Stamford Police Data FOIA Request

Robert Meehan filed this request with the Stamford Police Department of Stamford, CT.

It is a clone of this request.

Tracking #



From: Robert Meehan

To Whom It May Concern:

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I hereby request the following records:

1. The total number of police use of force incidents, broken down by type of force used, between 2016-2020 (separated by year).
2. The total number of people that police used force against, between 2016- 2020 (separated by year).
3. A copy of all complaints reported by civilians against police between 2016-2020.
4. A copy of any documents indicating whether the civilian complaints identified in request #3 were sustained.
5. The policy manual of the police department.
6. All records regarding police shootings (including fatal police shootings, non-fatal police shootings and police shootings at a civilian that missed) between 2016-2020, including incident-level information specifying the date of each incident, race and gender of all subjects involved, what weapon if any they were armed with, any injuries or deaths resulting from the incident, the names of all officers involved, whether administrative investigations found the incidents to be justified under police department policy and any disciplinary actions taken against the officers as a result of the incident.
7. All records regarding civilian deaths or serious injuries resulting from police use of force between 2013-2018, including incident-level information specifying the date of each incident, race and gender of all subjects involved, what weapon if any they were armed with, any injuries or deaths resulting from the incident and the names of all officers involved.

I also request that, if possible and pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-212(d), fees be waived as I believe this request is in the public interest and not made for commercial gain. The requested documents will be processed by a representative of the news media/press and made available to the public at

In the event that there are fees, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfilling my request. I would prefer the request filled electronically, by e-mail attachment if available or CD-ROM if not.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. I look forward to receiving your response to this request within 4 business days, as the statute requires.


Robert Meehan

From: Stamford Police Department

This is to acknowledge receipt of your above described FOI request. Please refer to the above File No. in any future correspondence regarding this matter.

Please be advised that I have asked the Police Department to amass documents responsive to your request.

Section 1-212 of the Connecticut General Statutes authorizes public agencies to charge a fee for the production of documents.

Once responsive documents have been amassed, we will notify you of the amount of the fee, which is payable in advance by check to the City of Stamford. Credit cards are not accepted.


Burt Rosenberg

Asst. Corporation Counsel

City of Stamford

From: Robert Meehan

All reasonable fees assessed within the context of Connecticut law will be paid if you do not adhere to my request in writing as to why the fees are not waived in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-212(d). Please provide an explanation as to why the City of Stamford does not believe this request is for the purpose of the news media or press.

Thank you.


Robert Meehan

From: Stamford Police Department

First, we have previously asked you to refer to the above File No. in all correspondence regarding this matter.
You have failed and neglected to do so. It is necessary for you to do so in the future,

Second, the City will not waive the fee due in this matter, We have a good faith belief that you have filed this FOI
request and other requests in retaliation for the City not providing you with records in another matter for the
reason that the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
has ruled that you pose of threat of harm to your ex-wife. If you continue to file additional FOI requests, we
will file a petition with the FOI Commission asking that you be barred from filing FOI requests for a period of
one year on the grounds that you are a vexatious requester.

Third, there is a fee of $15,00 due under CGS Section 1-212. Please forward a check in the amount of $15.00
made payable to the City of Stamford, to Law Department, City of Stamford, 888 Washington Blvd., Stamford,
CT 06901. Please note the above case number on your check.

Burt Rosenberg
Asst. Corporation Counsel
City of Stamford

From: Robert Meehan

Subject: RE: Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Request #A23-0108

The fee you cite has been mailed to the appropriate address to obtain these files.

I have filed three FOIA requests with the city of Stamford under the Freedom of Information Act. Hardly vexatious. Your threats to violate my rights under FOIA laws have been noted and will be addressed in the upcoming Appeal, for which your meritless dismissal motion was denied. Failure by the city of Stamford to adhere to Request #A23-0108 could result in an additional appeal.

Have a great day.

Robert Meehan

From: Robert Meehan

Subject: RE: Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Request #A23-0108

Please see the attached check, including the Request number, which has been on all correspondence in regard to this matter.

Have a great day!


Robert Meehan

From: Robert Meehan

Please provide the requested information under the Freedom of Information Act that was requested over two months ago. The requested fee was sent to cover the costs associated with this request.

An appeal will be filed in five days if the requested information is not provided.

From: Robert Meehan

Mr Rosenberg,

Please provide the requested information under the CT and Federal Freedom of Information Act. This request is A23-0108. The City of Stamford was required to provide this public information within 4 days. This information was requested over sixty days ago. A check in the amount was sent, and never cashed. An appeal will be initiated within the next 48 hours.

Thank you

Robert Meehan

From: Robert Meehan

To Whom It May Concern:

Please find enclosed a check for $15.00 to satisfy the fee associated with the attached public records request.

Thank you.

Check sent by Muckrock Staff

Pay to the order of:

Law Department, City of Stamford
FILE NO. A23-0108
888 Washington Blvd
Stamford, CT 06901

Amount of: $15.00
  • Created — 06/20/2023
  • In Transit — 06/24/2023
  • In Local Area — 06/25/2023
  • Processed For Delivery — 06/25/2023
  • Deposited — 07/11/2023

From: Robert Meehan


Mr Rosenberg,

Although payment was made on May 6, 2023 for the $15.00 you claimed was required for this FOIA request. Media is also providing an additional trackable payment to your agency for this request.

You have failed to provide this FOIA information within the time required by CT General Statutes.

It has come to our attention that you or your agency has purposely failed to use the funds provided by Mr Meehan to intentionally delay and refuse this lawful FOIA request for public information.

Thank you.

Have a great day.

Robert Meehan

From: Robert Meehan


Please see attached.

From: Stamford Police Department

Attached please find documents responsive to your above described
FOI Request.

Burt Rosenberg
Asst. Corporation Counsel
City of Stamford