Julie Kipp e-mail to or about FITlist

Phil Mocek filed this request with the Department of Information Technology of Seattle, WA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Due March 10, 2021
Est. Completion June 17, 2021
Awaiting Response

From: Phil Mocek

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

E-mail messages 1) to, from, or cc'd julie.kipp@seattle.gov with the term "fitlist" (case insensitive) in the message subject and/or body, or 2) from julie.kipp@seattle.gov to fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

**** Please do not ask or invite me to register for, agree to terms of use for, or in any other way use your public records request workflow management system (your "records portal"). I wish to communicate about this matter via e-mail using the address I am providing to you now, and if such is not feasible, will revert to postal mail. ****

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.

I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Phil Mocek

From: Phil Mocek

Dear Sir or Madam,

Despite the law requiring action from you withing 5 business days, 13 days have passed since I submitted my public records request of March 3, 2021, without any response from you. Please advise.

Phil Mocek

From: Phil Mocek

Dear Sir or Madam,

Four weeks have now passed since I placed my public records request of March 3, 2021. I have not received any response from your agency regarding that request, despite the law requiring such within five business days.

I addressed that request, followups on March 10 and March 16, and this message, to <itd_pdr@seattle.gov>, the email address specified to me on February 18, 2021, by Julie Kipp, Citywide Public Disclosure Program Manager, Seattle IT, as "best email through which to submit public records requests to Seattle IT."

Please advise.

Phil Mocek

From: Department of Information Technology

Dear Mr. Mocek:

Your request for: E-mail messages 1) to, from, or cc'd julie.kipp@seattle.gov<mailto:julie.kipp@seattle.gov> with the term "fitlist" (case insensitive) in the message subject and/or body, or 2) from julie.kipp@seattle.gov<mailto:julie.kipp@seattle.gov> to fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov<mailto:fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov>.,
was inadvertently missed. My apologies. I will be uploading the request into our system for tracking purposes but will correspond with you additionally through this email. You can expect records on or about April 16, 2021. Thank you.

Kristen Glundberg-Prossor
Communications and Public Disclosure
Get the latest tech news & classes on the Seattle Technology Learning Hub<https://seattlegov.sharepoint.com/sites/ITD_Learning_Hub>
M: 206.276.4737 | Kristen.glundberg-prossor@seattle.gov<mailto:Kristen.glundberg-prossor@seattle.gov>

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Emails sent to and from the City of Seattle are governed by the Washington Public Records Act and may be subject to disclosure to a third-party requester. To learn more please see Chapter 42.56 RCW<https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56> and the City's Privacy Statement<http://www.seattle.gov/tech/initiatives/privacy/privacy-statement>.

From: Department of Information Technology

Dear Mr. Mocek,

Records are now available in response to your request C072698-040521 regarding the following:

E-mail messages 1) to, from, or cc'd julie.kipp@seattle.gov<mailto:julie.kipp@seattle.gov> with the term "fitlist" (case insensitive) in the message subject and/or body, or 2) from julie.kipp@seattle.gov<mailto:julie.kipp@seattle.gov> to fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov<mailto:fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov>.

The records being made available to you at this time include the following: Email to or from Julie Kipp regarding regarding the term "fitlist".

If you believe you have received privileged or confidential records in error, please notify the City of Seattle immediately, through the Public Records Request Center<https://city-seattle.mycusthelp.com/webapp/_rs/supporthome.aspx> or by email. Privileged or confidential records provided or received in error should not be reviewed, used, disseminated, distributed, or copied, and should be destroyed immediately. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

We are not charging you for these records because of the inconvenience caused you by me missing the request sent to the PDR_IT mail box. You can expect the final installment by April 13, 2021. Thank you!

Kristen Glundberg-Prossor
Communications and Public Disclosure
Get the latest tech news & classes on the Seattle Technology Learning Hub<https://seattlegov.sharepoint.com/sites/ITD_Learning_Hub>
M: 206.276.4737 | Kristen.glundberg-prossor@seattle.gov<mailto:Kristen.glundberg-prossor@seattle.gov>

Best-in-Class Digital Services
LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/seattle-information-technology-department/> l Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/SeattleITDept/> l Twitter<https://twitter.com/SeattleITDept> l E-Newsletter<https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WASEATTLE/subscriber/topics?qsp=WASEATTLE_10>
Emails sent to and from the City of Seattle are governed by the Washington Public Records Act and may be subject to disclosure to a third-party requester. To learn more please see Chapter 42.56 RCW<https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56> and the City’s Privacy Statement<http://www.seattle.gov/tech/initiatives/privacy/privacy-statement>.

From: Department of Information Technology

--- Please respond above this line ---

Dear Phil Mocek,
Records are now available in response to your request C072698-040521 regarding the following: E-mail messages 1) to, from, or cc'd julie.kipp@seattle.gov with the term "fitlist" (case insensitive) in the message subject and/or body, or 2) from julie.kipp@seattle.gov to fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov.
The records being made available to you at this time include the following: Email to or from Julie Kipp regarding regarding the term "fitlist".
To download your records, please:

* Navigate to the Public Records Request Center. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFviDtVI0tY9qlScAy70AuycP1XwYeBxe2dkmm-2BUNj1MXzLjQ2IPF8mfWPKR-2B8BEPLx678OHY5jwarMrWruV4zjk-3DSWf7_49bHAEe8o5KrxPjSWQxRA5Eug1m4BRBDxklYIIBGPtNScVYTQN-2BbyCUWUkQ971tXGiorLDntkbshsSzO2ENJZYKJDR76WEAFasOME3T1eWzrbQDPrMTdnaQepn05QStodmbHkdhwfY0hswCaGRiBIf5uEa-2FwiczMftvKJY4bgail-2Fz6kNhfP65ZrFY1ex6AAcAEiVjMAWbxM0Eu8oYVNwroeI9gh8yfdZIfwGIXntYU1671HAKTwWFyE2ICsrgVaA3T7sOLESbtEnUZSb-2FElPZANnzHVybp7jrtT8M15PT95DkpSRHO2Kv-2FWAW6LfkdgugFytZQnanluPk0blL1tIlyiByLvUpYTs84bRm6zuCE2TnlNK9biuZ5Eohf6YvrMz7T7cVD5kjvBeJR7c1O3PQ-3D-3D)
* Select 'My Records Request Center'.
* Select 'View My Requests'. You may be asked to login.
* Select this request: C072698-040521.
* Select the 'View Files' button.
* You can download records individually or all at the same time by clicking 'Download All'.
* Please save your records as you may only download them from the system three times. If you do not download your records within 30 days of request closure, the link to your records will expire.
If you believe you have received privileged or confidential records in error, please notify the City of Seattle immediately, through the Public Records Request Center or by email. Privileged or confidential records provided or received in error should not be reviewed, used, disseminated, distributed, or copied, and should be destroyed immediately. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFviDtVI0tY9qlScAy70AuycP1XwYeBxe2dkmm-2BUNj1MXzLjQ2IPF8mfWPKR-2B8BEPLx678OHY5jwarMrWruV4zjk-3D0LgT_49bHAEe8o5KrxPjSWQxRA5Eug1m4BRBDxklYIIBGPtNScVYTQN-2BbyCUWUkQ971tXGiorLDntkbshsSzO2ENJZYKJDR76WEAFasOME3T1eWzrbQDPrMTdnaQepn05QStodmbHkdhwfY0hswCaGRiBIf5uEa-2FwiczMftvKJY4bgail-2Fz6kNhfP65ZrFY1ex6AAcAEiVjMAWbxM0Eu8oYVNwroeI9gh8yfdZIfwGIXntYU1671HAKTwWFyE2ICsrgVa7zBKaZpyot4VBE-2BJOSNpU6RD-2BeYdm5-2B4QKSc4hIT1iDA4j6GJcWA3TAzYoHnnLelPwtAAsDG9gLOALApBpCVSehZJAeIaBGEjJ2uxEu51t9HnNO2Dn2spfff4TFDMK-2FNjUYZFgF2W8GsxCw3sw0S3g-3D-3D)
We are not charging you for these records because of the inconvenience caused you by missing the request sent to the PDR_IT mail box.
Kristen Glundberg-Prossor
Public Disclosure Team
Seattle Information Technology
To monitor the progress, update this request, make payments and download your responsive records please log into the Public Records Request Center. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFviDtVI0tY9qlScAy70AuycP1XwYeBxe2dkmm-2BUNj1MXzLjQ2IPF8mfWPKR-2B8BEPLx678OHY5jwarMrWruV4zjk-3DnXrM_49bHAEe8o5KrxPjSWQxRA5Eug1m4BRBDxklYIIBGPtNScVYTQN-2BbyCUWUkQ971tXGiorLDntkbshsSzO2ENJZYKJDR76WEAFasOME3T1eWzrbQDPrMTdnaQepn05QStodmbHkdhwfY0hswCaGRiBIf5uEa-2FwiczMftvKJY4bgail-2Fz6kNhfP65ZrFY1ex6AAcAEiVjMAWbxM0Eu8oYVNwroeI9gh8yfdZIfwGIXntYU1671HAKTwWFyE2ICsrgVaY4NiuSZZ380AINhTcHhIWI8iWdsL-2FWLtgtWrdOmPPVXBBiy9KJTPJlKobw2oy-2F5HpPKu-2BDLLL-2FdoDxaHZKnkDr-2Bij7TajXlbelhUGzaeUUoE7ukeoX5MGXwuLaG-2B6cqt7EaegRlAfxJ7b4-2BxOPH0AQ-3D-3D)

From: Phil Mocek

Dear Ms. Glundberg-Prossor,

I received your email of April 6, 2021. In it, you requested that I use your public records request workflow management system to retrieve the records I requested. Among other potential problems, this would require me to agree to your software vendor's terms and agreements, and for me to learn to use your system. I am unwilling to make such agreements in order to avail myself of our public records law, and I am unwilling to deal with the peculiarities of each and every public agency from which I might request records. I find it unreasonable for your or for any other public agency to expect the public to engage in such. I tried to avoid this very situation by clearly stating such in my request: "Please do not ask or invite me to register for, agree to terms of use for, or in any other way use your public records request workflow management system (your `records portal'). I wish to communicate about this matter via e-mail using the address I provided along with my request, and if such is not feasible, will revert to postal mail."

As I also wrote when I submitted my request, I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

I clearly identified the records I seek and I informed you of how I would like them delivered to me. You have not delivered them to me. Please do so.

Phil Mocek

From: Department of Information Technology

Dear Phil Mocek,

This message is from the City of Seattle Public Records Request Center.  We are notifying you that your password changed on 04/14/2021 for login requests@muckrock.com.

If you did not change your password, please visit the PRRC and use the forgotten password function (on the login page) to receive a temporary password.

Should you need additional help, please contact 206-684-2489 and mention the City of Seattle Public Records Request Center. The representative will direct you to the department you expect to request records from for assistance with your password change.
Please add seattle@mycusthelp.net to your E-mail contacts/address book to ensure delivery of the record center E-mails to your Inbox. (mailto:seattle@mycusthelp.net)
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Department of Information Technology

--- Please respond above this line ---

Dear Phil Mocek,
This communication is in response to your public disclosure request C072698-040521 received on March 03, 2021.
The purpose of this email is to provide a status update regarding your request. Seattle IT is still working on this request and needs additional time to respond to your request due to back log of requests and available staff. At this time, the Department anticipates that it will be able to provide the requested records or a first installment of records on or about  May 10, 2021. Thank you for your patience.
Kristen Glundberg-Prossor
Public Disclosure Team
Seattle Information Technology

From: Phil Mocek

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please provide a status update on my records request of March 3, 2021 (your identifier: C072698-040521).

On May 3, 2021, I received notice from Kristen Glundberg-Prossor at your office that Seattle IT were still working on the request, needed more time to complete it, and had estimated that the requested records or an installment thereof would be available on or about May 10, 2021. More than two weeks have passed since that estimated date, yet I have received no further contact regarding this matter.

Phil Mocek

From: Department of Information Technology

Dear Mr. Mocek,

The final installment is ready to be sent to you regarding C072698:

E-mail messages 1) to, from, or cc'd julie.kipp@seattle.gov<mailto:julie.kipp@seattle.gov> with the term "fitlist" (case insensitive) in the message subject and/or body, or 2) from julie.kipp@seattle.gov<mailto:julie.kipp@seattle.gov> to fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov<mailto:fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov>.

I have invoiced you through Gov QA but understand that you would rather pay for your installments by check.
Please remit a check for $1.25 to:

City of Seattle
Seattle IT
Attn: Public Disclosure Officer Kristen Glundberg-Prossor
PO Box 94709
Seattle, WA 98124-94709

Once we receive payment I will release the document through Gov QA AND email it to this email address.

Thank you.

Kristen Glundberg-Prossor
Communications and Public Disclosure
M: 206.276.4737 | Kristen.glundberg-prossor@seattle.gov<mailto:Kristen.glundberg-prossor@seattle.gov>

Get the latest tech news & classes on the Seattle Technology Learning Hub<https://seattlegov.sharepoint.com/sites/ITD_Learning_Hub>

Best-in-Class Digital Services
LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/seattle-information-technology-department/> l Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/SeattleITDept/> l Twitter<https://twitter.com/SeattleITDept> l E-Newsletter<https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WASEATTLE/subscriber/topics?qsp=WASEATTLE_10>
Emails sent to and from the City of Seattle are governed by the Washington Public Records Act and may be subject to disclosure to a third-party requester. To learn more please see Chapter 42.56 RCW<https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=42.56> and the City’s Privacy Statement<http://www.seattle.gov/tech/initiatives/privacy/privacy-statement>.

From: Department of Information Technology

Dear Phil Mocek,

Records in response to your public disclosure request C072698-040521 received on March 03, 2021 are now available. The cost for the records is as follows:

Invoice Number: INV21-C072698-1
Total: $1.25

To pay online, please follow these steps:
Please note that you will need to disable any pop-up blockers to make a payment using the system.

* Navigate to the Public Records Request Center. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFviDtVI0tY9qlScAy70AuycP1XwYeBxe2dkmm-2BUNj1MXzLjQ2IPF8mfWPKR-2B8BEPLx678OHY5jwarMrWruV4zjk-3Dhuuk_49bHAEe8o5KrxPjSWQxRA5Eug1m4BRBDxklYIIBGPtNScVYTQN-2BbyCUWUkQ971tXGiorLDntkbshsSzO2ENJZXFfqZvN3VUo1QuzFNOQ4mV8ryEKch0pJITafi-2BD0Dyogtz4uEdysg8-2BrdaG8pRZltWcaX4ReKpzwBTSfS-2BThlaBeTmx-2ByYr-2F22iQi5gQzsKD-2F5XcWZABFRXab0AUwoMYJXAXKpmdsUK0LcQvGiEnI8HgBAPg2VXrTh3ksgCI4nK8x3pOCK4-2BJZin5-2FH9xL-2FVWKFxSH2Z8TSoe-2BUT2FQ0xHWhw4EsRkiNxgivkb70m70vo36A4vH5j6TSIeODvA3ivuNl4S1SB12UZjmDj9rEMnxx70q3mA0wMXj-2Bb6CtEQayxxI5Qkn1XJSiR-2FXxNRwQw-3D-3D)
* Select 'My Records Request Center'.
* Select 'View My Requests'. You may be asked to login.
* Find this request: C072698-040521.
* Select the 'View Invoices' button.

* Opens a pop-up window showing your invoice: INV21-C072698-1.
* Click on the invoice and then the 'Pay Now' button.
* Continue processing your payment.
* Select 'Done'.
* Once the payment process is done, you are returned to the Public Records Request Center.
* After your payment is successful you will receive an email from our payments center.
Once your payment has been approved, we will send you an email with instructions on how to download your records. Note that City staff must manually upload records. Records will be available one to two business days after payment.

Please let your public disclosure officer (PDO) know if you are unable to pay online; your PDO will work with you on alternative ways to make your payment.

You have 30 days from today's date to pay for your records. If the City does not receive your payment within this time period, your request will be considered abandoned, and you will need to submit a new request.
Please add seattle@mycusthelp.net to your E-mail contacts/address book to ensure delivery of the record center E-mails to your Inbox. (mailto:seattle@mycusthelp.net)
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Phil Mocek

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $1.25 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

From: Department of Information Technology

6/17/2021 10:56:34 PM
Name: Kiera Murray
RE:  Public Disclosure Request Payment
This message is from the City of Seattle's Payment Center.
Please notice the 'Payment Status' below.  If the payment was successful, you will also receive an email from the City of Seattle Public Records Request Center with additional information regarding your request.
Confirmation of your payment(s) made on 6/17/2021 10:56:34 PM by Kiera Murray for $1.25.
Account Number: 44789
Payment Date: 6/17/2021
Payment Status: AUTHORIZED
Confirmation Code: 135866
Payment Amount: $ 1.25
If the payment was not successful, the 'Confirmation Code' will show 'none'.  Please try the payment process again and if it continues to be unsuccessful, contact the Customer Service Bureau and let them know which department you are requesting records from ( 206-684-2489).
Please add COS_Records-Request-Center-Payments@seattle.gov to your E-mail contacts/address book to ensure delivery of the record center E-mails to your Inbox. (mailto:COS_Records-Request-Center-Payments@seattle.gov)

This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Department of Information Technology

Dear Phil Mocek,

Thank you for your recent payment to the City of Seattle Public Records Request Center on 06/17/2021.
Within one to two business days, you will receive an email from your public disclosure officer indicating your records are available and instructing you on how to retrieve them. Public Disclosure Request Number: C072698-040521 Invoice Number: INV21-C072698-1 Payment Date: 06/17/2021 Invoice Status: Paid

You can view your payments by logging in to the Public Records Request Center.
Please add seattle@mycusthelp.net to your E-mail contacts/address book to ensure delivery of the record center E-mails to your Inbox. (mailto:seattle@mycusthelp.net)
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account. Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Department of Information Technology

--- Please respond above this line ---

Dear Phil Mocek,
Records are now available in response to your request C072698-040521 regarding the following: E-mail messages 1) to, from, or cc'd julie.kipp@seattle.gov with the term "fitlist" (case insensitive) in the message subject and/or body, or 2) from julie.kipp@seattle.gov to fitlist@talk2.seattle.gov.
The records being made available to you at this time include the following:Julie Kipp email regarding "fitlist".
To download your records, please:

* Navigate to the Public Records Request Center. (https://u8387795.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=nZGH0ylxadMp5hTpNkeAFviDtVI0tY9qlScAy70AuycP1XwYeBxe2dkmm-2BUNj1MXzLjQ2IPF8mfWPKR-2B8BEPLx678OHY5jwarMrWruV4zjk-3DnRzQ_49bHAEe8o5KrxPjSWQxRA5Eug1m4BRBDxklYIIBGPtNScVYTQN-2BbyCUWUkQ971tXGiorLDntkbshsSzO2ENJZY-2BVBwvWgNz2KygGIGCd-2FpIlJdc3kHBg1m0TcU-2BD6EZTaIjo3dfxb752GJ-2BosnDScd-2F8x0PBvdPgySjbRfqsUaTpMUKAfut3ZHHYi1WlOe3JOFhse-2Fmwx2ulTc968A61axnbaO5VX-2FYipq4fWK7X1CPTXgj5MhyCIHAzGEA6Ff-2BKFUD0dbOqd0rQoexoiv2UNpNeagRdamvPIG8YL9rINyfrw9Yhw947wRxKkSqunBNGzynZ21XD0pLUiPRlpkp5nbuhJRMHMAmSxYD7tlPEfK0S0n0zSxKAEYlIYwrXfiHGeokvHZNzTaBe0mWUl4s1Tg-3D-3D)
* Select 'My Records Request Center'.
* Select 'View My Requests'. You may be asked to login.
* Select this request: C072698-040521.
* Select the 'View Files' button.
* You can download records individually or all at the same time by clicking 'Download All'.
* Please save your records as you may only download them from the system three times. If you do not download your records within 30 days of request closure, the link to your records will expire.
If you believe you have received privileged or confidential records in error, please notify the City of Seattle immediately, through the Public Records Request Center or by email. Privileged or confidential records provided or received in error should not be reviewed, used, disseminated, distributed, or copied, and should be destroyed immediately. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
We have not prepared a detailed exemption log, as only limited information has been redacted from the responsive records. The information normally provided in an exemption log, such as title, author, recipient, subject, and number of pages, is readily ascertainable from looking at the redacted records. Redactions have been applied throughout the documents pursuant to the following exemption:
EX. 01A  Attorney-Client Privileged Communications RCW 42.56.070 and 5.60.060
Brief explanation: Records reflect communication between a client and an attorney for the purpose of seeking or providing legal advice.
We have provided all records responsive to your request. Your request is now closed.
Kristen Glundberg-Prossor
Public Disclosure Team
Seattle Information Technology

From: Department of Information Technology

RE: Public Disclosure Request Number - C072698-040521

Dear Phil Mocek:

Thank you for submitting your public records request through the City of Seattle's Public Records Request Center. We would like to invite you to take a short six-question survey on your experience.

Please click the following link if you would like to participate.
Satisfaction Survey

We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Department of Information Technology
Washington Public Records Act Office
P.O. Box 94709
Seattle, WA 98124

Amount of: $1.25
  • Created — 07/15/2021
  • In Transit — 07/21/2021
  • In Local Area — 07/22/2021
  • Processed For Delivery — 07/22/2021
  • Deposited — 07/29/2021