provided to you on February 10 in response to another request. See attached.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


See the attached records responsive to your request below.

Hank Heckel
Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

  • RE_ sullivan v mayor breed 5 supplement proclamation complaint

  • FW_ sullivan v mayor breed 5 supplement proclamation complaint

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please see attached the records responsive to your request below. Please note that personal contact information has been redacted to avoid an unwarranted breach of personal privacy. See Cal. Gov. Code § 6254(c), California Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 1

Hank Heckel
Legal Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

Warning An exclamation point.

There are too many files to display on this communication. See all files

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Is this a completed response to the March 4 Giusti request from this email address?

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

Office of the Mayor:

Some of these records are exact PDF copies.... some are copy pastes of email from some other program.... some are Outlook style with no email addresses. Your office has gone back to its old non-compliance. Complaints will be filed. Now I see why you aren't willing to enter into settlement agreements accepting that you will voluntarily comply *always*.

Why an Office would provide records in multiple formats in one request is baffling.
Why not just do what DPW does? Have IT staff search the central email servers and produce the records uniformly? Why do you let each employee seemingly do whatever they want?


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


In response to your earlier question, yes, this is a completed response to your request referencing Mr. Giusti. The files were searched and collected by the custodians with knowledge of the records, consistent with the PRA and Sunshine Ordinance and the guidance provided by the City Attorney’s Good Government Guide (see excerpt below from pages 98-99). The custodians provide the records in these formats and if they do not conform to your requested formatting specifications that was not intentional.

If you believe you are missing information or object to these formats (my understanding was that you were not requesting metadata), we can spend the employee hours to go back and search for the files and convert them to your desired PDF format (one of many possible formats). We will further respond consistent with our invocation of the rule of reason.


Hank Heckel
Legal Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

“The duty to respond to a public records request necessarily encompasses a duty to search for responsive records. The City must make a good faith, reasonable search effort. What constitutes a reasonable search depends on the circumstances. In some cases, a knowledgeable department employee will definitively know whether responsive records exist and, if so, where they may be located. But often the department will need to circulate the request among those employees likely to have or know of responsive records. In a similar vein, the department often will need to consult those files where responsive records likely would be found. Files in storage must be retrieved and searched if they are likely to contain responsive records. But the duty to search for records does not require a department to try to find a needle in a haystack or expend extraordinary efforts that are unlikely to locate responsive records. Further, as noted above, the more burdensome the search required, the more likely will be the need to invoke an extension of time to respond to the request or, in more extreme cases, to invoke the rule of reason warranting a more drawn-out search. It is possible there may be a circumstance so extreme that it is appropriate for a department to decline to conduct a comprehensive search, but before taking such an approach, the department should consult with the City Attorney’s Office. A duty to search all media Some public records requests are so focused that they may require only a very limited search for records that are easily located in a discrete hard copy file or electronic file. For example, a request for a copy of a specific letter from a named City employee to another named employee, regarding a specific subject, requires only a search for that record, and in such an instance, there likely will be only one or two places where the record would be found. But many public records requests are not as narrowly focused. For example, a request for records on a particular subject, not limited by the text of the request or by its context to a specific medium, will necessitate a search of all media in which such records may reasonably be found. As noted earlier, records relating to City business on personal electronic devices or accounts of City employees and officials are subject to disclosure in response to a public records request. As a general rule, a public records request need not specifically identify such devices and accounts to encompass them. Rather, unless the text or context of the request indicates otherwise, it should be assumed that the requester is seeking responsive public records on any medium, including personal electronic devices or accounts of employees and officials. Accordingly, the department’s search for responsive records must encompass the employee’s or official’s search for responsive records on their personal electronic devices or accounts if responsive records might reasonably be found there. Where it is unclear whether a requester is seeking records on personal devices or accounts, the City may contact the requester to obtain clarification, The duty to search emails. Emails that are easily retrievable by the user must be searched in response to a public records request. This includes emails that have not been deleted; emails that have been put in the “Deleted Items” folder but have not been emptied from that folder (and hence are immediately retrievable); and emails that have been deleted and emptied from that folder but remain immediately retrievable by accessing the computer’s “Recover Deleted Items From Server” function.”

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

So that's what is happening... each employee, even on work computers, is just giving whatever record they individually feel like giving up however they individually feel like producing it.

The issue is indeed not metadata/headers/etc.
Here is the request excerpt: "Provide rolling responses and exact PDF copies of all record; preserving all attachments, images, audio, video, To/From/Cc/Bcc email addresses, hyperlinks, urls, formatting."

Consider this record - https://cdn.muckrock.com/foia_files/2021/03/26/Paul_G_1.pdf - no email addresses at the top. Why? Who knows.

And what's going on in this record? https://cdn.muckrock.com/foia_files/2021/03/26/Re__.pdf - random redactions at the end of each person's name?

Mr. Heckel - we can continue to re-litigate issues you and the Mayor will continue to lose over and over again, if this is what your office insists on. Your Office *chooses* not to make records production systematic and consistent. Of course if you made a standardized records search (which is certainly possible via IT), it would be a lot harder for each employee to hide whatever record they individually want to, so I can see why you may want to do that.

You are not going to succeed in forcing me to give up on issues I have already won. Your office must learn its lessons and change its behavior. Anything less is simply willful failure to implement the Ordinance.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Our office, like many City departments, has spent hundreds of hours responding to your hundreds of requests over the last two years. We have striven to accommodate your many specific, complex and exacting standards for all of your requests. Your suggestion of any willful failure to comply is completely unfounded. City employees have numerous other responsibilities in addition to responding to your records requests. Your formatting demands are specific to you and it is not always clear even as a technical matter how you want the records produced. If a custodian converted a file to one of the numerous permutations of PDFs that you don’t accept that was not intentional.

Regarding the first record, I am not sure why the email addresses don’t appear on the top line. Both the sender and the recipient are employees here and they are using their City email addresses. If you want us to revisit the format for these and similar records we can do that. If you wish to file more complaints to spend your time, our time and SOTF’s time on such issues while we are trying to redress them that is also your right.

The second record has partial redactions of hyperlinked email addresses because they are personal email addresses and are withheld on that basis. If we don’t redact part of the hyperlink it will reveal the address. If we remove all the metadata so the links don’t work we would surely be threatened with more complaints from you. What technical fix would you suggest to this issue?

We are trying to work with you to fulfill your requests and follow-ups as always.

Hank Heckel
Legal Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: twitter.com/journo_anon Public Records Requester

You again claim that mere formats are the issue- they are not. This is a strategy by you and Herrera to make it seem like what I am arguing for is meaningless. If all of the *information* in the record was produced, I can always convert formats myself. But the *information* (which has been repeatedly been ruled disclosable) is missing.

There is never any excuse not to provide all disclosable public information. Remember most other requesters don't even know that you have been, for example, withholding BCC's from them on any email having one. And you have never told them. This lack of informing a requester of withholding is itself a violation of the law. How can they be upset if they don't know you withheld something unlawfully? No one has to *ask* you for BCC's - they are simply part of the email.

The problem is that your office (and of course the City Attorney's office) is unwilling to standardize or centralize its records production process. If it did, using policy, technology, or both, then the person managing the process (you, I assume) could actually quality control the process and ensure a full implementation of every part of the Ordinance for every person. Or you could use an off the shelf solution like NextRequest or its various competitors.

In fact, one would think that *not* having each employee with other duties rummage through their government email would be better for their ability to conduct other business without interruption. Then only you or IT staff have to review the (government account) records. I can only assume there is some motivation *not* to standardize and centralize and instead let each employee have a fiefdom over their own *government* emails.

Your office is unwilling to make changes that would produce more lawfully disclosable information to all persons who make a request.
That refusal to make systemic change is intentional. And thus is an intentional refusal by your boss to fully implement the Sunshine Ordinance in her department, as she is required to do under Admin Code 67.34.

Your office has never shown that it would even be willing to make systemic change. Or provided a timeline for doing so. Or an explanation of why it is more compliant with law to not do so. Instead your effort is to placate me individually to make me go away and stop appeals -- and that strategy is your office's choice. But the point, and my goal which I will stick to, is to force compliance with the law in general, not for one person.


From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco


Please see attached the records responsive to your request below. Please note that certain information in the document entitled “HK Email Redacted” has been redacted to protect personal privacy (Cal. Gov. Code § 6254(c), California Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 1) and other information has been redacted to protect personal privacy (Cal. Gov. Code § 6254(c), California Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 1) and because it relates to personnel/hiring (Cal. Govt. Code Secs. 6254(c), Admin. Code § 67.24(c)), as indicated on the face of the document. The redactions in the document entitled “Emails Harlan (002) Redacted” are of conference call dial-in information and applied pursuant to the official information privilege. Evid. Code 1040.

Hank Heckel
Legal Compliance Officer
Office of the Mayor
City and County of San Francisco

From: Office of the Mayor of San Francisco

To Whom It May Concern -

We write in response to your petition below. With regard to the first issue, we understand that the Mayor’s Office confirmed on December 30, 2020 that it had no records responsive to the request. With regard to the second issue, we understand that the Mayor’s Office produced responsive records on February 3 and February 11, 2021. Accordingly, we believe the issues raised in your petition have been resolved and consider the petition closed. Thank you.

Bradley Russi
Deputy City Attorney
Office of City Attorney David Chiu
City Hall, Room 234
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl., San Francisco, CA 94102