City of Sparks, NV, Use of Force and Resisting Law Enforcement Policies

Asher Dunn filed this request with the Sparks Police Department of Sparks, NV.

From: Asher Dunn

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Under the Nevada Open Records Act § 239 et seq., I am requesting the following records:

All policies currently maintained by the City of Sparks Police Department (Sparks, NV) regarding the use of force or resisting law enforcement.

Please supply a receipt detailing the charges for each document. However, I would also like to request a waiver of all fees in that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest and is not being sought for commercial purposes, as I am an undergraduate student at the at the University of Nevada, Reno and am contributing to a class project within the Reynold’s School of Journalism.

If you choose to deny this request, please supply a written explanation for the denial, including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please supply all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.

If access to the records I am requesting will take longer than a “reasonable” amount of time, please contact me with information about when I might expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within five business days, as the statute requires.


Asher Dunn

From: Sparks Police Department

Mr. Asher Dunn,

We have received your request and are working on providing the requested information.

Sparks Police Records/ID Unit

From: Sparks Police Department


Please find attached your Public Records Request for the Use of Force and Resisting Law Enforcement Policies

Thank you,

S.P.D. Records/Identification Unit