Incident commander review of May Day 2015

Phil Mocek filed this request with the Seattle Police Department of Seattle, WA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #




From: Phil Mocek

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to RCW Ch. 42.56 (Public Records Act), I hereby request the following records:

May Day 2015 Incident Commander's Review memorandum, along with associated metadata

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Phil Mocek


RE: Public Disclosure Request # P2015-5186

Dear Phil Mocek,

This letter is in response to your public disclosure request dated August 12, 2015 and received by the Seattle Police Department’s Public Disclosure Unit on August 12, 2015 for May Day 2015 Incident Commander's Review memorandum, along with associated metadata.

Pursuant to RCW 42.56.520, this is notification that we have received your public disclosure request, and we anticipate it may take up to 5 weeks from the date of this notification to respond. Therefore we anticipate a response to you on or about September 25, 2015.

This additional time is used to research this request, collect responsive records, and/or prepare records for dissemination. Please note: Seattle Police Department currently receives approximately 4,500 public disclosure requests annually.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with this request, please contact the Public Disclosure Desk at 206-684-5481.


Public Disclosure Unit


To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on Aug. 12, 2015. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.


To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following Freedom of Information request, copied below, and originally submitted on Aug. 12, 2015. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response, or if further clarification is needed.

Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.


RE: Public Disclosure Request # P2015-5186

Dear Phil Mocek,

This letter is in response to your public disclosure request dated August 12, 2015 and received by the Seattle Police Department’s Public Disclosure Unit on August 12, 2015 for May Day 2015 Incident Commander's Review memorandum, along with associated metadata.

Additional time is needed to respond to your request, we anticipate a response to you on or about October 16, 2015.

This additional time is used to research this request, collect responsive records, and/or prepare records for dissemination.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with this request, please contact the Public Disclosure Desk at 206-684-5481.


Public Disclosure Unit

From: Phil Mocek

Dear sir or madam:

Almost seven weeks have passed since I requested your May Day 2015 Incident Commander Review on August 12. On August 17, one week after receiving my request, you estimated that you would require an additional five weeks--a total of six weeks--in order to fulfill my request. You stated that "additional time is used to research this request, collect responsive records, and/or prepare records for dissemination."

I received your e-mail of September 24. In it, you stated that you require even more time to fulfill my request, that you anticipate providing another response on or about October 16--a total of nine weeks since you received my request--again citing researching the request, collecting responsive records, and/or preparing records for dissemination as the reasons for delay. You did not provide any explanation for your belief that you will need 50% more time than you previously estimated in order to fulfill my request.

Please let me know who is assigned to my request and approximately how much time each week is spent on related research, collection, and preparation.

Phil Mocek


Mr. Mocek,

Thank you for your inquiry into the expected release date for the record you have requested. By way of clarification, you have requested the “Incident Commander Review’” a document that does not exist as named. However, based on your prior requests, we have interpreted your request to refer to the After Action Plan. We are in the process of reviewing and applying redactions to the document. Due to SPD’s involvement in the Chinese President’s visit, the Ride the Duck accident, and other recent events, it was determined that an additional three weeks was needed to complete the review for redactions. We estimate that the review should be completed by the due date we provided to you: October 16, 2015. We apologize for any confusion around the timing of the release of this report.

As soon as the requested document is ready for release, you will be notified.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,

Bonnie Voegele
Records Manager

From: Phil Mocek

Dear Ms. Veogele:

I received your e-mail of October 6. I am surprised to learn from it that a visit to Seattle last month by the president of China and "the Ride the Duck accident" are causing a delay of three weeks to your public disclosure unit staff's collective ability to send me a copy of this single document that I requested almost two months ago. I'm guessing this document is about 10 pages long. It is hard to imagine even a very thorough review of it taking more than about an hour or two.

I request again--as I did in my September 29 e-mail to you--that you inform me of who is assigned to my request and of approximately how much time each week is spent on related research, collection, and preparation.

Phil Mocek


RE: Public Disclosure Request: PDR #2015-5186

Email 2 of 2

Dear Mr. Mocek,

This letter is in response to your public disclosure request dated August 12, 2015 and received by the Seattle Police Department’s Public Disclosure Unit on August 12, 2015 for May Day 2015 Incident Commander's Review memorandum, along with associated metadata.

The Incident Command has not yet completed the final version of the May Day 2015 After Action Plan. Please find a draft copy of the requested document. As redactions were required, we have scanned the document in a searchable PDF format. As the file is too large to be sent in one email, I have broken it into two separate emails.

Redactions have been applied throughout the documents pursuant to RCW 42.56.10 and/or other statutes,

· Investigative Information: Record includes information non-disclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement. (RCW 42.56.240(1) as defined by RCW 42.56.050. Explanation: Disclosure would jeopardize a criminal investigation/prosecution;

· Intelligence Information: Specific intelligence information which is essential to effective law enforcement is not disclosable. RCW 42.56.240(1). and/or RCW 43.43.856. Explanation: Disclosure would reveal law enforcement techniques, capabilities, limitations, and the extent of law enforcement knowledge which would jeopardize investigations/prosecutions and/or assist individuals in criminal activity.

· Computer/Telecom Passwords/Security/Internal-Use Only Phone Numbers: Information regarding the infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications networks, consisting of security passwords, security access codes and programs, access codes for secure software applications, security and service recovery plans, security risk assessments, and security test results are exempt from disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56.420(4). Explanation: Unauthorized access to the information could disrupt police operations, negatively affect police investigations, endanger citizens/law enforcement personnel, result in theft, fraud or other criminal activity, and expose law enforcement personnel to harassment.

We have not prepared a detailed exemption log for records because only limited information has been redacted from the responsive records. The information normally provided in an exemption log, such as title, author, recipient, subject, and number of pages, is readily ascertainable by looking at the redacted records.

Additional time is needed for the final version of this report to be completed. Therefore we anticipate our final response to you on or about October 31, 2015.
If you have any questions, please contact the Public Disclosure Desk at 206-684-5481.


Bonnie Voegele
Records Manager


RE: Public Disclosure Request: PDR #2015-5186

Email 1 of 2

Dear Mr. Mocek,

This letter is in response to your public disclosure request dated August 12, 2015 and received by the Seattle Police Department’s Public Disclosure Unit on August 12, 2015 for May Day 2015 Incident Commander's Review memorandum, along with associated metadata.

The Incident Command has not yet completed the final version of the May Day 2015 After Action Plan. Please find a draft copy of the requested document. As redactions were required, we have scanned the document in a searchable PDF format. As the file is too large to be sent in one email, I have broken it into two separate emails.

Redactions have been applied throughout the documents pursuant to RCW 42.56.10 and/or other statutes,

· Investigative Information: Record includes information non-disclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement. (RCW 42.56.240(1) as defined by RCW 42.56.050. Explanation: Disclosure would jeopardize a criminal investigation/prosecution;

· Intelligence Information: Specific intelligence information which is essential to effective law enforcement is not disclosable. RCW 42.56.240(1). and/or RCW 43.43.856. Explanation: Disclosure would reveal law enforcement techniques, capabilities, limitations, and the extent of law enforcement knowledge which would jeopardize investigations/prosecutions and/or assist individuals in criminal activity.

· Computer/Telecom Passwords/Security/Internal-Use Only Phone Numbers: Information regarding the infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications networks, consisting of security passwords, security access codes and programs, access codes for secure software applications, security and service recovery plans, security risk assessments, and security test results are exempt from disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56.420(4). Explanation: Unauthorized access to the information could disrupt police operations, negatively affect police investigations, endanger citizens/law enforcement personnel, result in theft, fraud or other criminal activity, and expose law enforcement personnel to harassment.

We have not prepared a detailed exemption log for records because only limited information has been redacted from the responsive records. The information normally provided in an exemption log, such as title, author, recipient, subject, and number of pages, is readily ascertainable by looking at the redacted records.

Additional time is needed for the final version of this report to be completed. Therefore we anticipate our final response to you on or about October 31, 2015.
If you have any questions, please contact the Public Disclosure Desk at 206-684-5481.


Bonnie Voegele
Records Manager


RE: Public Disclosure Request: PDR #2015-5186

Dear Mr. Mocek,

This letter is in response to your public disclosure request dated August 12, 2015 and received by the Seattle Police Department’s Public Disclosure Unit on August 12, 2015 for May Day 2015 Incident Commander's Review memorandum, along with associated metadata.
The final installment of your requested records are available for pick-up. As the file is too large to be sent via email.

The copying fee for your request $1.00 (1 CD@ $1.00 per CD)


If you are unable to pick up this request, you may give another person written permission to pick up your request. The person who picks up the request will be asked to show pictured ID in order to receive the responsive record. If at all possible, please bring a copy of this letter with you.

If you are unable to pick up your request, please send a check made payable to the City of Seattle for $1.60 (to cover the copying fee and postage) with a copy of this letter to the Seattle Police Headquarters 610 5th Ave., PO Box 34986 Seattle, WA. 98124

The Department has not prepared a detailed exemption log for records because only limited information has been redacted from the responsive records. The information normally provided in an exemption log, such as title, author, recipient, subject, and number of pages, is readily ascertainable by looking at the redacted records. Redactions have been applied throughout the documents pursuant to the following exemptions:

Redactions have been applied throughout the documents pursuant to RCW 42.56.10 and/or other statutes,

· Investigative Information: Record includes information non-disclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement. (RCW 42.56.240(1) as defined by RCW 42.56.050. Explanation: Disclosure would jeopardize a criminal investigation/prosecution;

· Intelligence Information: Specific intelligence information which is essential to effective law enforcement is not disclosable. RCW 42.56.240(1). and/or RCW 43.43.856. Explanation: Disclosure would reveal law enforcement techniques, capabilities, limitations, and the extent of law enforcement knowledge which would jeopardize investigations/prosecutions and/or assist individuals in criminal activity.

· Computer/Telecom Passwords/Security/Internal-Use Only Phone Numbers: Information regarding the infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications networks, consisting of security passwords, security access codes and programs, access codes for secure software applications, security and service recovery plans, security risk assessments, and security test results are exempt from disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56.420(4). Explanation: Unauthorized access to the information could disrupt police operations, negatively affect police investigations, endanger citizens/law enforcement personnel, result in theft, fraud or other criminal activity, and expose law enforcement personnel to harassment.

This concludes the Seattle Police Department’s response to your request.

If you have any questions, please contact the Public Disclosure Desk at 206-684-5481.


Bonnie Voegele
Records Manager

From: MuckRock

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $1.60 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Seattle Police Department

A copy of documents responsive to the request.

From: Seattle Police Department

A cover letter granting the request and outlining any exempted materials, if any.


