Police Staff Roster (February 2023) (Spokane Police Department)

Rose Terse filed this request with the Spokane Police Department of Spokane, WA.
Tracking #


Multi Request Police Staff Roster (February 2023)
Est. Completion None

From: Rose Terse

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Staff roster including but not limited to first and last names, job titles, areas of assignment, and badge, serial, and other identifying numbers. In order of preference, I would prefer that this data be provided as: plain text with comma-separated-values (i.e., a "CSV" file), OpenDocument spreadsheet, Excel spreadsheet, or the native electronic format of the software from which this information is retrieved in fulfillment of my request. I specifically request that you not create a new record for me by rendering to PDF or by printing your electronic record then scanning it to make a series of images of the printed data.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Rose Terse

From: Spokane Police Department

Rose Terse

Thank you for your interest in public records of the City of Spokane.  Your request has been received and is being processed.  Your request was received in this office on February 09, 2023 and given the reference number P001462-020923 for tracking purposes.
Date/Date Range Start:
Date Range End:
Description of Records Requested: To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Staff roster including but not limited to first and last names, job titles, areas of assignment, and badge, serial, and other identifying numbers. In order of preference, I would prefer that this data be provided as: plain text with comma-separated-values (i.e., a "CSV" file), OpenDocument spreadsheet, Excel spreadsheet, or the native electronic format of the software from which this information is retrieved in fulfillment of my request. I specifically request that you not create a new record for me by rendering to PDF or by printing your electronic record then scanning it to make a series of images of the printed data.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Rose Terse

Upload documents directly: https://www.muckrock.com/

Your request will be forwarded to the relevant City department(s) to locate the records you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request.  You will be contacted about the availability of the records in question.
You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you'll receive an email when your request has been completed.  Again, thank you for using the Spokane Records Center.
City of Spokane

From: Spokane Police Department

Commercial_Purpose_Declaration.pdf (https://u8387778.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=6HtRfOYLt5fXvpttM-2FU1HSVD4CrS9uFW2stupoI-2F3P-2FCR9v4w4dDGSabyWOuZGyK8OFIkL85kcr3-2FRmi6CztbK-2FfWd4L27b4WpL3SrOx0FAFRKCiabqDL7fzXostKHMTwPL9ESRWNPUdiC-2F-2FGUGoXvWkxyZ0mzoljP0s9rHvZZArVrItkbf9DschZ-2BKVpx4Rq0-2Ft21YeuD4tgJFq2t3rHopsgrogBmRxrHz4xxu-2BeLA-3DZe5t_mkaTXJfWu7VsocaAYT6MYGR9U91it-2BT2gUD0trzmNuyQgs-2F3UvnaAlffGpPU-2FZS6c0DqkIczHIaGfA4HtDUyRdavXz7799JpQSwmWZcg4r8Be4RvvSXwmzMi5bNpFtO16oMXCrinEBfAtp9LqHUMuAXp7GbRm4ZAFYlA9yey96kEtjwIQESVSmvBpcNYXLD2JCQSAcvs9R08raH6OgvXTSc9DhmJTW2-2BUS7MKsm7LaR-2F9Kxza9aDbbrE130j08L-2F5Ky2XBwtiMbtMiRSDUflj0o9ZqOaG3lCM9-2B5G2zqs7jS68VlSoNlq3gTz4v7woQ3ykq990V5PtKS6ln4uWOpB-2B8liFmo40q889CeN4ilhOJMhXDURfwNgMfdrmtvzpJWhNApEtbGqvVm6mvA2tVvDg-3D-3D)

--- Please respond above this line ---
If you wish to submit a response, update an existing request, check the status of an already submitted request, or submit a new public records request, please do so by replying to this notification or go through your “My Request Center” account on the City’s public records request portal
In accordance with the Public Records Act (PRA), RCW 42.56.520, this message acknowledges receipt of your PRA request, received by the City of Spokane Police Department on February 9, 2023.  This request has been assigned tracking number P001462-020923.  Please use this number in any communications concerning this request.

Specifically, you requested:

Staff roster including but not limited to first and last names, job titles, areas of assignment, and badge, serial, and other identifying numbers. In order of preference, I would prefer that this data be provided as: plain text with comma-separated-values (i.e., a "CSV" file), OpenDocument spreadsheet, Excel spreadsheet, or the native electronic format of the software from which this information is retrieved in fulfillment of my request. I specifically request that you not create a new record for me by rendering to PDF or by printing your electronic record then scanning it to make a series of images of the printed data.

By your reference to "Staff roster . . .," it is our understanding that you are referring to employees of the Spokane Police Department.  For further clarification, are you seeking information for uniformed officers only, or are you seeking information for all SPD employees, including civilian employees?  Further, regarding your reference to " . . . and badge, serial, and other identifying numbers," I am unclear as to what you mean by "serial . . . and other numbers."  Employee ID and SPD badge numbers can be provided.  Please clarify what you are referring to by "serial . . . and other identifying numbers."  If you could provide these clarifications at your earliest opportunity, we would be grateful and it will help us move forward on your request.
The records you seek include a list of individuals. An appellate court decision, SEIU Healthcare 775 NW v. DSHS, 193 Wn. App. 377 (2016) holds that when a city receives a request for documents that includes a list of individuals, the City is required to determine whether the list will be used for “commercial purposes.” The case concluded that a requestor has a commercial purpose if the requestor intends to use the list for direct or indirect profit-making activity, regardless of whether the requestor intends to contact the individuals on the list or even if the individuals are personally affected by the release of the list or not. If the City has some indication that a requester intends to use a list of individuals for a commercial purpose, we are required to “investigate further” before we disclose that list.

Further, the SEIU case held that even an affirmation stating that any responsive records received for a request which include lists of individuals will not be used for commercial purposes, is not sufficient.  Instead, before we can release the records providing City employee information, we are required to obtain from you sufficient details as to what you intend to use the list for so that we can make an independent evaluation as to whether or not your purpose is commercial or not.

Please fill out and return the attached Commercial Purpose Declaration. A determination will then be made as to whether your stated purpose regarding the use of the list(s) of individuals contained in any compiled responsive records is sufficient to allow for the release of this information. To avoid unnecessary delay in obtaining these specific responsive records for your request, please return the completed declaration at your earliest opportunity. We will follow up with you within five business days as to the validity of the stated purpose relating to your request.
Please provide the completed declaration as soon as possible, but within 30 days of today’s date, or by March 20, 2023. If we have not heard back from you in this regard by that date, your public records request will be considered concluded and closed, and a new request would be required in this matter after March 20.
Upon receipt of a completed declaration determined to be valid, we anticipate responsive records will be available approximately two weeks from the date of such receipt.


Laurie Farnsworth
Spokane Deputy City Clerk

From: Rose Terse

Hello, this request can be closed as a duplicate of https://www.muckrock.com/foi/spokane-71/police-records-request-138170/ (P011870-122122). Thank you!

From: Spokane Police Department

--- Please respond above this line ---
If you wish to submit a response, update an existing request, check the status of an already submitted request, or submit a new public records request, please do so by replying to this notification or go through your “My Request Center” account on the City’s public records request portal
Good afternoon:
This is to acknowledge your message of February 26 regarding your public records request assigned tracking number P001462-020923, wherein you advised it could be closed due to it being a duplicate request.
Accordingly, we are considering the request concluded and closed.  If we can be of further assistance, please advise.
Laurie Farnsworth
Spokane Deputy City Clerk