Somerville's Inclusionary Housing Units, 1991- present

Community Access Project filed this request with the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development Annex of Somerville, MA.


From: Community Access Project

Dear Dana Winter, Director, City of Somerville Housing Department:

Pursuant to the state Freedom of Information Act, G.L.M. c.66, §10; and 24 C.F.R. § 570.508 (HUD Public access to program records), I hereby request the following records:

Please provide a complete listing of all Inclusionary Housing Units, Inclusionary Housing re-sales, Housing Development, and rentals offered/made affordable through the City of Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund (SAHTF) since 1991, with the following information:

1. location, number of units on-site, number of additional units off-site if applicable, and year when first offered by City;

2. Were these units homeownership or rental opportunities?;

3. Were these units developed with Somerville HUD funds as any of the following housing activities: rehabilitation, reconstruction, new construction, change of use of real property; historic preservation; and/or services in connection with housing? (please include all relevant categories);

4. Please provide the year construction (or rehabilitation or reconstruction) began at this location, and the year completed;

5. Finally, if these units were developed with any CDBG or HOME-funds as "services in connection with housing," were these housing activities reported to HUD as :
-a public service activity?;
-a housing activity?;
-program administrative activities?;
-and/or as an eligible activity per 570.201(k)?
(please include all relevant categories)

We request that fees be waived as this response is made in the public interest, and to help us to engage more informatively in the City of Somerville's HUD citizen participation activities.

In the event that fees cannot be waived, please inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. Please fill this request by accessible (NOT scanned .pdfs) electronic format, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. We look forward to receiving your response to this request within 10 business days, as the MA statute requires.


Community Access Project

From: "Dana LeWinter" <>

Thank you for your message. I will be out of the office, attending a conference from Thursday, October 20th through Friday, October 21st and will have limited email access. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Kelly Donato at Otherwise, I will respond to you when I return on the 24th.

Thank you.

From: Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development Annex

From: "Kelly Donato" <>

Dear Community Access Project,

Attached please find our response to the Freedom on Information Request dated October 23, 2011.


Kelly Donato
Director of Special Projects, Housing Division
50 Evergreen Avenue
Somerville MA 02145
(phone) 617-625-6600 x2560
(fax) 617-666-8035

From: Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development Annex

From: "Kelly Donato" <>

Dear Community Access Project,

Attached please find the response to your Public Records Request. Please note that we are also providing you with a hard copy of the attached documents via regular mail.


Kelly Donato

Kelly Donato
Director of Special Projects, Housing Division
50 Evergreen Avenue
Somerville MA 02145
(phone) 617-625-6600 x2560
(fax) 617-666-8035

From: "Kelly Donato" <>


