Local level SAEC policies/data (Spokane Valley Police Department)

Paxtyn Merten filed this request with the Spokane Valley Police Department of Spokane Valley, WA.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #


Multi Request Local level SAEC policies/data
Est. Completion None
No Responsive Documents


From: Paxtyn Merten

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records:

Any and all statistics, data, reports, audits, policies, and procedures pertaining to the following items regarding sexual assault evidence collection (SAEC) kits — also known as "rape kits":

• All standard operating procedures regarding the SAEC process

• Any written policies or procedures regarding department practices on the acquisition or handling of rape kit evidence, including protocols for its collection, testing, and delegation and transfer to all other relevant locations, laboratories, or agencies

• The number of kits collected and booked into evidence from the period of January 1, 2000 through the date this request is processed

• The number of kits that have been processed by a public or private crime or forensic laboratory or equivalent processing location from the period of January 1, 2000 through the date this request is processed

• The number of unprocessed kits in any storage facilities currently under the department’s jurisdiction and control, including those held by medical personnel or at external laboratory locations

• Any materials regarding the status or ultimate disposition of cases in which a kit was collected. Please include all available segregable data.

• All audits involving this agency regarding the collection or backlog of SAEC kits

• All proposed alterations or yet-to-be-implemented changes to the policies and procedures regarding the collection, testing, and use of SAEC kits

If there any questions about this request, please feel free to call us at the MuckRock office at 617-299-1832.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Paxtyn Merten

From: Spokane Valley Police Department

Thank you for registering with the City of Spokane Public Records Center.
Your Login ID is:  requests@muckrock.com
If you did not submit your request through the public portal but are receiving this e-mail, an account has been created for you where you can track and monitor the status of your request, and receive any documents in response to your request.
If you have never used this system or cannot remember your password you may Request a Temporary Password. (https://u4037834.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=L5asTq9oAWi6tKrRmhm-2FjZPPr-2B2QX-2FZU52vgspOQDej8J78E-2Fk8vPaTta7sfEJ3sgRSDaZCSGKpOly966ueiymftyuQYzLhLajwA9vPvF-2FA-3D_QlFligEyVR524n2-2Bs-2FALCd991YVHvN8LcmQ9mnBz1kWPfIlg6I8bD52EjQ3d78lMEkAuteqdzX2WwIU-2Fo04idD5c0dYddlT7ty8Ulz7c8Z5ovdqN6yiSIMcbKlyxrjpjOtUpXFgvxa2h38LTgqDOEMf5jEZ6ou7sOh3yo3Uh5FnRl0gLOo5uZzs-2B3vr1-2Bz09QQbIjnxdE7wyTnAQAqXgjcikGhmlX2rOJyyCDnTSkwQ3-2BckflZyasukaH4ZRpf-2F8)
Please login to "My Request Center" to update your account information, track the status of your request and receive requested records when they become available.
Thank You,
City of Spokane
This is an auto-generated email and has originated from an unmonitored email account.  Please DO NOT REPLY.

From: Spokane Valley Police Department

Paxtyn Merten
Thank you for your interest in public records of the City of Spokane.  Your request has been received and is being processed.  Your request was received in this office on October 01, 2018 and given the reference number P003105-100118 for tracking purposes.
Your request will be forwarded to the relevant City department(s) to locate the records you seek and to determine the volume and any costs associated with satisfying your request.  You will be contacted about the availability of the records in question.
You can monitor the progress of your request at the link below and you'll receive an email when your request has been completed.  Again, thank you for using the Spokane Records Center.
City of Spokane
To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the
Spokane Public Records Center. (https://u4037834.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=L5asTq9oAWi6tKrRmhm-2FjZPPr-2B2QX-2FZU52vgspOQDej6uxymnlF1pDXa62Cz-2BgGRPtM12BgUFEUARP-2B-2BJIYKMMVuRjXZHzGvdC-2B8BlyrGcM-3D_QlFligEyVR524n2-2Bs-2FALCd991YVHvN8LcmQ9mnBz1kWPfIlg6I8bD52EjQ3d78lMeOgJU2GDcD3KQO4kCY0vY1EbwCx-2FTJDmeKrFgy3XhuFTQnz-2FuQ4qYzd-2BdcJH7SPXInlNaIG1GuAt6Y5MGFTT6Z-2Bt2k31MiaAVStXECslanuyPZQ3zzk77XXdW6PPnPf38atpfqM2pNgDgIgRBq-2FABOfmuMXNkZHmcoGvvWkgjqihigy8TW1qqDBWU5yNras-2B)

From: Spokane Valley Police Department

You have a new message available through the Spokane Public Records Center. This is a system-generated email notification. Please log in to the Spokane Public Records Center to view and reply to this message. Please DO NOT REPLY to this email.

Good afternoon:
In accordance with the Public Records Act (PRA), RCW 42.56.520, this message acknowledges receipt of your PRA request, received by the City of Spokane on October 01, 2018.  This request has been assigned tracking number P003105-100118.  Please use this number in any communications concerning this request.
Specifically, you requested: Your request has been forwarded to staff in the Spokane Police Department for review and compiling of any responsive records.  We reasonably anticipate requiring approximately 60 days, or until on or about December 4, to conclude your request.  We will follow up with you on or about that date regarding the status of your request.  If public records become available in advance of this estimate, we will let you know.  Conversely, if City staff encounters a need to extend our estimate, we will advise accordingly.
Any and all statistics, data, reports, audits, policies, and procedures pertaining to the following items regarding sexual assault evidence collection (SAEC) kits — also known as "rape kits":
• All standard operating procedures regarding the SAEC process
• Any written policies or procedures regarding department practices on the acquisition or handling of rape kit evidence, including protocols for its collection, testing, and delegation and transfer to all other relevant locations, laboratories, or agencies
• The number of kits collected and booked into evidence from the period of January 1, 2000 through the date this request is processed
• The number of kits that have been processed by a public or private crime or forensic laboratory or equivalent processing location from the period of January 1, 2000 through the date this request is processed
• The number of unprocessed kits in any storage facilities currently under the department’s jurisdiction and control, including those held by medical personnel or at external laboratory locations
• Any materials regarding the status or ultimate disposition of cases in which a kit was collected. Please include all available segregable data.
• All audits involving this agency regarding the collection or backlog of SAEC kits
• All proposed alterations or yet-to-be-implemented changes to the policies and procedures regarding the collection, testing, and use of SAEC kits

In the meantime in partial response to the portion of your request that references ". . . standard operating procedures. . . ." and ". . . written policies or procedures . . .," you are welcome to access the Spokane Police Department Policy Manual, available on the City of Spokane website at the following link: https://static.spokanecity.org/documents/police/accountability/police-policy-manual-2018-08-02.pdf.  You may find Policy No. 613 particularly responsive to your request. (https://u4037834.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=L5asTq9oAWi6tKrRmhm-2FjcsUC-2FMR9pBcfdAjNpKRc5Robv0nJTAJ7Ko-2BtshGF6t6YgH6DhSbEFLXOxEYdYQz6GH5no7QSdkG3vVwqCVJexin1gntMnnC-2BEScX5w8kAPmNVQ2A7Ncu-2BINPfVaMKuxNA-3D-3D_QlFligEyVR524n2-2Bs-2FALCd991YVHvN8LcmQ9mnBz1kWPfIlg6I8bD52EjQ3d78lMIhqc4CtXWSlCCI7AWlecH0RLJO1bLOivjhaI7TrxMkr6fFpZU60s7HKt5wHWyBv2-2By9NOun6x7PMA4rS2Dlm72uQbfIMdubX-2BragA4-2FWNFsnQcRFZGiSvi9U1YSSjxYo7ZY2OicbN3hBZN21gu-2FX2NwRw3-2FUuOSoMkCfxl9eHXc-3D)
Laurie Farnsworth
Spokane Deputy City Clerk

To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the

From: Spokane Valley Police Department

You have a new message available through the Spokane Public Records Center. This is a system-generated email notification. Please log in to the Spokane Public Records Center to view and reply to this message. Please DO NOT REPLY to this email.

Good morning:

This is to follow up my October 5 correspondence to you regarding your October 1, 2018, public records request No. P003105, and is to also acknowledge your clarification provided on October 1, which states the following: To clarify, I would like these documents for the Spokane Valley Police Department, as MuckRock already received similar files for the Spokane Police Department.

To make a request of the City of Spokane Valley Police Department, you will want to make a public records request through the City of Spokane Valley City Clerk's Office, the contact information of which is available at the following link on the City of Spokane Valley website: http://www.spokanevalley.org/content/6836/6890/6951/default.aspx.


Further, the City of Spokane Valley contacts with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office to provide public safety services for the City of Spokane Valley.  You may wish, if you have not already, to make a separate request of Spokane County.  The contact information for making a request of the County is as follows:

Steve Kinn, Public Records Officer Spokane County
1116 W. Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
(509) 477-1721

In addition, information on how to submit a public records request to Spokane County can be located at the following link on the Spokane County website:


If you wish to contact the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office directly, the contact information is as follows:

Spokane County Sheriff’s Office
1100 West Mallon Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
(509) 477-2240

https://www.spokanecounty.org/1354/Your-Sheriffs-Office By your clarification, it appears at this time that you are not seeking records from the City of Spokane.  However, if we have misunderstood your request as clarified, please advise as soon as possible.  If you are seeking any documents from the City of Spokane, please further clarify your request by clearly describing what the identifiable public records may be, if any, that you are still attempting to obtain under your request, and we will be glad to continue to look into your request.  Please provide the additional clarification sought herein within 30 days of today's date, or by November 28.  If we have not heard back from you regarding these points by that date, your October 1, 2018, public records request will be considered concluded and closed, and a new request would be required in this matter after November 28.

Laurie Farnsworth Spokane Deputy City Clerk

From: Paxtyn Merten

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, I hereby request the following records from the Spokane Valley Police Department:

Any and all statistics, data, reports, audits, policies, and procedures pertaining to the following items regarding sexual assault evidence collection (SAEC) kits — also known as "rape kits":

• All standard operating procedures regarding the SAEC process

• Any written policies or procedures regarding department practices on the acquisition or handling of rape kit evidence, including protocols for its collection, testing, and delegation and transfer to all other relevant locations, laboratories, or agencies

• The number of kits collected and booked into evidence from the period of January 1, 2000 through the date this request is processed

• The number of kits that have been processed by a public or private crime or forensic laboratory or equivalent processing location from the period of January 1, 2000 through the date this request is processed

• The number of unprocessed kits in any storage facilities currently under the department’s jurisdiction and control, including those held by medical personnel or at external laboratory locations

• Any materials regarding the status or ultimate disposition of cases in which a kit was collected. Please include all available segregable data.

• All audits involving this agency regarding the collection or backlog of SAEC kits

• All proposed alterations or yet-to-be-implemented changes to the policies and procedures regarding the collection, testing, and use of SAEC kits

If there any questions about this request, please feel free to call us at the MuckRock office at 617-299-1832.

The requested documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not being made for commercial purposes.

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 5 business days, as the statute requires.


Paxtyn Merten

From: Spokane Valley Police Department

Good Morning,

It appears you sent this request to our office in error. You have the correct mailing address for Spokane Police public records; however, you emailed the request to the City of Spokane Valley. While your request is asking for Spokane Valley Police records, we contract for police services; therefore, the address for the Records Officer at 1100 W Mallon is correct. Below is a link to contact information so you may direct your request to Spokane Police Records:


Carrie Koudelka
Carrie Koudelka, CMC | Deputy City Clerk
(509) 720-5101 | ckoudelka@spokanevalley.org<mailto:ckoudelka@spokanevalley.org>

From: Spokane Valley Police Department

A no responsive documents response.


