911 Domestic Violence Call Response Time 2019 vs. 2020 (San Jose Police Department)

Colin Gerber filed this request with the San Jose Police Department of San Jose, CA.

It is a clone of this request.

Multi Request 911 Domestic Violence Call Response Time 2019 vs. 2020


From: Colin Gerber

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, I hereby request from San Jose Police Department any records, datasets, or materials that contain the following:

For July 2020:
- Average response time of department for all calls
- Average response time of department for domestic violence calls only

For all domestic violence/domestic disturbance calls to the 911 dispatch center in the month of July 2020, separated by individual call:
- Type of call
- Priority level
- Date and time of call received
- Date and time first officer arrived on scene
- Race and ethnicity of victim, if available
- Race and ethnicity of perpetrator(s), if available
- Outcome or resolution of call

For July 2019:
- Average response time of department for all calls
- Average response time of department for domestic violence calls only

For all domestic violence/domestic disturbance calls to the 911 dispatch center in the month of July 2019, separated by individual call:
- Type of call
- Priority level
- Date and time of call received
- Date and time first officer arrived on scene
- Race and ethnicity of victim, if available
- Race and ethnicity of perpetrator(s), if available
- Outcome or resolution of call

The requested documents will be made available to the general public. These records are being requested as part of a collaborative research effort and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 calendar days, as the statute requires.


Colin Gerber

From: San Jose Police Department

Good morning, Mr. Gerber-

Your request was forwarded to me for processing. Government Code 6253(c) of the California Public Records Act allows up to 10 days from the receipt of the request to provide a response to the requestor. I will have a response to you by 10/30/20.

Thank you,

April Benoit #1180N

Research & Development

San Jose Police Department

201 W. Mission St. San Jose, CA 95110

Main: (408) 277-5200 | Direct: (408) 537-1658


From: San Jose Police Department

Hello Mr. Gerber,

In reference to your PRA request, the Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) is able to run a query for the data:

For July 2020:
- Average response time of department for all calls: CAN PROVIDE
- Average response time of department for domestic violence calls only: CAN PROVIDE
For all domestic violence/domestic disturbance calls to the 911 dispatch center in the month of July 2020, separated by individual call:
- Type of call CAN PROVIDE
- Priority level CAN PROVIDE
- Date and time of call received CAN PROVIDE
- Date and time first officer arrived on scene CAN PROVIDE
- Race and ethnicity of victim, if available CAN PROVIDE IF AVAIL
- Race and ethnicity of perpetrator(s), if available CAN PROVIDE IF AVAIL
- Outcome or resolution of call CAN PROVIDE CALL DISPOSITION

For July 2019: The same information derived for July 2020 can be derived for July 2019.
- Average response time of department for all calls
- Average response time of department for domestic violence calls only
For all domestic violence/domestic disturbance calls to the 911 dispatch center in the month of July 2019, separated by individual call:
- Type of call
- Priority level
- Date and time of call received
- Date and time first officer arrived on scene
- Race and ethnicity of victim, if available
- Race and ethnicity of perpetrator(s), if available
- Outcome or resolution of call

*Please be advised that this query may not capture all domestic related call types that may initially come in as other call types. Also, if a domestic related case involves multiple crimes, the records management system captures only the highest offense code as the primary incident (UCR’s Hierarchy Rule).

Government Code Subsection 6253.9(b) allows a local government agency to recover “costs of producing a copy of the record, including the cost to construct a record, the cost of programming and computer services necessary to produce a copy of the record” in two situations:

1. In order to comply with the provisions of subdivision (a), the public agency would be required to produce a copy of an electronic record and the record is one that is produced only at otherwise regularly scheduled intervals.
2. The request would require data compilation, extraction, or programming to produce the record.

The current Fee Schedule (http://www.sjpd.org/records/fees_public_safety.asp<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sjpd.org%2Frecords%2Ffees_public_safety.asp&data=01%7C01%7CApril.Benoit%40sanjoseca.gov%7Cc54d983a0ab14881bea508d8594e373c%7C0fe33be061424f969b8d7817d5c26139%7C1&sdata=JWhcm9%2BRtfMfqts5%2FCR%2BEO6k2mJMGCwWZlGPfWf0VjI%3D&reserved=0>) requires $140.00 per hour to cover these costs.

I am waiting for the CAU to notify me of what the estimated query time will be in order to determine the total fee associated with your request, as well as the estimated turnaround time to receive records.

**Please advise if you wish to proceed and would like to me to provide you with the total cost and turnaround time once it's calculated by the CAU.

Thank you,

April Benoit #1180N

Research & Development

San Jose Police Department

201 W. Mission St. San Jose, CA 95110

Main: (408) 277-5200 | Direct: (408) 537-1658



From: Colin Gerber

Hello Ms. Benoit,

Please proceed and let me know the total cost once it has been calculated.

Thank you,
Colin Gerber

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon, Mr. Gerber-

I just received an update from the Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) regarding the turnaround time and the time to query your request, since at this time, a query does not exist.

Government Code Subsection 6253.9(b) allows a local government agency to recover “costs of producing a copy of the record, including the cost to construct a record, the cost of programming and computer services necessary to produce a copy of the record” in two situations:

1. In order to comply with the provisions of subdivision (a), the public agency would be required to produce a copy of an electronic record and the record is one that is produced only at otherwise regularly scheduled intervals.
2. The request would require data compilation, extraction, or programming to produce the record.

The current Fee Schedule (http://www.sjpd.org/records/fees_public_safety.asp<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sjpd.org%2Frecords%2Ffees_public_safety.asp&data=01%7C01%7CApril.Benoit%40sanjoseca.gov%7C70531ea8180946ce443b08d85fa5e73a%7C0fe33be061424f969b8d7817d5c26139%7C1&sdata=Sd%2BtWGdmdUOoBd4o2PjB173VIil94Xbs1sD0Y3I8lrI%3D&reserved=0>) requires $140.00 per hour to cover these costs. Based on the estimate provided by CAU of 15 minutes to query, a payment of $35.00 is required to continue processing this request. Payment via check should be made payable to “City of San Jose” and delivered or mailed to my attention at:

San Jose Police Department

Research and Development Unit - PRA

201 W. Mission Street

San Jose, CA 95110

Upon receipt of payment, our Crime Analysis Unit will be notified, and your request will be processed. The CAU estimates a turnaround time of 3 weeks.
Thank you,

April Benoit #1180N
Research & Development
San Jose Police Department
201 W. Mission St. San Jose, CA 95110
Main: (408) 277-5200 | Direct: (408) 537-1658

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon, Mr. Gerber-

The CAU has notified me of a corrected query time of 10 minutes, making the required payment $23.33. Please see the email below for information on the fee required and how to send it. If you have already sent payment of $35, I can either send it back to you or destroy it while I wait for new payment of $23.33.

Thank you,

From: Colin Gerber

Hello April,

Thank you for the update and my apologies for the delayed response. In order to make the payment for the records from CAU, my organization requires a completed W9. I've attached a blank form. Would it be possible to have a completed one returned to colin.g@uihi.org? With that in place, I can submit the payment and would love to set up a digital download.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 612-805-2488.

Much obliged,
Colin Gerber

From: San Jose Police Department

Good morning, Mr. Gerber-

I submitted the requested W9 to the email address you provided me (colin.g@uihi.org) on Jan 4, 2021. I'm currently awaiting payment before CAU can begin to process.

Thank you,

April Benoit #1180N
Research & Development
San Jose Police Department
201 W. Mission St. San Jose, CA 95110
Main: (408) 277-5200 | Direct: (408) 537-1658

From: Colin Gerber

Good Morning April,

I received the W9 and submitted the paperwork on my end on January 11th. Our Finance team is working on it to get the check cut and sent to CAU.

Much appreciated!
Colin Gerber

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon,

Our staff has been checking the mail daily and payment has not yet been received. I see in your previous email that it could have been sent to CAU, but they haven’t received anything either. Checks should be made payable to the City of San Jose and sent or delivered to my attention at:

San Jose Police Department

Research and Development Unit - PRA

201 W. Mission Street

San Jose, CA 95110
Thank you,

April Benoit #1180N
Research & Development
San Jose Police Department
201 W. Mission St. San Jose, CA 95110
Main: (408) 277-5200 | Direct: (408) 537-1658

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon,

The payment was received today and I have notified the CAU to proceed with PRA request. A receipt will be emailed to you.

Thank you,

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon, Mr. Gerber-

I just heard back from the CAU that they have been working on your request and estimate it to be completed by Thurs 2/25/21.

Thank you for your patience,

From: San Jose Police Department

I apologize for the delay. I’ll go back to the Crime Analysis Unit for a status update and let you know.

Thank you,

From: San Jose Police Department

Good morning,

I reached out to the CAU and they anticipate having data by 3/23. I will continue to follow up with them before that date to see if data is available sooner. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you,


From: San Jose Police Department

Good morning, Mr. Gerber-

I apologize. I did send out a status request to the CAU yesterday morning and have yet to hear back. The CAU supervisor has been copied on the status request and is aware of the delay. I will continue to follow up with them and let you know what the status is as soon as I can.

Thank you,

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon,

I apologize, I have been out of town. The CAU informed me it would be a maximum of 2 weeks for them to have this data to me. They provided me this information on April 1, when I was out of the office, so I anticipate having the records by the end of the week.

Thank you for your patience,

April Benoit #1180N

Research & Development

San Jose Police Department

201 W. Mission St. San Jose, CA 95110

Main: (408) 277-5200 | Direct: (408) 537-1658


From: San Jose Police Department

Good morning, Mr. Gerber-

I have not yet received records from the Crime Analysis Unit. I have reached out for a status update and will continue to do so until I receive records. I will provide the records to you as soon as I can.

I apologize for the delay.

Thank you,

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon, Mr. Gerber-

Please see the attached documents provided to me by the CAU that are responsive to your request. Attachments 1 and 3 include the priority level, date/time of call, date/time of arrival, response time and final call type. Attachments 2 and 4 include the report date, offense type, offense type description and the race/ethnicity of the victim/offenders. The CAU does not have calculations for the average response time for all calls for July 2019 or 2020. This is calculated on a quarterly basis. They also do not have the calculation for the average response time for domestic violence calls. However, with the data provided, you may be able to make the calculations.

Attachment 1- CFS July 2019
Attachment 2- CFS_Offense_Vic_Off_ July 2019
Attachment 3- CFS July 2020
Attachment 4- CFS_Offense_Vic_Off_ July 2020

* Please note- the CAU has notified me that they still need to run the data for the 2019 calls for service initial call type and the 2019 & 2020 calls for service domestic violence dispositions. They anticipate having those records to me within 3 weeks.

I apologize for the delay and I’ll continue following up with the CAU for the remaining data.

Thank you,

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon, Mr. Gerber-

I received the attached data in response to the remainder of your request- data for the 2019 calls for service initial call type and the 2019 & 2020 calls for service domestic violence dispositions.

Attachment 5- CFS 2019 JULY w DISPO
Attachment 6- CFS 2020 JULY w DISPO

Please let me know if anything else is needed.

Thank you,

From: San Jose Police Department

Good afternoon, Mr. Gerber-

I just received one more spreadsheet with data that is responsive to your request. Please see attached. This data includes Initial Call Type that was originally missing from the 2019 July calls for service.

Attachment 7- CFS 2019 JULY w INITIAL CALL TYPE

Thank you,


