Swansea Board of Selectmen

Caitlin Russell filed this request with the Swansea Free Public Library of Swansea, MA.
Due Aug. 1, 2016
Est. Completion None
Awaiting Response


From: Caitlin Russell

To whom it may concern,
Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 66, Section 10, I'm requesting all executive session minutes generated, by the Swansea Board of Selectmen for the years 2010 through the of end 2015.
Massachusetts law requires that executive session minutes be reviewed and released regularly, and that once the stated purpose for a particular executive session has ended, the minutes of the executive sessions are to be made public. Once released, I plan to make the information available to the public online, free of charge.
Please be advised that denial of this request, or redactions made to released materials must be accompanied by citations of the exemptions you believe allow you to withhold the information requested.
I'm requesting that any fees be waived, as I believe the release of these materials is in the public interest, however, if fees cannot be waived, I ask that you include a good faith estimate of the anticipated fees in your response. I also request that the materials be provided electronically in an email attachment, or if that is not possible, on a CD-ROM. If neither of these options are available, I'd be happy to receive the documents via snail mail, or come to your municipal offices in person to pick them up.
If you are in need of any further clarification regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at 774-634-6176 with your questions. If I do not pick up, please leave me a voicemail and I will be sure to get back to you. Thank you for your attention to this request.
Caitlin Russell

From: Cynthia St. Amour

I have forwarded your previous requests to the Town Administrator, John
McAuillfe who is the person responsible for this. He can be contacted at
the Swansea Town Hall in the Selectmen's Office.

Cynthia St. Amour
Library Director
Swansea Public Library

From: Cynthia St. Amour

To Whom This May Concern, This is the response to your email please send
your request as directed below.

On Aug. 11, 2016:
I have forwarded your previous requests to the Town Administrator, John
McAuillfe who is the person responsible for this. He can be contacted at
the Swansea Town Hall in the Selectmen's Office.
Cynthia St. Amour
Library Director
Swansea Public Library
As I wrote on

Cynthia St. Amour
Library Director
Swansea Public Library

From: MuckRock

To Whom It May Concern:

The attached public records request has been forwarded to your office for processing. Confirmation of receipt and an estimated date of completion would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

From: Caitlin Russell

On Aug. 29, 2016 an email was sent to your office requesting "all executive session minutes generated, by the Swansea Board of Selectmen for the years 2010 through the of end 2015." I have yet to receive an acknowledgment of this request. Please let me know if your office plans to fulfill this request, and if so, what the estimated date of completion is. Thank you!
Caitlin Russell


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